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Dream High, Fly High! oem GAD =a BSP ‘A: What are you interested in? B: 'm interested in solving puzzles = B24 812 Ws) ‘A: What do you want to be in the future? B: | want to be a doctor. ow OD = to BAS] BAPY Sel Rahul loved to sing. @ AIS LEH USAt when When Rahul was in middle school, he acted in a school play. Words ——___ pact 8 AIa4cy activity, was actor wes. also wae always BY, orm oas ¥-2AY); - Bone] obecome 01 SIC} (~ became) cehallenging E8421 chalenge a 2) o change BELRCH: Zo}gICp Z oelothes WS, Os ooking 22 ceute w Hog odolt weg odress PREAA Soe oy seven BAIS, ARO} famous WRB (tome a a) favorite BOBO SE, aS Rojee ofind ® SIC, WZSICH found) following WO go oe future WOLSL, z2H9l (+ past) cinterested = AA SI0} aH job 8 AB (= career), 21, apa] life wor, luckily 2 BAS, Che401 untuckiy) (lucky # 20] 32) (luck # 2) sical percent opertect picture plane oplay practice recommend oshower osick sing solve © spend osport still osure pteam othink traditional otravel otry watch owhen yet axle SME, 1 ge, BIB! ARE(= photo) w ule] 293 8 BC: (S-8O1 SB) dict (player # Ai¢, 871A) sae 8 FH DAA SAME ICE OF, SE (healthy) © S:2484CH (- sang) (singer @ 7H») © BC, aetsICl # (lz) BUC: (ES) Ct @ABA 2527 y OfMo}, OFS ® {ASHE (+ unsure) B(ABA 71501) ® S2SICt (- thought) ¥ AEH (tradition # MB) B 1BSIC w O48 (= journey) BAGS & , XC 8 (SHE) # (PA-2122014) O18} Phrases ————___ all over the country © Li2t tla) around the world 247i atthat time 2 SA), 204(04) baseball team 07} every day oe! fall in love with =} (~2!) A}20 x\c} get hurt CHIC} grow up XC 28%04Ch grow vegetables #45 Xiufolct have two left feet (23 #711 & apict = SOL) O1F 0 56 | 184 Sol_onse! look at ~~ SC cinone’s sleep 42S inthe future 2231, 0240) make movies. 2 on the way to ~ play the + 217135 solve puzzles 1 take care of ~ eect ol] 7h SON 1715 8IC} t U4 (= look after) up close Wt 7}7}0/0H(44) watch television 2i)215 sch Words Inside UGS YELLE Eto} OEA+e Player (119), designer (C14), singer (72), teacher (44), reporter (14D dancer (4), painter (8), hunter (2), writer (32) QEN+ or actor \), director (25), inventor (227, sailor (412 Oats ist novelist (44h, pianist (HI0U<©), scientist (#240, journalist (714) QwAt+-cian ‘musician (8°17), magician (0184) ere Cook (22/4), poet (42), doctor (214), nurse (224%) x (GEEK Dictionary @ ‘act (217131C%): to perform as an actor actor (18): a person who acts in a play, movie, ete, ® challenging (©2842); difficult to achieve, but intere © doll (218): a child’s toy in the form of a baby or small person famous (#2): known by very many people © future (512i): coming after the present time © following (C1801 U2): coming next ‘grow up (*2ICt, SICH): to become an adult ‘job (21%, 2): the work that a person does. regularly in order to earn money ‘© musical (##418): a movie or play that tells story with songs and often dancing © perfect (-01 21322); exactly right for a particular purpose, situation, or person o play (25): a story that is acted out on a stage © practice (282K): to do something again and again in order to become better at it B recommend (#£8IC): to say that (someone or something) is good and deserves to be chosen sick (O18): affected with a disease or illness o sure (®861=): not having any doubt about something 8 traditional (84842): based on very old customs, beliefs, or way of life up close (#12 717101014): from a short distance watch (Ct, XC): to look closely or carefully Lesson 06 Dream High, Fly High! | §7 A 58 Ca italy CHS ElZbol SOU AWS VS (7 /)oHA{ alo} Majo FJ mesical recommend interested actor. —_plane 01 He isa famous in Korea, 02 Can you a good restaurant? 03 tm in leaming foreign languages. CHS BS 29] Col] 4sSt Mets wry vlZto| majo. 01 Wisa____ Korean food. (tradition) 02 = We arrived on time, (lucky) 03 The work was for her. (challenge CHS PAW VES LiZtol| SOD Awst as malo 01 Did you sama 02 Sheis_ ___ her baby. ov BEE) 03 He most of his time home. 3s FES A128 NOUN wer CHS BIAIOE! F E1012) LHi7+ WES LIZ SON ABS VS Alo. 01 find : found = become 02 act; actor = sing : 7 03 job : career = journey CHE SBOloH| SHLSHS HOH (H7NOIAY SO} ALD, A] practice fiture job perfect musical 01 coming after the present time = 02 exactly right for a particular purpose, situation, or person 03 the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money ~ 04 a movie or play that tells a story with songs and often dancing ~ 05 to do something again and again in order to become better at it ~ ray Sot_o1ser Step 1 - ae» 01 cts alot! ¢ eto}9) ata7t LYojrig} CHE 227 © future : past ® sure : unsure sick : healthy @® luckily : unluckily © challenging : challenge 02 cig sessolol stgst= HOH? to do something again and again in order to become better at it act Osure @ solve @ practice O sing 03 cig viz! O~ool S02 we AwerI BE 22? +A lot of children Q_____hurt by cars every year. +We® __ vegetables on our farm. +My dream is to @ movies in Hollywood. + He likes to ®, puzzles. © television every day. © get ® grow Ouavel ®solve ® watch 04 cig vizio) 2g02 Sole ae 7HY aIUe! 2127 *He fell love with her at first sight. +Tofien talk my sleep. © with Dot to Din GSH CHE F2lYol VK= vizio SW ABs IS SAID. 05 Ub esa ec. = Thave _ 06 Pale 1 SB1SS vs 7A Bokeh ~ We saw the tigers 07 cig Hols] saz017t war! Be 227 ) famous: known by very many people sick: affected with a disease or illness ® clothes: a child’s toy in the form of a baby ‘or small person @ job: the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money ® recommend: to say that (someone or something) is good and deserves to be chosen Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! | 59 @ By Br A: What are you interested in? Ue stot ato] IU? B: I'm interested in solving puzzles. Ue mia RE 208 a0 4 sreayor BY Qo! arb Wor 99Hels1 BG aE what are you interested in?ot2ed BP, IG ate I'm interest IM in Gore GUILE §QUIE Eee 22 Gero, Soy Ovugsee sas + What are you interested in? (= #211 2440) 47) + What do you like? (= #28 + Are you interested in fishing? (i= alo! 240) 24 U2) Owe vets sas +I'm interested in dancing. ( + My interests are music and art, (1212414 2912) 01801 +Thave an interest in cooking. (Ui #201 £017) 201) *Tenjoy singing. (4s <20i= 28 871 $i 201 BOI QO}) +A: What are you interested in? (= 2200 201 242) B:I'm® in movies. (U1 2891 J01 204) +A: What are you interested in? (HE 7201 101 2) B: I'minterested in®@ _ (UE Seatsk= 2101 AH01 101) +A: Are you interested © cooking? (He 22401 01 2477 B: Yes, am. (5. 241 401) uiztol BO BE 7H ABest AS? ~~ a ny 2 & we we fu 01 A: What are you interested in? |B: I'm interested in basketball. O play 3 to play © playing 60 | 1844 Sol_o1we! © 24 az ws A: What do you want to be in the future? ‘GE Ba FXO] S12 LY? B: I want to be a doctor, Us SPE S12 40, ‘erator Bes Baler erat 8% er: what do you want to bein the Future?22 22, ol EAB EIA cAE T want to be afan) ~ 22 BY 4 a, su Ov sus 2c Bes * What do you want to be[become] in the future? (4 2208 #80) 212 4149) * What do you want to do in the future? (= 2am 93¢e ot 9) * What do you want to be when you grow up? (Lis sets $2401 512 iL?) * What is your future dream? (421 yaa) 82 920147) @ 24 883 woe Bes Iwill bea soccer player. (Us 4 41471 9 70h) *Twant to be a scientist in the future, (= 2240123174 S12 410)) +A: What do you @ tobe in the future? (Wis seer 0) 512 14) B: I want to bea reporter, (UE 2151 512 40) +A: What do you want to be in the future? (= 2201 9200) 512 LP) B: I wantto@ cook, (UE 221417 512 4) +A: What do you want to © in the future? (Ue seiot $98 612 LP) B: [want to help sick animals, (Ue 018 S88 £9152 40) 02 48 cHatol wa A 9e9) o1Se Hy EB 22? A; What do you want to be in the future? B: Lwant to be a doctor, Oats A wep OAL Asp O¥e Wop @ 218 wasp) © eh 81 eH] Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! ° z g ° & 4 Kate: What do you want to be in the future, Jiho? Jiho m not sure Oyet, Kate. Kate: Well, ©what are you intereste iho : OV'm interested in cooking and teaching. Kate: Then, how about teaching at a cooking school? Jiho : That's a great idea, What do you want to be in the future, Kate? Kate: | want to be an animal doctor. 1 want to help sick animals iho : That sounds wonderful. OGood luck to you! © (FBS. SISSON) OFF (91 ILE S ICH SB LEH OH) © BAO Be 20} aft 20H Hat BE BHOICY © U9) AAAS Bohs BHOR N14} in BOE BA TE SAKE Mo} BIC), © How about + ing -?: ~Stt 2S O1042(749-22) (= What about + ing ~?) © animal doctor: +214 (= vet) © Bdu9] Yes we ‘BR UIRE BHOZE | wish you good luck, I'll keep my fingers c1ossed for you., Good luck! 91 SIC TOF @o Kate is interested in cooking and teaching. G: ©Look at the cute boy in the picture! OHe’s playing the piano. B: That's me. I was six years old Oat the time. G: Do you Ostill Oplay the piano? B: Yes, I practice every day. G: Great! Do you want to be a pianist? B: ONot anymore. G: Then Owhat do you want to be? B: 01 want to be a famous singer. © SABsOR AEH: BOI © "beSAP+ SAHA ing O att sil: 01961, 81 © play the piano: Mots AIC © "C4 OLE OfLJoyett= S10] 4304 OL C4 OFA MOHLLAE TE SI OH AFA BE © gers BAH HIB Gol B= © Miso} 32H AION CHEN HOI HSL, | willbe a famous singer 7 B+ CL 2 pawalesel AIMOICL, time: 0H ayo}0)c4 ic Qo The boy wants to be a famous singer in the future, 462 | 18144 op oly! ae G: What are you interested in, Andy? B; O1'm interested in making movies, | G: What are you interested in, Jake? B: OI'm interested in cooking, © 1 BAO! CHE 24012 be interested in A404, in CI SAE i= making? 210] SoHA}o) eeHe sary, make movies: 38H Sc} © UE BAGH 01 AO] cH eRe opOHoVCp, @o Andy is interested in making movies, ... T ) F How can I help you? G: ©Can you Orecommend a good book for me? M; Of course. We have many books in our library. What are you interested in? G:: I'm interested in planes. M: Then, @try the new book Gon the Wright Brothers. G:: OThat sounds wonderful. Thank you. © NUL] ESS AAU SOE ME AE BeIOZ, O19} #418 BIZ How may | help you?, What can | do for you?, CaniMayl |help you? $01 2c, © Can(Could] you -7% AFA kOe AYO POMS Qala OF AIBSle HEIOICY © recommend: #8 6Ct © SAMOS AAOH: BALOIC, try: AISICH, of CH) © on: 04 B6}04 © A8cHet9} AIRIOILY 21240] Ie OH AIBAK= HIO}D} sound= “ob Belch 2k O10)2 FIO) BAI} WOKE ech @oThe man recommends the new book on the Weight Brothers, .. TO FC | ‘challenging. ‘A: What are you interested in? B: I'm interested in solving puzzles. It's © solve puzzles: MES BCt © challenging: S412! @p Solving puzzles is not challenging. ..... TF B: Minji, what do you want to be @when you grow up? G: 1 Olove playing basketball, Oso I want to be a basketball player. |B: Alice, what do you want to be in the future? | G: L want to be a Ocar designer. I love cars. © vinen you grow up “UI7t XIE OAH IO] 04714 when 2 QP, ~2}9F Of2H 10]9] Be AOICE © lovet= SAA OBA SCL SHOR HE > BIC | © sot TAM, AIA 2H foo) BAHE LEU H4AiOIC, | © cardesigner: MEX CIAO|M Go Minji wants to be a basketball player when she grows up. diese ITO FO A: What do you want to be in the future? B: L want to be a doctor. A: @Why do you want to be a doctor? B: I want to help @sick people. 0 whyt one 2 © sick: O18 SIAL “AH att OIC, ‘Go 8B wants to be a doctor because B wants to help sick animals. ... = TO F Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! | 63 A 01 | 64 CHS CHEE SACHS ULE wHSISLALS, @ How can I help you? © I'm interested in planes, © That sounds wonderful, Thank you. Can you recommend a good book for me? © Then, try the new book on the Wright Brothers. © Of course. We have many books in our library. What are you interested in? @-( at )=( ® Not anymore, ® Yes, | practice every day. © Do you still play the piano? @ 1 want to be a famous singer. © Then what do you want to be? © Great! Do you want to be a pianist? @ That's me. | was six years old at the time. ® Look at the cute boy in the picture! He’s playing the piano. el )-O-( = d=C ) @ 1 want to be a doctor © 1 want to help sick people. © Why do you want to be a doctor? @ What do you want to be in the future? 19K4 Sor_o1we! B tg ciate) viziol soiz aust ge arie, 01 2 ua? | atk @z0m, xm SABO Be 01 LICR #9t0H B01 BILE? AUL AE wie7i04 240] O18. Er IB, Wright S404 Ze RS doi ware. Aur g2 2 gue. ZatUG. are you a A Ut Pato BAO] QU? Br Ut WES FE 204 B40] Qo}, 3 2S SNNoIa} au au Ix)o}, Ut 71M VOL SI AIL? Ue BFae 18 ROM Se 9971 S12 400, Alice, Ue 8240H #9101 SI AIL? Ut BAY CIApOILI7E 512 410}, Us ASA a Zoe, i ” in the future’ | au | Lesson 06 Dream High, Fly High! | 65 | Step 1 0s G irae the boy in the IHe's | AU AR 4 HOS 248 8 4 Ie playing the piano, yo) X12 14 ‘sf 121 Oh, te 04 0}04 B: That's me. I was six years old at the time. AUG: Ut O18) OH 31K? G: Do you ____ play the piano? Aut 8, UE 1 864 B: Yes, 1 every day. AU: SKC} HE MDILIAE Sha 1 G: Great! Doyouwanttobea 2 us TBE Poe BLP B: Not anymore. 231 UE att 71471 SLD AO G:Then____do you want to be? Bil can =r _ singer. 06 «Listen and Speak 2) 6 A: ie Batol 0} siz NUP A: What do you want tobe lias Gate Sagres ae B:Iwanttobea A/UE (A) SID YU? A do you want to be a doctor? B He OnE BSS 2 41, B:lwantto people. 07 A? (me / recommend / for / can / a / book / good / you/?) M: Of course. We have many books in our library. What are you interested in? G: I'm interested in planes. M: Then, try the new book on the Wright Brothers. G:: That sounds wonderful. Thank you. you ® book @a ® good © recommend 04 cS & xIo}2! chapye oHet 2S? D A: What are you interested in? B: I'm interested in making movies. ® A: What do you want to be when you grow up? BI love playing basketball, so I want to be a singer. ® A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a car designer. | love cars. | ® A: What are you interested in? | B: I'm interested in growing vegetables. © A: What do you want to be in the future? B: | want to be a teacher. (O5=06) CHE chet $12, SON SSHAL2. | | Kate: What do you want @ be in the | future, Jiho? |_| Jiho: Pm not sure yet, Kate Kate: Well, what are you interested in’ Jiho : 'm interested in cooking and @teach Kate: Then, how about teaching at a cooking | school? | Jiho: That's a great idea, What do you want to | be in the future, Kate? Kate: | want to be an animal doctor. I want to | help sick animals, | Jiho: That sounds wonderful. Good luck © you! | Q5 ol cisie| vizt ao ©o| Boe woiz we rE Aut 242? Oa Qin Oo ® for Don | 06 Ol cisis| wae 2 Om ola Huet seHe DA AAI, Lesson 06 Dream High, Fiy High! | 67 @ toF sto Sly ae 01 48 3 28 2 Eel AHO) LolIg HE Ae? 68 Rahul loved to sing. Rahul 24st 26 01% BOHECL Kevin wanted to leave carly, Kevin 4 GU 40} SC, toHRINE to + GABE 01 Merz BeoUas Gta, BAY, YANO! HPS Bl, ola toh yr ‘sh, ANE 'olenE OIL Borst ‘BNIB Foi, SHlot, Motes HG Yon, of to¥u001 Yur7} BBorzrD her, coAu1O) UAE ‘not to + SBA OE Vere, ‘study EEA, (toa Bet DRA BU: 817], Ol Wow atsySIO} Sea Fo}, Bajo}, WoL AoC © BSAY BU: A, GOR aH SION BAILY CHRUARS HOLM 4AlBICh OPA Be BA, ~6171 9H, ~ AHA BOR SIAISIO} BOI, Say, UA Hy SloHe weIEy (2) to BA] Bal Bet © FO Oh: Bie) 3018 Ste HeRCIOY, nH to AAV: BOAlZ UIA Ge 4 LCL + To watch baseball game is exciting. (017 218 w= 22 goizeic.) @SxO € to walk in the rain, (4 vis 220) 2 248 ZoreIC!) GB oF EAE SBA Bay BAIA) BaIOIZE @ 4 Bt +I'm interested in to make robots. (X) I'm interested in making robots, (©) (Us: #38 YS 210 ao} Let) 9 20| O18: WOR MOI OMAK SOAS vial # > Ich + My dream is to bea singer, (\t 82 7147) sie 20101) G)tOFIAL SAME SHOT Hh SAS oF NE R01 HOE SA want, hope, need, olan, decide, agree, expect, promise 5 Pores (oR SAWS CN BA Check ETA. enjoy. finish hep, min, avoid, stop, practice, give uP & love. ike, ate, begin, stat & +He loves @ _ ride his bike after school, (25 wt 04 212171 ets 218 BOHN) i +I planned © watch movies with my family. (1% 7451521 em gs) 271 see) i +He wants © be a famous actor, (2= #80 wR 7I Si718 BOC, 2 1) He loved to dance. 2 She liked to sing. @ | decided to be a doctor © They wanted to play a game. @ To play soccer is very fun. rex Sol_o}ee! © Ate Ue SSA when ‘When Rahul was in middle school, he acted in a school play. RahulOl Ste4OH HAS om, Tee aha LOL e171 MHC, ‘My dad cooks dinner when he comes home early. 21 ola #0! 8) 241 8 14 Ala 1 IE) BAM when "at, 8a o1orz IVE Lrenae HAPEB olor, Bhat Gln: (For + G48 WE Hot Bet, whenot om & Bol BBLer gow F ate when Gon Bor. dB Bet + When I was young, my ir was curly, (47) 0388 «421 0121716 + When you go out, take your hat, (228s 24i 2}47)24) *Call me when you see her, (2418 21 Uo £188 Mt ) when0] OTE AHO] S014 OleHs EIUICI2}S GARIALAS MOF Ich * When you will arrive at the building, you will meet her. (x) When you arrive at the building, you will meet her. (©) (42k 28 BH SHIA UE TUB Be 201K) cL.when® SISAI2E #010} 2124 when& “ANF att o}0)C}, * When do you get up? (i= 24 081417) + When can you come here? (it 2 01714 8 UU) *Lwant to bea writer © NHN I grow up, (US 24147) 81D AEH) *T'll be a car designer @ NTN I become an adult, (= 1601 ie 154) CHOIU7 OIE) + He took care of his family © | he was young. (2 0 such) err 02 “s BS coin Aue We DEAo. | When you [will get / get] there, Susan will be your guide. Lesson 06 Dream High, Fly High! | 69 A cig ua 2 F891 4018 ws oly neue, 01 He started to run. (04 / S240} / 1204) 02 I want to go to bed. [01 / S340} / s10}] 03 To make bread is fun, [04 / $340} / 04] 04 My dream is to be a pilot. [204 / 2340} / S01] 05 She loves to dance on the stage. [£04 / S240} / 04) 06 To swim is good for your health. [201 / 240} / so) B cis 2s cto) cons arse sete uly ao, 01 Tlike ___ television. (watch) 02 Fwant______a pretty hat. (buy) 03 We decided ____to the hospital. (go) 04 What do you want now? (do) 05 Texpect____ you again soon. (see) 06 She wants __a famous singer. (be) Cg algo es vizio Soizt Hast BE r/o, 01 Aig] EHe 212 Alec} - __ abike is exciting. 1S WISE WE nHIeACt English is fun. 02 1g 03 AU 710 OMS 218 olstct ~ She likes coffee. 04 AE SRE Melohe 2S OF SoHstcy ~ He loves ‘computer games, 05 ASE MW Boz ope ZAR, — They decided to a new house. FMOICH Bs} wei PE AS RoIsIch. = They 0 10 the movies every weekend, 70. 184 Sol_o1we! Step 1) D ce aa 2 se2) 4g we cto DEAIo. 01 When did you first meet her? [SIA / SA] 02 When I'm tired, I take a shower. [224+ / SAH] 03 When is your father’s birthday? (SI2At / 4A) 04 She was young when she got married, [/2At / SSAt] 05 When are you going to go to America? [22At/ S&At] 8 Can you help me when I need someone? [2124 / Ai] E tg 2 exo oy ge! 2g 30) uaa na Malo, 01 I hope to has a close friend. =< 02 I want going to the beach. = 03 To think about others are important. - 04 I'll see you when I will visit here again. 95 | planned to travels all over the country, = 06 When I will have time, I'll search on the Internet. F cig caiatol 258 Be cto] close Sxcie wlan engisiol Sats eMsslAlo. 01 AU7t URS oH 0] Sa VSICH. (went / when / out / she) ___it was snowing, 02 CHF OFS OH LHS 44 SwSKCH. (Was / when / young / 1) _____. Lwas very thin, 03 WT ANS SS aH UE SAY $2 Welch. (news / heard / when /1/ the) — I was very shocked 04 $2] Sol S oh Ui ASS 7HO= 7 Six! Yokes, (my / you / house / when / come / to) = Don’t forget to bring my books 05 U7} BSolAl| 22004 sk VAS UH ISS LS WAI exc. (them / when / about / told / it / 1) mS ____ they didn’t believe me. 06 AU} SSYO| VS of AGE FA SHC (student / a / middle / when / became / school / she) = «she was very excited, Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! | 71 01 CS B20! Soiw ae 7H Yue yer T wanted __t0 bed early tonight, Ogo 2 goes D going ®wgo ® went 02-03) CHS S2l2ol Yes vizto Sot ust ee BAD, 02 ye ot a ag mee edn cae, = __ Lam home alone, I always feel scared. 03 wong ae ae qlee, - comic books is interesting, ) 04 1S & ¥12!01 wheno] Soiz + Ste AL? Oo is your party? @ T'm tired, | listen to musie o_ did you get up this moming? @_ Tcame home, there was no one. ® are you going to do after school?” 72) 1813 Bot ole! 05 ce Salto ges + 28s SAAS ASsIo ‘StL}2] SBOE EA (Gt, Neate Glo 2) <7} uate ot 22 ade, ‘She went out. It was raining. 06 cis & vizio to wast Soi2t + a= WE? fistarted Dtenjoy ____ shopping. © She loves _ chocolate. © She wants___home now. @He doesn’t like __ to bed late. 07 US Bz @ toFBAto| Seo] BE Ae BF TE 422 © The dog started to run. © To swim is good for your health. © She loved to sing in front of other people. @ My future dream is to be a movie star. 20.0 06.6.0 D0. ©.@ 08 3 0~8 S wheno} So/7)710 7H AHS ZL? Call © me ® please ® you @ have ©) time. o @ a a © LR LET») OF Cs "2 @2} Gol Sojz sto) wpe zpxIoLz! ne? + She loves © movies. + He wants ©, a soldier. ® zie tobe ® towatch| tobe @ watch 10 tS ales Sate wy viz @oy soz ge rR MBB AS? Wap alate Ue Ue 9} B+ lu? Can you help ® need @I @ when @me ® someone 11 1S 3 ws 8 Eo] Mel0] LYojxIet cle 22? © When do you eat lunch? ® When did you first see her? D When is your father’s birthday? @ When are you going to mect him? © When she got married, she was 20 years old. 12 (1g 5 wes wal 22? D I want to buy a new bag. @ | expect to sce you again soon. Jed to do some exercise. @ He de @ They love going to the movies. © To play computer games are exciting. GH CHE Selztol ASS oY Sei ZS Lor wheal BH MAIS, 13 aye ue due axsiga La 2ald, — She will feel happy, when she will meet you. A SAS lA} 7H Hol ALLAH — He is excited about to move to a new city. Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! | 73 a royce 15 FS £891 0~9 & tort Sova 7H ys! Re? © My ® plan ® is ® build © a wonderful house near the lake. D ® ® ® ® 16 1S UE 8 FED} 4EI0| Ze We? My mother needs to relax for a while, © To play basketball is fun, want to leam French, © My hobby is to read novels, © His dream is to be a doctor. 5) To get up early is very difficult for me. 417 1S viol SFOS Gols we ra ws! 2127 +My plan is my aunt’s house. +Ihope __ Spain someday. D visit 2 visiting, to visit © 10 visiting © visited 74 | 184 Bol_olwe! 18 1S S821 O~S F notO| SO17H7I0N 7H ABE Re? John ® decided @ to @ see @ her ©. © © 6 ® ® 19-20) CS SalVs veal SA! 2S TEAS 19 ee gary gue on a ae. © I became a famous singer, when I grew up. ® 1 will become a famous singer, when I grew up. When I will grow up, I will become a famous singer. ‘When I will become a famous singer, I grow up. © When | grow up, I will become a famous singer. 20 case ne ume. D Steal is bad. 2 To steal is bad. 2 To steal are bad. ® Stealing are bad. © To stealing is bad. = Ee c 53. , 01 8 F E801 WS eI0)7} SER viel Bole Hue BE AAD, She likes 10 swim in the pool | = She likes ___in the pool. 02 CS Falztol V=e Bs ot) HOES ane HEH) wISESHA|2, | HE 7H SL oleh 212 ule. gotetet | (1/10 / love / travel / train / by /.) | 03 1S A2ol BA Be e191 toss olgstol SANS MEA BASIS, 1, F014! THES BF Bats}, Yar) orgs | RA | 2. AAA shod a 2k 1 | 3. BRA) Col 47H A. 4, 491} AEE Be A Bee & 2L 5. AWE BEA $21 aL (1) Wh ObstS a Ue OS. 2th, (young / quiet) (2) UI7t 42) Sale Buel 2}ate} 7h, (finish / homework / eat out) 04 Us 3 Olea Be SSS HB oF, wer) TH BAS CHA Malo. (Ft, wE A DE SAE S 2) +*She loves go on a picnic on weekends. | + He wants watching sports games today | + Thope to meet you again soon, + We promised to meet at this restaurant. (1) eit See 05207) CHS SOI OLA SEI RS Lot wer) 2H AUIS, 05 | She needs cleaning the living room. 06 What do you want to do when you will | grow up? My parents agreed helping me. Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! | 75 | 01 02 03 04 05 The Perfect Job for You SALE RE ag What do you love t6 do? loves! S200 Bors BoHtK4G? Wore BBO LONE (loved LORD Ea Fd RHOAE BID rpay the + Do you love / the piano? VH101 O88: Doldoes) + For + EBA = LEO BOR / Hoe He 28? Do you love / to|Wateh television? ISOS ROR / eH ee xB? “eee (IAPI91 8 tere er agate, EB Gane A ENE Well, / those activities can become / your future jobs. {© pay the piano 40 watch television Si 1, / 22H WBSO1 4 aH / so sla ET Let's read / about the following people Let's + EAE ~: ~8, (why dont we + EH)B4!~7, Hou[wnal about you + BEM ~7) 01 NE /IROLLS ABIBOL Be FingctPerp01 2 (thou REY Aen 06 They found / the perfect jobs / for them. the folowing people "alg ase 4mAU / Ra AEE / aso Rahul 07 Rahul loved / to’sing. = singing Faml2 OF ROMEO / eke 28 Fon thelone's} way to + 2s 08 8 BUCH e® 08 He sang / on the way to school. sinotiensree arte 2 Al BOAR / e201 74E BOF 09 He sang / in the shower, ne kaw BOR / AH SOL 10 He even sang / in his sleep! + =8(28) Cin ones sieep: for moa BBOD HARE BOIS! 11 Whiei Rahul was in middle school, / he acted / in a school play. uw =$ em (BAar caGene Bo» Fr, B PE Ho 8) 08 onlOh SADOCHEE A, / I= 2715 HOR / a HM falkernienas Brg ia eh 12. Atthat time, / he (fell in love / with acting, too. Fall tove with =: =8) AkGor ai, eo BE BYP TW Her 13. Rahul is now /an actor in musicals. 14 76 | 18H Zot_olwel Mina sh rene 15 Mina always played / With her dolls, (CON, AM CIEHE O10101 WIE PANE E2 be V0 ¥: F, Verg as Gee gam Ole We 2018 / aU os Pe 16 She changed their clothes every day, Jue 2B 28 LOrHNR fo eat 8001 DH seepCatere ane 17 Shetgand lepd/ with her dolls, S01R& ance org JU 92 BAU UAE 18 Luckily, / Mina found / the perfect job. ee tas BBS, Mme WOR /A BE REE 19 She is /a doll dress designer, abe -BUE/emzcHOR, 20 She makes / traditional dresses / for dolls around the world. Per AME BUG / 88 288 / UPI EB ae 21 Her favorite traditional dress is / hanbok. EVA OE BEI 2 ona / Kevin 22 Kevin wanted / t816@ a doctor, vant Rone Kein -B Mee / SH) 521g 23 He also loved / sports. 8, ~£ CEE bof 00 £5096, EH gee Ng) FEE HOIE EB aay scan 24 —Now,/ he works / as a doctor / for a baseball team, U5 dO. V9 nowy OEE Rianseny Te UG /SoNEM Bora a 25 Kevin travels all over the country / with his team. Kevin 228 OMMEIUC / 29) 401 Bm aa 26 He takes care of the players / heli they get hurt, =# 580 Wa 98 BEUC / Bor, 27 Kevin loves / t6iK@lp the players. evn OFF RORIUC/ ORB BEB, earpioai 28 He also loves / t61WatGH the games / up close! MOF ROIRLIC/ 271m XPREE 28 /7IMOIIE 29 What do you think? BECO ROUET 30 People spend / about 30 percent of their lives / at their jobs. GQ) HUE, toarer en 40a AB MMLC / amet ghaetst sometE m / 25% v0, wat Do Wen? BO BE OB 31 So,/fiow)will you spend’ this 30 percent / of your life? ‘E007 IE EGA wilh GIBB: 84> » wit + For > GArpIgs ~7 ate, wee ot 2>Ka set erser0}30 Mes 1 BRO OWA? Cant: toUAaNE REOIE HRY | Lesson 06 Dream High, Fly High! | 77 | A iS 291 tz! Soi2 sae we aL, ws ‘2S COE Bute Bets MAIS. nie Ey What do you love to do? Do you love to play the piano? Do you love @(watch) television? Well, = temo y those @ (activity) can become your future jobs. Lets read about the © following people. They found the perfect jobs for G (they). Rahul on thofone's} way to + P48 Rahul loved to sing. He sang @on the way to school. He @(sing) in the shower. He even sang, fell in love = fallin eve with Dhas two lefi feet. T= awe to loFE Feet) Mina Mina @always Played with her dolls. She changed their clothes every day. She ate and slept with we her dolls. @(Lucky), Mina found the perfect job. She is a doll dress designer. She makes traditional dresses for dolls around the world. Her favorite traditional dress is hanbok. Kevin: Kevin wanted @(be) a doctor. He also loved sports. Now, he (work) Das a doctor for a baseball team. Kevin travels all over the country with his team, He @Dtakes care of the players when they get hurt. Kevin loves to help the players, He also loves to watch the games @up close! What do you think? People spend about 30 percent of their (life) at their jobs. So, how will you spend this 30 percent of your life’ 78 | set Zol_olwe! B cs 29) viz soz aus wg ajo. 01 What do you 02 Doyou _ 03 Doyou 2 04 Well, those ___can become your O5 Ler’sread about the ___ people, 06 Thy _the for them. Rahut 07 Rahul 08 He sang 09 He sang in the 10 He __ sang a ! 1 Rahul was in middle school, he in a school 12 she in 13 Rahulisnowan in 14 He's a great singer, but he ct 01 BNE FOB BIE 2B 01% ZoIa) ug? 02 GUE Mole he 218 OF Bola ua? 09 GE MANIA! Se 218 OF op aug? 06 A Tait BESE BAO Bay AE ogi + weLICh 05 CBO USE Mato Bey Gio} alc 06 382 THON RE AES YD auc. Rahul 07 Rahul £24 ¥2E 2B O1F BOL mote 00 Te DE 7H YON aH OID, 07 A A Bot Laugoje, 10 Ae UO BB AE Sows Senge og! 11 Rahulo} Seo sa 0, 2 a 2 A301 718 012, 12 2 QAI, Ae ov IaIS AION mee og, 19 Rahul em ales HP RILICp 16 TE RBH SOME, seus AO. Lesson 06 Dream High. Fly High! | 79 | Mina 15. Mina always played with her _ 16 She — ———___ ______ every day. 17 She ____and slept with her nr a WU2) She isa ey oe 20 She makes fr dots 21 Her favorite is hanbok, Kevin 22 Kevin 23 Healso 24 Now, he works _ 25 Kevin his team. 26 He 27 Kevin r _____ the players, 28 He also ______ the games 2 do you ? 30 People about 30 percent of their 31. So, how will you this 30 percent of your | 80 | 18t.3 wor_onwer —— the players they at their —_ ina a5 ony Sed TU SIME 71812 088. 16 Je 1 IBA LB Boley og, 17 aus gaa AMR Og, te SNS OE RE HEE se og 19 ue oy 2 MOIRA, 20 2UE BAe IYSE AY ES, ss Q5uUd, 21 JUD} 78 BOE BE RE OR ojo, Kevin 22 Kevin SAY} S12 NOH OID. 23 JE SH ess OF SOIROID. 26 Qa, Tt er oFPEIO CUE ERLE 25 Kevin® 19 Ga WM BAS AS aud 26 le SegoIciN aL IES SHUG. 27 Kevin S488 SE 29 1F & ovetuice 26 Te EEN ZION 2715 AL AS OFF gorRUC 29 1B OBA BOI? 30 ASE 3591 1494 & 300K 2591 901 BATU 31 IHU, oe ofa 214891 OF SONS S O17 W's 27187 My name is Jina Kim. I'm 34 years old. Lam a Owriter. I write stories about animals. 1 work at my house in Africa. 1 decided to be a writer Owhen I was in middle school. I liked Ot0 read boo! ks. Now I love m: work and my life! a © writer: 871 GwriteAC)) +e) © decide to + SABE: ~S1712 BUStCt (decider ORE ROIS Aah SAHOICE) © when® AIIB UES HAAS 9 aY ee o}o}o|c} 0 lke OPES SOAS Ct SAOIZ HBl= SAO1D2 toread EE readings #4 + QC @q | liked to read books when | was in middle school, TO F + They make bread and cakes, + In France, people @love to eat bread and cakes. 0So, it is a very important job. © love to eat: "Ht 218 OIF Bopsicr ape of (love eating) © 50: 248 LIEHLHE 4Ab @o In France, making bread and cakes is not important, D1 to cat® BAY BUI toPAAIOIC, fra, we ‘When I was 7 years old, my sister was born. I was so happy. O1'Il be a car designer when I become 28 years old. I'll be Oso happy! © when ARIS HEME HSAKE 8 oF eH efo}ofcy, © be born: EHO}LICH r= twill 0 so: # HF, Ue @p | want to be a car designer when | grow up. TO FO 0 MOE UNUGLIC HE 34zIeIUL OMe AIIM, Me HHO Be Ojo} SUC Ms OFeYHON E14 HOU IS CLIC! Ae Betz Chas 81 577 51712 BSAC AM 94 fe 28 BOIMSUC. Aa ME Mg ay a01or% ReLIC +as2 92 mo1a8 eBLiCh, TRADI ARSE 82 HOLS 528 OF RONG, TAHA Ite nie B20 NEB, 0 HP} TOWEL} O18 801 EHOISE SUG. ME UP aeasuch Ait 282101 S1et ASAE OLE AARILICH ANS 1 BINH 21ED! " Lesson 06 Dream High, Fly High! | 81 “

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