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Vocabulary Part

Nouns from Part 1

1) Plot /plɒt/ Затія, змова

2) Bars /bɑːrs/ Грати (на вікнах, дверях)
3) Disgrace /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ Ганьба
4) Exposure /ɪkˈspəʊ.ʒər/ Розголошення (таємниці)
5) Damage /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/ Пошкодження, збитки
6) Fate /feɪt/ Доля, фатум
7) Bylaw /ˈbaɪ.lɔː/ Підзаконний акт (закон який приймається окремо організацією)
8) Detention /dɪˈten.ʃən/ Залишення після уроків (як вид покарання)
9) Earmuffs /ˈɪə.mʌfs/ Навушники (теплі, як елемент одягу)
10) Menace /ˈmen.ɪs/ Загроза, небезпека
11) Inquiry /ɪnˈkwaɪə.ri/ Допит, розслідування
12) Codswallop /ˈkɒdzˌwɒl.əp/ Маячня
13) Fame /feɪm/ Слава
14) Dormitory /ˈdɔː.mɪ.tər.i/ Гуртожиток (велика кімната, в якій живуть студенти)
15) Countercurse /ˈkaʊn.tər kɜːs/ Протипрокляття (закляття яке знімає інше прокляття)
16) Circumstance /ˈsɜː.kəm.stɑːns/ Обставина

Verbs from Part 1

1) To pretend /prɪˈtend/ Прикидатись,. Робити вигляд

2) To offend /əˈfend/ Образити когось
3) To punish /ˈpʌn.ɪʃ/ Покарати когось
4) To serve /sɜːv/ Прислуговувати
5) To protect /prəˈtekt/ Захищати, обороняти
6) To rescue /ˈres.kjuː/ Врятувати
7) To starve /stɑːv/ Заморити когось голодом
8) To inflict /ɪnˈflɪkt/ Завдавати, заподіювати
9) To assure /əˈʃɔːr/ Запевнити
10) To flout /flaʊt/ Порушити (правила, закони)
11) To expel /ɪkˈspel/ Виключити (зі школи, коледжу, університету)
12) To grasp /ɡrɑːsp/ Схопити
13) To faint /feɪnt/ Втратити свідомість, знепритомніти
14) To befall /bɪˈfɔːl/ Спіткати, випадати на долю
15) To devise /dɪˈvaɪz/ Вигадувати
16) To curse /kɜːs/ Накласти закляття
17) To proceed (to) /prəˈsiːd/ Направлятись, рухатись (до)
18) To recall /rɪˈkɔːl/ Пригадувати
19) To cure /kjʊər/ Вилікувати
20) To revive /rɪˈvaɪv/ Оживити

Adjectives and adverbs from Part 1

1) Grateful /ˈɡreɪt.fəl/ Вдячний

2) Disturbed /dɪˈstɜːbd/ Схвильований, стурбований
3) Enchanted /ɪnˈtʃɑːn.tɪd/ Зачарований
4) Petrified /ˈpet.rə.faɪd/ Закам’янілий
5) Doomed /duːmd/ Приречений (до провалу, невдачі, смерті)
6) Disgusted /dɪsˈɡʌs.tɪd/ Обурений
7) Fickle /ˈfɪk.əl/ Непостійний
8) Drowsy /ˈdraʊ.zi/ Сонний
9) Suspicious /səˈspɪʃ.əs/ Підозрілий
10) Innocent /ˈɪn.ə.sənt/ Невинний English_through_Films
Vocabulary Part

Useful phrases and idioms from Part 1

1) To speak ill of someone Погано про когось говорити

2) Not miss a trick Не пропустити хорошу можливість
3) To be up to no good Затіяти щось недобре
4) Free of charge Безкоштовно
5) To be aware of something Бути в курсі чогось
6) To put a toe out of line Перетинати межу дозволеного
7) To get rid of someone/something Позбутись когось або чогось English_through_Films

Useful phrases and idioms from Part 1

1) To let someone out Випустити когось (з будівлі, приміщення, кімнати)

2) To mess something up Зіпсувати щось
3) To tuck in Починати їсти
4) To look for Шукати
5) To catch up with someone Наздогнати, встигнути за кимось
6) To show up Прийти раптово
7) To rest with someone Залежати від когось, бути під чиєюсь відповідальністю
8) To impress on someone Донести до когось важливість чи серйозність ситуації
9) To knock someone out Вирубати когось
Before watching
Task 1: Solve the crossword



8 12



1) the loss of other people’s respect because you have done something bad
2) a law made by a local government that people in that area must obey
3) (the process of asking) a question
4) a large room or building containing many beds, esp. in a college or boarding school
5) a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is
6) two pieces of material joined by a band over the top of your head, which you wear to keep your ears warm
7) the action of showing the truth about someone or something
8) a length of metal put across a door or window to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out
9) a secret plan made by several people to do something that is wrong, harmful, or not legal
10) harm or injury
11) something or someone that is dangerous
12) a punishment in which children who have behaved badly are forced to stay at school for a short time
13) a power that some people believe causes and controls all events, so that you cannot change them
14) curse cast in retaliation to another curse
15) the state of being famous and known about by a lot of people
16) nonsense

Task 2: Unscramble the highlighted words to complete the sentences

1) Once you been accepted at the university they promise to accommodate you in a dmitorory ____________________.
2) I can’t imagine a cuircmanstce ____________________ in which I would be willing to steal.
3) Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school in dracisge ____________________.
4) He was involved in a polt ____________________to kidnap the king.
5) Strong winds had caused serious dmagae _____________________to the roof.
6) When we met again by chance in Cairo, I felt it must be tfae ____________________.
7) I've never heard such a load of old cdsowlloap ____________________in my life.
8) Fishing on this river is forbidden under a local blayw ____________________.
9) The police are making iuiqrnies _____________________to discover the cause of the accident.
10) If it was cold, I had on too many sweaters and never could be without my emarfufs ____________________.
11) The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exospure ____________________recently.
12) The balcony was closed with bras ____________________.
13) Professor Snape used a conuterursce ____________________to protect Harry Potter from a jinx.
14) He got fmae ____________________when he appeared in the film ‘The Graduate’.
15) Drunk drivers are a nmceae _____________________to everyone.
16) The teacher kept the boys in entetiond ____________________after school.

Task 3: Name the pictures English_through_Films

Task 4: Match the verbs to their definitions

To pretend To offend To punish To serve To protect

To rescue To starve To inflict To assure To flout

To expel To grasp To faint To befall To devise

To proceed
To curse To recall To cure To revive

1) to work for someone ___________________________

2) to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not ___________________________
3) to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true ___________________________
4) to make someone angry or upset by doing or saying something that they think is rude, unkind etc ___________________________
5) to suddenly become unconscious for a short time ___________________________
6) to say magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone ___________________________
7) to make someone well again after they have been ill ___________________________
8) to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom ___________________________
9) to force someone to leave a school ___________________________
10) to come or bring something back to life ___________________________
11) to bring the memory of a past event into your mind ___________________________
12) to make someone suffer because they have done something wrong ___________________________
13) to save someone or something from a situation of danger or harm ___________________________
14) to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat ___________________________
15) to take and hold something firmly ___________________________
16) (of something bad) to happen to a person ___________________________
17) to invent a plan, system, object, etc. ___________________________
18) to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss ___________________________
19) to make someone experience something very unpleasant ___________________________
20) to move forward or go in a particular direction ___________________________

Task 5: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the sentences

proceed - rescue - punish - recalled - serve - befall - inflict - grasped - starve - protect

1) She ____________________ seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.
2) It’s unfair to ____________________ a whole class for the actions of one or two students.
3) We prayed that no harm should ____________________ them during their journey.
4) It is always a pleasure to ____________________ you.
5) Firefighters worked for two hours to ____________________ people from the building.
6) Thousands of people will ____________________ if food doesn’t reach the city.
7) I ____________________ his arm to keep from falling.
8) It's important to ____________________your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
9) How can you ____________________ such cruelty on a child?
10) Passengers for Madrid should ____________________ to gate 26 for boarding.

expelled - offend - revive - assured - pretended - faints - cure - devised - cursed - flout

1) Mark closed his eyes and ____________________ to be asleep. English_through_Films

2) The doctor ____________________ me that I wouldn't feel any pain.
3) He is a sensitive man, and it not difficult to ____________________ him.
4) He ______________________ at the sight of blood.
5) The old witch ____________________ him and turned him into the frog.
6) He made a claim about being able to ______________________ cancer.
7) Many motorcyclists ____________________ the law by not wearing helmets.
8) My brother was ____________________ from school for bad behavior.
9) She tried to _____________________ the unconscious woman.
10) The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were _____________________ by Charles M. Schultz.

Task 6: Unscramble and translate the verbs

inicflt suasre fulot prteend

_________ _________ _________ _________

ofnfed npuish grsap infat

_________ _________ _________ _________

beflal sreve rceall rcue

_________ _________ _________ _________

revevi preotct recuse sartve

_________ _________ _________ _________

epxel dviese csure operced

_________ _________ _________ _________
Task 7: Match the words to their definitions


a Disturbed a) worried or upset

Enchanted b) certain to fail, die, or be destroyed

c) not guilty of a crime
d) tired and almost asleep
Doomed e) feeling that you want to thank someone

Disgusted f) affected by magic

g) feeling extreme dislike or disapproval of something
h) likely to change suddenly and without warning
Drowsy i) having changed to a substance like stone

Suspicious j) feeling doubt or no trust in someone or something


Task 8: Translate the highlighted words to complete the sentences

1) There were some ПІДОЗРІЛИХ ____________________ men hanging around outside.

2) She's so НЕПОСТІЙНА ____________________ - she's never been interested in the same man for more than a week!
3) Can you provide any evidence that he was НЕВИННИЙ ____________________ of the crime?
4) You shouldn't drive after taking these pills - they can make you СОННИМ ____________________.

5) The princess lives in an ЗАЧАРОВАНОМУ ____________________ castle.

6) I'm totally ОБУРЕНА ____________________ with your behavior.
7) His parents are СХВИЛЬОВАНІ ____________________ that he's dating a much older woman.
8) She was ПРИРЕЧЕНА ____________________ to unemployment by her ill health.
9) I’m ВДЯЧНИЙ ____________________for everything you've done.
10) The wicked witch made the boy ЗАКАМ’ЯНІЛИМ _____________________.

Task 9: Crack the code and translate the words

1) B2 – D2 – A1 – D4 – A5 – B1 – D5 – C1
1 2 3 4 5 2) A4 – B4 – D3 – B2 – D5 – D3 – D4 – A5 – A4
3) B4 – C3 – C3 – C4 – A3 – A5 – C3 – D4
A a b c d e __________________________________________________
4) C5 – A5 – D4 – D2 – B4 – B1 – B4 – A5 – A4

B f g h i/j k 5) B1 – B4 – A3 – B5 – C1 – A5
6) D3 – D5 – D3 – C5 – B4 – A3 – B4 – C4 – D5 – D3

C l m n o p 7)
A4 – B4 – D3 – D4 – D5 – D2 – A2 – A5 – A4
8) A5 – C3 – A3 – B3 – A1 – C3 – D4 – A5 – A4
D q r s t u __________________________________________________
9) A4 – C4 – C4 – C2 – A5 – A4
E v w x y z 10) A4 – D2 – C4 – E2 – D3 – E4
Task 10: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase or idiom

To speak ill of To be aware of To put a toe out of To get rid of

Not miss a trick To be up to no good Free of charge
someone something line someone/something

1) to have knowledge about a situation ___________________________________________________

2) to say unpleasant things about someone ___________________________________________________
3) to take action to be free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing) ___________________________________________________
4) to be doing or planning something bad ___________________________________________________
5) without having to pay ___________________________________________________
6) never fail to take advantage of a situation ___________________________________________________
7) to behave in a way that is unacceptable or not expected ___________________________________________________

Task 11: Fill in the gaps with the phrases from task 10 to complete the sentences

1) He opened the windows to ____________________ the smell.

2) My father doesn't _____________________—any chance to make a quick money, and he'll be there.
3) ____________________one more time, Peters, and you're fired!
4) She knew that her brother was ____________________but she didn't tell anyone.
5) I don't think you ____________________ how much money such a project would take to complete.
6) I refuse to ____________________of any of my friends.
7) You can download the materials ____________________ from our website.

Task 12: Create your own sentences using new phrases and idioms

1) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Task 13: Read the definitions and write the correct phrasal verbs

to allow someone to leave a place,

to arrive somewhere to eat something
especially by opening a closed door
_________________________ ___________________________

to hit someone so that they become to make someone understand with the
to depend on someone or something
unconscious importance of something
__________________________ ___________________________

to spoil something, or to do something to reach the same quality or standard as

to try to find something
wrong or badly someone or something else
___________________________ __________________________

Task 14: Circle the correct option

1) His opponent knocked him out /off with one punch.

2) He kept the dog in a cage and never let it away/out.

3) I messed in/up my chances of becoming a great singer.

4) The final decision rests with/off you.

5) I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't show up/in until 9.30.

6) She is really fast, and I couldn’t catch on/up with her.

7) The ice creams came and we tucked up/in.

8) Mr Simmons tried to impress with/on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.

9) I’m looking for/from Steve – have you seen him?

Task 15: Create your own sentences using new phrasal verbs

1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answers (part 1)
Task 1
1) Disgrace 5) Circumstance 9) Plot 13) Fate
2) Bylaw 6) Earmuffs 10) Damage 14) Countercurse
3) Inquiry 7) Exposure 11) Menace 15) Fame
4) Dormitory 8) Bars 12) Detention 16) Codswallop

Task 2
1) Once you been accepted at the university they promise to accommodate you in a dormitory.
2) I can’t imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal.
3) Browne was caught using drugs, and was sent home from the private school in disgrace.
4) He was involved in a plot to kidnap the king.
5) Strong winds had caused serious damage to the roof.
6) When we met again by chance in Cairo, I felt it must be fate.
7) I've never heard such a load of old codswallop in my life.
8) Fishing on this river is forbidden under a local bylaw.
9) The police are making inquiries to discover the cause of the accident.
10) If it was cold, I had on too many sweaters and never could be without my earmuffs.
11) The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.
12) The balcony was closed with bars.
13) Professor Snape used a countercurse to protect Harry Potter from a jinx.
14) He got fame when he appeared in the film ‘The Graduate’.
15) Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
16) The teacher kept the boys in detention after school.

Task 3
Bylaw, codswallop, dormitory, menace
Damage, inquiry, countercurse, fame
Disgrace, plot, bars, exposure
Circumstance, detention, earmuffs, fate

Task 4
1) To serve 6) To curse 11) To recall 16) To befall
2) To pretend 7) To cure 12) To punish 17) To devise
3) To assure 8) To flout 13) To rescue 18) To protect
4) To offend 9) To expel 14) To starve 19) To inflict
5) To faint 10) To revive 15) To grasp 20) To proceed

Task 5
1) She recalled seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.
2) It’s unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.
3) We prayed that no harm should befall them during their journey.
4) It is always a pleasure to serve you.
5) Firefighters worked for two hours to rescue people from the building.
6) Thousands of people will starve if food doesn’t reach the city.
7) I grasped his arm to keep from falling.
8) It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
9) How can you inflict such cruelty on a child?
10) Passengers for Madrid should proceed to gate 26 for boarding.
11) Mark closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
12) The doctor assured me that I wouldn't feel any pain.
13) He is a sensitive man, and it not difficult to offend him.
14) He faints at the sight of blood.
15) The old witch cursed him and turned him into the frog.
16) He made a claim about being able to cure cancer.
17) Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets.
18) My brother was expelled from school for bad behavior.
19) She tried to revive the unconscious woman.
20) The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz.

Task 7
1) E 4) I 7) H 10) C
2) A 5) B 8) D
3) F 6) G 9) J

Task 8
1) There were some suspicious men hanging around outside.
2) She's so fickle - she's never been interested in the same man for more than a week!
3) Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime?
4) You shouldn't drive after taking these pills - they can make you drowsy.
5) The princess lives in an enchanted castle.
6) I'm totally disgusted with your behavior.
7) His parents are disturbed that he's dating a much older woman.
8) She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.
9) I’m grateful for everything you've done.
10) The wicked witch made the boy petrified.

Task 9
1) Grateful 4) Petrified 7) Disturbed 10) Drowsy
2) Disgusted 5) Fickle 8) Enchanted
3) Innocent 6) Suspicious 9) Doomed

Task 10
1) To be aware of something 4) To be up to no good 7) To put a toe out of line
2) To speak ill of someone 5) Free of charge
3) To get rid of 6) Not miss a trick

Task 11
1) He opened the windows to get rid of the smell.
2) My father doesn't miss a trick—any chance to make a quick money, and he'll be there.
3) Put a toe out of line one more time, Peters, and you're fired!
4) She knew that her brother was up to no good but she didn't tell anyone.
5) I don't think you are aware of how much money such a project would take to complete.
6) I refuse to speak ill of any of my friends.
7) You can download the materials free of charge from our website.

Task 13
1) To show up 4) To knock someone out 7) To look for
2) To let someone out 5) To rest with 8) To mess up
3) To tuck in 6) To impress on 9) To catch up with

Task 14
1) His opponent knocked him out with one punch.
2) He kept the dog in a cage and never let it out.
3) I messed up my chances of becoming a great singer.
4) The final decision rests with you.
5) I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't show up until 9.30.
6) She is really fast, and I couldn’t catch up with her.
7) The ice creams came and we tucked in.
8) Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.
9) I’m looking for Steve – have you seen him?

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Vocabulary Part

Nouns from part 2

1) Heir /eər/ Спадкоємець, наступник

2) Threat /θret/ Загроза
3) Vermin /ˈvɜː.mɪn/ Негідник, шкідник
4) Enslavement /ɪnˈsleɪv.mənt/ Поневолення, рабство
5) Lavatory /ˈlæv.ə.tɔːr.i/ Вбиральня
6) Devastation /ˌdev.əˈsteɪ.ʃən/ Розгром
7) Gift /ɡɪft/ Дар, талант
8) Serpent /ˈsɜː.pənt/ Змія, гадюка
9) Prefect /ˈpriː.fekt/ Староста школи (старший учень відповідальний за дисципліну)
10) Embarrassment /ɪmˈbær.əs.mənt/ Зніяковілість, відчуття сорому
11) Rumor /ˈruː.mɚ/ Чутка, слух
12) Culprit /ˈkʌl.prɪt/ Злочинець
13) Governor /ˈɡʌv.ən.ər/ Правитель
14) Suspension /səˈspen.ʃən/ Тимчасове відсторонення від роботи

Verbs from Part 2

1) To coexist /ˌkoʊ·ɪɡˈzɪst/ Співіснувати

2) To sway /sweɪ/ Переконати когось, повпливати на когось
3) To seal /siːl/ Закрити, запечатати
4) To purge /pɜːdʒ/ Очистити, позбутись чогось поганого
5) To mend /mend/ Поремонтувати
6) To chase /tʃeɪs/ Гнатися, переслідувати
7) To strangle /ˈstræŋ.ɡəl/ Задушити
8) To enlighten /ɪnˈlaɪ.tən/ Проінформувати когось
9) To defend /dɪˈfend/ Захищати
10) To disarm /dɪˈsɑːm/ Обеззброїти
11) To interrogate /ɪnˈter.ə.ɡeɪt/ Допитувати когось
12) To slaughter /ɪnˈter.ə.ɡeɪt/ Вчинити масове вбивство

Adjectives and adverbs from Part 2

1) Selective /sɪˈlek.tɪv/ Перебірливий

2) Unworthy /ʌnˈwɜː.ði/ Негідний, недостойний
3) Tricky /ˈtrɪk.i/ Складний, заплутаний
4) Aggrieved /əˈɡriːvd/ Ображений, скривджений
5) Prudent /ˈpruː.dənt/ Обачний
6) Dreadful /ˈdred.fəl/ Жахливий
7) Healing /ˈhiː.lɪŋ/ Цілющий
Vocabulary English_through_Films

Useful phrases and idioms from Part 2

1) In a heartbeat Дуже швидко, за короткий проміжок часу

2) In broad daylight Серед білого дня
3) Out of someone`s hand Не під чиїмось контролем
4) (to have) bee in your bonnet Мати якусь нав’язливу ідею
5) To burst into flames Раптово загорітись
6) To be a matter of time Питання часу
7) To lose your touch Втратити хватку, спритність, здатність щось вдало робити
8) To stand a chance Мати шанс на успіх

Useful phrases and idioms from Part 2

1) To turn into Перетворитись в

2) To egg someone on something Підбивати когось на щось, переконувати
3) To stand by something Притримуватись (ідеї, думки, принципів тощо)
4) To burst in on someone Раптово прийти і перервати активність інших
5) To check on something Перевірити щось або когось (глянути чи все гаразд)
6) To pig out Об’їдатись
7) To hush something up Приховати щось, ‘зам’яти’
8) To turn someone in ‘здати’ когось (поліції або іншим органам влади)
9) To look for Шукати
10) To step aside Відступити (в прямому сенсі цього слова, або ж піти з роботи чи посади)
Before watching
Task 1: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the definitions

work - crime - snake - unofficial - damage - harmful - bad - embarrassed - toilet - title - ability
student - charge - controlling

1) Culprit someone who has committed a ____________________ or done something wrong

2) Threat the possibility that something very ____________________ will happen
3) Vermin people who are unpleasant and ____________________ to society
4) Heir a person who will legally receive money, property, or a ____________________ from another person
5) Governor the person in ____________________ of an institution
6) Devastation ____________________ and destruction
7) Gift a special ____________________ to do something
8) Suspension a punishment in which a person is temporarily not allowed to ____________________
9) Enslavement the act of ____________________ someone's actions, thoughts, emotions, or life completely
10) Lavatory a room equipped with a ____________________ and sink
11) Serpent a ____________________
12) Prefect an older ____________________ who helps to control the younger students
13) Embarrassment the feeling you have when you are ____________________
14) Rumor an ____________________ interesting story or piece of news

Task 2: Translate the highlighted words to complete the sentences

1) Police hope the public will help them to find the ЗЛОЧИНЦІВ ____________________.
2) The hurricane caused widespread РОЗГРОМ ____________________.
3) He has a ДАР ____________________ for languages and dancing.
4) In the US the ПОНЕВОЛЕННЯ ____________________ of Africans continued into the second half of the 19th century.
5) Where is the ladies' ВБИРАЛЬНЯ ____________________ please?
6) He has been bitten by a ГАДЮКОЮ ____________________.
7) Nuclear weapons is a ЗАГРОЗА ____________________ to everyone.
8) Mike said that all terrorists were ШКІДНИКИ ____________________ and that prison was too good for them.
9) Richard was now СПАДКОЄМЕЦЬ ____________________ to the throne of the Angevin Empire.
10) He was ПРАВИТЕЛЕМ ____________________ of the province in the late 1970s.
11) Her cheeks were red with ЗНІЯКОВІННЯ ____________________.
12) I heard a СЛУХ ____________________ that she's leaving, but apparently there's nothing in it.
13) He received a six-month ВІДСТОРОНЕННЯ ВІД РОБОТИ ____________________ for unprofessional behavior.
14) He was a СТАРОСТОЮ ____________________ of a school and captain of a football team.

Task 3: Write the missing letters to complete the words and name the pictures










_mbarra_ _ment




The end L_v_tory

Task 4: Read the definitions and write the correct verb

1) to close an entrance or container so that nothing can enter or leave it ___________________________

2) to provide someone with information ___________________________
3) to cruelly and unfairly kill a lot of people ___________________________
4) to hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it ___________________________
5) to persuade someone to believe or do one thing rather than another ___________________________
6) to repair something that is broken or damaged ___________________________
7) to protect someone or something against attack ___________________________
8) to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information ___________________________
9) to live or exist together, esp. in peace ___________________________
10) to remove something that is thought to be harmful or unacceptable ___________________________
11) to kill someone by pressing their throat ___________________________
12) to take weapons away from someone ___________________________

Task 5: Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box to complete the sentences

strangled - slaughtered - coexist - defend - sealed - disarmed - purge - sway - enlighten - chasing -
interrogated - mended

1) I'm going to karate lessons to learn how to ___________________ myself.

2) The new state governor has promised to ____________________ the police force of corruption.
3) She had been ____________________ with her own scarf.
4) I was walking down the street doing nothing when the cops stopped and _____________________ me.
5) Her speech failed to ____________________ her colleagues into supporting the plan.
6) I've left my watch at the jeweller's to be ____________________.
7) Different traditions ____________________ successfully side by side.
8) He ____________________ the envelope and put a stamp on it.
9) I don't understand this. Could you ____________________ me?
10) Thousands of people were ____________________ in the civil war.
11) She was ____________________ after a man who had stolen her bag.
12) Store security guards ____________________ the culprit and held him for the police.

Task 6: Find the words in the wordsearch and translate them

coexist sway seal purge mend chase

strangle enlighten defend disarm interrogate slaughter

Task 7: Match the adjectives to their definitions

a) unhappy and angry because of unfair treatment
b) careful in choosing
c) difficult to deal with and needing careful attention
Aggrieved d) causing fear, shock, or suffering
Prudent e) careful and avoiding risks

Dreadful f) not deserving respect, admiration, or support

g) helping to make someone well again

Task 8: Translate the sentences

1) Їжа була поганою, а обслуговування жахливим.

2) Ця рослина має справді феноменальні цілющі властивості.
3) Один скривджений клієнт поскаржився, що досі не отримав книгу, яку замовив кілька тижнів тому.
4) Я сказав йому, що вважаю, що для нас обох буде обачним залишити нашу розмову між нами.
5) Він почувався негідним одружитися з такою привабливою жінкою.
6) Школа дуже перебірлива і приймає лише тих студентів, які є надзвичайно мотивованими.
7) Я в складній ситуації - що б я не зробив, я когось ображу.

Task 9: Find the adjectives. Translate the adjectives


1) ____________________________ ____________________________
2) ____________________________ ____________________________
3) ____________________________ ____________________________
4) ____________________________ ____________________________
5) ____________________________ ____________________________
6) ____________________________ ____________________________
7) ____________________________ ____________________________

Task 10: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase/idiom

used for saying something will to no longer be able to do

certainly happen, but you do not during the day very quickly, without delay something as well as you could
know when before
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ _________________________

to keep talking about something

to suddenly burn strongly,
to have a chance of success again and again because you out of your control
producing a lot of flames
think it is very important
_________________________ _________________________

Task 11: Match the halves to complete the sentences

If he asked me to marry him, a chance of making it on time.

He’s not as good a salesman as he used to be. He’s losing his touch.

We'll catch the person responsible for this morning after their light aircraft burst into flames.

If that road is closed, we don't stand she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it.

She never stops talking about healthy eating - at the party and three windows were broken.

A woman was attacked in broad crime. It's just a matter of time.

A pilot and his passenger were flown to hospital this daylight, right in front of our office.

Things got a little out of hand I'd accept in a heartbeat.

Task 12: Create your own sentences using new phrases

1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 13: Match the verbs to the prepositions to make phrasal verbs. Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning

To turn for
1) to eat a lot or too much
To egg
in 2) to change and become someone or something different
To stand
by 3) to continue to believe that something you have said before is still true
To burst 4) to leave your job or official position
To check into 5) to take a criminal to the police
To pig aside 6) to try to prevent people from discovering particular facts

To hush 7) to enter a room suddenly and without warning, interrupting the people or activity
up 8) to strongly encourage someone to do something that might not be a very good idea
To turn
on 9) to look at or examine (someone or something) to see if there are good
To look
10) to try to find something
To step out

Task 14: Rewrite the sentences using the phrasal verbs instead of the highlighted words
1) The mayor tried to hide the fact that he had been in prison.
2) Rain in the morning will change and become snow during the afternoon.
3) I just went to see if the baby was fine, and he's still sleeping.
4) We ate a lot of delicious cakes and pastries.
5) The hit-and-run driver came to the police the day after the accident.
6) I still believe that the statement I made earlier is good form me - there is no reason for you to come.
7) Mr Orlando was forced to leave the job as mayor despite his popularity with the voters.
8) I’m trying to find Steve – have you seen him?
9) Her habit of jealously interrupting Gustave and entering the room when he was dining with friends was notorious.
10) His friends kept encouraging him, but Daniel refused to steal the watch.
Task 15: Create your own sentences using new phrasal verbs

1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Answers (part 2)
Task 1
someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong
the possibility that something very bad will happen
people who are unpleasant and harmful to society
a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person
the person in charge of an institution
damage and destruction
a special ability to do something
a punishment in which a person is temporarily not allowed to work
the act of controlling someone's actions, thoughts, emotions, or life completely
a room equipped with a toilet and sink
a snake
an older student who helps to control the younger students
the feeling you have when you are embarrassed
an unofficial interesting story or piece of news

Task 2
1) Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits.
2) The hurricane caused widespread devastation.
3) He has a gift for languages and dancing.
4) In the US the enslavement of Africans continued into the second half of the 19th century.
5) Where is the ladies' lavatory please?
6) He has been bitten by a serpent.
7) Nuclear weapons is a threat to everyone.
8) Mike said that all terrorists were vermin and that prison was too good for them.
9) Richard was now heir to the throne of the Angevin Empire.
10) He was governor of the province in the late 1970s.
11) Her cheeks were red with embarrassment.
12) I heard a rumor that she's leaving, but apparently there's nothing in it.
13) He received a six-month suspension for unprofessional behavior.
14) He was a prefect of a school and captain of a football team.

Task 3
Culprit, serpent, threat
Lavatory, devastation, heir
Embarrassment, governor, rumor
Enslavement, suspension, vermin
Prefect, gift

Task 4
1) To seal 4) To chase 7) To defend 10) To purge
2) To enlighten 5) To sway 8) To interrogate 11) To strangle
3) To slaughter 6) To mend 9) To coexist 12) To disarm

Task 5
1) I'm going to karate lessons to learn how to defend myself.
2) The new state governor has promised to purge the police force of corruption.
3) She had been strangled with her own scarf.
4) I was walking down the street doing nothing when the cops stopped and interrogated me.
5) Her speech failed to sway her colleagues into supporting the plan.
6) I've left my watch at the jeweller's to be mended.
7) Different traditions coexist successfully side by side.
8) He sealed the envelope and put a stamp on it.
9) I don't understand this. Could you enlighten me?
10) Thousands of people were slaughtered in the civil war.
11) She was chasing after a man who had stolen her bag.
12) Store security guards disarmed the culprit and held him for the police.

Task 7
1) B 3) C 5) E 7) G
2) F 4) A 6) D

Task 8
1) The food was bad and the service was dreadful.
2) This plant has truly phenomenal healing powers.
3) One aggrieved customer complained that he still hadn't received the book he had ordered several weeks ago.
4) I told him I thought it would be prudent for both of us to keep our conversation between ourselves.
5) He felt unworthy of being married to such an attractive woman.
6) The school is very selective and accepts only those students who are extremely motivated.
7) I'm in a tricky situation - whatever I do I'll offend someone.

Task 10
1) To be a matter of time 4) To lose your touch 7) To burst into flames
2) In broad daylight 5) To stand a chance 8) Out of someone`s hand
3) In a heartbeat 6) To have bee in your bonnet

Task 11
1) If he asked me to marry him, I'd accept in a heartbeat.
2) He’s not as good a salesman as he used to be. He’s losing his touch.
3) We'll catch the person responsible for this crime. It's just a matter of time.
4) If that road is closed, we don't stand a chance of making it on time.
5) She never stops talking about healthy eating - she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it.
6) A woman was attacked in broad daylight, right in front of our office.
7) A pilot and his passenger were flown to hospital this morning after their light aircraft burst into flames.
8) Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken.

Task 13
1) To pig out 5) To turn someone in 9) To check on
2) To turn into 6) To hush something up 10) To look for
3) To stand by 7) To burst in on
4) To step aside 8) To egg someone on
Task 14
1) The mayor tried to hush up the fact that he had been in prison.
2) Rain in the morning will turn into snow during the afternoon.
3) I just checked on the baby, and he's still sleeping.
4) We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries.
5) The hit-and-run driver turned himself in to the police the day after the accident.
6) I stand by the statement I made earlier - there is no reason for you to come.
7) Mr Orlando was forced to step aside as mayor despite his popularity with the voters.
8) I’m looking for Steve – have you seen him?
9) Her habit of jealously bursting in on Gustave when he was dining with friends was notorious.
10) His friends kept egging him on, but Daniel refused to steal the watch.

Перегляньте другу частину фільму, починаючи з 00:48:16 і до 01:43:25

Vocabulary Part

Nouns from part 3

1) Basilisk /ˈbæz.ə.lɪsk/ Василіск (міфічна істота)

2) Reflection /rɪˈflek.ʃən/ Відображення
3) Pipe /paɪp/ Водостічна труба
4) Fraud /frɔːd/ Шахрай
5) Oaf /əʊf/ Телепень
6) Sorcerer /ˈsɔː.sər.ər/ Чаклун
7) Evidence /ˈev.ɪ.dəns/ Доказ
8) Welfare /ˈwel.feər/ Добробут

Verbs from Part 3

1) To accuse /əˈkjuːz/ Звинуватити когось

2) To harm /hɑːm/ Завдати комусь шкоди
3) To deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ Заперечувати
4) To snatch /snætʃ/ Схопити та силою забрати
5) To blab /blæb/ Проговоритись про щось, що було у секреті
6) To tease /tiːz/ Дражнити когось
7) To fret /fret/ Дратуватись, злитись
8) To backfire /ˌbækˈfaɪər/ Мати зворотній ефект (від того що планувалось)
9) To preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ Зберігати
10) To frame /freɪm/ Підставити когось
11) To fashion /ˈfæʃ.ən/ Вигадати, створити
12) To cease /siːs/ Припинити

Adjectives and adverbs from Part 3

1) Misleading /ˌmɪsˈliː.dɪŋ/ Той, який вводить в оману

2) Distraught /dɪˈstrɔːt/ Розгублений, збентежений
3) Made-up /ˌmeɪd ˈʌp/ Вигаданий
4) Filthy /ˈfɪl.θi/ Дуже брудний
5) Mangled /ˈmæŋ.ɡəld/ Спотворений, пошкоджений, поламаний
6) Persuasive /pəˈsweɪ.sɪv/ Переконливий
7) Brainless /ˈbreɪn.ləs/ ‘безмозглий’, дурний
8) Sufficient /səˈfɪʃ.ənt/ В достатній кількості
9) Intentionally /ɪnˈten.ʃən.əl.i/ Навмисно

Useful phrases phrasal verbs from Part 3

1) At full blast На повну силу, на повну катушку

2) Common sense Здоровий глузд
3) To take credit for something Привласнювати собі чужі заслуги
4) In the first place На першому місці, спочатку
5) To save the day Врятувати ситуацію від провалу
6) To find out Дізнатись
7) To get around Пересуватись
8) To doze off Задрімати
9) To dispose of something Позбутись чогось English_through_Films
Before watching
Task 1: Solve the crossword


1) someone that is not what they claim to be

2) an imaginary reptile said to be able to kill by poison
3) one or more reasons for believing that something is or not
4) the image of something in a mirror or on any reflective surface
5) a tube inside which liquid or gas flows from one place to another
6) a stupid, rude, or awkward person, especially a man
1 7) a man who has magical powers and who uses them to harm people
8) health and happiness

Task 2: Write the missing letters to complete the sentences

1) The evil sor_e_er had been trying to woo the princess, but she remained loyal to her husband.
2) Our only concern is the children’s w_lf_re.
3) Engineers acted quickly to repair the damaged _i_es.
4) You clumsy o_f! You broke it!
5) There is an _vid_n_e that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.
6) She could see her ref_ec_ion in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.
7) It was weeks before they realized that the young man who had charmed them all was a fr_ _d.
8) They drew unicorns, dragons, and b_s_lis_s.

Task 3: Unscramble and translate the words

aOf eWlfrae aBsislik Soecerrr

________ ________ ________ ________

Eidvnece Rflectieon Ppie Furad

________ ________ ________ ________

Task 4: Match the verbs to their definitions English_through_Films

To accuse

To harm 1) to deliberately make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not guilty
To deny 2) to say that something is not true
3) to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind
To snatch
4) to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them
To blab
5) to hurt someone or damage something
To tease 6) (of a plan) to have the opposite result from the one you intended
To fret 7) to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from being damaged or destroyed
8) to take something or someone away by force
To backfire
9) to talk carelessly or too much, often telling others something you should keep secret
To preserve
10) to be nervous or worried
To frame 11) to make something, using your hands or only a few tools

To fashion 12) to stop doing something or stop happening

To cease

Task 5: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs from task 4

1) He ___________________ the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them. (PAST SIMPLE)
2) Someone ____________________to the press about her health problems. (PAST SIMPLE)
3) Neil ____________________ that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did. (PRESENT SIMPLE)
4) "It wasn't my fault." "Don't worry, I ____________________you.“ (PRESENT CONTINUOUS)
5) The boys ____________________ her about her red hair and freckles. (PAST SIMPLE)
6) He ____________________ a box from a few old pieces of wood. (PAST SIMPLE)
7) The company has decided ____________________ all UK operations after this year. (INFINITIVE)
8) It's our duty ____________________ the planet for future generations.(INFINITIVE)
9) Needham’s lawyers claimed that he ____________________ by the police. (PAST PERFECT PASSIVE)
10) Thankfully no one ____________________in the accident. (PAST SIMPLE PASSIVE)
11) Her plans to make him jealous ____________________ on her when he started dating her best friend. (PAST SIMPE)
12) She worries and ____________________ all the time -- I think it's because she's got no one to talk to about her problems. (PRESENT SIMPLE)

Task 6: Translate the verbs and create some sentences using the verbs

To fashion
To cease
To backfire
To accuse
To tease
To fret
To harm
To deny
To snatch
To blab
To preserve
To frame
Task 7: Read the definitions and write the correct adjectives

1) extremely worried, nervous, or upset __________________________________

2) making you want to do or believe a particular thing __________________________________
3) enough for a particular purpose __________________________________
4) in a planned or intended way __________________________________
5) causing someone to believe something that is not true __________________________________
6) extremely or unpleasantly dirty __________________________________
7) something that has been invented and is untrue __________________________________
8) completely stupid __________________________________
9) destroyed by being twisted with force or torn into pieces __________________________________

Task 8: Unscramble the words to complete the sentences

1) I didn't ignore her intnteionally ____________________ - I just didn't recognize her.

2) She used a mdae-up ______________________name when she met a guy in a pub.

3) The missing child's dtisrugaht ____________________parents made an emotional appeal for information on TV.

4) Your arguments are very psuersiave ____________________.

5) Adverts must not create a isleaimdng _____________________ impression.

6) My sister's latest boyfriend is pretty bainresls _____________________; it's impossible to have a conversation with him.

7) All that remains of yesterday's car crash is a pile of mnglead _____________________ metal.

8) Wash your hands - they're fhilty ______________________!

9) Did you have sficunfiet ______________________time to do the work?

Task 9: Name the pictures

Task 10: Read the definitions and write the correct phrase or phrasal verb

To take credit In the first To save the To dispose of

At full blast Common sense To find out To get around To doze off
for something place day something

1) to start to sleep, especially during the day __________________________________

2) to get information, after trying to discover it or by chance __________________________________
3) to do something that prevents a likely defeat or failure __________________________________
4) good sense and sound judgement in practical matters __________________________________
5) maximum power or intensity __________________________________
6) to go or travel to different places __________________________________
7) in or at the beginning (of a series of events) __________________________________
8) to get rid of someone or something __________________________________
9) to accept honor for an achievement of other person __________________________________

Task 11: Match the pieces to complete the sentences

We had to use public It's a surprise party, so I blast, but it was still
scarf and then disposed of her body in the woods.
transport don't freezing.

He strangled her with her made three points and none of this would have really made this a
I was just beginning to
own saved the day. happened. success!

If you hadn't been so rude want her to find out I really can't take credit— would have known what
The heating was at full
in the first place, about it. Harry to do.

The team was expected to Anyone with any common doze off when the and Lisa are the one's
to get around.
lose, but Sally sense telephone rang. who

Task 12: Create your own sentences using new phrases and phrasal verbs

1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Answers (part 3)
Task 1 English_through_Films
1) Fraud 4) Reflection 7) Sorcerer
2) Basilisk 5) Pipe 8) Welfare
3) Evidence 6) Oaf

Task 2
1) The evil sorcerer had been trying to woo the princess, but she remained loyal to her husband.
2) Our only concern is the children’s welfare.
3) Engineers acted quickly to repair the damaged pipes.
4) You clumsy oaf! You broke it!
5) There is an evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.
6) She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.
7) It was weeks before they realized that the young man who had charmed them all was a fraud.
8) They drew unicorns, dragons, and basilisks.

Task 4
1) To frame 4) To tease 7) To preserve 10) To fret
2) To deny 5) To harm 8) To snatch 11) To fashion
3) To accuse 6) To backfire 9) To blab 12) To cease

Task 5
1) He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them.
2) Someone blabbed to the press about her health problems.
3) Neil denies that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did.
4) "It wasn't my fault." "Don't worry, I'm not accusing you.“
5) The boys teased her about her red hair and freckles.
6) He fashioned a box from a few old pieces of wood.
7) The company has decided to cease all UK operations after this year.
8) It's our duty to preserve the planet for future generations.
9) Needham’s lawyers claimed that he had been framed by the police.
10) Thankfully no one was harmed in the accident.
11) Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he started dating her best friend.
12) She worries and frets all the time -- I think it's because she's got no one to talk to about her problems.

Task 7
1) Distraught 4) Intentionally 7) Made-up
2) Persuasive 5) Misleading 8) Brainless
3) Sufficient 6) Filthy 9) mangled

Task 8
1) I didn't ignore her intentionally - I just didn't recognize her.
2) She used a made-up name when she met a guy in a pub.
3) The missing child's distraught parents made an emotional appeal for information on TV.
4) Your arguments are very persuasive.
5) Adverts must not create a misleading impression.
6) My sister's latest boyfriend is pretty brainless; it's impossible to have a conversation with him.
7) All that remains of yesterday's car crash is a pile of mangled metal.
8) Wash your hands - they're filthy!
9) Did you have sufficient time to do the work?

Task 10
1) To doze off 5) At full blast 9) To take credit for
2) To find out 6) To get around
3) To save the day 7) In the first place
4) Common sense 8) To dispose of

Task 11
1) I was just beginning to doze off when the telephone rang.
2) It's a surprise party, so I don't want her to find out about it.
3) The team was expected to lose, but Sally made three points and saved the day.
4) Anyone with any common sense would have known what to do.
5) The heating was on full blast, but it was still freezing.
6) We had to use public transport to get around.
7) If you hadn't been so rude in the first place, none of this would have happened.
8) He strangled her with her own scarf and then disposed of her body in the woods.
9) I really can't take credit—Harry and Lisa are the one's who really made this a success! Перегляньте третю частину
фільму, починаючи 01:43:25 і до кінця
After watching
Task 1: Answer the questions

• What's Harry doing in the opening scene of the film?

• Who appears in Harry's room at the start of the film?
• What is the name of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?
• Who was the first to be petrified in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?
• Who placed the Basilisk into the Chamber of Secrets?
• Where is the entrance to the COS?
• Who was wrongly accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago?
• How many years ago was the Chamber of Secrets last opened?
• Who opened the Chamber of Secrets?
• What creature lives under the Chamber of Secrets?
• Who slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron?
• Who casts the spell that destroys the rogue bludger that was attacking Harry during the Quidditch match?
• Why does Harry lose the bone in his arm after the quidditch match against Slytherin?
• How is dobby freed?
• What special skill does a phoenix not feature?

Task 2: Fill in the gaps with the words from the box to complete the summary of the film

a fraud - wand - purging - flying car - snake - fangs - cauldron - freeing - basilisk - diary -
house-elf - petrified - blinds - memory - heir - ghost - spiders

Spending the summer with the Dursleys, Harry Potter meets Dobby, a _____________________who warns him that it is dangerous to return to
Hogwarts. Dobby sabotages an important dinner for the Dursleys, who lock up Harry to prevent his return to Hogwarts. Harry's friend Ron Weasley and
his brothers Fred and George rescue him in their father's ____________________.

In Diagon Alley, Harry, the Weasleys and Hermione Granger notice a book-signing by Gilderoy Lockhart, Hogwarts' new Defence Against the Dark Arts
teacher. There, Harry sees Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius, slip a book into Ginny Weasley's ____________________. After being blocked from entering
Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross railway station, Harry and Ron take the car to Hogwarts. There, they crash into the Whomping
Willow, breaking Ron's ____________________, and receive detention.

In detention, Harry hears a strange voice and later finds caretaker Argus Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, ____________________ beside a message written in
blood: "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir... beware." One of Hogwarts' founders, Salazar Slytherin, supposedly constructed
a secret Chamber containing a monster that only his heir can control, capable of ______________________ the school of Muggle-born students. To
solve this mystery, Harry, Ron, and Hermione plan to question Malfoy, using polyjuice potion, which they brew in a bathroom haunted by Moaning
Myrtle, a _____________________.

During a Quidditch game, Harry's arm is broken by a rogue Bludger. Dobby visits him in the infirmary and reveals that he closed the barrier to Platform
Nine and Three-Quarters and made the Bludger chase Harry to force him to leave the school. He also reveals that the Chamber had been opened in the
past. When Harry communicates with a _____________________, the school believes he is the _______________________. Disguised as two of
Malfoy’s friends, Harry and Ron learn he is not the heir, but come to know that a Muggle-born girl died when the Chamber was last opened. Harry
finds an enchanted ____________________ owned by former student Tom Riddle, who opened the Chamber and blamed Rubeus Hagrid, leading to his
expulsion. When the diary is stolen and Hermione is petrified, Harry and Ron question Hagrid. Professor Dumbledore, Minister of Magic Cornelius
Fudge, and Lucius arrive to take Hagrid to Azkaban, but he discreetly tells the boys to "follow the ______________________". In the Forbidden Forest,
Harry and Ron meet Hagrid's giant pet spider, Aragog, who reveals Hagrid's innocence.

A book page in Hermione's hand identifies the monster as a _____________________, a giant serpent that kills people who make direct eye contact
with it; the petrified victims only saw it indirectly. The school staff learns Ginny has been taken into the Chamber, and nominate Lockhart to save her.
Harry and Ron find Lockhart preparing to flee, exposing him as _____________________. Deducing that Myrtle was the Muggle-born girl that the
basilisk killed, they find the Chamber's entrance in the bathroom she haunts. Once inside, Lockhart tries to stop Harry and Ron by using a memory
charm. However, because he seized Ron's broken wand, the spell backfires, erasing Lockhart's ______________________ and causing a cave-in that
separates Harry from Ron and Lockhart.

Harry enters the Chamber alone and finds Ginny unconscious, guarded by Riddle. Riddle turns out to be Slytherin's heir and Voldemort's younger self.
He used the diary to manipulate Ginny into reopening the Chamber. After Harry expresses his loyalty to Dumbledore, the latter's pet phoenix Fawkes
arrives with the Sorting Hat, causing Riddle to summon the basilisk. Fawkes _____________________ the basilisk, and the Sorting Hat produces the
Sword of Gryffindor, with which Harry battles the basilisk. After a struggle, he kills it but is poisoned by one of its ______________________.

Despite his injury, Harry stabs the diary with the basilisk fang, destroying Riddle and reviving Ginny. Fawkes' tears heal Harry, who returns to Hogwarts
with his friends and a baffled Lockhart, earning Dumbledore's praise and Hagrid's release. Harry accuses Lucius, Dobby's master, of planting the diary
in Ginny's cauldron, and tricks him into ______________________ Dobby. The basilisk's victims are healed, Hermione reunites with Harry and Ron,
and Hagrid is released from Azkaban.

Task 3: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the film



Task 3: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the film



Task 3: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the film



Task 3: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the film



Task 3: Look at the pictures and describe some moments from the film



Task 1
1) Looking through his photo album
2) Dobby
3) Gilderoy Lockhart
4) Mrs. Norris was the first to be petrified during Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Mrs. Norris was caretaker Argus Filch’s cat.
5) The Basilisk was placed into the Chamber by one of Hogwarts’ founders, Salazar Slytherin.
6) In the girls bathroom
7) Hagrid
8) Chamber Of Secrets was last opened 50 years ago.
9) Ginny Weasley
10) A basilisk
11) Lucius Malfoy
12) Hermione Granger is the one who casts the spell to save Harry. She cast the ‘Finite Incantatem’ to destroy the bludger and saves the day.
13) Lockhart tries to mend Harry's broken arm and ends up removing the bone altogether.
14) With a sock
15) Their tears have healing powers

Task 2
Spending the summer with the Dursleys, Harry Potter meets Dobby, a house-elf who warns him that it is dangerous to return to Hogwarts. Dobby sabotages an important
dinner for the Dursleys, who lock up Harry to prevent his return to Hogwarts. Harry's friend Ron Weasley and his brothers Fred and George rescue him in their father's
flying car.

In Diagon Alley, Harry, the Weasleys and Hermione Granger notice a book-signing by Gilderoy Lockhart, Hogwarts' new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. There,
Harry sees Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius, slip a book into Ginny Weasley's cauldron. After being blocked from entering Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at King's Cross
railway station, Harry and Ron take the car to Hogwarts. There, they crash into the Whomping Willow, breaking Ron's wand, and receive detention.

In detention, Harry hears a strange voice and later finds caretaker Argus Filch's cat, Mrs Norris, petrified beside a message written in blood: "The Chamber of Secrets has
been opened, enemies of the heir... beware." One of Hogwarts' founders, Salazar Slytherin, supposedly constructed a secret Chamber containing a monster that only his
heir can control, capable of purging the school of Muggle-born students. To solve this mystery, Harry, Ron, and Hermione plan to question Malfoy, using polyjuice potion,
which they brew in a bathroom haunted by Moaning Myrtle, a ghost.

During a Quidditch game, Harry's arm is broken by a rogue Bludger. Dobby visits him in the infirmary and reveals that he closed the barrier to Platform Nine and Three-
Quarters and made the Bludger chase Harry to force him to leave the school. He also reveals that the Chamber had been opened in the past. When Harry communicates
with a snake, the school believes he is the heir. Disguised as two of Malfoy’s friends, Harry and Ron learn he is not the heir, but come to know that a Muggle-born girl
died when the Chamber was last opened. Harry finds an enchanted diary owned by former student Tom Riddle, who opened the Chamber and blamed Rubeus Hagrid,
leading to his expulsion. When the diary is stolen and Hermione is petrified, Harry and Ron question Hagrid. Professor Dumbledore, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge,
and Lucius arrive to take Hagrid to Azkaban, but he discreetly tells the boys to "follow the spiders". In the Forbidden Forest, Harry and Ron meet Hagrid's giant pet spider,
Aragog, who reveals Hagrid's innocence.

A book page in Hermione's hand identifies the monster as a basilisk, a giant serpent that kills people who make direct eye contact with it; the petrified victims only saw it
indirectly. The school staff learns Ginny has been taken into the Chamber, and nominate Lockhart to save her. Harry and Ron find Lockhart preparing to flee, exposing
him as a fraud. Deducing that Myrtle was the Muggle-born girl that the basilisk killed, they find the Chamber's entrance in the bathroom she haunts. Once inside,
Lockhart tries to stop Harry and Ron by using a memory charm. However, because he seized Ron's broken wand, the spell backfires, erasing Lockhart's memory and
causing a cave-in that separates Harry from Ron and Lockhart.

Harry enters the Chamber alone and finds Ginny unconscious, guarded by Riddle. Riddle turns out to be Slytherin's heir and Voldemort's younger self. He used the diary to
manipulate Ginny into reopening the Chamber. After Harry expresses his loyalty to Dumbledore, the latter's pet phoenix Fawkes arrives with the Sorting Hat, causing
Riddle to summon the basilisk. Fawkes blinds the basilisk, and the Sorting Hat produces the Sword of Gryffindor, with which Harry battles the basilisk. After a struggle, he
kills it but is poisoned by one of its fangs.

Despite his injury, Harry stabs the diary with the basilisk fang, destroying Riddle and reviving Ginny. Fawkes' tears heal Harry, who returns to Hogwarts with his friends
and a baffled Lockhart, earning Dumbledore's praise and Hagrid's release. Harry accuses Lucius, Dobby's master, of planting the diary in Ginny's cauldron, and tricks him
into freeing Dobby. The basilisk's victims are healed, Hermione reunites with Harry and Ron, and Hagrid is released from Azkaban.


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