Ebook Cerita Pendek

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The Two Goats There was a river in a small village. People use a narrow bridge built over the river to cross it. One day a goat was crossing the bridge. He saw another goat crossing the bridge in the opposite direction. The bridge was so narrow that there was no space for both of them to pass. Both of the goats didn’t want to go back. One goat said to the other goat “You should go back since I am stronger than you", The other goat denied saying it’s stronger. Both of them. argued for a while. Later, one goat put down his horns to fight to show it is stronger than the other. They fight furiously and both of them lost their balance and fell into the stream below. The swift current of the stream carried them away in deep water and both of them were drowned. After a while another two goats came on the same bridge in opposite direction. Both of them started quarrelling that one goat should give way to other. This time one goat thought for a while and asked the other goat to stop. He said “If we both fight, _ we will fall into the river and be drowned. Instead I have a plan. Iwill lie down, and you walk over me.” Then the wise goat lay down on the bridge, and the other goat walked over him, So they passed each other, and went on their ways. The Mouse, The Bird ond The Sausage A bird, a mouse and a sausage lived together. The bird was in charge of getting wood from the forest every day. The mouse had to get water and make the fire. The sausage was in charge of cooking. They lived happily until one day, the bird met another bird who told him that his work was the most — difficult while his other friends had easy jobs. Now, the bird refused to go to the forest the next day and demanded that they should exchange their work. The mouse and the sausage were against this proposal but were forced to agree to the bird’s wish. Alas! Everything went wrong. When the sausage went to cut wood, it slipped down from the tree and was eaten up by a dog. The mouse burnt itself and perished. Finally the bird too fell into the well and died!!! i Two Travelers and a Bear | Two Men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all at once, a huge Bear crashed out of the brush near [ithem. One of the Men, thinking of his own safety, climbed a tree. The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone, threw him- self on the ground and lay still, as if he were dead. He had heard that a Bear will not touch a dead body. head awhile, and then, seeming to be satisfied that he was dead, walked away. The Man in the tree climbed down. "It looked just as if that Bear whispered in your ear," he said. "What did he tell you?" "He said," answered the other, "that it was not at all wise to keep company with a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger." a #é#+&Tf i ia! = It must have been true, for the Bear snuffed at the Man's

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