21 ST

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21st (Long Quiz)

Literature - body of written works

Forms of Literature in Pre-colonial Times
Proverbs - “salawikain” ; rhyming scheme ; surviving local life
Riddles - “bugtong” ; demand an answer ; battle of wits
Folksongs - “awiting bayan”
- Originated in traditional popular culture
- Informal expressions of ancestors’ experiences
- harana/serenade; lullabies, and funerals
Tales - origin, myth, legends
Epic - heroes, adventures, superhuman capabilities
Spanish Colonial Literature
Doctrina Christiana - first printed book in 1593 by the Dominican Press
Kinds of Spanish Literature
Corrido - details the lives of saints or the history of a tradition
Awit - chivalric poem about hero or saint. Sung and usd in religious
Pasyon - narrative poem about the life of Jesus Christ ; usually done during
Lenten season
Cenaculo - dramatization of the passion of Christ
- Highlights the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ
- Also done during the Lenten season
Moro-moro - also called “Comedia de Capa y Espada”
- Blood-and-thunder melodrama depicting the conflict of Christians
and Muslims
- About the battles to the death and the proofs of faith
Carillo - play that uses shadow as its main spectacle ; figures made from
Tibag - dramatic reenactment of St. Helena’s search for the Holy Cross
Duplo or Karagatan - native dramas that are connected to Catholic
mourning rituals and harvest celebration
Zarzuela - father of drama
- Probably one of the famous forms of entertainment back in Spanish
- Musical comedies or melodramas that deal with the elemental
passions of human beings
Philippine Poetry: Its Form, Language, and Speech
Poetry - from the Greek word poiein, “to make” : a poem is something
made, or in English we would more naturally say crafted
- Type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm ; often
employs rhyme and meter
- Words are strung together to form sounds, images, and ideas that
might be too complex
Elements of Poetry
1. Senses and Images - used to describe the impressions of writers to
their topic or object of writing
● Visual Imagery - what the writer wants you to see
● Olfactory Imagery - what the writer wants you to smell
● Gustatory Imagery - what the writer wants you to taste
● Tactile Imagery - feel
● Auditory Imagery - hear
2. Diction - one of the important elements in Filipino poetry
● Denotative - precise, literal definition that might be found in a
● Connotative - wide array of positive and negative associations
most words naturally carry
3. Rhyme Scheme - way the authors arranges words, meters, lines, and
stanzas to create a coherent sound
- May be formal or informal, depending on the way of poem
Other Elements of Poetry
Speaker - voice that talks to the reader. Persona sometimes refers to itself
as “I’ or “me or sometimes in third person (she, he, his, her)
- Not necessarily the poet
Structure - arrangement of words and lines, either together or apart
- Way the interdependent parts of it are organized to form a whole
Word order - either the natural or unnatural arrangement of words in a
- Poetic license - may invent words too

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