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Group Statistics

Ecology of the kebele & the N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
nest tree

Group size of the Abyssinian mid land 49 1.06 .747 .107

ground hornbill highland 27 .85 .602 .116

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference

Lower Upper

Group size of the Abyssinian Equal variances assumed .728 .396 1.249 74 .216 .209 .168 -.125 .544
ground hornbill Equal variances not assumed 1.329 63.977 .188 .209 .157 -.105 .524

Group Statistics

Ecology of the kebele & the N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
nest tree

Number of the Abyssinian mid land 49 2.08 .731 .104

ground hornbill chick highland 27 1.85 .602 .116

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference

Lower Upper

Number of the Abyssinian Equal variances assumed .596 .443 1.392 74 .168 .230 .165 -.099 .559
ground hornbill chick Equal variances not assumed 1.474 62.975 .146 .230 .156 -.082 .541
Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Group size of the

Abyssinian ground hornbill *
76 57.1% 57 42.9% 133 100.0%
Ecology of the kebele & the
nest tree

Group size of the Abyssinian ground hornbill * Ecology of the kebele & the nest tree Crosstabulation

Ecology of the kebele & the nest Total


highland mid land

Count 7 11 18
2 % within Group size of the
38.9% 61.1% 100.0%
Abyssinian ground hornbill

Count 17 25 42
3 % within Group size of the
40.5% 59.5% 100.0%
Group size of the Abyssinian Abyssinian ground hornbill
ground hornbill Count 3 12 15
4 % within Group size of the
20.0% 80.0% 100.0%
Abyssinian ground hornbill

Count 0 1 1
5 % within Group size of the
0.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Abyssinian ground hornbill
Count 27 49 76
Total % within Group size of the
35.5% 64.5% 100.0%
Abyssinian ground hornbill

Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 2.668 3 .446
Likelihood Ratio 3.138 3 .371
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.547 1 .214
N of Valid Cases 76

a. 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is .36.

Normal acceptable


Group Statistics

ecology of the study are N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

number of group size or highland 3 5.00 1.000 .577

population per size lowland 3 2.00 1.000 .577

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference

Lower Upper

number of group size or Equal variances assumed .000 1.000 3.674 4 .021 3.000 .816 .733 5.267
population per size Equal variances not assumed 3.674 4.000 .021 3.000 .816 .733 5.267

Group Statistics

ecology of the study are N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

highland 3 4.33 .577 .333

number of group per site
lowland 3 2.00 1.000 .577

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference

Lower Upper

Equal variances assumed .400 .561 3.500 4 .025 2.333 .667 .482 4.184
number of group per site
Equal variances not assumed 3.500 3.200 .036 2.333 .667 .285 4.382

Group Statistics

ecology of the study are N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

number of female abyssinian highland 3 3.67 .577 .333

ground horn bill lowland 3 1.00 1.000 .577

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference

Lower Upper

number of female abyssinian Equal variances assumed .400 .561 4.000 4 .016 2.667 .667 .816 4.518
ground horn bill Equal variances not assumed 4.000 3.200 .025 2.667 .667 .618 4.715

Group Statistics

ecology of the study are N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

number of male abyssinian highland 3 5.00 1.000 .577

ground horn bill lowland 3 2.00 1.000 .577

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Difference

Lower Upper

number of male abyssinian Equal variances assumed .000 1.000 3.674 4 .021 3.000 .816 .733 5.267
ground horn bill Equal variances not assumed 3.674 4.000 .021 3.000 .816 .733 5.267

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