02 Aattachment Manual Const-SV SSIDP JAN-2014

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Attachment 1

Measuring Method of Soil Moisture in the Field

Attachment 1

Measuring Method of Soil Moisture in the Field

In order to measure the soil moisture of borrow materials and embankment

materials, it is recommended to apply the “Frying Pan Method” owing to its simple
and quick testing procedures. An explanation of this method is given as below.

Step Testing Explanation

1 Equipment 1. Small Frying Pan

2. Balance or Weighing Machine

( possible to weigh in 0.1g order) x1

3. Spirit Lamp or Burner

2 Check of Frying A weight of frying pan shall be checked.

Pan Weight

Weight of Frying Pan = Wf

3 Weighing of A weight of sampled earthfilling material soil with the Frying Pan shall be
Material Soil checked using the Balance/Weighing Machine. A net weight of the material
with Frying Pan soil is calculated as the following formula:

Weight of Soil = Wws =(Total Weight) - (Weight of Frying Pan=Wf)

4 Drying Material A Material soil on the Frying Pan shall be dried

Soil on the using a Spirit Lump or Burner until the material 1st drying
Frying Pan using becomes a completely dry condition.
a Spirit Lump or

5 Weighing of A weight of the above dried material with the Frying Pan shall be checked
Dried Material with the Balance. A net weight of dried soil material is calculated as the
Soil with Frying following formula:

Weight of Dried Soil = Wds =(Total Weight) - (Weight of Frying Pan(Wf))

6 Re-heating In order to check the above weighing result of dried material soil, the
Material Soil on material soil shall be re-heated using Spirit Lump or Burner for
the Frying Pan a few minutes. Re-heating
using a Spirit
Lump or Burner

Attachment 1

Step Testing Explanation

7 Weighing of Re- A re-heated material soil with the Frying Pan shall be weighed. If the
heated Material weight of such material is same with the previous weighing result, the dried
Soil with Frying weight of material soil is conceived as Wds. If the weight of material still
Pan again decreases, the further drying procedure shall be continued until the weight
of material becomes constant.

= decrease

return to Step 6
= constant

Dried Soil Weight =


proceed to Step 8

8 Estimation of The moisture content of the material soil shall be estimated using the
Moisture Content following formula:
of the Material
Soil (Wws  Wds)
(Moisture Content of Soil) =
9 Evaluation of If a moisture content of the material soil is within the specified range ( ±
Measuring 5 % of the optimum moisture content), the material can be used for the
Results embankment/earthfilling works; otherwise further wetting or drying
treatment for the material is required until its moisture content satisfies
the above range.

Attachment 2
Sample Calculation for
Concrete Mix Design for Type-A Concrete
Attachment 2

Sample Calculation for Concrete Mix Design for Type-A Concrete

(1) Conditions

Type of Maximum Fineness Water Specified Air Fine Unit

Concrete Size of Modulus of Fine /Cement Slump Content Aggregate Water
Coarse Aggregate Ratio Content Weight
Aggregate (FM) (W/C) (s/a) (W)
specified 40 mm 2.75 50 % 8 cm 1% 35 % 150 kg
targeted 40 mm 2.95 50 % 9 cm 1% 35 % 150 kg
Note : bold face indicates items to be adjusted (refer to (2) Initial Adjustment).

(2) Initial Adjustment

The initial adjustment shall be made for s/a (fine aggregate content) and W (unit
water weight) based on the adjustment factor in Table 5.3(see page 5-25) because of
variation of FM (fineness modulus) and Slump Height from the specified standard
condition in this case. A process for adjustment is as follows:
+1.2% adjustment of W is required because of 10 cm variation of slump based on Table 5.1.

Comments W/C Slump FM Adjustment s/a Adjustment Unit

of s/a of W Water
(%) (kg) Weight
specified 50 % 8 cm 2.75 --- 35 % --- 150 kg

1st 50 % 9 cm 2.75 no adjustment 35 % +1cm x 1.2% x 150 kg 150 kg

adjustment (+1 cm) = +1.80 kg + 2.0 kg =
by Slump say +2.0 kg 152 kg
2nd 50 % 9 cm 2.95 (+0.2 %/0.1%) x 35 % no adjustment 152 kg
adjustment (+0.2) 0.5 % = + 1.0 % +1.0% =
by FM 36 %

+0.5% adjustment of s/a is required because of 0.1 % variation of FM based on Table 5.1.

(3) Calculation of Required Material Volume for Trial Mixing (for 1 m3 concrete)

Material Weight of Material Volume of Material

(kg) (m3)
Weight and Volume of Water 152 kg 152/(1 x 1000) = 0.152 m3
specific gravity of
Weight and Volume of Cement 152 kg/50 % = 304 kg 304/(3.15 x 1000) = 0.097 m3

Unit weight of cement

Weight and Volume of Air --- 1.0 % x 1 m3 = 0.010 m3

Total 152 kg + 304 kg = 456 kg 0.152 + 0.097 + 0.010 = 0.250 m3

(continued to the next page)

Material Weight of Material Volume of Material

Attachment 2

(kg) (m3)
Weight and Volume of Total 1.0 m3- 0.250 m3 = 0.750 m3
Weight and Volume of Fine 0.750 m3 x 36 % = 0.270 m3
Adjusted s/a (fine aggregate content)

Unit weight of fine aggregate

1000 x 0.270 x 2.62 = 707 kg
Weight and Volume of Coarse 0.750 m3 - 0.270 m3 = 0.480 m3
Unit weight of coarse aggregate
1000 x 0.480 x 2.64 = 1,267 kg
Grand Total 152 kg + 304 kg + 707 kg + 1,267 kg 0.250 + 0.270 + 0.480 = 1.000 m3
= 2,430 kg

(4) Adjustment for Concrete Mixing Volume

The above material volume calculated for 1 m3 concrete must be proportionally
adjusted to the concrete volume of trial mixing. If the one batch of the trial mixing is
0.020 m3, the above required material is adjusted as follows:

Material Adjustment Results

Fine Aggregate 707 kg x 0.020 = 14.14 kg

Coarse Aggregate 1,267 kg x 0.020 = 25.34 kg

Water 152 kg x 0.020 = 3.04 kg

Cement 304 kg x 0.020 = 6.08 kg

Total 2,430 kg 48.60 kg

(4a) Adjustment for Surface Water Content of Aggregate for the Actual Mixing

In case that the aggregates contain some surface water, the water volume to be used for the trial mixing
must be decreased by the volume of such surface water. If the surface water content of fine and coarse
aggregates is measured at 4 % and 0.2 % respectively, the adjustment of water volume is calculated as

Material Adjustment Results

Fine Aggregate 14.14 kg x 1.04 = 14.71 kg (weight of fine aggregate)
14.14 kg x 0.04 = 0.57 kg (weight of water)

Coarse Aggregate 25.34 kg x 1.002 = 25.39 kg (weight of coarse aggregate)

25.34 kg x 0.002 = 0.05 kg (weight of water :)

Water 3.04 kg - 0.57 kg - 0.05 kg = 2.42 kg

Cement 6.08 kg

(5) Adjustment based on the Results of the Trial Mixing Results

After the trial mixing, a slump, an air content and a unit weight of concrete must be
measured for adjustment of material mix proportion of concrete. If those values are
measured at 11 cm, 1.5 % and 2,350 kg/m3 respectively, the adjustment of material
volume is calculated as follows:
To the next page

(a) Adjustment for Unit Concrete Weight

Attachment 2
From the previous page

Item Adjustment Results

Adjusted Concrete Volume = 48.60 kg / 2,350 kg/m3 = 0.0207 m3
(total weight of material)/(unit
weight of concrete)
Unit Fine Aggregate Weight 14.14 kg / 0.0207 = 683 kg
Unit Coarse Aggregate Weight 25.34 kg / 0.0207 = 1,224 kg
Unit Water Weight 3.04 kg / 0.0207 = 147 kg
Unit Cement Weight 6.08 kg/ 0.0207 = 294 kg

(b) Adjustment for Slump and Air Content

Material Adjustment Calculation Adjusted Weight Volume

Water 1) adjustment for air content 147 kg x 3 % x (-0.5%/-1.0%)= + 2.2 kg
of -0.5 %
See Table 5.1
(= 1.0 % - 1.5 %)
Targeted Measured Value (see the previous page)
2) adjustment for slum -2 cm - slump will be decreased by -1.25 cm (=-2.5
(see the (= 9 cm - 11 cm) cm x (-0.5%/-1.0%): see Table 5.1)due to
page adjustment for air content, therefore, the
A2-1) required adjustment for slump is;
-2 cm - (-1.25 cm) = - 0.75 cm
147 kg x 0.012 x (-0.75cm/-1.0cm) =
-1.3 kg 147 + 2.2 - 1.3 =
148 kg
0.148 m3

Cement = Water/(WC Ratio) 148 kg / 50 % = 296 kg 296 / (3.15 x 1000) =

0.094 m3

Air Content 0.01 m3

(Targeted Value)

Total = 1.0 m3 - Volume of (Water 1.0 m3 - 0.148 m3 - 0.094 m3- 0.01 m3 0.748 m3
Aggregate + Cement + Air) =

Fine 0.748 x s/a (= 36 %) =

Aggregate 0.269 m3

= Total Aggregate x s/a 0.269 x 2.62 x 1,000 = 705 kg

Coarse Unit weight of fine aggregate 0.748 x (1 - s/a) =

Aggregate 0.748 x 0.64 =
0.479 m3
= Total Aggregate x (1 - s/a) 0.479 x 2.64 x 1000 = 1,265 kg

Total 2,414 kg
Unit weight of coarse aggregate

The adjustment for material proportion for concrete and the succeeding re-trial
mixing shall be done until a satisfaction of the specified slump and air content of the

Attachment 2

(6) Field Adjustment

If the material mix proportion of concrete is determined by the above trial mixing,
this concrete mix design must be further adjusted in the respective construction
fields based on the actual condition of the aggregate in the field.

In case that a use of 705 kg/m3 of fine aggregate and 1,265 kg/m3 of coarse
aggregate is specified by the trial mixing, and a condition of the respective aggregates
are measured as shown in Table (a), the field adjustment of mix proportion is made by
the trial-and-error-method which is shown in Table (b) as follows:

Table (a) Field Condition of Aggregates

(results of sieve analysis and measurement of surface water content)
Size of Aggregate Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate
0 ~ 5 mm 96 % 5%
5 ~ 40 mm 4% 95 %
Surface Water Content 3.5 % 0.9 %

Table (b) Sample Adjustment Calculation in the Field

(design mix : fine aggregate = 705 kg, coarse aggregate = 1265 kg, water = 148 kg, cement = 296 kg: see previous page)
Size of Fine Coarse 1st Trial 2nd Trial 3rd Trial
Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate
0 ~ 5 mm 96 % 5% 5% x 1265kg = 63kg 5% x 1303kg = 65kg 5% x 1303kg = 65kg
705kg - 63kg = 642kg 705kg - 65kg = 640kg 705kg - 65kg = 640kg
642kg / 96% = 669kg 640kg / 96% = 667kg 640kg / 96% = 667kg

5 ~ 40 mm 4% 95 % 4% x 669kg = 27kg 4% x 667kg = 27kg 4% x 667kg = 27kg

1265kg - 27kg = 1238kg 1265kg - 27kg = 1238kg 1265kg - 27kg = 1238kg
1238kg / 95% = 1303kg 1238kg / 95% = 1303kg 1238kg / 95% = 1303kg

Total 100 % 100 %

1970 kg = 705 kg 1265 kg Design Mix
1972 kg = 669 kg 1303 kg 1st Trial
1970 kg = 667 kg 1303 kg 2nd Trial
1970 kg = 667 kg 1303 kg 3rd Trial

Surface 3.5 % 0.9 % Sand 667 kg x 1.035 = 690 kg

Water Gravel 1303kg x 1.009 = 1314 kg

Weight of 690 kg 1314 kg (final adjustment results)

Adjusted 667 kg x 0.035 = 23 kg (surface water of fine

Weight of aggregate)
Water 1303 kg x 0.009 = 12 kg
for (surface water of coarse
Surface 111 kg 146 kg -23 kg -12 kg = 111 kg aggregate)

Attachment 3
Checking Form for Embankment Works
Checking Form for Embankment Works
by Manual
Attachment 3

I. Material Excavation and Stockpiling Work at Borrow Pit (for Equipment Works)

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Stripping of Top Soil
a removed all obstacles?
b disposed the stripped soil properly ?
c depth of stripping (0.20 ~ 0.50 m)

2 Excavation of Soil Material at Borrow Pit

a different material stocked separately ?
b checked usability of material ?
c checked moisture content of material ?
d appropriate moisture content ?
( +/- 5 % of the optimum moisture content )

3 Stockpiling
a moisture content adjusted ?
b surface of stockpile compacted ?

4 Adjustment of Moisture Content of Stockpiled

(if drier than specified range)
a1 spreading stockpile properly (20 cm) ?
b1 sprayed water for material ?
c1 mixing material ?
d1 checked moisture content ?
e1 appropriate moisture content ?

(if wetter than specified range)

a2 spreading stockpile properly (20 cm) ?
b2 drying material (4 ~ 6 hours)?
c2 mixing material ?
d3 checked moisture content ?
e3 appropriate moisture content ?

Attachment 3


Attachment 3

II. Material Embankment Work (for Equipment Works)

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Stripping of Top Soil
a removed all obstacles?
b disposed the stripped soil properly ?
c depth of stripping (0.20 ~ 0.50 m)
d foundation with sufficient bearing capacity ?

2-1 Treatment of Foundation

(if foundation too dry)
a1 sprayed water for foundation ?
b1 disturbed foundation surface ?

(if foundation too wet)

a2 dried foundation ?
b2 disturbed foundation surface ?

(1st layer)
3-1 Spreading Embankment Material
a use of measuring pole ?
b spreading thickness 30 cm +/- 3 cm ?
c spreading width with 10 ~ 30 cm extra
embankment ?
4-1 Compaction of Embankment Material
a passage of compactor more than 5 times ?
b provided 5 % slope for surface ?

(1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th or _______ layer)

2-2 1st layer Treatment
(if last layer too dry)
a1 sprayed water for last layer ?
b1 disturbed last layer surface ?

(if last layer too wet)

a2 dried last layer ?
b2 disturbed last layer surface ?

3-2 Spreading Embankment Material

b spreading thickness 30 cm +/- 3 cm ?
c spreading width with 10 ~ 30 cm extra
embankment ?
4-2 Compaction of Embankment Material
a passage of compactor more than 5 times ?
b provision of 5 % slope for embankment
surface ?
5 Provision of Extra Embankment
a provision of 10 ~ 20 cm extra embankment ?

Attachment 3


Attachment 3

III.Material Excavation and Stockpiling Work at Borrow Pit (for Manual Works)

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Stripping of Top Soil
a removed all obstacles?
b disposed the stripped soil properly ?
c depth of stripping (0.20 m)

2 Excavation of Soil Material at Borrow Pit

a different material stocked separately ?
b checked usability of material ?
c checked moisture content of material ?
d appropriate moisture content ?
( +/- 5 % of the optimum moisture content )

3 Stockpiling
a adjusted moisture of material ?
b no influence of rainfall to stockpile or
prepared some protection sheet ?
4 Adjustment of Moisture Content of Stockpiled
(if drier than specified range)
a1 spreading stockpile properly (20 cm) ?
b1 sprayed water for material ?
c1 mixed material ?
d1 checked moisture content ?
e1 appropriate moisture content ?

(if wetter than specified range)

a2 spreading stockpile properly (20 cm) ?
b2 dried material (4 ~ 6 hours)?
c2 mixed material ?
d2 checked moisture content ?
e2 appropriate moisture content ?

Attachment 3


Attachment 3

IV. Material Embankment Work (for Manual Works)

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Stripping of Top Soil
a removed all obstacles?
b disposed the stripped soil properly ?
c depth of stripping (0.20 m)
d foundation with sufficient bearing capacity ?

2-1 Treatment of Foundation

(if foundation too dry)
a1 sprayed water for foundation ?
b1 disturbed foundation surface ?

(if foundation too wet)

a2 dried foundation ?
b2 disturbed foundation surface ?
(1st layer)
3-1 Spreading Embankment Material
a use of measuring pole ?
b spreading thickness 7 ~10 cm ?
c spreading width with 10 ~ 30 cm extra
embankment ?
4-1 Compaction of Embankment Material
a passage of hand compactor more than 10
times ? provided 5 % slope for surface ?
b provided 5 % slope for surface ?

(1st or 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th or _______ layer)

2-2 1st layer Treatment
(if last layer too dry)
a1 sprayed water for last layer ?
b1 disturbed last layer surface ?

(if last layer too wet)

a2 dried last layer ?
b2 disturbed last layer surface ?

3-2 Spreading Embankment Material

b spreading thickness 7 ~ 10 cm ?
c spreading width with 10 ~ 30 cm extra
embankment ?
4-2 Compaction of Embankment Material
a passage of hand compactor more than 10
times ?
b provision of 5 % slope for embankment
surface ?
5 Provision of Extra Embankment
a provision of 10 ~ 20 cm extra embankment ?

Attachment 3


Attachment 4
Checking Form for Concrete Works
Attachment 4

I. Pre-Placement Work

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Water
a free from impurities ?

2 Fine Aggregate
a washed and stored for at least 72 hours before use ?
b stored with some covering sheet and/or under the shelter ?
c stored with an appropriate drainage facility ?
d stored at separate place with coarse aggregate ?
e sieved by 5 mm sieve before use ?
f measured surface water content ?
( surface moisture test twice a day)

3 Coarse Aggregate
a washed and stored for at least 48 hours before use ?
b stored with some covering sheet and/or under the shelter ?
c stored with an appropriate drainage facility ?
d stored at separate place with fine aggregate ?
e sieved by 40 or 80 mm sieve before use ?
f measured surface water content ?
( surface moisture test twice a day)

4 Cement
a ordinal Portland cement ?
b stored less than 3 months ?
c stored in the ventilated ware-house ?
d ware house with 30 cm elevated floor from the ground ?
e stored not contacted with the wall ?

5 Form Work
a forms properly braced ?
b forms sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar ?
c acceptable tolerance in dimension ?
d acceptable tolerance in elevation ?
e the inside of forms clean ?
f approved coating materials on forms ?
g waterstops properly furnished ?
h joint of waterstops fastened together ?
i moistened forms before placement of concrete ?

6 Reinforcement Bars Placing

a reinforcement bars placed in accordance with drawings ?
b lap joint length enough ?
c reinforcement bars fasten together ?
d reinforcement bars free of mud, oil grease and/or other
contaminant ?
e placed all embedded material properly ?

Attachment 4


Attachment 4

II. Concrete Mixing, Placing and Post-Placement Work

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Preparation for Mixing
a adjusted mix proportion according to surface water of
aggregates ?

2 Concrete Mixing Work

a the inside of mixer clean ?
b proper mix proportion of materials ?
c proper putting order of material ?
( water - aggregate - cement - water )
d no use of 1st batch ?
e proper mixing time (around 1.5 minutes) ?
f slump within specified range ?
( twice a day )
g sampling for compression test ?
( 4 specimens each for respective work lots or structural

3 Concrete Placing Work

a concrete placement immediately after mixing ?
b no use of inclined chute ?
c maximum concrete free fall less than 1.5 m ?
d no segregation of concrete ?
e no horizontal movement of concrete ?
f proper concrete placement direction ?
( backward direction )
g thickness of one layer for compaction about 25 ~ 30 cm ?
h back-up vibrator on site or at least 2 sets of vibrator on site ?
j penetrate vibrator to the previous layer by 15 cm ?
k max. vibrating time at one position less than 15 sec. ?
l interval time for construction joint less than 2 hours ?
m construction joint free from laitance ?
n put the mortar with thickness 15mm in the case of more
than 2 hours interval time for construction joint ?

4 Post Placement Work

a moisten form for curing ?
b covered by wet sheet for curing ?
c curing at least 36 hours ?
d removal of forms after 4 days of concrete placement in case
of side support ?
e removal of forms after 7 days of concrete placement in case
of bottom support ?
f concrete compression test satisfied the specified strength ?

Attachment 4


Attachment 5
Checking Form for Wet Stone Masonry Works
Attachment 5

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Water
a free from impurities ?

2 Sand
a washed before use ?
b free from the organic matters and other
contamination ?
c sieved by 5 mm sieve before use ?

3 Stone
a free from crack/seam ?
b appropriate max. stone size (40cm and 2/3 of
wall thickness) ?

4 Placing of Masonry
a proper cement/sand mix proportion for joint
mortar ( 1 : 4 ) ?
b moistened stones before use ?
c compaction of joint mortar using trowel sufficiently ?
d hitting and consolidation of stone by steel hammer ?
e width of joints in face stone not exceeding 3 cm ?
f sufficient thickness of masonry wall and/or lining ?

5 Pointing of Surface Joint Mortar

a chipped the joint mortar to a depth of 3 cm ?
b proper cement/sand mix proportion of mortar for
plastering/pointing ( 1 : 2 ) ?
c cleaned the surface of joint mortar using wire brush ?
d sufficient filling of surface joint mortar ?

Attachment 5


Attachment 6
Checking Form for Canal Works
Attachment 6
no. :
date :
checked by canal :



1 Canal Embankment and Excavation Works
a execution of and check by cross section
survey ?
b sufficient compaction for embankment ?
c no hole and/or crack in the embankment ?
d no side slope sliding ?
e surfacing for canal slope ?
f no debris and/or obstacles in the canal ?
g no remaining excavation ?
h sufficient sod facing work and/or slope
protection work ?
i excavation of side ditch ?
j no water leakage from canal ?
k no remaining disposal soil around canal ?
l no excavation hole or borrow pit hole
around canal ?

2 Inspection Road
a flat surface of inspection road ?
b sufficient compaction for gravel metaling ?
c sufficient width of gravel metaling ?
d sufficient thickness of gravel metaling ?
e no inclusion of organic matter and
vegetables ?

3 Masonry Lining Works ( if any )

a acceptable quality of masonry ?
b no crack in the lining ?
c proper thickness of masonry wall ?
d no water leakage ?
e execution of and check by cross section
survey ?

Taken or not
1 before stripping
2 after stripping
3 adjustment work of moisture content
4 embankment works layer No. ________
5 embankment works layer No. ________
6 masonry works
7 completion condition

Attachment 6


Attachment 7
Checking Form for In-situ Canal Lining Works
Attachment 7

I. Pre-placement Works (Foundation Trimming and Installation of Weep Holes)

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Trimming Work of Lining Foundation
a properly placed batter board?
b undulation of trimmed soil surface within tolerance?
(within +/-5 cm from the design)
c elevation of trimmed canal bottom within tolerance?
(within +/-5 cm from the design)
d canal width within tolerance?
(within +/-5 cm from the design)
e side form for concrete properly installed?
f properly dug holes for weeps?
g properly filled or spread filter materials for weep hole?
h material and fabrication of weep holes acceptable?
i properly spread plastic sheets?

Attachment 7


Attachment 7

II. Pre-Placement Work (Concreting Works)

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Water
a free from impurities ?

2 Fine Aggregate
a washed and stored for at least 72 hours before use ?
b stored with some covering sheet and/or under the shelter ?
c stored with an appropriate drainage facility ?
d stored at separate place with coarse aggregate ?
e sieved by 5 mm sieve before use ?
f measured surface water content ?
( surface moisture test twice a day)

3 Coarse Aggregate
a washed and stored for at least 48 hours before use ?
b stored with some covering sheet and/or under the shelter ?
c stored with an appropriate drainage facility ?
d stored at separate place with fine aggregate ?
e sieved by 40 mm sieve before use ?
f measured surface water content ?
( surface moisture test twice a day)

4 Cement
a ordinal Portland cement ?
b stored less than 3 months ?
c stored in the ventilated ware-house ?
d ware house with 30 cm elevated floor from the ground ?
e stored not contacted with the wall ?

5 Form Work
a forms properly braced ?
b forms sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar ?
c acceptable tolerance in dimension ?
d acceptable tolerance in elevation ?
e the inside of forms clean ?
f approved coating materials on forms ?
g waterstops properly furnished ? (if any)
h moistened forms before placement of concrete ?

6 Reinforcement Bars Placing

a reinforcement bars placed in accordance with drawings ?
b lap joint length enough ?
c reinforcement bars fasten together ?
d reinforcement bars free of mud, oil grease and/or other
contaminant ?
e placed all embedded material properly ?

Attachment 7


Attachment 7

III. Concrete Mixing, Placing and Post-Placement Work

no. :
date :
supervised by place :

1 Preparation for Mixing
a adjusted mix proportion according to surface water of
aggregates ?

2 Concrete Mixing Work

a the inside of mixer clean ?
b proper mix proportion of materials ?
c proper putting order of material ?
( water - aggregate - cement - water )
d no use of 1st batch ?
e proper mixing time (around 1.5 minutes) ?
f slump within specified range ?
( twice a day )
g sampling for compression test ?
( 4 specimens each for specified work volume or time)

3 Concrete Placing Work

a concrete placement immediately after mixing ?
b no use of inclined chute ?
c maximum concrete free fall less than 1.5 m ?
d no segregation of concrete ?
e no horizontal movement of concrete ?
f proper concrete placement direction ?
( backward direction )
g back-up vibrator on site or at least 2 sets of vibrator on site ?
h max. vibrating time at one position less than 15 sec. ?
j interval time for construction joint less than 2 hours ?
k construction joint free from laitance ?
l construction joint free from laitance ?
m properly leveled lining surface before finishing by trowel?
n properly finished by trowel?
o properly provided the lining grooves?
p properly filled the joint filler into the lining groove?

4 Post Placement Work

a moisten form for curing ?
b covered by wet sheet for curing ?
c curing at least 36 hours ?
d removal of forms after 4 days of concrete placement in case
of side support ?
e concrete compression test satisfied the specified strength ?
f no crack in the lining?
g proper thickness of lining wall?
h no water leakage?
i checked by cross section survey?

Attachment 7


Attachment 8
Checking Form for Structure Works
A B C D E F place
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
checked by
EL7 Photograph
Items taken or not
EL1 1 before works
EL10 EL13 EL16 2 under construction
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION C - C) (SECTION F - F) 3 completion
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 W7 W13 W12L W12 W12R W14 4
EL2 EL3 EL8 EL9 EL17 EL18 5
H1 H6 7
EL1 EL7 EL16
W5 W4 W6 EL11 EL12 W10 W9 W11
EL5 EL6 EL14 EL15
H2 H5

EL4 EL10 EL13

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 furnished all appurtenances already ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 OK not OK
2. Crest 2. Crest 2. Crest
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L4 OK not OK +/-5cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the masonry wall ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the broad crest/stilling basin ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 no piping in the foundation of broad crest weir ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 furnished measuring plate ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 no debris in the inside of broad crest/stilling basin ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others

Attachment 8
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL15 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL16 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL17 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL18 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
13 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 place

checked by
EL1 Items taken or not
EL4 EL7 EL10 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION D - D) 2 under construction
W1 3 gate installation
EL2 EL3 W7 W6L W6 W6R W8 4 completion
EL11 EL12 5
H1 (SECTION B - B) H4 6
EL1 7
W5 W6 W4 W3L W3 W3R W5

H2 EL8 EL9
D H3


Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK

OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 furnished block-out for stop log properly ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 no piping in the foundation ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 OK not OK
2. Gate Portion 2. Gate Portion 2. Gate Portion
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the masonry wall ? OK not OK
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the turnout bottom ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 gate furnished properly ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 no leakage of gate ? OK not OK
W2 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no heavy friction for gate operation ? OK not OK
D OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 furnished operation deck for gate ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 no debris in the inside of turnout ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 furnished all appurtenances already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others

Attachment 8
L8 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L9 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
L10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W3L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W3R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 furnished all appurtenances already ? OK not OK
W6L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 furnished riprap already ? OK not OK
W6R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 11 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 12 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm

A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 place

checked by
Items taken or not
EL1 EL4 EL7 EL11 EL15 EL18 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION C - C) (SECTION F - F) W14 W13L W13 W13R W15 2 under construction
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 W8 W7 W9 EL19 EL20 3 gate installation
EL2 EL3 EL9 EL10 4 completion
H1 H7 5
H3 6
EL1 EL7 EL8 EL18 7


W11 W10 W12
EL13 EL14
W5 W4 W6
EL5 EL6 H5 EL16 EL17
H2 H4
EL4 EL15
EL11 EL12

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 furnished all appurtenances already ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 furnished block-out for stop log properly ? OK not OK
2. Check Gate Portion 2. Check Gate Portion 2. Check Gate Portion
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the masonry wall ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the check gate bottom ? OK not OK
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 gate furnished properly ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 no leakage of gate ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 7 no heavy friction for gate operation ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 8 furnished operation deck for gate ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 no debris in the inside of check structure ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 furnished all appurtenances already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 no piping in the foundation of check structure ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others

Attachment 8
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL15 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L8 OK not OK +/-5 cm H7 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL16 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
L9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL17 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL18 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL19 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL20 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W13L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W13R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
W15 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
13 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 place
checked by
Items taken or not
EL1 EL4 EL7 EL10 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION C - C) (SECTION F - F) 2 under construction
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 EL6 W7 EL5 W13 W12L W12R W14 3 before backfilling pipe
EL2 EL3 EL11 W12 EL12 4 completion
H1 H6 5
D H3 6
EL1 EL4 EL10 7
W5 W4 W6 W8 W10 W9 W11

H4 H5


Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK

W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK

W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with culvert pipe ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
2. Culvert Pipe 2. Culvert Pipe 2. Culvert Pipe
2-1 Width 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the retaining wall ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the concrete of pipe culvert ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 no debris in the culvert pipe ? OK not OK
D OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 complete earthfilling work for road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 gravel metaling already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 handrail furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 temporary diversion/bridge facility already demolished ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with the existing road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the out let bottom ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with culvert pipe ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
A L1 L2 B L3 L4 L5 place
checked by
Items taken or not
EL1 EL4 EL7 EL10 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION C - C) (SECTION F - F) 2 under construction
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 W7 W13 W12L W12 W12R W14 3 before backfilling pipe
EL2 EL3 EL6 EL5 EL11 EL12 4 completion
D1 D2 5
H1 EL4 H3 H6 6
EL1 EL10 7
W5 W4 W6 W8 W10 W9 W11

H2 H4 H5

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with culvert pipe ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
2. Culvert Pipe 2. Culvert Pipe 2. Culvert Pipe
2-1 Width 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the retaining wall ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the concrete of pipe culvert ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 no debris in the culvert pipe ? OK not OK
D1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 complete earthfilling work for road ? OK not OK
D2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 gravel metaling already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 handrail furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 temporary diversion/bridge facility already demolished ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with the existing road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the out let bottom ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of the outlet ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with downstream canal ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with culvert pipe ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 place
checked by
Items taken or not
EL1 EL4 EL7 EL10 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION C - C) (SECTION F - F) 2 under construction
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 EL6 W7 EL5 W13 W12L W12 W12R W14 3 concrete placement
EL2 EL3 EL11 EL12 4 before backfilling culvert
H4 5 completion
H1 H3 H8 6
EL1 EL4 EL10 7
W5 W4 W6 W8 W10 W9 W11
H6 H7
H2 H5

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with culvert box ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
2. Culvert Box 2. Culvert Box 2. Culvert Box
2-1 Width 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 smooth concrete surface ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the culvert concrete ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 no debris in the culvert box ? OK not OK
OK not OK H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 complete earthfilling work for road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 gravel metaling or asphalt surfacing already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 handrail furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 temporary diversion/bridge facility already demolished ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with the existing road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H7 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm H8 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 smooth connection with culvert box ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 place

checked by
EL7 Photograph
EL1 EL4 (SECTION F - F) Items taken or not
EL8 EL9 EL12 W13 W12L W12 W12R W14 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) (SECTION C - C) EL 13 EL14 2 under construction
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 W7 3 completion
EL2 EL3 H6 4
H4 5
EL1 H1 EL7 EL12 6
W10 W9 W11
W5 W4 W6 W8 EL10 EL11
H2 H5


Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
2. Drop 2. Drop 2. Drop
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the masonry wall ? OK not OK
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the bottom of drop/stilling basin ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 5 no piping in the foundation of drop ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 6 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 no debris in the inside of drop/stilling basin ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others

Attachment 8
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
13 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 place

checked by
EL7 Photograph
EL1 EL4 Items taken or not
(SECTION A - A) EL8 1 before works
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 EL9 EL12 (SECTION F -F) 2 under construction
EL2 EL3 (SECTION C -C) W13 W12L W12 W12R W14 3 completion
W7 EL13 EL14 4
H1 5
EL1 EL12 H6 6
H3 7
W5 W4 W6 (SECTION D -D) W10 W9 W11
EL5 EL6 W8 EL10 EL11

H2 H5

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
2. Chute 2. Chute 2. Chute
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the masonry wall ? OK not OK
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the bottom of chute/stilling basin ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 5 no piping in the foundation of drop ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 6 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 no debris in the inside of chute/stilling basin ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others

Attachment 8
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L8 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 excavation works completed ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 surfacing and sod facing for earth slope already ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished gravel metaling for inspection road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
13 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
A L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 place

checked by
Items taken or not
EL1 EL4 EL13 1 before works
(SECTION A - A) EL7 EL10 (SECTION D - D) 2 under construction
W2 W1 W3 HW1 HW2 W12 W11L W11 W11R W13 3 completion
EL2 W1L W1R EL3 EL14 EL15 4
H1 H5 6
EL1 B1 B2 B4 B3 EL13 7


W5 W4 W6 W7 W9 W8 W10
EL5 EL6 EL8 EL9 EL11 EL12

H2 EL7 H4

EL4 EL10

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK

W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 all appurtenances already furnished ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with canal ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with aqueduct flume ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 furnished bearing material already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 appropriate size of block out for stoplog ? OK not OK
2. Flume 2. Flume 2. Flume
2-1 Width 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 smooth concrete surface ? OK not OK
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the flume concrete? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 no debris in the aqueduct flume ? OK not OK
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 4 gabion protection for river section already furnished ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 5 no leakage from joint of flume ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 6 no crack in the abutment of flume ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 no crack in the pier of flume ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 no crack in the retaining wall for abutment ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 re-shaping of river already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 handrail furnished (if any) already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 complete demolishment of temporary facility ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L8 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the out let bottom ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 masonry quality enough hard ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL15 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W11L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W11R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 smooth connection with canal ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with flume ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 11 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK

A B C D E F place
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
EL15 EL17 checked by
EL16 Photograph
Items taken or not
1 before works
EL1 EL4 EL9 EL12 2 under construction
(SECTION A - A) EL7 EL8 (SECTION F - F) 3 completion
W2 W1 W3 W13 W12L W12 W12R W14 4
EL2 W1L W1R EL3 EL13 EL14 5
H1 7
EL1 W7 W8 EL12
W5 W4 W6 W10 W9 W11
EL5 EL6 EL10 EL11
H3 H4
H2 H5

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 trash rack furnished already ? OK not OK

W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 appropriate block out for stop log installation ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 all appurtenances (steel step, hand rail, etc.) already furnished ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 OK not OK
2. Barrel 2. Barrel 2. Barrel
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 smooth concrete surface ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the barrel concrete ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL15 OK not OK +/-5 cm 3 no debris in the barrel ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL16 OK not OK +/-5 cm 4 no large head loss comparing to designed one ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK EL17 OK not OK +/-5 cm 5 no water leakage ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 6 complete backfilling for barrel ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 furnished gabion protection for crossing river already? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 re-shaping of crossing river already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 demolished temporary diversion facility already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W12L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of outlet ? OK not OK
W12R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 all appurtenances (steel step, hand rail, etc.) already furnished ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 smooth connection with the downstream canal ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 smooth connection with barrel ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 riprap furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 12 appropriate size of cobble stone for riprap (20 ~ 30 cm) ? OK not OK
A D place
L1 L2
checked by
EL1 EL7 Items taken or not
1 before works
EL2 EL4 2 under construction
H1 EL3 H2 3 concrete placement work
4 completion
B1 W4 W3 W5 B2 W7 W6 W8

W1 W9
W2 EL5 EL6 W10


Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Approaching Road (Left Side) 1. Approaching Road (Left Side) 1. Approaching Road (Left Side)
1-1 Width 1-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the guide wall ? OK not OK
W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 2 embankment works for approaching competed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 3 gravel metaling already completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 4 smooth connection with existing road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 5 smooth connection with bridge ? OK not OK

OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 6 OK not OK

OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
2. Bridge Structure 2. Bridge Structure 2. Bridge Structure
2-1 Width 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 smooth concrete surface ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the bridge concrete slab ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 furnished joint filler already ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 furnished steel joint cover already ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 asphalt surfacing already ? OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 6 no crack in the abutment of bridge ? OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK OK not OK 7 no crack in the pier of bridge ? OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 furnished slope protection for abutment ? OK not OK
B1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 no crack of slope protection wall under bridge ? OK not OK
B2 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 hand rail furnished already ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 complete demolishment of temporary bridge, etc. ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Approaching Road (Right Side) 3. Approaching Road (Right Side) 3. Approaching Road (Right Side)
3-1 Width 3-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
W9 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the guide wall ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK OK not OK 2 embankment works for approaching completed ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 3 gravel metaling already completed OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 4 smooth connection with existing road ? OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 5 smooth connection with bridge OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 6 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 7 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 8 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 9 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK 11 OK not OK
OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 place
EL16 B4 B5 EL17
B1 B2 B3 HW3 HW4 B6 B7 B8 checked by
EL15 Photograph
HW1 HW5 Items taken or not
1 before works
EL1 HW2 HW6 2 under construction
3 concrete placement work
EL4 EL7 EL8 EL9 4 completion
W2 W1L W1 W1R W3 W19 W18L W18 W18R W20 6
EL2 EL3 7
EL13 EL14
H4 H6 H10
W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 EL7 EL8 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17
W9 W11
W10 W12
H2 EL5 EL6 H3 H8 EL10 EL11 H9

Dimension Elevation Other Check Items

1. Inlet 1. Inlet 1. Inlet
1-1 Width & Length
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L1 OK not OK +/-5 cm B1 OK not OK +/-5 cm EL1 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the inlet wall ? OK not OK
L2 OK not OK +/-5 cm B2 OK not OK +/-5 cm EL2 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the inlet bottom ? OK not OK
L3 OK not OK +/-5 cm B3 OK not OK +/-5 cm EL3 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W1 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK +/-5 cm EL4 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK

W1L OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK +/-5 cm EL5 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W1R OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK +/-5 cm EL6 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W2 OK not OK +/-5 cm 1-2 Height OK not OK 7 no debris in the inside of inlet ? OK not OK
W3 OK not OK +/-5 cm HW1 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 8 smooth connection with the upstream canal ? OK not OK
W4 OK not OK +/-5 cm HW2 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 9 smooth connection with barrel ? OK not OK
W5 OK not OK +/-5 cm H1 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 10 OK not OK
W6 OK not OK +/-5 cm H2 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 11 OK not OK
W7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H3 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 11 OK not OK
W8 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 11 OK not OK
2. Barrel 2. Barrel 2. Barrel
2-1 Width & Length 2-2 Height
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L4 OK not OK +/-5 cm HW3 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL7 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 smooth concrete surface ? OK not OK
L5 OK not OK +/-5 cm HW4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL8 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the barrel concrete ? OK not OK
L6 OK not OK +/-5 cm H4 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL15 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 no debris in the barrel ? OK not OK
L7 OK not OK +/-5 cm H5 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL16 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 complete canal embankment for barrel ? OK not OK
L8 OK not OK +/-5 cm H6 OK not OK +/-1 cm EL17 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 no settlement of canal embankment ? OK not OK
L9 OK not OK +/-5 cm H7 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 6 furnished wet stone masonry for irrigation canal ? OK not OK
W9 OK not OK +/-5 cm H7 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 7 no crack in the wet stone masonry for irrigation canal ? OK not OK
W10 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 8 OK not OK
W11 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 9 OK not OK
W12 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK 10 OK not OK
B4 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
B5 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK OK not OK OK not OK
3. Outlet 3. Outlet 3. Outlet
3-1 Width & Length
Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Designed Actual Acceptable Standard Check Items Acceptable Action to be taken/Comments

Attachment 8
or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Deviation or not Demolish Repair Others
L10 OK not OK +/-5 cm B6 OK not OK +/-5 cm EL9 OK not OK +/-1 cm 1 no crack in the outlet wall ? OK not OK
W13 OK not OK +/-5 cm B7 OK not OK +/-5 cm EL10 OK not OK +/-1 cm 2 no crack in the outlet bottom ? OK not OK
W14 OK not OK +/-5 cm B8 OK not OK +/-5 cm EL11 OK not OK +/-1 cm 3 surface plastering or pointing for masonry already ? OK not OK
W15 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL12 OK not OK +/-1 cm 4 quality of masonry enough hard ? OK not OK
W16 OK not OK +/-5 cm OK not OK EL13 OK not OK +/-1 cm 5 embankment works completed ? OK not OK
W17 OK not OK +/-5 cm 3-2 Height EL14 OK not OK +/-1 cm 6 surfacing/sod facing for embankment slope already ? OK not OK
W18 OK not OK +/-5 cm HW5 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 7 no debris in the outlet ? OK not OK
W18L OK not OK +/-5 cm HW6 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 8 smooth connection with downstream canal ? OK not OK
W18R OK not OK +/-5 cm HW7 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 9 smooth connection with barrel ? OK not OK
W19 OK not OK +/-5 cm H8 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 10 OK not OK
W20 OK not OK +/-5 cm H9 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 11 OK not OK
OK not OK H10 OK not OK +/-1 cm OK not OK 12 OK not OK

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