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☒ Manila ☐ Makati ☐ Cavite

Augusr 24, 2023

Ms. Jennifer Tucpi

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Manila

Greetings in Veritas et Fortitudo!

The College of Arts and Sciences Council writes this letter to appeal the decision to
centralize budget releases to the College Student Government and its college-based
organizations. For the reasons that:

1. Information dissemination was not practiced prior to its implementation. Under the
2022 LYCESGO Constitution, specifically Article 3, Section 1, item f, every student shall
have the right to be properly informed of school policies, rules, and regulations.
Whereas, this new policy on liquidation is not an exemption.
2. The negligence of others shall not be of consequence to others, especially if the other
party is not part thereof.

The Council is requesting that the decision be reversed and is confident that the reasons stated
above are of bearing and adequate for the motion of reconsideration.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and looking forward to your consideration.

Prepared by:

Shaniah C. Cayong
Secretary, CAS Student Government

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