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Highest leverage vocabulary words defined:

1. Fruit: A sweet or savory edible item that is typically consumed as a snack or used in cooking.
2. Apple: A round fruit with a smooth skin that can be red, green, or yellow and has a crisp texture.
3. Banana: A long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft flesh.
4. Orange: A round fruit with a thick, orange skin and juicy, segmented flesh.
5. Grape: A small, round fruit that grows in clusters and can be green, red, or purple.
6. Strawberry: A small, juicy fruit with a red skin and tiny seeds on the outside.
7. Watermelon: A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and sweet, red flesh.
8. Pineapple: A tropical fruit with a rough, spiky skin and sweet, juicy yellow flesh.
9. Mango: A tropical fruit with a smooth, orange skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
10. Kiwi: A small, oval fruit with a brown, fuzzy skin and green flesh with black seeds.
11. Pear: A sweet fruit with a rounded base and a narrow, tapering top, usually green or yellow in color.
12. Peach: A soft, juicy fruit with a fuzzy skin that is usually orange or yellow.
13. Plum: A small, round fruit with a smooth skin that can be purple, red, or yellow.
14. Cherry: A small, round fruit with a shiny skin that can be red, yellow, or black.
15. Lemon: A yellow citrus fruit with a sour taste and acidic juice.

These words will help kindergarten students understand and discuss the topic of fruits.

Highest leverage vocabulary words defined:

1. Trunk - The main part of the tree that supports the branches and leaves.
2. Branch - A part of the tree that grows out from the trunk and holds leaves or fruit.
3. Leaf - The flat, green part of a tree or plant that grows on a branch or stem.
4. Bark - The tough outer covering of a tree's trunk and branches.
5. Root - The part of the tree that grows underground and absorbs water and nutrients from the soil.
6. Canopy - The upper part of the tree with branches and leaves that create shade.
7. Photosynthesis - The process by which green plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water
into food.
8. Deciduous - Trees that shed their leaves annually.
9. Evergreen - Trees that retain their leaves throughout the year.
10. Coniferous - Trees that have cones and needle-like leaves.
11. Sap - The fluid that circulates through a tree, carrying nutrients and water.
12. Arborist - A person who studies and cares for trees.
13. Shade - The area sheltered from direct sunlight by the tree's canopy.
14. Lumber - Wood that has been cut and prepared for use in construction or other purposes.
15. Timber - Wood used for building or carpentry.

These vocabulary words will help students understand and discuss the topic of trees and their various parts,
characteristics, and importance in our environment.

Highest leverage vocabulary words defined:

1. Petals: The colorful, leaf-like parts of a flower that protect the reproductive organs.
2. Pollen: The fine, powdery substance produced by the male parts of a flower, which is needed for
3. Stamen: The male reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the anther and filament.
4. Pistil: The female reproductive part of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.
5. Nectar: A sugary liquid found in flowers that attracts pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.
6. Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the stamen to the stigma of a flower, leading to fertilization.
7. Germination: The process by which a seed grows into a new plant.
8. Stem: The main structural part of a plant that supports leaves, flowers, and fruits.
9. Roots: The part of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil and absorbs water and
10. Leaves: The green, flattened structures of a plant that are responsible for photosynthesis.
11. Photosynthesis: The process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce
oxygen and glucose.
12. Blossom: The process of a flower opening up and reaching its full size and beauty.
13. Fragrance: The pleasant smell given off by flowers.
14. Annual: A plant that completes its life cycle in one year.
15. Perennial: A plant that lives for more than two years and usually blooms each year.

Note: Tier 2 words are more general and commonly used words, while Tier 3 words are more specific and
domain-specific words.

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