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Basilan, Justine Kyle S.

BSEd-English IV
ED 11 – Environmental Education


Practice in Malaysia “Education for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ESCP)”

about educating and creating awareness among the younger generation in Malaysia is
worth emulating in our country for introduced into the school syllabus in their country to
complement and support Green Growth incorporated in the national level development
plan and I believed that it will be a big help in our country as well.

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B

Bayanihan, Malasakit, ang Pagtitipid are things which are essential to propel the
sustainable development in our country. Through these, it serves as key drivers and
entry points to create awareness and educate students and citizens on the Sustainable
Development Goals and to do their part at the national and global level. Bayanihan
serves as creating a sustainable and safe environment for every Filipino. Malasakit
refers to empathy for one another in creating a selfless and caring nation, love for one
another, and love towards our planet Earth. Pagtitipid denotes practicing prudency in
one’s buying habits.
In the Philppines, the Bayanihan spirit is one of the communal unity, helping
others without expecting rewards, to achieve a certain goal. For example, in earlier
days, when houses were made of lighter materials such as coconut leaves, Bayanihan
also meant helping one’s neighbors move their houses – literally. This realization can be
linked to today’s dilemma, that even despite the COVID-19 pandemic, bayanihan spirit
in every Filipino always find ways to continue the spirit of community giving and it can
be evident to the Filipinos helping each other in times of calamities such as floods and
earthquakes as well as through community pantries, thus, can be linked to achieving
Sustainable Development Goals such as the SGD #1 and #2 among others.
On the other hand, Malasakit mentality can be linked to achieving some SD
Goals such as #12 and #16 among others by constantly being mindful and having
emphatic mentality towards the people and the environment around us. Through this
mentality, more projects will most likely to be created in steering the bureaucracy
towards a more “citizen-centered service delivery.”
In pagtitipid, this will cultivate the habit of saving. This value will most likely help
achieve SGD #12 or Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns as this
goal targets using eco-friendly production methods and reducing the amount of waste.
Through this, it will avoid wastage of energy, water, food, and other resources to ensure
quality of life.
All in all, each value (Bayaniha, Malasakit, and Pagtitipid) will be a great help in
our country to propel and achieve sustainable development for the next generation to
see and experience.

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