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Plant cell

Animal cell

Compare between Animal and plant cells:
Animal cell Plant cell
Shape Irregular Regular

Cell wall Absent Present

Chloroplast and other Absent Present


Centriole and centrosome Present Absent

Vacuoles Present (Small vacuoles) Present

Large central vacuole
Lysosomes Present Absent

Cell membrane Present Present

ORGANELLES of plant and animal cells
Organelle Function
Cell wall
Not found in animal cells.
Plants cellulose
Fungi chitin

Cell membrane (plasma membrane) A selectively permeable membrane that

controls what enters and leaves the cell.

Plastids (chloroplasts) the sites of photosynthesis. found only in

plants and algae.
green because they contain chlorophyll.
Nucleus The nucleus contains chromosomes made
of DNA .
-Controls cell activities.
-The nucleus is surrounded by an envelope
that contains pores and allows for the
transport of large molecules.

Nucleolus Non-membrane-bound organelle.

Site of rRNA synthesis. (Components of
ribosomes are synthesized here)

Ribosome Non-membrane-bound organelle.

site of protein (ENZYME)synthesis
made of ribosomal RNA and protein.

Endoplasmic reticulum. There are two types:

(Membrane convoluted organelle) A-Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)

-Ribosomes on it
the site of protein synthesis as well as
transport throughout the cytoplasm.

B-Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

No ribosomes.

Synthesizes steroid hormones and other


Golgi apparatus (body) They modify, store, and package proteins.
also secrete proteins to other parts of the
cell and export it to other cells.

Mitochondria (power house) the site of cellular respiration. (Aerobic



Vacuoles It stores substances for the Cell.

Centrosome (contain a pair of Only animal cells have centrioles and

centrioles) Centrosomes required for cell division.

Lysosome a sac of hydrolytic (digestive) enzymes

enclosed by a single membrane.

The entire region between the nucleus and
plasma membrane.

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