Tourism Questions PDF A Level Geography

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‎ ssess the view that the life cycle

‎model of tourism is of limited
‎usefulness in understanding how
‎tourism actually develops. [20] ‎ ealthy aristocrats, new fashion of sea
‎bathing. Low visitor numbers so little impact.

‎ ailway built to Blackpool in 1846, increasing

‎Economic leakage
‎Involvement ‎accessibility for more people. Central pier
‎built in 1868.
‎Seasonal jobs and low pay
‎ rom 1900-1950, visitor numbers increase
‎ oreigners dominate top managerial
‎Eg Lapa Rios, Costa Rica ‎from 4-17million with whole towns visiting
‎Development ‎Blackpool as part of the 'Wake's Week'.
‎Facilities start to get overused and visitor
‎ g Maasai Mara National Park, Kenya popular
E ‎capacity reached.
‎in 80s after films like Out of Africa so many
‎Changes in fashion ‎Problems
‎moved from agriculture to tourism jobs but
‎Butler Life Cycle ‎Consolidation
‎this has since declined
‎ acilities start to decline. Cheap package
‎ ulnerable to changes outside of country's
‎holidays to the Med take over and Blackpool
‎is no longer fashionable. Economic decline as
‎Economic sustainability ‎Stagnation
‎only 11m visitors in 2000, staying for much
‎Regional inequalities
‘‎It is easier for tourist destinations ‎shorter periods. Reputation for stag and hen
‎to achieve environmental ‎ ith reference to one tourist area
W ‎parties, drugs, crime etc.
‎Investments increase debt burden
‎sustainability than economic ‎or resort, assess how far the
‎Benefits ‎sustainability.’ With reference to ‎impacts of tourism changed as the
‎one or more examples, how far do ‎destination developed. ‎ egeneration mainly done by private
‎Environmental sustainability ‎companies eg of Blackpool Tower.
‎you agree with this statement? ‎Regeneration ‎Illuminations looks so increase tourist season
‎ ot compromising the society, environment
N ‎into the Autumn. Blackpool the 'Gay Capital
‎or culture of people in the future. ‎of the North'

‎ ourism can be beneficial until carrying

‎ ay mean airports not functional, too
M ‎capacity is reached/exceeded and then
‎War ‎things become less useful

‎ ven if you want to go and be an ecotourist
‎ ourism itself includes travelling, releasing
‎eg Sousse, Tunisia 2015 38 tourists killed ‎Terrorism ‎in Costa Rica, from the UK that requires a
‎CO2 via planes usually
‎very long plane journey
‎ chengen agreement in EU free movement
‎without having to go through border controls ‎ any tourists' mindsets include deliberate
‎all the time ‎overindulgence or over use of materials eg ‎ nless the perception of holidays changes
‎Difficulty in obtaining VISAs, free movement ‎Political factors
‎people on average use 2x the water they ‎for people, it can never really be sustainable
‎VISA facilitation for some EU countries ‎would use at home when they are on holiday

‎ fficiency/effectiveness of country's tourist

E ‎Greenwashing
‎board (run by government)
‎Yes, tourism is never sustainable ‎ ealthy people come to less wealthy
‎ educe conflicts between locals and visitors
‎ educe conflicts between visitors eg
R ‎Eg Bhutan only allows 4000 tourists per year ‎Restrictions ‎societies, impacting the people who live there
‎eg channel economic benefits to populations
‎zoning - eg not providing jet skis in
‎by reducing leakage of profits or segregating
‎Newquay, Cornwall ‎ overnment bidding for international events
G ‎Social effects ‎Commodification of culture
‎accomodation away from locals
‎eg football world cup
‎ neducated tourists may not understand eg
‎ se infrastructure to harden a site eg
‎Decline in UK beach resorts ‎Fashion ‎how to snorkel without hurting a reef
‎wooden boardwalk ‎ ake site physical environment more
‎resistant ‎Eg SARS 2003, COVID ‎Diseases ‎ g post Tunisia terrorist attacks in 2015, the
‎Relocate infrastructure to more resilient area
‎ ourism itself is very volatile and can be
T ‎country saw a decline in GDP due to the 1/
‎ ise in holidays catering to older people eg
‎Grey pound
‘‎Tourism cannot be completely ‎harmful to receiving countries' economies ‎6th of their economy which had just been
‎less gruelling trekking trips ‎devastated - no one wanted to go anymore
‎Increased life expectancy ‎Demographic and social factors
‎Early retirement
‎With reference to one or more ‎Ecotourism ‎This is a small market, although growing
‎ aise revenues to put back into
‎ o what extent do you agree that
T ‎examples, how far do you agree
‎management of site eg GBR environmental
I‎ndian Ocean tsunami 2004 destroyed hotels ‎with this statement? ‎ ake District Lowther Estates nature based
L ‎ ourism mixed with sustainable projects eg
‎levy A$6 a day ‎Natural disaster ‎trends in international tourism are ‎Also creates jobs
‎across Thailand and Bangladesh ‎enterprises ‎restoring wildlife habitats
‎caused by political factors?
‎Booking tourist destinations ‎The Internet ‎Other factors ‎No, tourism can be sustainable ‎Conserves culture

‎ nly 1% tourists to Lake District were from

O ‎ uch as post 2008 financial crisis, rise of
S I‎f sterling exchange rates unfavourable, ‎Opens up jobs
‎Exchange rates
‎abroad in 2022 ‎staycations ‎more people may choose to holiday in the UK
‎ owever, this is usually regional not national
‎Infrastructure improvement
‎Increasing wealth ‎and can increase regional inequalities

‎Cost of travel decreased ‎Economic factors ‎ hat is sustainable? Economic or

‎environmental? Can these coexist?
‎ lobalisation and increased travel for
‎Of locals and of tourists
‎Paid holidays in full time jobs
‎Education ‎ g Selva Bananito lodges have rainforest
‎Tui 20 million customers per year ‎hikes to learn about contribution of rainforest

‎Package holidays
‎Tourism questions ‎to the world and encourage tourists to
‎protect it

I‎nternational tourism = tourism that crosses ‎ eeps people from logging and mining or
‎international boundaries ‎Sustainable aspects
‎other destructive activities

‎17% country's GDP and rising

‎ ourism is usually unevenly spatially
‎Can lead to greater regional inequalities ‎National Parks set up in 1970

‎Gambia, 80% tourist income leaked ‎Tourist income gained then lost ‎Economic leakage ‎Seasonal

I‎mposed by national governments eg Bhutan ‎ nly part of the Costa Rican tourism sector is
‎has a visitor limit and high fees, profits ‎ecotourism
‎supposedly go into education and general
‎development ‎ ay seem very high rated, eco/sustainable
M ‎ lso eco holidays eg at Lapa Rios are very
‎Greenwashing ‎etc then learn that owners are American and ‎expensive and target a very niche and
‎Investments increase debt burden ‎ ssess the extent to which
A ‎take profits eg Lapa Rios ‎specific pound
‎tourism in one tourist area or
I‎n a realistic world, where we can't all take ‎Investment diverted away ‎Non-sustainable aspects ‎Large proportion of GDP means vulnerable
‎resort is sustainable. [20] (Costa
‎electric boats like Greta Thunberg, tourism
‎will never be completely sustainable. As ‎Regional inequalities may increase ‎Rica) ‎Flying to Costa Rica ‎Eg most tourists from America
‎globalisation increases and people's desire
‎to travel grows stronger, it is important that ‎Economic leakage ‎ECONOMIC COSTS OF TOURISM ‎Economic sustainability ‎Increased waste
‎more steps are taken on both the tourists'
‎side and that in receiving countries to ‎ abour demands are seasonal and most jobs
L ‎ g Manuel Antonio park now reaching visitor
‎ensure tourism can have as small an impact ‎are unskilled and low paid ‎Disrespect by tourists ‎overcapacity as visitors feeding the animals
‎as possible. In Costa Rica, the growing ‎has led to ecosystem decline
‎sector of ecotourism is promising, though ‎ isitor numbers fluctuate greatly sometimes
‎there is growing greenwashing which can be ‎for reasons out of the receiving country's ‎Commodification of culture
‎dangerous. Tourism can be more ‎control
‎sustainable in Costa Rica than in other ‎ ustainable ie not compromising people, the
‎countries because the alternatives of mass ‎Tax and revenue earnt ‎environment or culture in the future.
‎logging or doing damaging things in the
‎rainforest have perhaps larger ‎Labour intensive, people employed
‎consequences than the impacts of tourism.
‎Different types - local, national, international
‎ eople may purchase local crafts and items,
‎stimulating economy in other sectors
‎Mass tourism

‎ oreign exchange source to import stuff

‎ ot really a viable alternative to mass
‎from abroad ‎Tourism itself ‎Ecotourism
‎tourism at the moment

‎ ew infrastructure and facilities created due

‎ ROWING - also growing middle class,
‎to tourism
‎cheaper air travel, more efficient tourist
‎boards etcetc

I‎ncreased appreciation of beauty of ‎ g rise and fall of safari tourism in Kenya in

‎Eg National Parks Act 1949 ‎countryside has allowed powerful protection ‎the late 1980s and 90s made popular by films
‎ conomic sustainability: the ability of
‎to develop ‎eg 'Out of Africa'. Growth of tourism
‎economies to maintain themselves when
‎Susceptible to fluctuations eg due to fashion ‎encouraged occupation changes eg out of
‎resources decline and populations
‎ lue flag beaches - EU incentives to clean
B ‎agriculture and then when visitor numbers
‎dependent on those resources are increasing
‎beaches as part of higher standards for ‎dropped in the late 90s - economically not
‎tourists ‎sustainable

‎ g through restoration of woodland eg in

E ‎ t macro level, tourism just contributes to
‎At what level?
‎Borrowdale, Lake District ‎ ourism provides funding for conservation
T ‎climate change
‎ ational Trust in turn conserves the
‎bodies such as the National Trust through ‎Environmental effects of tourism
‎donations, car parking and product sales ‎ valuate whether or not it is
E ‎ owever this is much easier in the US cos it's
‎Footpath repair eg of Scafell Pike ‎ osemite has taken a dispersal strategy so
‎possible to make tourism ‎Different approaches ‎so massive but in the UK this is less
‎no single area is adversely affected
‎ rovides alternative income to areas reliant
P ‎sustainable ‎achievable
‎on harmful environmental practice such as
‎logging in Costa Rica ‎ et dry climate means excessive soil erosion
‎by tourist carrying minibuses in the dry
‎Building work destroys natural environments ‎season

‎ nvironmental sustainability: environment

I‎nfrastructure work eg getting water may ‎ odges use up a lot of resources eg it's not
‎should be able to be used and managed by
‎affect supplies in other areas ‎Kenya Maasai Mara National Park ‎very sustainable to have swimming pools in
‎people on a long term basis whilst preserving
‎ecological habitats, diversity etc
‎ aasai people dispossessed when park was
‎ evelopments don't fit in with local
D ‎created
‎ ollution increases then decreases as per
‎Environmental Kutnetz curve
‎capita income increases

‎Fenced off dunes eg Studland Bay ‎Close attraction ‎ and taken from the Masai and traditional
‎Maasai Mara ‎activities were discouraged despite the lions
‎ iscourage access eg smaller car parks, no
D ‎being Masai currency
‎access for coaches (eg Grasmere, Lake ‎Reduce attraction ‎Reducing capacity
‎District), restrict 2nd home ownership

‎eg new trails in Nepal ‎Alternative sites

‎ anaging tourism carrying
‎ g by traffic management, car parks,
‎Concentrate and disperse ‎Modify distribution of people and behaviour ‎capacity
‎barriers, new trails

‎Eg resistant flora, drainage, turfing ‎Manage ecosystems

‎Raise capacity
‎New paths, surfacing, drainage ‎Improve access

‎Eg National History Museum ‎Timed ticket entry

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