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List of Comprehensively Sanctioned Countries:

Cuba North Korea Syria

Iran Russia The following regions of Ukraine:
Donetsk, Crimea and Luhansk
Most transactions, including those involving persons or entities “ordinarily resident”
in these countries, require an Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) License.

Other Countries Subject to OFAC Sanctions:

Balkans Ethiopia Sudan/Darfur
Belarus Hong Kong Venezuela
Burma (Myanmar) Iraq Yemen
Central African Republic Lebanon Zimbabwe
Congo, Dem. Rep. of Libya
Transactions related to activities with specific parties in these countries are prohibited.

Countries Subject to Prohibition on Military Exports:

Afghanistan Eritrea Somalia
Belarus Haiti South Sudan
Burma (Myanmar) Iran Sri Lanka
Central African Republic Iraq Sudan
China Lebanon Syria
Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Liberia Venezuela
Cuba Libya Vietnam
Congo, Dem. Rep. of North Korea Zimbabwe
The U.S. Department of State prohibits the export of military/space equipment or
technical data to these countries, and to foreign nationals of these countries.

For additional information, please see:

As of March 10, 2022

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