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Sample Answer

Your school/college is considering running a fundraising event for a local charity.

Write a report to the principal suggesting ways this might be done. You could
• details of the charity to be helped
• reasons why schools benefit from fundraising
• your suggestions for events

To : The Principal
From : Felicia Johnson
Subject : Fundraising at Frecklewood
Date : 03rd September 2023

The Frecklewood Donkey Sanctuary is a charity that cares for rescued and
unwanted donkeys. The sanctuary is based a mile away from Frecklewood Academy
and the school has a long history of partnership, having sent many Grade 10
students there for work experience week. The charity is currently in need of
funds, having seen a 12% dip in charitable giving during the past few years.

They have asked Frecklewood Academy for their help. This report aims to explore
the potential benefits to staff and students of fundraising for this cause and to
outline a number of possible activities that could be undertaken.

Benefits of fundraising

As part of this investigation we have spoken with school leaders at the five state
secondary schools in the Danshire area about the fundraising activities that they
undertake. Collectively they raise funds for numerous causes, including Shelter
(a charity that tackles homelessness), Stonewall (a charity that promotes equality
for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people) and Young Dementia UK (who provide support
for people whose lives are affected by young onset dementia).

Each of the schools report that their students benefit in a variety of ways from
supporting these charities. The main benefits cited are:

• Students develop a wider sense of community finding.

• Students have opportunities to develop team working and leadership skills.
• Students learn to think about people other than themselves and learn about
different causes.
• Staff and students often work together on these projects.

One team leader said ‘Some of our students have pursued careers in the charity
sector as a result of their fundraising work at school.’ Another said ‘It’s fantastic
to see young people working together to make a genuine difference in the world.’

Suggestions for activities

As Frecklewood has a student population of more than 1500, we could easily raise
a substantial sum for the Donkey Sanctuary through a non-uniform day in which
each student pays £1 for the pleasure of wearing ‘normal’ clothes to school.

However, if we view this as an opportunity for team building, we could run an event
such as a summer fete. Teams of students could be responsible for different
aspects of the organisation and promotion. Funds could be raised from ticket
sales in advance and also from raffles, duck races and other fun events on the

Alternatively, we could give groups of students the challenge of raising the most
funds. This will encourage them to work collaboratively, creatively and

Ultimately the benefits of fundraising events are huge. Whichever approach

Frecklewood Academy takes, the charity, students and staff are all set to


The writer communicates clearly and effectively using a formal and unbiased tone
suitable for a report. The information is well organised into paragraphs, that make
good use of transitional words. The writer focuses on each of the bullet points
from the question in turn and develops these. Statistics and quotes from official
sources give the report credibility. Subheadings and bullet points are used to
highlight key information.

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