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B.Com. (Part-trt) Ex&Eitratior

Time : Two Hours] Maximum Marks : 35

L Attempt aoy FOUR of the following :- 20

(i) What does the author speak about'The Book of Nature' thrcugh his letter ?

(ii) How do we know that Gandhi was a good prisoner ?

(iii) U ler what circumstances did James Owens win his greatest Olyrnpic prize I

(iv) What were the difficulties faccd by B.T. Washingtotr to find a place in School ?

(v) Why is there no need for a Maori house to have a bathroom or a kitchetr ?

(vi) Gve a peE-portrait of Hari.

(vii)'Michacl had a longhg to do things tlat had oever been done before.' Discuss.
2. Attempt any TIIREE of the following :- 15

(i) Why did Pip not enjoy the Cbristoas party ?

(iD Why did Pip go to see Miss Havisham ? How do you think Joe and Biddy felt about
Pip's fortune ?

(iii) Describe Mr. Jagger's ofiice briefly. Why did Pip want some money from Mr. Jaggers ?

(iv) Describe Pip's visitor briefly and state, why was Pip afraid of him.

(v) What did Pip wish to say to Miss Havisha& and Estella ?

(vi) Describe Pip in your own wolds.

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