Becc-101 Dec 22

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of Printed Pages : 10 BECC-101



Term-End Examination

December, 2022


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : (i) Answer questions from each Section as

per instructions given.

(ii) Section-A : Answer any two questions

from this Section.

(iii) Section-B : Answer any four questions

from this Section.

(iv) Section-C : Answer both the questions.

P. T. O.
[2] BECC-101


1. (a) Show how can a production possibility

curve be used to solve some of the central
problems. 6

(b) Does massive unemployment shift the

production possibility curve to its left ?
Explain. 6

(c) Distinguish between the following : 8

(i) Stocks and flow concepts

(ii) Positive and normative economics

2. (a) Explain the tax burden under the following

situations : 10

(i) When demand curve is perfectly

elastic and supply curve is normal

(ii) When supply curve is perfectly elastic

and demand curve is normal shaped.

(b) State the ‘Law of Diminishing Marginal

Utility’. What are its exceptions ? 5

(c) Explain the concept of consumer’s surplus.

[3] BECC-101

3. (a) What are the three stages of production ?

Which one of these do the producers prefer
and why ? 10

(b) Use iso-quant and iso-cost curves to

explain how does a producer minimize the
cost of production for a given level of
output. 10

4. (a) “Long-run equilibrium for a firm in perfect

competition occurs at a point where price
equals minimum long-run average cost.”
Explain with the help of a diagram. 10

(b) What is the price discrimination ? Explain

the different degrees of price
discrimination. 10

5. (a) Given the following demand and supply

equations : 6

Qd 8000 − 200 Px

Qs 2000 + 100 Px

Determine the equilibrium price and

quantity with the help of above equations.

P. T. O.
[4] BECC-101

(b) Discuss the determinants of price elasticity

of demand. 6

6. (a) Discuss the law of equi-marginal utility. 6

(b) What are the conditions for consumer’s

equilibrium in ordinal utility approach ? 6

7. Derive the demand curve from ‘price

consumption curve’ in case of a normal good. 12

8. (a) Draw the expansion path of a firm in long-

run. State the conditions under which it
would be a straight line. 6

(b) Explain how the long-run average cost

curve is derived from different short-run
average cost curves. 6

9. What do you understand by ‘shut-down point’ ?

Will a firm in perfect competition continue to
operate of price is less than average variable
cost ? Explain. 12

10. Write short notes on the following : 3 each

(i) Kinked demand curve analysis

[5] BECC-101

(ii) Ricardian theory of rent

(iii) Minimum wage law

(iv) Excess capacity


11. “Public goods are both non-rival and non-

exclusive.” Explain each of these terms and
show clearly how they differ from each other. 6

12. What is meant by “First mover advantage” ?

Give an example of a gaming situation with a
first mover advantage. 6

P. T. O.
[6] BECC-101


dyk Lukrd (vkWulZ) (vFkZ'kkL=k)

(ch- ,- bZ- lh- ,p-)

l=kkar ijh{kk

fnlEcj] 2022

ch- bZ- lh- lh--101 % izkjfEHkd O;f"V vFkZ'kkL=k

le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/dre vad % 100

uksV % (i) lHkh [k.Mksa ls fn;s x;s funsZ'kkuqlkj iz'uksa ds

mÙkj nhft,A
(ii) [k.M&d % bl [k.M ls fdUgha nks iz'uksa ds
mÙkj nhft,A
(iii) [k.M&[k % bl [k.M ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa
ds mÙkj nhft,A
(iv) [k.M&x % nksu ksa iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
[7] BECC-101

1- (v) Li"V dhft, fd dqN dsUnzh; leL;kvksa dks
gy djus ds fy, ,d mRiknu laHkkouk oØ
dk mi;ksx dSls fd;k tk ldrk gSA 6
(c) D;k o`gn~ csjkstxkjh] mRiknu laHkkouk oØ dks
ckb± vksj foofrZr djrh gS \ o.kZu dhft,A 6
(l) fuEufyf[kr eas foHksn dhft, % 8
(i) LVkWd ,oa izokg dh vo/kj.kk
(ii) ldkjkRed ,oa fu;ked vFkZ'kkL=k
2- (v) fuEufyf[kr fLFkfr;ksa esa dj Hkkj dh O;k[;k
dhft, % 10
(i) tc ek¡x oØ iw.kZr;k yksp'khy gS vkSj iwfrZ
oØ lkekU; :i esa gSA
(ii) tc iwfrZ oØ iw.kZr;k yksp'khy gS vkSj ek¡x
oØ lkekU; :i esa gSA
(c)  kleku lhekUr mi;ksfxrk ds fu;e dks Li"V
dhft,A bl fu;e ds D;k viokn gSa \ 5
(l) miHkksDrk vfrjsd dh vo/kj.kk dk o.kZu
dhft,A 5
P. T. O.
[8] BECC-101

3- (v) mRiknu dh rhu voLFkk,¡ D;k gSa \ buesa ls

fdl voLFkk dks mRiknd ilan djrs gSa vkSj
D;ksa \ 10
(c) leksRikn oØ rFkk le&ykxr oØksa dk iz;ksx
djrs gq, o.kZu dhft, fd mRiknu ds fn, x,
Lrj ds fy, ,d mRiknd mldh ykxr dks
fdl izdkj U;wure djrk gSA 10
4- (v) ¶iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk eas ,d iQeZ ds fy,
nh?kZdkyhu larqyu ml fcUnq ij ?kfVr gksrk gS
tgk¡ dher U;wure nh?kZdkyhu vkSlr ykxr ds
leku gksrh gSA¸ js[kkfp=k dh lgk;rk ls o.kZu
dhft,A 10
(c) dher foHksn D;k gS \ dher foHksn dh
fofHkUu dksfV;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,A 10
5- (v) ek¡x vkSj iwfrZ iQyu bl izdkj gSa %

Qd 8000 − 200 Px

Qs 2000 + 100 Px

bu iQyuksa dh lgk;rk ls larqyu Lrj ij

dher o oLrq dh ek=kk Kkr dhft,A 6
[9] BECC-101

(c) ek¡x dh dher yksp ds fu/kZjdksa dh O;k[;k

dhft,A 6
6- (v) le&lhekUr mi;ksfxrk fu;e dh O;k[;k
dhft,A 6
(c) Øeokpd mi;ksfxrk n`f"Vdks.k ds vUrxZr
miHkksDrk ds larqyu dh D;k 'krs± gSa \ 6
7- dher miHkksx oØ dh lgk;rk ls ,d lkekU; oLrq
ds fy, ek¡x oØ O;qRikfnr dhft,A 12
8- (v) nh?kZdky ds vUrxZr iQeZ ds foLrkj iFk dks
js[kkafdr dhft,A fdu fLFkfr;ksa eas ;g ,d
lh/h js[kk gksxk \ 6
(c) js[kkfp=k dh lgk;rk ls ;g n'kkZb;s fd
vYidkyhu vkSlr ykxr oØ ls nh?kZdkyhu
vkSlr ykxr oØ dh O;qRifÙk fdl izdkj gksrh
gSA 6
9- ^'kV&Mkmu fcUnq* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ D;k ,d
iQeZ iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk ds vUrxZr tc dher] vkSlr
ifjorZu ykxr ls de gks] D;k mRiknu eas cuh
jgsxh \ O;k[;k dhft,A 12
P. T. O.
[ 10 ] BECC-101

10- fuEufyf[kr ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡ fyf[k, % izR;sd 3

(i) fodqafpr ek¡x oØ fo'ys"k.k
(ii) fjdkMkZs dk yxku fl¼kUr
(iii) U;wure etnwjh fu;e
(iv) vfrfjDr {kerk

11- ¶lkoZtfud oLrq,¡ xSj&izfr}a}h ,oa xSj&viotZd nksuksa

gSaA¸ buesa ls izR;sd in dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk
fn[kkb, fd os ,d&nwljs ls fdl izdkj ls vyx
gSaA 6

12- izFke ;qfDr ykHk ls D;k rkRi;Z gS \ izFke ;qfDr ykHk

ds lkFk [ksy (xsfeax) fLFkfr dk ,d mnkgj.k
nhft,A 6


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