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Essay 77 Topic : How is NABARD a boon to the

Indian Agricultural Sector?

NABARD, or the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, has
been a vital institution in India's agricultural sector since its establishment in
1982. It was set up as an apex development bank with the primary objective
of promoting sustainable agriculture and rural prosperity. Over the years,
NABARD has played a crucial role in transforming the country's agricultural
landscape, making it a boon for farmers, rural communities, and the overall

One of the key ways in which NABARD has contributed to the growth of the
agricultural sector is by providing credit facilities to farmers. The bank offers
various loan schemes that cater to different needs of farmers, such as
production loans, investment loans, and working capital loans. These loans
help farmers purchase seeds, fertilizers, equipment, and other inputs
necessary for cultivation, thereby enhancing their productivity and income.
Moreover, NABARD also provides financial assistance to farmer producer
organizations (FPOs), self-help groups (SHGs), and joint liability groups (JLGs)
to promote collective farming and entrepreneurship.
Descriptive Prep Today 2

Another significant contribution of NABARD is its efforts towards promoting

sustainable agriculture practices. The bank supports initiatives like organic
farming, precision farming, and climate-resilient agriculture, which not only
enhance soil health but also reduce the use of chemical pesticides and
fertilizers. This helps maintain ecological balance, ensures food safety, and
increases farm output. Additionally, NABARD encourages the adoption of new
technologies, such as drip irrigation, sprinkler systems, and solar-powered
pumps, which improve water efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

NABARD also plays a critical role in developing rural infrastructure, including

roads, storage facilities, and market yards. This enables farmers to transport
their produce more efficiently and access better markets, resulting in higher
returns. Furthermore, the bank supports the creation of rural employment
opportunities through various schemes like the National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (NREGA) and the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (PMAY). By
doing so, NABARD helps alleviate poverty and ensure inclusive growth in rural

In conclusion, NABARD has been a boon to the Indian agricultural sector. Its
credit facilities, promotion of sustainable practices, and infrastructure
development have significantly improved the lives of millions of farmers and
rural communities. As India strives to achieve the goal of doubling farmers'
income by 2022, NABARD's role will become even more crucial. Therefore, it
is essential to continue supporting and strengthening this premier institution
to ensure a brighter future for Indian agriculture.

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