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Goal-The goal is to present your business ideas and convince someone to fund your business.
(Decide on your product/service offering. Be realistic! Select a product/service which you can sell in
your community and nearby and which materials needed are readily available)
Role-You are a young entrepreneur planning to put up a business but you don’t have yet a
money/capital to do so.
Audience-You need to introduce your start up business ideas to a potential investor or partner and
convince he/she (could be your parent or guardian, or anyone who can give you a start-up capital)
Situation- You have seen a business opportunity you have to come up with the idea of selling
something to help yourself and your family. The challenge involves dealing with writing your
Product/Service Proposal to solicit or develop a business opportunity by having them say yes to fund
your business idea.
Product-You will create a Product/Service Proposal in order to convince your potential investor to
fund your business and make it a commercial success.
Standards-Your output must meet the following standards so that your potential investor’s decision
will be favorable to you.  Well-written /created  someone will invest in your business

Take Note! Choose a product to sell base from what’s already available near you or from what you
can easily obtain and produce.

I. Title/Cover page (you may apply your own creativity/design to make this page
appealing as long as it contains the details below)
A. Name of business/owner presenting the proposal
B. Name of Product/service
C. Date of release of the proposal
II. Abstract (Purpose of the proposal, WHY you’re sending the proposal, what the customers’
problems are and why your solution is the best for the prospective
client, outlines the benefits of your product/service)
A. Introduction
B. Background
C. The idea
D. Benefits
E. Product Concept
III. Product/Service (details, photos, features of your product/service, ingredients/materials,
production processes, pricing)
IV. Financial projection (computation of profit, show how they can obtain their return on investment)
V. Contact information
GUIDELINES: Page layout Paper size: PRINTED MODULAR-Short Bond paper/ DIGITAL
MODULAR - A4 Margin–1 inch on three sides, 1.5 inches on the left for binding purposes Line
spacing–1.5 Heading–Cambria, fontsize-12, Bold (use Roman numerals as heading number) Body
text–Cambria, fontsize-11

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