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For First Semester

(B.A, B.Com, B.B.M & B.Sc)

As Per Syllabus of Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Bellary


New Education Policy 2020


Guest Faculty of Computer Science,



Compulsory for All UG Courses (BA/B.Com/B.Sc/BBA/BSW etc.,)

Module I : Emerging Technologies : Overview of Emerging Technologies:

i. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
ii. Database Management for Data Science, Big Data Analytics
iii. Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
iv. Cloud Computing and its service models.
v. Cyber Security and Types of Cyber Attack

Module II : Applications of Emerging Technologies

i. Artificial Intelligence
ii. Big Data Analytics
iii. Internet of Things
iv. Cloud Computing
v. Cyber Security

Module III : Building Essential Skills Beyond Technology : Importance of the following :
i. Effective Communication Skills.
ii. Creative Problem Solving & Critical Thinking
iii. Collaboration and Teamwork Skills
iv. Innovation & Design Thinking
v. Use of tools in enhancing skills.

References :
1. Digital Fluency : S.P.Sajjan & S.B Ramoshi : Ekalavya E-educate : 2021
2. Digital Fluency : Suresh Palarimath : Siddalingeshwara Book Publications, Gulbarga

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Module I : Emerging Technologies - Artificial Intelligence

Meaning :
Artificial Intelligence is techniques that help machines and computer mimic human
behaviour – Gary Brotman
Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,
especially computer systems.
Artificial Intelligence is an attempt to build machines that act like humans who can
think and act, able to learn use knowledge to solve problems.
Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine intelligence, is a branch of computer
science that focuses on building and managing technology that can learn to autonomously make
decisions and carry out actions on behalf of a human being.
John McCarthy is known as Father of Artificial Intelligence.
• Siri, Alex and other smart assistants
• Self-driving cars
• Robo advisors
• Conversational bots
• Email span filters
• Netflix recommendations
How AI Works?
In general, AI systems work by ingesting large amounts of labeled training data,
analysing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these patterns to make predictions
about future states.

In this way, a chatbot that is fed examples of text chats can learn to produce lifelike
exchanges with people, or an image recognition tool can learn to identify and describe objects
in images by reviewing millions of examples.

AI focuses on three cognitive Skills:

1. Learning Process
2. Reasoning Process
3. Self-correction Process

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1. Learning Process:
This aspect of AI programming focuses on acquiring data and creating rules for how to
turn the data into actionable information. The rules, which are called algorithms,
provide computing devices with step-by-step instructions for how to complete a
specific task.
2. Reasoning Process:
This aspect of AI programming focuses on choosing the right algorithm to reach a
desired outcome.
3. Self-correction Process:
This aspect of AI programming is designed to continually finetune algorithms and
ensure they provide the most accurate results possible.
History of Artificial Intelligence
Important research that laid the ground work for AI:
▪ In 1931, Goedellayed the foundation of Theoretical Computer Science 1920-30: He
published the first universal formal language and showed that math itself is either
flawed or allows for unprovable but true statements.
▪ In 1936, Turing reformulated Goedel’s result and Church’s extension thereof.
▪ In 1956, John McCarthy coined the term “Artificial Intelligence” as the topic of the
Dartmouth Conference.
▪ In 1957, The General Problem Solver (GPS) demonstrated by Newell, Shaw & Simon.
▪ In 1958, John McCarthy (MIT) invented the LISP language.
▪ In 1959, Arthur Samuel (IBM) writes the first game-playing program, for checkers to
achieve sufficient skill to challenge a world champion.
▪ In 1963, Ivan Sutherland’s MIT dissertation on Sketchpad introduced the ideas of
interactive graphics into computing.
▪ In 1966, Ross Quillian (PhD dissertation, Carnegic Inst. Of Technology; now CMU)
demonstrated semantic nets.
▪ In 1967, Doug Engelbart invernted the mouse at SRI.
▪ In 1968, Marvin Ministry & Seymour paper publish Perceptron’s demonstrating limits
of simple neural nets.
▪ In 1972, Prolog developed by Alain Colmerauer.

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▪ In mid 80’s, Neural Networks become widely used with the Backpropagation
▪ In 1990, Major advances in all areas of AI, with significant demonstrations in machine
learning, intelligent tutoring, case-based reasoning, multi-agent planning, scheduling,
uncertain reasoning, data mining, natural language understanding and translation,
vision, virtual reality, games etc.,
▪ In 1997, Deep Blue beats the World Chess Champion Kasparov.
▪ In 2002, iRobot, founded by researchers at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab,
introduced Roomba, a vacuum cleaning robot.

AI Technology Landscape:

1. Autonomous Systems:
Autonomous systems are defined as systems that are able to accomplish a task, achieve
a goal, or interact with its surroundings with minimal to no human involvement. It is
also essential that these systems be able to predict, plan, and be aware of the world
around them. For example, Autonomous Robots, Self-driving vehicles, Drones etc.,

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2. Machine Learning:
Algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data. There are three types of
Machine Learning. Those are
1. Supervised Learning
2. Unsupervised Learning
3. Reinforcement Learning
3. Deep Learning:
A high-powered type of machine learning algorithms that uses a cascade of many
computing layers. Each layer uses the input from the previous later as input.
4. Pattern Recognition:
A branch of machine learning and deep learning which focusses on recognition of
patterns in data.
5. Natural Language Processing:
Technologies that enable computer systems to interact seamlessly with human
6. Chat Bots:
A software robot that interacts with humans online, receiving and sending
conversational text with the aim of emulating the way a human communicates.
7. Real Time Emotion Analytics:
The application of AI to analyze brain signals, voice and facial expression to detect
human emotions.
8. Virtual Companion:
Cloud connected, virtual reality-based avatars powered by AI engines that can behave
and interact just as a human would.
9. Real Time Universal Translation:
The application of natural language processing to enable two humans (with no common
language) to understand each other in real-time.
10. Though Controlled Gaming:
The application of AI, wearable technology, and brain computing interface technology
to enable seamless interaction with social gaming environments in real-time, through
avatars without the need for joystick type devices.

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11. Next Generation Cloud Robotics:

Convergence of AI, big data, cloud and the as-a-service model will enable a cloud based
robotic brain that robots can use for high powered intelligent and intuitive collaboration
with humans.
12. Autonomous Surgical Robotics:
Cloud based AI platforms can help robotic surgeons to perform precise surgeries by
learning from large historical surgical data sets.
13. Robotic Personal Assistant:
Cloud base AI learns from big data to enable human-like social robots that can perform
usefully as personal assistants.
14. Cognitive Cyber Security:
Cloud-based AI systems trained on historical cyber threat data, capable of mitigating
real-time cyber threats.
15. Neuro-morphic Computing:
Future generation computing hardware that mimics the function of the human brain in
silicon chips.

AI Trends in Healthcare:
1. AI and Machine Learning Offer Better way to Spot Diseases:
AI and ML are also growing to offer new and innovative ways to identify disease,
diagnose conditions, crowdsource and develop treatment plans, monitor health
epidemics, create efficiencies in medical research and clinical trials, and make
operations more efficient to handle increasing demand.
2. Robots in Healthcare can Conduct More Varied Tasks:
Robots will be able to help doctors examine and treat patients in rural areas through
telepresence, transporting medical supplies, disinfecting hospital rooms, helping
patients with rehabilitation or with prosthetics, and automating labs and packaging
medical devices.
3. Computer and Machine Vision Can Help Give Appropriate Care:
There are various ways computers and machine vision are being used in medicine for
diagnostics, viewing scans and medical images, surgery, and more.
It is helping doctors to know exactly how much blood a woman loses while delivering
in order to provide immediate care to reduce the mortality of mothers from post-partum

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4. Wearable Tech has More to Offer than Just Counting Steps:

Wearable fitness technology is not only limited to tell people how many steps they walk
each day. It possesses rather more opportunities for healthcare by monitoring heart
rhythms, detecting atrial fibrillation and send reports to doctor, monitoring blood
pressure and many more.
5. AI-Enabled Genomic can Determine Personalized Treatments:
Artificial intelligence and machine learning help analyze a person’s genomic
information to determine personalized treatment plans and clinical care. In
pharmacology, oncology, infectious diseases, and more, genomic medicine is marking
a great impact.
6. 3D Printing helps Doctors Replicate Patient-Specific Organs:
3D printing technology enables prototyping, customization, research, and
manufacturing for healthcare. Surgeons can replicate patient-specific organs using the
advancements of 3D printing. It helps them prepare for procedures.
7. Digital Twins Determine Possibility for Successful Outcomes:
In healthcare, digital twin is a near real-time replica of life-long data record of an
individual. It can help doctors in determining the possibilities for a successful outcome
of a procedure. It also assists them in making better therapy decisions, and manage
chronic diseases.
8. 5G can Support Organization in Transmission of Files:
As the healthcare centers are extending their reach in remote or under-served areas
through telemedicine, 5G technology will potentially increase, the quality and speed of
the network and prove to be imperative for positive outcomes. The technology can
better support healthcare organizations in transmission of large imaging files so
specialists can review and advise on care.
9. AI Neural Network can Improve Healthcare Biometrics:
Scientists are capable of analyzing the atypical risk factors that were too complicated
to quantify, using AI neural networks. It helps develop the industry in various ways
such as by enabling retinal scans, examining and recording skin colour changes, and
many more. Its proficiency in finding patterns will enable the unlocking of new
diagnostic methods and discover unknown risk factors.

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AI in Business
▪ Virtual Agent:
Facial recognition software, machine learning, and natural language enable virtual
agents to greet you personally, anticipate orders and provide directions.
▪ Shopper’s Profile:
Machine learning personalizes promotions to match shoppers profile. In store beacons
send offers to their smart phones as they browse through the store.
▪ Identifies Articles:
Computer vision with deep learning identifies articles bagged by shoppers; adding data
from sensors. AI allows non-stop checkout and automatic payment.
▪ Last-mile Delivery:
Autonomous drones using deep learning technology complete last-mile delivery, and
are able to handle obstacles or absent recipient.
▪ Complementary Product:
Interactive screens and tabletops enabled with computer vision and deep learning can
identify articles and recommend complementary products and uses that fit shopper’s
lifestyle profile.
▪ Home Delivery:
An autonomous shopping cart follows you in the store, and can find its way to your
vehicle or to a robot or drone for home delivery.
▪ Optimizes prices in Real Time:
Store updates and optimize prices in real time, with machine learning leveraging data
on competitor’s prices, weather, and inventory levels to maximize revenues.
▪ Track Inventory:
AI enhanced robots continuously track inventory, recognize empty shelves, and
replenish them; other robots fill the bags in the warehouse.
AI Prediction for Future:
1. AI increasingly becomes a matter of International Politics:
In the face of tariffs and export restrictions on goods and services used to create AI
imposed by the US Government, China has stepped up its efforts to become self-reliant
when it comes to research and development.

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2. A more towards transparent AI:

Without knowing AI, the adoption of AI – particularly when it involves dealing with
human data – is hindered by the “black box problem”. In 2018, IBM unveiled
technology developed to improve the traceability of decisions into its AI OpenScale
3. AI & Automation drilling deeper into Business:
Every business is as whole ready to move ahead with proven initiatives, moving from
piloting and soft-launching to global deployment.
AI has potential to rule in all industries like Financial, Retail, Manufacturing, Legal as
well as support functions like HR hiring and firing, Optimizing supply chain where
decisions around logistics.
4. More jobs will be created:
Warehouse workers can often been replaced wholesale by automated technology. Retail
cashiers can often be replaced by Robots. But when it comes to doctors and lawyers,
AI can work alongside human professionals, assisting them with repetitive task
5. AI assistants will become truly useful:
In coming years, more of us than ever will use an AI assistant like Alexa, Siri, Google
Assistant to arrange our calendars, plan our journey and order a pizza

What is Machine Learning?
• Machine learning is a specific subset of AI that trains a machine how to learn.
• Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building.
• It is a branch of artificial intelligence based on the idea that systems can learn from
data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.
Methods of Machine Learning:
• Supervised Machine Learning
• Unsupervised Machine Learning
• Semi-supervised Machine Learning
• Reinforcement Machine Learning

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1. Supervised Machine Learning:

• Supervised Learning Algorithms are the ones that involve direct supervision (cue
the title) of the operation.
• In this case, the developer labels sample data corpus and set strict boundaries upon
which the algorithm operates.
• It is a spoon-fed version of machine learning:
▪ You select what kind of information output (samples) to “feed” the algorithm;
▪ What kind of results it is desired (for example “yes/no” or “true/false”)
2. Unsupervised Machine Learning:
• Unsupervised Learning is one that does not involve direct control of the developer.
• If the main point of supervised machine learning is that you know the results and
need to sort out the data, then in the case of unsupervised machine learning
algorithms the desired results are unknown and yet to be defined.
• Supervised learning uses labeled data exclusively, while unsupervised learning
feeds on unlabeled data.
3. Semi Supervised Machine Learning:
▪ Semi-supervised learning algorithms represent a middle ground between supervised
and unsupervised algorithms.
▪ In essence, the semi-supervised model combines some aspects of both into a thing
of its own.
▪ A semi-supervised machine-learning algorithm uses a limited set of labeled sample
data to shape the requirements of the operation (i.e., train itself).
4. Reinforcement Machine Learning:
• Reinforcement learning represents what is commonly understood as machine
learning artificial intelligence.
• Reinforced ML uses the technique called exploration/exploitation.
• The mechanics are simple - the action takes place, the consequences are observed,
and the next action considers the results of the first action

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What is Deep Learning?
• Deep learning is a machine learning method that takes in an input X, and uses it to
predict an output of Y.
• As an example, given the stock prices of the past week as input, my deep learning
algorithm will try to predict the stock price of the next day.
• Given a large dataset of input and output pairs, a deep learning algorithm will try to
minimize the difference between its prediction and expected output.
• By doing this, it tries to learn the association/pattern between given inputs and outputs

Deep Learning Example:

• Let’s say that inputs are images of dogs and cats, and outputs are labels for those images
(i.e. is the input picture a dog or a cat).
• If an input has a label of a dog, but the deep learning algorithm predicts a cat, then my
deep learning algorithm will learn that the features of my given image (e.g. sharp teeth,
facial features) are going to be associated with a dog.

How do Deep Learning Algorithm learns?

• Deep Learning Algorithms use something called a neural network to find associations
between a set of inputs and outputs.
• A neural network is composed of input, hidden, and output layers — all of which are
composed of “nodes”. Input layers take in a numerical representation of data (e.g.
images with pixel specs), output layers output predictions, while hidden layers are
correlated with most of the computation.

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Neural Network:
• Let’s look inside the brain of our AI.
• Like animals, our estimator AI’s brain has neurons. They are represented by circles.
These neurons are inter-connected.
• The neurons are grouped into three different types of layers:
o Input Layer
o Hidden Layer(s)
o Output Layer
• The input layer receives input data. In our case, we have four neurons in the input layer:
Origin Airport, Destination Airport, Departure Date, and Airline. The input layer passes
the inputs to the first hidden layer.
• The hidden layers perform mathematical computations on our inputs. One of the
challenges in creating neural networks is deciding the number of hidden layers, as well
as the number of neurons for each layer.
• The “Deep” in Deep Learning refers to having more than one hidden layer.
• The output layer returns the output data. In our case, it gives us the price prediction.

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Convolutional Neural Network:

• A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a type of neural network that is most often
applied to image processing problems.
• You’ve probably seen them in action anywhere a computer is identifying objects in an
• But you can also use convolutional neural networks in natural language processing
projects, too.


What is Data?
• Data is a collection of numbers, characters or symbols on which operators are
performed by a computer, which may be stored and transmitted in the forms of electric
signals and recorded on magnetic optical or mechanical media.
• In simple words, Data is a collection of facts and figures which can be stored in digital
• All the text, numbers, images, audios, videos stored in our phones and computers are
some examples of data.
What is Big Data?
• Big Data refers to copious amount of data which are too large to be processed and
analysed traditional tools. For examples:
1. The amount of Big Data increases exponentially more than 500 terabytes of data are
uploaded to Facebook’s database alone, in a single day.
2. Netflix collects user behaviour data from its more than 10o million customers. Based
on the analysis it recommends movies and TV shows which the viewer will love to
watch. As a result, the customer is happy because he is getting what he likes without
even searching for it. It will result in higher customer retention.
Big Data Examples:
• Credit Card companies collect and store the real-time data of when and where the credit
cards are being swiped. Supposed a credit card is used at location A for the first time.
Then after 2 hours the same card is being used at location B which is 5000 kms away
from location A. Now it is practically impossible for a person to travel 5000 kms within
two hours.

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• Big Data can be used in many applications like banking, communication, healthcare,
media, advertisement, manufacturing, transportation, retail and business.
Classification of Big Data:
1. Structured Data
2. Unstructured Data
3. Semi-structured Data
Structured Data:
• Structured Data is used to refer to the data which is already stored in databases, in an
ordered manner.
• It accounts for about 20% of the total existing data and used the most in programming
and computer related activities.
• There two sources of structured data – machines and humans
Unstructured Data:
• Unstructured data is the opposite to structured data.
• They have no clear format in storage.
• The rest of data created, about 80% of the total account for unstructured big data.
• Unstructured data is also classified based on its source, machine-generated and human
Machine & Human generated Unstructured Data:
• Machine generated data accounts for all the satellite images, the scientific data from
various experiments and radar data captured by various facets of technology.
• Human generated unstructured data is found in abundance across the internet since it
includes social media data, mobile data, and website content
Semi-structured Data:
• The line between unstructured data and semi-structured data has always been unclear
since most of the semi-structured data appear to be unstructured data at a glance.
• Information that is not in the traditional database format as structured data, but contains
some organizational properties which make it easier to process, are included in semi-
structured data.

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What is Database?
▪ Database is any collection of electronic records that can be processed to produce useful
▪ The data can be accessed, modified, managed, controlled and organized to perform
various data-processing operations.
▪ The data is typically indexed across rows, columns and tables that make workload
processing and data querying efficient.

Types of Databases:
▪ Hierarchical Database
▪ Network Database
▪ Relational Database
▪ Object-oriented Database
▪ Distributed Database

What is DBMS?
▪ Database Management Systems (DBMS) refer to the technology solution used to
optimize and manage the storage and retrieval of data from databases.
▪ DBMS offers a systematic approach to manage databases via an interface for users as
well as workloads accessing the databases via apps
Components of DBMS:
▪ Software: DBMS is primarily a software system that can be considered as a
management console or an interface to interact with and manage databases.
▪ Data: DBMS contains operational data, access to database records and metadata as a
resource to perform the necessary functionality.
▪ Procedures: While not a part of the DBMS software, procedures can be considered as
instructions on using DBMS.
▪ Database languages: These are components of the DBMS used to access, modify,
store, and retrieve data items from databases. Types of DBMS languages include Data
Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Database Access
Language (DAL) and Data Control Language (DCL).

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▪ Query processor: As a fundamental component of the DBMS, the query processor acts
as an intermediary between users and the DBMS data engine in order to communicate
query requests.
▪ Database Manager: Database manager allows a set of commands to perform different
DBMS operations that include creating, deleting, backup, restoring, cloning, and other
database maintenance tasks.
▪ Database Engine: This is the core software component within the DBMS solution that
performs the core functions associated with data storage and retrieval via applications.
▪ Reporting: The report generator extracts useful information from DBMS files and
displays it in structured format based on defined specifications

Benefits of DBMS:
▪ Data Security: DBMS allows organizations to enforce policies that enable compliance
and security. The databases are available for appropriate users according to
organizational policies.
▪ Data Sharing: Fast and efficient collaboration between users.
▪ Data Access and Auditing: Controlled access to databases. Logging associated access
activities allows organizations to audit for security and compliance.
▪ Data Integration: Instead of operating island of database resources, a single interface
is used to manage databases with logical and physical relationships.
▪ Abstraction and Independence: Organizations can change the physical schema of
database systems without necessitating changes to the logical schema that govern
database relationships.
What is MySQL?
▪ A Swedish company called MySQL AB originally developed MySQL in 1994.
▪ The US tech company Sun Microsystems then took full ownership when they bought
MySQL AB in 2008.
▪ US tech giant Oracle in 2010 acquired Sun Microsystems itself, and MySQL has been
practically owned by Oracle since.
▪ MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) with a
client-server model.
▪ RDBMS is a software or service used to create and manage databases based on a
relational model

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What is MongoDB?
▪ MongoDB is an open-source document-based database management tool that stores
data in JSON-like formats.
▪ It is a highly scalable, flexible, and distributed NoSQL database.
▪ MongoDB Atlas is a cloud database solution for contemporary applications that is
available globally.
▪ MongoDB Cloud is a unified data platform that includes a global cloud database,
search, data lake, mobile, and application services

▪ IoT is an evolution of mobile, home and embedded applications interconnected to each
▪ Using the internet and data analytics, billions of devices connected to each other create
an intelligent system of systems.
▪ When these connected devices use cloud computing, analyze huge amounts of data and
provide services.
▪ The Internet of Things (IoT) describes physical objects, that are embedded with sensors,
processing ability, software, and other technologies using Internet.
Google Nest – An example of IoT
▪ Google Nest is a home automation product includes:

▪ Internet connected security camera inside and outside the home

▪ Thermostat that use motion-detecting sensors to detect when the owners are

▪ A camera-equipped doorbell

▪ A movement detecting alarm system and smoke detector

▪ Also gather data from other products – including cars, ovens, fitness trackers
and evens sensor-equipped beds – to help “save energy and stay safe”

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Examples of IoT Banking

▪ For organizations in retail banking, faster payments, improved operability and more
responsive mobile services are the main points of focus for innovation.
▪ IoT offers retail banks an opportunity to gather more information on customers, offer
more personalized experiences and improve efficiencies.
▪ Some examples of IoT in Retail Banking:
o Wearables
o Connected Cars
o Banking at Home

▪ Many banks now provide applications for popular wearables like Apple Watch and
FitPay, which is already working with the Bank of America.
▪ Some banks have even launched their own devices, with Barclays unveiling bPay
wearable contactless payment solutions and other wearable bands.
Connected Cars:
▪ Connected cars not only have the potential to improve customer relationships, but also
boost revenues.
▪ But smarter vehicles represent an opportunity for banks, too: for example, Idea Bank
runs a fleet of cars, each customized with an integrated security deposit box and an
ATM, which can visit the customer, rather than vice versa.
▪ The bank’s data suggests that the average deposit at one of its mobile, car-based ATMs
is three times higher than at the branch.
Banking at Home:
▪ With IoT, it is now possible to pay their bills through Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home,
integrating its API with the smart speaker to enable users to carry out balance queries
and payments through voice commands.
IoT Architecture:
▪ The four stages of IoT Architecture are –
1. Sensors and Actuators – Sensing layer for Data Gathering
2. Internet gateways and Data Acquisition Systems – Network layer for Data
3. Edge IT - Data Analytics, Pre-processing
4. Data Center and Cloud – Apps & services

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IoT Security:
▪ IoT Security is key for the secure development and secure operation of scalable IoT
applications and services that connect the real and virtual worlds between objects,
systems and people.
▪ IoT Security happens on four different levels
o Delivery Security
o Communication Security
o Cloud Security
o Lifecycle Management Security
Future of IoT:
▪ Smart Home: Within next 2 years, smart devices will be filling our homes.
▪ Smart Cities: IoT helps to determine the roads, rails and bridges that need to undergo
reconstruction, heavy traffics and locating empty parking spots, monitoring pollution
levels, health monitoring of buildings etc.,
▪ Driverless Cars: By 2020 75% of all the cars around the world will be connected to the
internet along with driverless cars.
▪ Smart Offices: more efficient office operations, energy saving, comfortable work
environment and increased employee productivity. Smart thermostat to determine the
most effective workplace temperature, access control system instead of keys and locks,
advanced digital assistance, smart lighting control.


What is IIoT?

▪ Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), is a vital element of Industry 4.0. IIoT harnesses
the power of smart machines and real-time analysis to make better use of the data.

▪ The principal driver of IIoT is smart machines, for two reasons.

1. Smart machines capture and analyze data in real-time, which humans cannot.

2. Smart machines communicate their findings in a manner that is simple and fast,
enabling faster and more accurate business decisions.

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Examples of IIoT:
▪ As simple as a connected rat trap which relays information about catching a rat to a
mobile phone.
▪ Slightly complex like a soil sensor which relays data about humidity and nutrient
content to a system
▪ Complex system like smart parking and traffic management.
▪ A very complex set-up like a fully automated automobile assembly line relaying data
in real-time to human supervisors.
Comparison between IoT and IIoT:

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Benefits of IIoT:
▪ Improvement of Operational Performance: through increased productivity,
improved plant efficiency, asset uptime and quality, reduced operational risks,
overhead costs and changeover times.
▪ Ensuring Safety and Compliance: through creating a naturally safer environment and
abiding by health, safety and environment laws; complying with regulatory frameworks
like energy, food and drug laws, labour laws etc.
▪ Increasing Flexibility and Agility: through updating and easy reprogramming of
machines and robots to adhere to shifting and increasingly customized customer

What is Cloud Computing?
▪ The term cloud refers to a network or the internet.
▪ It is a technology that uses remote servers on the internet to store, manage, and access
data online rather than local drives.
▪ The data can be anything such as files, images, documents, audio, video, and more.
Operations of Cloud Computing:
▪ Developing new applications and services
▪ Storage, back up, and recovery of data
▪ Hosting blogs and websites
▪ Delivery of software on demand
▪ Analysis of data
▪ Streaming videos and audios
Why Cloud Computing?
▪ IT companies, follow the traditional methods to provide the IT infrastructure.
▪ That means for any IT company, we need a Server Room with basic needs like a
database server, mail server, networking, firewalls, routers, modem, switches, QPS,
configurable system, high net speed, and the maintenance engineers.
▪ To establish such IT infrastructure, we need to spend lots of money. To overcome all
these problems, Cloud Computing comes into existence.

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Advantages of Cloud Computing:

1. Backup and Restore data: Once the data is stored in cloud, it is easier to get back-up
and restore that data using the cloud.
2. Improved Collaborations: Cloud applications improve collaboration by allowing
groups of people to quickly and easily share information in the cloud via shared storage.
3. Excellent accessibility: Cloud allows us to quickly and easily store and access
information anytime, anywhere in the whole world, using an internet connection.
4. Low maintenance cost: Cloud computing reduces both hardware and software
maintenance costs for organizations.
5. Mobility: Cloud computing allows us to easily access all cloud data via any device.
6. Services in the Pay-per-use Model: Cloud computing offers Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) to the users for access services on the cloud and pays
the charges as per the usage of service.
7. Unlimited Storage: Cloud offers a huge amount of storing capacity for storing
important data such as documents, images, audio, video, etc. in one place.
8. Data Security: Cloud offers many advanced features related to security and ensures
that data is securely stored and handled.
How does Cloud Computing works?
▪ Cloud Computing works by providing permission to the user to upload and download
the information which stores.
▪ We can access the data from anywhere. A user will get the initial amount of storage at
a very low price.
▪ Cloud Computing can be divided into two systems. One is front-end and the other is
back-end. The two ends connect to each other with the help of an internet connection.
▪ The backend of the cloud is the system and the front end is a computer user or client.
▪ The front end of the system has the application, which is used to access the cloud
▪ The backend has various computers, hardware, servers, and data storage systems that
make the cloud.

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Cloud Service Models:

There are three types of cloud service models. They are as follows: -
▪ Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
▪ Platform as a Service (PaaS)
▪ Software as a Service (SaaS)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
▪ IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) is also known as Hardware as a Service (HaaS).
▪ It is a computing infrastructure managed over the internet.
▪ The main advantage of using IaaS is that it helps users to avoid the cost and complexity
of purchasing and managing the physical servers.
Platform as a Service:
▪ PaaS (Platform as a Service) cloud computing platform is created for the programmer
to develop, test, run, and manage the applications.
Software as a Service:
▪ SaaS (Software as a Service) is also known as “on-demand software”. It is software in
which the applications are hosted by a cloud service provider. Users can access these
applications with the help of an internet connection and a web browser.
Types of Cloud:
1. Public Cloud:
▪ Public cloud is open to all to store and access information via the Internet using the
pay-per-usage method.
▪ In public cloud, computing resources are managed and operated by the Cloud
Service Provider (CSP).
▪ Example: Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2), IBM SmartCloud Enterprise,
Microsoft, Google App Engine, Windows Azure Services Platform.
2. Private Cloud:
▪ Private cloud is also known as an internal cloud or corporate cloud.
▪ It is used by organizations to build and manage their own data centers internally or
by the third party.
▪ It can be deployed using Opensource tools such as Openstack and Eucalyptus.

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3. Hybrid Cloud:
▪ Hybrid Cloud is a combination of the public cloud and the private cloud.
▪ Hybrid cloud is partially secure because the services which are running on the
public cloud can be accessed by anyone, while the services which are running on a
private cloud can be accessed only by the organization's users.
▪ Example: Google Application Suite (Gmail, Google Apps, and Google Drive),
Office 365 (MS Office on the Web and One Drive), Amazon Web Services.
4. Community Cloud:
▪ Community cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by a group of several
organizations to share the information between the organization and a specific
▪ It is owned, managed, and operated by one or more organizations in the community,
a third party, or a combination of them.
▪ Example: Health Care community cloud.


What is Cyber Security?
▪ Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect
systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber-attacks.
▪ It aims to reduce the risk of cyber-attacks and protect against the unauthorised
exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.
Types of Security:
1. Critical Infrastructure Security:
Critical infrastructure security consists of the cyber-physical systems that modern
societies rely on. Common examples of critical infrastructure:
▪ Electricity grid
▪ Water purification
▪ Traffic lights
▪ Shopping centres
▪ Hospitals
Having the infrastructure of an electricity grid on the internet makes it vulnerable to

25 NEP - 2020

2. Application Security:
▪ Application security uses software and hardware methods to tackle external threats
that can arise in the development stage of an application.
▪ Applications are much more accessible over networks, causing the adoption of
security measures during the development phase to be an imperative phase of the
▪ Types of application security:
o Antivirus programs
o Firewalls
o Encryption programs
3. Network Security:
▪ As cyber security is concerned with outside threats, network security guards against
unauthorized intrusion of your internal networks due to malicious intent.
▪ Common examples of network security implementation:
o Extra logins
o New passwords
o Application security
✓ Antivirus programs
✓ Antispyware software
✓ Encryption
✓ Firewalls
✓ Monitored internet access
4. Cloud Security:
▪ Improved cyber security is one of the main reasons why the cloud is taking over.
▪ Cloud security is a software-based security tool that protects and monitors the data
in your cloud resources. Cloud providers are constantly creating and implementing
new security tools to help enterprise users better secure their data.
▪ Cloud computing security is similar to traditional on-premise data centres, only
without the time and costs of maintaining huge data facilities, and the risk of
security breaches is minimal.

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5. Internet of Things Security:

▪ IoT refers to a wide variety of critical and non-critical cyber physical systems, like
appliances, sensors, televisions, Wi-Fi routers, printers, and security cameras.
▪ IoT devices are frequently sent in a vulnerable state and offer little to no security
patching. This poses unique security challenges for all users.
Tools for Cyber Security:
1. Password Managers:
▪ The need to keep private digital information protected is highlighted by the
prevalence of growing cyber-attacks.
▪ Password managers are being used to keep track of and generate secure passwords.
▪ The user has to only remember one password, that of the password manager.
▪ Password managers like Lastpass, Dashlane, Sticky Password and KeepassX can
be used.
2. Virtual Private Networks (VPN):
▪ A VPN connection establishes a secure connection between you and the internet.
▪ Via the VPN, all your data traffic is routed through an encrypted virtual tunnel.
▪ This disguises your IP address when you use the internet, making its location
invisible to everyone.
▪ You can still access all online services using the VPN.
▪ VPNs offer the best protection available when it comes to your online security.
Therefore, you should leave your VPN on at all times to protect from data leaks and
3. Block Chain Technologies:
▪ Blockchain technology, a decentralized distributed ledger of transactions, offers the
next level of cyber security.
▪ It can be used to create a cryptographic hash.
▪ Data stored in blockchain cannot be edited, stolen or replaced.
▪ Authenticate users and devices without using a password.
▪ Ensure privacy and security in chat rooms.

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Common Types of Cyber Attacks:

1. Malware:
▪ The term “malware” encompasses various types of attacks including spyware,
viruses, and worms. Malware uses a vulnerability to breach a network when a user
clicks a “planted” dangerous link or email attachment, which is used to install
malicious software inside the system.
▪ Malware and malicious files inside a computer system can:
o Deny access to the critical components of the network
o Obtain information by retrieving data from the hard drive
o Disrupt the system or even rendering it inoperable
2. Phishing:
Phishing attacks are extremely common and involve sending mass amounts of
fraudulent emails to unsuspecting users, disguised as coming from a reliable source.
The fraudulent emails often have the appearance of being legit, but link the recipient to
a malicious file or script designed to grant attackers access to your device to control it
or gather recon, install malicious scripts/files, or to extract data such as user
information, financial info, and more.
3. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks:
Occurs when an attacker intercepts a two-party transaction, inserting themselves in the
middle. From there, cyber attackers can steal and manipulate data by interrupting
4. Denial-of-Service (DOS) Attack:
DOS attacks work by flooding systems, servers, and/or networks with traffic to
overload resources and bandwidth. This result is rendering the system unable to process
and fulfill legitimate requests. In addition to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, there are
also distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
5. SQL Injections:
This occurs when an attacker inserts malicious code into a server using server query
language (SQL) forcing the server to deliver protected information. This type of attack
usually involves submitting malicious code into an unprotected website comment or
search box.

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6. Zero-day Exploit:
A Zero-day Exploit refers to exploiting a network vulnerability when it is new and
recently announced before a patch is released and/or implemented. Zero-day attackers
jump at the disclosed vulnerability in the small window of time where no
solution/preventative measures exist.
7. Password Attack:
Passwords are the most widespread method of authenticating access to a secure
information system, making them an attractive target for cyber attackers. By accessing
a person’s password, an attacker can gain entry to confidential or critical data and
systems, including the ability to manipulate and control said data/systems.


29 NEP - 2020

Module II : Applications of Emerging Technologies

Applications of Artificial Intelligence
1. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare:
With AI, natural language is a boon. It helps to respond to the questions that are asked for.
It enables workflow assistants who screen the patients, getting preliminary information.
This in turn helps the doctors to free up their schedules and also reduce the time and cost
by streamlining processes.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Business:
A business relies on real-time reporting, accuracy, and processing of large volumes of
quantitative data to make crucial decisions. The adaptive intelligence, chatbots and
automation helps to smoothen out the business process.
3. Artificial Intelligence in Education:
It must be very tedious for a teacher to evaluate homework and tests for large lecture
courses. A significant amount of time is consumed to interact with students, to prepare for
class, or work on professional development. But, with AI in education, this will not be the
case anymore. Though it can never replace human work, it is pretty close to it. So, with the
automated grading system checking multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank testing,
grading of students can be done in no time.
4. Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles:
Long-range radar, cameras, and LIDAR, a lot of advancement has been made in the
autonomous vehicle segment. These technologies are used in different capacities and each
of them collects different pieces of information. Some of its usage in autonomous vehicles
▪ Directing the car to the fuel station or recharge station when it is running low on
▪ Adjust the trip’s directions based on known traffic conditions to find the quickest
▪ Incorporate speech recognition for advanced communication with passengers.
▪ Natural language interfaces and virtual assistance technologies.

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5. Artificial Intelligence in social media:

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, the world today is changing and everyone is using
these social media apps to stay connected with the virtual world. Starting from notifications,
to upgradations, everything is managed by AI. It considers all the past web searches,
behaviours, interactions, and much more. So, while you visit these websites, your data is
being stored and analysed and thus you are served with a personalized experience.
6. Artificial Intelligence for a Better World:
It is the machines that are making the world a better place to live in. AI is helping us to
prevent future damage. It understands the needs and addresses developmental needs while
focusing on sustainability. Do you know that companies like Microsoft are using AI to
study land-use patterns with terrain maps? This is helping in implementing proper
preservation techniques. Scientists are using the information obtained to preserve
biodiversity and the ecosystem.
7. Artificial Intelligence in Tourism:
Competition in the travel and tourism industry is very high. You must have seen that prices
keep on fluctuating and change often. You might have also booked a flight ticket in advance
or have waited just before the departure date to find cheaper tickets. Everyone does that,
but the struggle is minimized with AI. With predictive analytics driven by artificial
intelligence, the price can be predicted. The application is able to predict price patterns and
alert travellers when to buy the tickets. So, the cheapest rate can be known before you book
the flights to your destination.


1. Healthcare:
Big data analytics have improved healthcare by providing personalized medicine and
prescriptive analytics. Researchers are mining the data to see what treatments are more
effective for particular conditions, identify patterns related to drug side effects, and gains
other important information that can help patients and reduce costs. It’s possible to predict
disease that will escalate in specific areas. Based on predictions, it’s easier to strategize
diagnostics and plan for stocking serums and vaccines.
2. Media & Entertainment:
Various companies in the media and entertainment industry are facing new business
models, for the way they – create, market and distribute their content.

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Big Data applications benefits media and entertainment industry by:

▪ Predicting what the audience wants
▪ Scheduling optimization
▪ Increasing acquisition and retention
▪ Ad targeting
▪ Content monetization and new product development
Spotify, an on-demand music service, uses Hadoop Big Data analytics, to collect data from
its millions of users worldwide and then uses the analysed data to give informed music
recommendations to individual users. Amazon Prime, which is driven to provide a great
customer experience by offering video, music, and Kindle books in a one-stop-shop, also
heavily utilizes Big Data.
3. Traffic Optimization:
Big Data helps in aggregating real-time traffic data gathered from road sensors, GPS
devices and video cameras. The potential traffic problems in dense areas can be prevented
by adjusting public transportation routes in real time.
4. Real-time Analytics to Optimize Flight Route:
With each unsold seat of the aircraft, there is a loss of revenue. Route analysis is done to
determine aircraft occupancy and route profitability. By analysing customers’ travel
behaviour, airlines can optimize flight routes to provide services to maximum customers.
5. E-commerce Recommendation:
By tracking customer spending habit, shopping behaviour, Big retails store provide a
recommendation to the customer. E-commerce site like Amazon, Walmart, Flipkart does
product recommendation. They track what product a customer is searching, based on that
data they recommend that type of product to that customer.
YouTube also shows recommend video based on user’s previous liked, watched video type.
Based on the content of a video, the user is watching, relevant advertisement is shown
during video running.
6. Big data applications in agriculture:
Traditional tools are being replaced by sensor-equipped machines that can collect data from
their environments to control their behaviour - such as thermostats for temperature
regulation or algorithms for implementing crop protection strategies. Technology,
combined with external big data sources like weather data, market data, or standards with
other farms, is contributing to the rapid development of smart farming.

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1. IoT Applications in Agriculture:
For indoor planting, IoT makes monitoring and management of micro-climate conditions a
reality, which in turn increases production. For outside planting, devices using IoT
technology can sense soil moisture and nutrients, in conjunction with weather data, better
control smart irrigation and fertilizer systems. If the sprinkler systems dispense water only
when needed, for example, this prevents wasting a precious resource.
A greenhouse with embedded devices not only makes it easier to be monitored but also,
enables us to control the climate inside it. Sensors measure different parameters according
to the plant requirement and send it to the cloud. It processes the data and applies a control
2. IoT Applications in Consumer Use:
For the private citizen, IoT devices in the form of wearables and smart homes make life
easier. Wearables cover accessories such as Fitbit, smartphones, Apple watches, health
monitors, to name a few. These devices improve entertainment, network connectivity,
health, and fitness.
Smart homes take care of things like activating environmental controls so that your house
is at peak comfort when you come home. Dinner that requires either an oven can be started
remotely, so the food is ready when you arrive. Security is made more accessible as well,
with the consumer having the ability to control appliances and lights remotely, as well as
activating a smart lock to allow the appropriate people to enter the house even if they don’t
have a key.
3. IoT Applications in Healthcare:
First and foremost, wearable IoT devices let hospitals monitor their patients’ health at
home, thereby reducing hospital stays while still providing up to the minute real-time
information that could save lives. In hospitals, smart beds keep the staff informed as to the
availability, thereby cutting wait time for free space. Putting IoT sensors on critical
equipment means fewer breakdowns and increased reliability, which can mean the
difference between life and death. One of the lesser-known wearables includes the
Guardian glucose monitoring device. The device is developed to aid people suffering from
diabetes. It detects glucose levels in the body, using a tiny electrode called glucose sensor
placed under the skin and relays the information via Radio Frequency to a monitoring

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4. IoT Applications in Insurance:

Even the insurance industry can benefit from the IoT revolution. Insurance companies can
offer their policyholders discounts for IoT wearables such as Fitbit. By employing fitness
tracking, the insurer can offer customized policies and encourage healthier habits.
5. IoT Applications in Manufacturing:
The world of manufacturing and industrial automation uses IoT in a big way. RFID and
GPS technology can help a manufacturer track a product from its start on the factory floor
to its placement in the destination store, the whole supply chain from start to finish.
Sensors attached to factory equipment can help identify bottlenecks in the production line,
thereby reducing lost time and waste. Other sensors mounted on those same machines can
also track the performance of the machine, predicting when the unit will require
maintenance, thereby preventing costly breakdowns.
6. IoT Applications in Retail:
IoT technology has a lot to offer the world of retail. Online and in-store shopping sales
figures can control warehouse automation and robotics through information gathered from
IoT sensors. IoT helps retailers target customers based on past purchases. Equipped with
the information provided through IoT, a retailer could craft a personalized promotion for
their loyal customers. Much of these promotions can be conducted through the customers’
smartphones, especially if they have an app for the appropriate store.
7. IoT Applications in Transportation:
The GPS is another example of IoT. It is being utilized to help transportation companies
plot faster and more efficient routes for trucks hauling freight, thereby speeding up delivery
times. There’s already significant progress made in navigation, once again referring to a
phone or car’s GPS. But city planners can also use that data to help determine traffic
patterns, parking space demand, and road construction and maintenance. Maybe, an app
can be developed that prevents the vehicle from starting if the driver is drunk.
8. IoT Applications in Utilities/Energy:
IoT sensors can be employed to monitor environmental conditions such as humidity,
temperature, and lighting. The information provided by IoT sensors can aid in the creation
of algorithms that regulate energy usage and make the appropriate adjustment. With IoT-
driven environmental control, businesses and private residences can experience significant
energy savings.

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1. Art Applications:
Cloud computing offers various art applications for quickly and easily design attractive
cards, booklets, and images. Applications: Vistaprint, Moo, Adobe Creative Cloud
2. Business Applications:
Business applications are based on cloud service providers. Today, every organization
requires the cloud business application to grow their business. It also ensures that business
applications are 24*7 available to users. Applications: MailChimp, SalesForce, Chatter,
3. Data Storage and Backup Applications:
Cloud computing allows us to store information (data, files, images, audios, and videos) on
the cloud and access this information using an internet connection. As the cloud provider
is responsible for providing security, so they offer various backup recovery application for
retrieving the lost data. Applications: Google G Suite,, Adobe Scanner
4. Education Applications:
Cloud computing in the education sector becomes very popular. It offers various online
distance learning platforms and student information portals to the students. The advantage
of using cloud in the field of education is that it offers strong virtual classroom
environments, Ease of accessibility, secure data storage, scalability, greater reach for the
students, and minimal hardware requirements for the applications. Applications: Google
Apps for Education, Chromebooks for Education
5. Entertainment Applications:
Entertainment industries use a multi-cloud strategy to interact with the target audience.
Cloud computing offers various entertainment applications such as online games and video
conferencing. Applications: Online games, Video conferencing apps
6. Management Applications:
Cloud computing offers various cloud management tools which help admins to manage all
types of cloud activities, such as resource deployment, data integration, and disaster
recovery. These management tools also provide administrative control over the platforms,
applications, and infrastructure. Applications: EverNote, Toggl
7. Social Applications:
Social cloud applications allow a large number of users to connect with each other using
social networking applications. Applications: Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp

35 NEP - 2020


1. Critical Infrastructure Security:
This type of cybersecurity ensures that the digital infrastructure of our vital public systems
remains preserved and protected from any form of malignant misuse such as keeping
cyberattacks away from our hospitals, traffic lights, electricity grid, etc.
2. Application Security:
Nowadays, when you have an app for nearly anything, it’s of vital importance to keep the
space secure. Application security does just that by building in all the safety measures, such
as encryption, firewalls, or anti-virus systems.
3. Network Security:
Network security is an area of expertise primarily concerned with keeping the network
integrity preserved. In practice, this means performing due diligence to ensure that the
highest security standards and protocols protect networked data and systems.
4. Cloud Security:
Even though cloud computing is usually considered the least secured space to store your
data, experts suggest that clouds are safer than traditional IT infrastructures. There are
nearly half as many attacks in the on-premise environments than in those serviced by a
provider. Generally, these providers are the biggest generators of cloud security tools that
keep the space safe.
5. Internet of Things (IoT) Security:
The Internet of Things security is concerned with securing all the devices connected to the
internet. From security cameras to the smallest home appliances, everything’s networked.
Consequently, nearly everything can and should be clear of vulnerabilities and protected
from potential cyber intrusions.


36 NEP - 2020


What is Communication?
Communication is defined as transferring information to produce greater understanding. It can
be done vocally (through verbal exchanges), through written media (books, websites, and
magazines), visually (using graphs, charts, and maps) or non-verbally (body language,
gestures, pitch of voice, and tone).
How to improve Your Communication Skills?
1. Listening:
To become a good communicator, it is important to be a good listener. It is important to
practice active listening – pay close attention to what others are saying and clarify
ambiguities by rephrasing their questions for greater understanding.
2. Conciseness:
Convey your message in as few words as possible. Do not use filler words and get straight
to the point. Rambling will cause the listener to tune out or be unsure of what you are
talking about. Avoid speaking excessively and do not use words that may confuse the
3. Body language:
It is important to practice good body language, use eye contact, utilize hand gestures, and
watch the tone of the voice when communicating with others. A relaxed body stance with
a friendly tone will aid in making you look approachable by others.
Eye contact is important in communication – look the person in the eye to indicate that you
are focused on the conversation. But make sure to not stare at the person as it can make
him or her uncomfortable.
4. Confidence:
Be confident in what you say and in your communication interactions with others. Being
confident can be as easy as maintaining eye contact, maintaining a relaxed body stance,
and talking with concision. Try not to make statements sound like questions and avoid
trying to sound aggressive or demeaning.
5. Open-mindedness:
In situations where you disagree with what someone else has to say, whether it be with an
employer, a co-worker, or a friend, it is important to sympathize with their point of view
rather than simply try to get your message across. Respect the opinion of others and never
resort to demeaning those who do not agree with you.

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6. Respect:
Respecting what others have to say and acknowledging them is an important aspect of
communication. Being respectful can be as simple as paying attention to what they have to
say, using the person’s name, and not being distracted. By respecting others, the other
person will feel appreciated, which will lead to a more honest and productive conversation.
7. Using the correct medium:
There are several different forms of communication to use – it is important to choose the
right one. For example, communicating in person about serious matters (layoffs, salary
changes, etc.) is more appropriate than sending an email regarding the matter.
Good Communication Skills for a Great Career

Succeeding in your career requires good communication skills. You need to know what you
want and how you are going to attain it. Being an excellent communicator can help propel your
Good communication skills can aid in helping you land an interview and pass the selection
process. Being able to articulate well provides a significant advantage! To do your job
effectively, you have to discuss problems, request information, interact with others, and have
good human relations skills – these are all part of having good communication skills. They help
in being understood well and in helping understand the needs of those around you.
Bad Communication in the Workplace
Communication drives workplace success. Although the detriments of poorly communicating
with others may not be apparent in the short term, it has a crippling effect on the workplace in
the long-term. Here are some signs of bad communication:
▪ Lack of specific communication
▪ Using the incorrect mediums to convey important messages
▪ Passive-aggressive communication
▪ Lack of follow-through and consideration
▪ Blaming and intimidating others
▪ Failing to listen

38 NEP - 2020

Creative Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Problem-solving and decision-making techniques can help you to come to a swift resolution
for any issue that might arise, and are key skills that employers look for when hiring. The most
effective problem-solving often happens when you work as a team. Employers will often look
for good problem-solving skills in a candidate because it shows you have a variety of different
attributes. These include logic, resilience, determination, imagination, and, of course,

What is creative problem solving?

Creative problem solving is a way of solving problems or identifying opportunities when
conventional thinking has failed. It encourages you to find fresh perspectives and come up with
innovative solutions, so that you can formulate a plan to overcome obstacles and reach your

Why Use Creative Problem Solving?

Dealing with obstacles and challenges is a regular part of working life, and overcoming them
isn't always easy. To improve your products, services, communications, and interpersonal
skills, it is necessary to imbibe and encourage creative thinking and find innovative solutions
that work.

Steps in Creative Problem Solving

1. Define the problem:
This is the first step in problem-solving. Figuring out and spending enough time to understand
the issue at hand will help you to undertake the steps you need to take to solve the problem.
2. Generate solutions:
Generate new solutions to the problem at hand using any relevant previous experiences, as well
as communicating with other team members. Working with others in a seamless and
constructive way is essential in problem-solving.
3. Evaluate the solutions:
Evaluating all the solutions and finding the best among them is the next step. Thinking
creatively here can help to find the optimum solution to a problem.

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4. Implement the solution:

The next step involves putting the best solution into action. Working as a team will mean that
this step can be performed in a timely manner. It is important to focus on individual skills that
each team member brings to the table to solve the problem quickly and easily.
5. Assess the solution:
During this step the solution is assessed to know how effective it proved to be.

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the process of rationally analyzing and attempting to solve a problem
accurately and efficiently without relying on assumptions or guesses. For students, critical
thinking is an important part of the research and learning processes. Business leaders rely on
critical thinking to help them solve day-to-day problems, along with major organizational
issues, at minimal cost and as quickly as possible. Thus, Critical thinking is the ability to
analyse a situation and make a professional judgement.

What is the difference between critical thinking and creative thinking?

Critical thinking is the ability to interpret data and make a professional judgment whereas
creative thinking gives possible solutions for the data you interpreted and analysed.

40 NEP - 2020

Collaboration and Teamwork Skills

What is collaboration?
Collaboration is the action of working with one or more people who have different skill sets to
produce something, such as finishing a project, developing a shared idea or completing a task.
In business, collaboration refers to colleagues with varying areas of expertise working together
on a common goal to accomplish a purpose or produce results. Workplace collaboration is a
set of learned skills that can improve productivity, solve problems, foster healthy relationships
and create teamwork.

Examples of collaborative skills include:

▪ Self-awareness: Be clear about who you are, what you want and what you need from
▪ Purpose-driven: Keep in mind the purpose of the project and its goals.
▪ Resource management: Keep information organized and know how to share it.
▪ Forgiveness: Be willing to apologize for mistakes and forgive those who make errors.
▪ Collaboration tools: Communicate clearly and in a timely matter using collaborative
▪ Address problems: Be willing to find and discuss obstacles with an open mind.
▪ Learning opportunities: Create team experiences to engage in learning, foster growth
and be creative.
▪ Soft skills: Build your mindset and character as it affects how you handle projects.
▪ Encourage innovation: Face obstacles and overcome challenges with a positive
▪ Share success: Expand your idea of success to include achieving big group goals and
team wins.

What is teamwork?
Teamwork is the qualities, abilities and processes of working well with one or more people to
accomplish a common goal. Teamwork in the workplace is a group's ability to work together
effectively, communicate well, define roles and leadership, share resources and actively listen
to each other. Teamwork is a set of learned skills that can boost morale in the workplace, build
rapport, increase the quality and quantity of output and improve retention rates.

41 NEP - 2020

Examples of teamwork skills include:

▪ Interpersonal skills: Know how to interact and speak with others.
▪ Conflict management: Help mediate between members and settle your own disputes
▪ Communication: Be open to constructive criticism and sharing your ideas with others.
▪ Listening: By actively listening, your teammates feel valued and you reduce
▪ Enthusiasm: Have a positive outlook and be excited about working together.
▪ Time management: Have good time-management skills as it can affect your team
▪ Respectfulness: Make eye contact and listen actively.
▪ Positivity: Be positive and help others to be positive, too.
▪ Reliability: Complete your tasks, be mindful of deadlines and let other know they can
count on you.

What is collaborative teamwork?

When you combine collaboration and teamwork, you get a team whose members have distinct
skill sets and have the ability to productively work together. There is both individuality and a
cohesive group. Each individual knows how to use their role, skills and expertise while also
working as one with the entire group to accomplish a goal. Collaborative teamwork engages
the group to combine expertise and problem solve together, while also assigning individual
tasks and roles for autonomy. This type of group work is an intentional coordination of how
and when participants act to achieve efficiency.

Benefits of teamwork and collaboration

There are many benefits to promoting teamwork and collaboration in the workplace. Here are
some reasons it's an excellent practice:
▪ Increases productivity and efficiency: Collaboration allows individuals to focus on
what they do best so that the entire team benefits. Each person has their own strengths
and specialties that they bring to the team, creating efficiency and productivity.
▪ Enhances social skills and communication: Individuals on a team grow social skills
and communication by learning to relate to peers, improving decision-making skills,
presenting results and strategies, sharing their knowledge and developing
communication skills.

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▪ Common goals: An environment of teamwork and collaboration acknowledges that

employees can achieve success not only individually but through collaborative effort.
These outcomes are often greater than what individuals can achieve by working
▪ Individual style: Teamwork provides the opportunity for employees to gain insight
into their style, such as discovering whether they focus on the positive or the negative
or whether they're reactive or proactive.
▪ Increases diversity: Working together with different people and personalities,
especially from different departments within a company, lets employees learn from
each other and about other aspects of the business.
▪ Enables learning: Informal learning naturally occurs when individuals take part in
collaboration and teamwork, particularly when there is a safe environment that
encourages learning from mistakes, friendly competition, debrief sessions and open

Innovation and Design Thinking

What is design?

Design or making is the process of turning ideas into things. In this design process there is a
vision or an idea, it can be figured out by some drawings work with fabrications of crafts and
if everything worked out right then it be materialized. So, there is a direct correspondence
between ideas, drawings, and finished products.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a methodology that designers use to brainstorm and solve complex problems
related to Designing. It is a human- centered approach to innovation that draws from the
designer’s toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the
requirements for business success. Design thinking is a blend of logic, powerful imagination,
systematic reasoning and intuition to bring to generate the ideas that consist to solve the
problems of the clients with desirable outcomes.

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Uses of Design Thinking

Design Thinking helps to learn the following:

▪ How to optimize the ability to innovate
▪ How to develop a variety of concepts, products, services, processes etc for end-users.
▪ How to leverage the diverse ideas of innovation
▪ How to convert useful data , individual insights and vague ideas into feasible reality
▪ How to connect with the customers and end-users by targeting their actual
▪ How to use the different tools used by designers in their profession for solving
customers problems.

Use of Tools in Enhancing Skills

What is an online learning tool?

Online learning tools refer to any program, app, or technology that can be accessed via an
internet connection and enhance a teacher's ability to present information and a student's ability
to access that information. Online teaching tools help in enhancing the online learning and
teaching experience. It overcomes the boundaries of online teaching; these tools are designed
for students as well as teachers. The online teaching tools create a better teaching-learning
experience. These tools reduce the dependence of the students on teachers. The basic concepts
of videos, feedback, doubt solving, good graphics, audio-visuals, and many other features have
popularized live classes.

The change in educational services has demanded the digitalization of traditional methods.
Regular development of technologies in education supports the increased use of live teaching
apps, virtual classrooms, and digital resources.

An example:
Public speaking and English communication can be challenging to students who are still
developing their communication skills at school. Some people are born to speak in front of
others and do it easily, but the truth is, anyone can learn at least the basic public speaking skills
and gain some confidence in the process. With the help of technology, it is possible to imbibe
communication skills and improve public speaking.

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Advantages of using tools to enhance communication skills

1. Improves pronunciation:
Studying English in traditional classrooms doesn’t allow you to practice your pronunciation
on a regular basis due to the time limit. Meanwhile, with English learning apps for
communication, you can listen to any dialogue and practice your pronunciation at any time
and as long as you want. Most of the English-speaking apps provide original dialogues
spoken by native people and interactive games, which help to grasp the Standard English
accent & pronunciation in a natural way.
2. Affordable:
Most of the English learning apps are freely downloadable and easy to access. This will
help a learner to save a huge amount of money in learning English communication in the
long run.
3. Flexible
With English speaking apps, learners only need to download learning content to their
portable phones or computers and practice speaking in English according to their own


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Practical Assignments using common tools

1. Using any popular search-engine (Google, Bing), type any word in the search-box, and
note down the automatic suggestions that are being displayed. Note down how many
of these are topically relevant or related to current happenings.
2. Use any word-processor to type a small report on any topic or type a small SMS on
your smartphone. Deliberately make spelling mistakes, or grammatical mistakes. Note
down the suggestions that are being offered by the in-built spell-check utility.
3. Identify a few websites/portals which use chatbots to enhance user experience.
4. Install any activity tracker on your android smart-phone and study which health
parameters it monitors.
5. Using any search-engine, find out which Indian healthcare companies have products
that use AI and make a list of the same, with the features that they offer.
6. Use Google translate to get translations from English to Kannada/Hindi/Marathi, and
vice versa.
7. Use Google assistant on any android smartphone to dictate commands and to launch
apps, you can try this in your local language.
8. Download the NASA simulator on your smartphone and find out about our solar system
and outer space through simulations.
9. Using any popular search-engine (Google, Bing), find out how the automotive industry
is using IoT to increase productivity on the shopfloor.
10. Search and compare a few popular IoT tools and devices S currently being used.
11. Find out which are the most popular free antivirus apps and VPN apps available for
your mobile. Compare any two of each.
12. Install any free antivirus app on your mobile and note the features of the app.
13. Install any free VPN app on your mobile, and visit your favourite (regularly visited)
14. Find out which apps in your smartphones use AI and how?
15. Install Google lens on your smartphone and explore the different ways in which the app
uses AI.
16. Use the free version of the ELSA app on your android phone to improve your English.
17. Using WhatsApp on your smartphone, share your location with a friend to set up a
meeting. Try using live location.
18. Using any fitness app on your smart phone, walk for 5 minutes and find out the number
of steps used and trace the path that you have walked.
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Lab Sessions:
1. Prepare a chart representing the data storage units and give relevant real-world
examples belonging to each category.
2. Prepare a word processor report listing any five real time case studies of big data usages
in India.
3. Prepare a chart that explains about cloud services under Digital India Initiative with
relevant pictures.
4. Demonstrate how you will collect the information from the user using Google Form.
5. You have CCTV cameras installed in your home. You are able to remotely monitor the
CCTV footage on your mobile from anywhere. Do you think your CCTV footage can
be intercepted and viewed by hackers?
6. You use your mobile to pay for services online through internet banking or using debit
card. You do not have any antivirus program installed on your mobile. Do you think it
is possible for hackers to get access to your password/CVV without you sharing the
7. Using search engines, calculate the total data consumed by any five popular social
media applications in a day, month, and year.
8. Prepare a report/presentation on how big data can be used to help education sector. List
any five big data applications in education.
9. Creating word document from Android app and accessing from computer
1) On your smartphone, install Google Docs App from Play store
2) Open the Google Docs app and create a new document
3) Write your resume and save
4) Enable sync option for Google Docs app
5) After successful syncing of document, open the web browser on computer/laptop
6) Login to Google Docs website
7) You should be able to see your resume on Google Docs website
10. Create a DigiLocker account and upload your documents in DigiLocker Account.
11. Understand and analyse strength of password
1. Open the web browser on your computer/smartphone
2. Browse to

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3. Enter password of different number of characters as given below and write down
the strength of password:
i. Consisting of less than 8 characters (only alphabets)
ii. Consisting of 8 characters (only alphabets)
iii. Consisting of 8 characters (lowercase alphabets + numbers)
iv. Consisting of 8 characters (lowercase alphabets + numbers + special characters)
v. Consisting of 8 characters (lowercase and uppercase alphabets + numbers +
special characters)
vi. Consisting of more than 8 characters (lowercase and uppercase alphabets +
numbers + special characters)
4. Analyse the strength of password for above cases
5. Write down your observations in a paragraph
12. Check email ID for any breach
1. Open the web browser on your computer/smartphone
2. Browse to
3. Enter your email ID and click on pwned?
13. Prepare a chart representing the data storage units and give relevant real-world
examples belonging to each category.
14. Prepare a word processor report listing any five real time case studies of big data usages
in India.


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