SWPF Archetype Cards 3

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archetype cards

set 3

DAMIEL (ALCHEMIST) Elf: Agile, Elven Magic, Intelligence, Keen Senses, Low Light
A handsome, wild-eyed elf, Damiel carries
Vision, Slender
countless vials of strange-looking liquids. When he HINDRANCES
drinks one of his strange concoctions, his features
become bestial, his movements quicken, and his favorEd Class (major): You only have one core Class Edge.
eyes fill with fire. ImpulsIvE (major): You often leap before you look.
ATTRIBUTES alChEmIst: You create potions, mutagens and bombs.
arCanE BaCkground (alChEmIst): Alchemy is your arcane skill.
Agility d8 pAce 6 CalCulatIng: Ignore 2 points of penalties if action card is 5 or less.
SmArtS d8 pArry 7 (1)
Spirit d6 toughneSS 6 (2) CLASS FEATURES
Strength d6 armor IntErfErEnCE (lIght): You suffer a –4 penalty to
Vigor d6 Alchemy rolls if using medium or heavy armor or shields.
alChEmICal IdEntIfICatIon: Use Alchemy to identify a potion.
SKILLS BomBs (2 pp): Range: 10” (20 yards) Damage: 2d6 (SBT). +1 PP
to increase to Damage: 3d6 (MBT).
Alchemy d8 mutagEns (2pp): This alters your form for one hour at a cost.
AthleticS d8 You gain +1 Toughness plus one of the following effects:
com. Knowledge d6 strEngth: +2 to Strength and melee damage rolls but –2 to Academics,
Common Knowledge, Occult, Repair, Science, and arcane skill rolls.
Fighting d8 agIlIty: Opponents get –1 when making direct attacks against the alchemist.
notice d6 –2 to Healing, Notice, Survival, and Taunt rolls.
occult d4 vIgor: +2 to Vigor rolls but –2 to Battle, Gambling, Performance, and
perSuASion d6 Persuasion rolls.
SteAlth d6
thieVery d6
Rapier (Str+d4, Parry +1), dagger (Str+d4), leather jacket and
leggings (+2), alchemist’s kit, adventurer’s kit, Formulae book,
potion of minor protection, 48 gp.
Languages: Common, Draconic,
Elven, Goblin, Sylvan POWERS
powErs: Deflection (self only), shape change (self only).
powEr poInts: 10


ALAIN (CAVALIER) Human: Adaptability.

Alain is a selfish man who comes from royal blood,
though he has been hardened by battle since HINDRANCES
removing the silver spoon from his mouth. He is an ImpulsIve (major): You tend to act without thinking.
excellent commander of troops and enjoys battle as vengeful (mInor): You usually seek vengeance legally, though
much as any other sellsword.
your methods vary by situation.
vow (major - order): A cavalier must take a vow to serve
his order.
Agility d8 pAce 6
SmArtS d6 pArry 6 Beast Bond: You can spend your Bennies on animals under
your control.
Spirit d6 toughneSS 9 (3)
CavalIer: Your true power comes from the conviction of your
Strength d8 ideals, the oaths you swear, and the challenges you make to
Vigor d8 those who stand in your way.


CHallenge: As a limited action, you can issue a challenge
AthleticS d6 to an opponent you can see and is within 24” (48 yards). The
com. Knowledge d6 challenge remains in effect until the target is defeated or the
Fighting d8 combat ends, and you may never challenge more than one
notice d6 enemy at a time. You add +2 damage to Fighting attacks made
perSuASion d6 against the target of your challenge.
riding d6 mIgHty CHarge: Increase your melee weapon’s damage die
Shooting d6 one die type on a turn in which you move towards an enemy
SteAlth d4 while mounted.
SurViVAl d4 order: You are part of the Order of the Cockatrice.
Long sword (Str+d8), Lance (Str+d8, AP 2 on charge, Reach 2,
Languages: Common, Elven, mounted only), light crossbow (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6,
Orc, Virisian AP 2), 10 bolts, scale tunic (+3). adventurer’s kit, heavy pony,
riding saddle.

IMRIJKA (INQUISITOR) Half-Orc: Darkvision (ignore Illumination penalties up to
Imrijka was raised in an orphanage in Lepidstadt, 10”), Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Outsider (Minor), Strong.
indoctrinated into the faithful of Pharasma. Since
becoming an initiate inquisitor in that faith, she’s HINDRANCES
traveled most of Ustalav and beyond, regularly ObligatiOn (minOr): You care deeply for orphans.
returning to check up on those she grew up. Outsider (minOr): You’re viewed as an outsider by many.
rutHless (minOr): You stop short of true harm to anyone
except those who directly oppose you.
ATTRIBUTES stubbOrn (minOr): Even when it’s painfully obvious you’ve
made a mistake you try to justify it.
Agility d8 pAce 6
VOw (minOr): You serve Pharasma and exact her judgment.
SmArtS d6 pArry 5
Spirit d8 toughneSS 9 (3) EDGES
Strength d6 elan: When you spend a Benny to reroll a Trait, add +2.
Vigor d6 inquisitOr: Grim and determined, you root out enemies of the
faith, using trickery and guile when righteousness and purity
SKILLS are not enough.


com. Knowledge d6 armOr restrictiOn (medium): While wearing heavy armor or
Fighting d6 using heavy shields, you cannot use other class features.
intimidAtion d6 Judgment: Once per encounter as a free action, you can
notice d6 pronounce judgment on an enemy to gain five Judgment tokens.
occult d4 A single token may be spent to add +2 to a Trait or damage roll
perSuASion d6 you make against the judged, or –2 to one of the foe’s Trait or
damage rolls. Judgement tokens may be spent after the roll, and
Shooting d8
remain in effect if the original total is rerolled.
SteAlth d4 mOnster lOre: You get a free reroll on skill rolls when
SurViVAl d4 attempting to identify a being’s abilities or weaknesses.
Languages: Celestial, Common, Morningstar (Str+d6), shortbow (Range 12/24/48, Damage
Giant, Orc 2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), scale breastplate (+3), ad-
venturers pack, holy water, light wooden shield, 2x manacles,
silver holy symbol, sunrod, 48 gp.


ALAHAZRA (ORACLE) Human: Adaptability.

Alahazra is kind but distant. When she does speak, HINDRANCES
her words have the weight of command. She has
little patience for fools, and a soft spot for orphans, Bad Luck (major): You start each session with one fewer
and in her own way often sees herself as the mother Bennies.
to her adventuring companions. LoyaL (minor): You refuse to leave your allies behind.
Poverty (minor): You have half the normal starting funds.

arcane Background (oracLe): Faith is your arcane skill.
Agility d6 PAce 6
oracLe: A divine entity has chosen you as a vessel for its
smArts d6 PArry 5 power.
sPirit d10 toughness 7 (2) Power Surge: You recover 10 Power Points when your Action
strength d4 Card is a Joker.
Vigor d6


Athletics d6 armor interference (medium): While wearing heavy armor
com. Knowledge d6 or using heavy shields, your Faith rolls suffer a –4 penalty, and
FAith d10 cannot use other class features.
Fighting d6 curSe: You cannot see anything beyond 5” but you ignore
heAling d6 invisibility, illusion, and all Illumination penalties up to 5”.
notice d6 myStery (fLame): You can cast burst and smite but cannot use
occult d6 Limitation or Power Modifiers.
PersuAsion d6 GEAR
steAlth d4
Quarterstaff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, Two Hands), sling
(4/8/16, Damage Str+d4), 10 stones, leather tunic and leggings
(+2), adventurer’s kit, 60 gp.
Languages: Common, POWERS
Draconic, Elven, Sylvan
PowerS: Detect/conceal arcana, environmental protection,
havoc, healing.
Power PointS: 15

Gnome: Gnome Magic, Keen Senses, Low Light Vision,
Balazar is a gnome summoner who takes his privacy Obsessive, Reduced Pace, Size –1, Tough.
very seriously. Even around friends, he is loathe to
discuss his past. His eidolon Padrig is his enforcer, HINDRANCES
best friend, and link to the arcane world.
enemy (major): Nexian wizards hunt you..
Poverty (minor): You have half the normal starting funds.
Secret (minor): Your white hair isn’t from the Bleaching that
gnomes normally face, but something more dangerous.
Agility d6 pAce 5 EDGES
SmArtS d8 pArry 5 arcane BackGround (Summoner): Spellcasting is your
Spirit d8 toughneSS 6 (2) arcane skill.
Strength d4 Summoner: You create a powerful bond with an outsider.
Vigor d6 elan: When spending a Benny to reroll a Trait, add +2.
extra evolution: Your eidolon has extra evolution points.
AthleticS d4
com. Knowledge d6 armor interference (liGht): While wearing medium
Fighting d6 or heavy armor or using medium or heavy shields, your
Spellcasting rolls suffer a –4 penalty, and cannot use other class
heAling d4
notice d6 eidolon: You can summon Padrig to aid you in battle.
occult d8
perSuASion d4 GEAR
riding d4 Light club (Str+d4), dagger (Str+d4), hand crossbow (Range
Shooting d4 5/10/20 Damage 2d4), leather vest (+2), adventurer’s kit, 10
SpellcASting d8 bolts, pipe, 3x sunrod, scroll of bolt.
SteAlth d4
PowerS: Deflection, healing (Padrig only), summon ally,
Languages: Common, Gnome, summon monster.
Orc, Sylvan Power PointS: 11


FEIYA (WITCH) Human: Flexibility.

Feiya is a lithe young woman with stark white hair.
She is as dangerous as she is alluring, with long, HINDRANCES
sharp fingernails, and a wooden staff with strange Driven (major): You are driven to find your parents.
trinkets tied to it. Close by, a red fox watches you enemy (minor): A group of crones hunt you.
warily, ready to defend the woman if necessary. LoyaL (major): You are loyal to your allies and will not leave
them behind.

arcane BackgrounD (WitcH): Spellcasting is your arcane
Agility d6 pAce 6 skill.
SmArtS d8 pArry 4 aLertness: +2 to Notice rolls.
Spirit d8 toughneSS 5 Luck: You start each session with an extra Benny.
Strength d6 WitcH: A dark patron grants you arcane powers to hex and
Vigor d6 enfeeble your enemies.


FamiLiar (Fox): +5 Power Points.
AthleticS d4 armor interFerence (any): While any armor or using any
com. Knowledge d6 shields, your Spellcasting rolls suffer a –4 penalty, and cannot
Fighting d4 use other class features.
heAling d6 Hex (eviL eye): You may cast the following powers as a limited
intimidAte d6 free action if you have them: boost/lower Trait, slumber.
notice d6 GEAR
occult d6
perSuASion d4 Staff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, Two Hands), dagger
(Str+d4), 4x darts (Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4, counts as
SpellcASting d8
shuriken), adventurer’s kit, fetishes, healers kit, iron pot, spell
SteAlth d4
components pouch, 2x sunrods, tanglefoot bag, 2x scroll of
bolt, 24gp.
Languages: Aklo, Celestial, POWERS
Common, Elven, Sylvan
PoWers: Boost/lower Trait, protection.
PoWer Points: 10

DAMIEL (ALCHEMIST) Elf: Agile, Elven Magic, Intelligence, Keen Senses, Low Light
Vision, Slender
A handsome, wild-eyed elf, Damiel carries
countless vials of strange-looking liquids. When he HINDRANCES
drinks one of his strange concoctions, his features favorEd Class (major): You only have one core Class Edge.
become bestial, his movements quicken, and his ImpulsIvE (major): You often leap before you look.
eyes fill with fire.
alChEmIst: You create potions, mutagens and bombs.
ATTRIBUTES arCanE BaCkground (alChEmIst): Alchemy is your arcane skill.
Agility d10 pAce 6 CalCulatIng: Ignore 2 points of penalties if action card is 5 or less.
SmArtS d8 pArry 7 (1) dIsCovEry (ExtEnd potIon): you can double the Duration of
any potion, extract, or your own mutagen effect.
Spirit d6 toughneSS 6 (2)
Vigor d6 armor IntErfErEnCE (lIght): You suffer a –4 penalty to
Alchemy rolls if using medium or heavy armor or shields.
SKILLS alChEmICal IdEntIfICatIon: Use Alchemy to identify a potion.
BomBs (2 pp): Range: 10” (20 yards) Damage: 2d6 (SBT). +1 PP
Alchemy d8 to increase to Damage: 3d6 (MBT).
AthleticS d8 mutagEns (2pp): This alters your form for one hour at a cost.
com. Knowledge d6 You gain +1 Toughness plus one of the following effects:
Fighting d8 strEngth: +2 to Strength and melee damage rolls. –2 to Academics, Common
Knowledge, Occult, Repair, Science, arcane skill rolls.
notice d6 agIlIty: Opponents get –1 when making direct attacks against the alchemist.
occult d4 –2 to Healing, Notice, Survival, Taunt rolls.
perSuASion d6 vIgor: +2 to Vigor rolls. –2 to Battle, Gambling, Performance, Persuasion rolls.
SteAlth d6 GEAR
thieVery d6
Rapier (Str+d4, Parry +1), dagger (Str+d4), leather jacket and
leggings (+2), alchemist’s kit, adventurer’s kit, Formulae book,
potion of minor protection, 48 gp.
Languages: Common, Draconic, POWERS
Elven, Goblin, Sylvan
powErs: Boost/lower Trait (self only), burst, deflection (self only),
shape change (self only).
powEr poInts: 15


ALAIN (CAVALIER) Human: Adaptability.

Alain is a selfish man who comes from royal blood, HINDRANCES
though he has been hardened by battle since
removing the silver spoon from his mouth. He is an ImpulsIve (major): You tend to act without thinking.
excellent commander of troops and enjoys battle as vengeful (mInor): You usually seek vengeance legally, though
much as any other sellsword. your methods vary by situation.
vow (major - order): A cavalier takes a vow to serve his order.

Banner: Allies within 10” (20 yards) get a free reroll on Fear
Agility d8 pAce 6 checks and may reroll their running die once per turn. As a
SmArtS d6 pArry 7 (1) limited action, you can wave your banner, removing Distracted
Spirit d8 toughneSS 9 (3) and Vulnerable conditions from all allies in range.
Strength d8 Beast Bond: You can spend Bennies on animals you control.
Vigor d8 CavalIer: Your true power comes from the conviction of your
ideals, the oaths you swear, and the challenges you make to
SKILLS those who stand in your way.
trademark weapon (longsword): +1 Fighting and Parry
AthleticS d6 while wilding your longsword.
com. Knowledge d6
Fighting d8
notice d6 CHallenge: As a limited action, you can challenge a visible
opponent within 24”. The challenge remains until the target is
perSuASion d6
defeated or combat ends. You may not challenge more than one
riding d8 enemy at a time. You add +2 damage to Fighting attacks made
Shooting d6 against the target of your challenge.
SteAlth d4 mIgHty CHarge: Increase your melee weapon’s damage die
SurViVAl d6 one die type if you move towards an enemy while mounted.
order: You are part of the Order of the Cockatrice.
Languages: Common, Elven, Long sword (Str+d8), Lance (Str+d8, AP 2 on charge, Reach 2,
Orc, Virisian mounted only), light crossbow (Range 10/20/40, Damage 2d6,
AP 2), 10 bolts, scale tunic (+3). adventurer’s kit, heavy pony,
riding saddle.

IMRIJKA (INQUISITOR) Half-Orc: Darkvision (ignore Illumination penalties up to 10”),
Intimidating, Orc Ferocity, Outsider (Minor), Strong.
Imrijka was raised in an orphanage in Lepidstadt,
indoctrinated into the faithful of Pharasma. Since HINDRANCES
becoming an initiate inquisitor in that faith, she’s
traveled most of Ustalav and beyond, regularly
ObligatiOn (minOr): You care deeply for orphans.
returning to check up on those she grew up. Outsider (minOr): You’re viewed as an outsider by many.
rutHless (minOr): You stop short of true harm to anyone except
those who directly oppose you.
ATTRIBUTES stubbOrn (minOr): Even when it’s painfully obvious you’ve
made a mistake you try to justify it.
Agility d10 pAce 6 VOw (minOr): You serve Pharasma and exact her judgment.
SmArtS d6 pArry 5
Spirit d8 toughneSS 9 (3)
Strength d6 bane: Gain the Bane weapon enchantment as a limited free action.
Vigor d6 elan: If you spend a Benny to reroll a Trait, add +2 to the total.
inquisitOr: You root out enemies of the faith, using trickery
and guile when righteousness and purity are not enough.
SKILLS trademark weapOn (sHOrt bOw): +1 Shooting and Parry
AthleticS d6 while wilding your short bow.
com. Knowledge d6 CLASS FEATURES
Fighting d6 armOr restrictiOn (medium): While wearing heavy armor or
intimidAtion d6 using heavy shields, you cannot use other class features.
notice d6 Judgment: Once per encounter as a free action, pronounce
occult d6 judgment on an enemy to gain five Judgment tokens. A token may
perSuASion d6 be spent to add +2 to a Trait or damage roll you make against the
Shooting d10 judged, or –2 to one of the foe’s Trait or damage rolls. Tokens may
SteAlth d4 be spent after a roll, and remain in effect if the total is rerolled.
SurViVAl d4 mOnster lOre: You get a free reroll on skill rolls when
attempting to identify a being’s abilities or weaknesses.
Languages: Celestial, Common,
Giant, Orc Morningstar (Str+d6), shortbow (Range 12/24/48, Damage
2d6), 20 arrows, dagger (Str+d4), scale breastplate (+3), ad-
venturers pack, holy water, light wooden shield, 2x manacles,
silver holy symbol, sunrod, 48 gp.


ALAHAZRA (ORACLE) Human: Adaptability.

Alahazra is kind but distant. When she does speak, HINDRANCES
her words have the weight of command. She has
little patience for fools, and a soft spot for orphans, Bad Luck (major): You start with one fewer Bennies.
and in her own way often sees herself as the mother LoyaL (minor): You refuse to leave your allies behind.
to her adventuring companions. Poverty (minor): You have half the normal starting funds.
ATTRIBUTES arcane Background (oracLe): Faith is your arcane skill.
command: Extras in Command Range add +1 to their Spirit or
Agility d6 PAce 6 Vigor rolls to recover from being Shaken or Stunned.
smArts d6 PArry 5 oracLe: A divine entity chose you as a vessel for its power.
sPirit d10 toughness 7 (2) Power Surge: Recover 10 PP if your Action Card is a Joker.
strength d4 reveLation: You can cast burst and smite as a limited free
Vigor d6 action.
Athletics d6 armor interference (medium): While wearing heavy armor
com. Knowledge d6 or using heavy shields, your Faith rolls suffer a –4 penalty, and
cannot use other class features.
FAith d10
curSe: You cannot see anything beyond 5” but you ignore
Fighting d6 invisibility, illusion, and all Illumination penalties up to 5”.
heAling d6 myStery (fLame): You can cast burst and smite but cannot use
notice d6 Limitations or Power Modifiers.
occult d6
PersuAsion d6 GEAR
steAlth d4 Quarterstaff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, Two Hands), sling
(4/8/16, Damage Str+d4), 10 stones, leather tunic and leggings
(+2), adventurer’s kit, 60 gp.

Languages: Common,
Draconic, Elven, Sylvan PowerS: Boost/lower Trait, detect/conceal arcana, environmental
protection, havoc, healing, relief.
Power PointS: 20
Gnome: Gnome Magic, Keen Senses, Low Light Vision,
Balazar is a gnome summoner who takes his privacy Obsessive, Reduced Pace, Size –1, Tough.
very seriously. Even around friends, he is loathe to
discuss his past. His eidolon Padrig is his enforcer, HINDRANCES
best friend, and link to the arcane world.
enemy (major): Nexian wizards hunt you..
Poverty (minor): You have half the normal starting funds.
Secret (minor): Your white hair isn’t from the Bleaching that
gnomes normally face, but something more dangerous.
Agility d6 pAce 5 EDGES
SmArtS d10 pArry 5 arcane BackGround (Summoner): Spellcasting is your
Spirit d8 toughneSS 6 (2) arcane skill.
Strength d4 makerS call: As a limited free action, you may call Padrig to
Vigor d6 your side. He appears as close to you as possible. Additionally,
you and Padrig can swap locations.
SKILLS Summoner: You create a powerful bond with an outsider.
AthleticS d4 extra evolution: Your eidolon has extra evolution points.
com. Knowledge d8 CLASS FEATURES
Fighting d6
armor interference (liGht): While wearing medium
heAling d4
or heavy armor or using medium or heavy shields, your
notice d6 Spellcasting rolls suffer a –4 penalty, and cannot use other class
occult d8 features.
perSuASion d4 eidolon: You can summon Padrig to aid you in battle.
riding d4
Shooting d6 GEAR
SpellcASting d8 Light club (Str+d4), dagger (Str+d4), hand crossbow (Range
SteAlth d4 5/10/20 Damage 2d4), leather vest (+2), adventurer’s kit, 10
SurViVAl d4 bolts, pipe, 3x sunrod, scroll of bolt.

Languages: Common, Gnome, POWERS

Orc, Sylvan PowerS: Boost/lower Trait, deflection, healing (Padrig only),
speak language, summon ally, summon monster.
Power PointS: 11


FEIYA (WITCH) Human: Flexibility.

Feiya is a lithe young woman with stark white hair. HINDRANCES
She is as dangerous as she is alluring, with long, Driven (major): You are driven to find your parents.
sharp fingernails, and a wooden staff with strange
trinkets tied to it. Close by, a red fox watches you
enemy (minor): A group of crones hunt you.
warily, ready to defend the woman if necessary. LoyaL (major): You are loyal to your allies and will not leave
them behind.
ATTRIBUTES arcane BackgrounD (WitcH): Spellcasting is your arcane skill.
Agility d6 pAce 6 aLertness: +2 to Notice rolls.
SmArtS d8 pArry 5 Luck: You start each session with an extra Benny.
Spirit d8 toughneSS 5 WitcH: A dark patron grants you arcane powers to hex and
Strength d6 enfeeble your enemies.
FamiLiar (Fox): +5 Power Points.
SKILLS armor interFerence (any): –4 to Spellcasting rolls, andyou
cannot use other class features if using any armor or any shields.
AthleticS d4 Hex (eviL eye): You may cast the following powers as a limited
com. Knowledge d6 free action if you have them: boost/lower Trait, slumber.
Fighting d6 Hex (cackLe): You may issue a hideous and disturbing cackle
heAling d6 as a free action. Distracted or Vulnerable creatures don’t remove
intimidAte d6 these conditions as long as they remain within 10” (20 yards) of
notice d6 a cackling witch.
occult d8 GEAR
perSuASion d4
SpellcASting d8 Staff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1, Two Hands), dagger (Str+d4),
SteAlth d4 4x darts (Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4, counts as shuriken),
adventurer’s kit, fetishes, healers kit, iron pot, spell components
pouch, 2x sunrods, tanglefoot bag, 2x scroll of bolt, 24gp.
Languages: Aklo, Celestial, POWERS
Common, Elven, Sylvan
PoWers: Boost/lower Trait, burst, detect/conceal arcana, dispel,
protection, stun.
PoWer Points: 10

Padrig is a powerful outsider summoned by his Type: Neutral Outsider (Eidolon)
friend, the gnome Balazar. Fiercely loyal to his
summoner, Padrig has evolved into a dangerously ATTribuTes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
protective guardian. Vigor d6
skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d6,
Occult d4, Stealth d4
pAce: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (3)
edges: —
speciAl AbiliTies:
Armor +3: Natural armor.
biTe: Str+d6, Reach 1

Type: Neutral Outsider (Eidolon)
ATTribuTes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
Vigor d6
skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d6,
Occult d4, Stealth d4
pAce: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (3)
edges: Frenzy
speciAl AbiliTies:
Armor +3: Natural armor.
biTe: Str+d6, Reach 1

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