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Works Cited

1. Journal Article

Brady, David, and Rebekah Burroway. “Targeting, Universalism, and Single-Mother

Poverty: A Multilevel Analysis Across 18 Affluent Democracies.”

Demography, vol. 49, no. 2, Mar. 2012, pp. 719–46. PubMed,

10.1007/s13524-012-0094-z. Accessed 10 Mar. 2023.

Fox, Liana, et al. “Trends in Deep Poverty from 1968 to 2011: The Influence of

Family Structure, Employment Patterns, and the Safety Net.” The Russell

Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, vol. 1, no. 1, 2015, pp. 14–

34. JSTOR, Accessed 10 Mar. 2023.

# 作者为两人时用 and 连接,三人及以上时用 et al.

# 作品引用列表有同作者的两个或以上条目时,用 3 个 em dash(—)或 3 个 hyphen(-)


# Title of Source 后跟句号。Title of Container(如期刊名、书名、网站名)需要使用斜体

# vol.指的是 volume number(卷数),no.指的是 issue number(期数)

# 页数为单页时是 p. 8,为范围时是 pp. 9–16/pp. 1250–58。第二个页数为 99 及以下照写,

100 及以上写后两位(除非需要更多)。页数范围的符号用 en dash(–)或 hyphen(-)

# DOI 如果是 10.的数字形式的话,前面要加上

# URL 需要去掉 http://或 https://的前缀

2. Book Chapter & Book

Hansen, Camilla, and Washeila Sait. “‘We Too Are Disabled’: Disability Grants and

Poverty Politics in Rural South Africa.” Disability and poverty: A global

challenge, 2011, pp. 93–118. JSTOR, Accessed 10

Mar. 2023.

Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Penguin Group, 2000.

3. Research Report

FAO, et al. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017. FAO, 2017, Accessed 10 Mar. 2023.

4. Website

Riebeek, Holli. “Global Warming.” NASA Earth Observatory, 3 June 2010, Accessed 10 Mar. 2023.

# 如果非政府组织既是作者又是出版者,可以删除作者,并以标题作为条目的开头。若作


# 核心要素的 MLA 模板是:1 Author. 2 Title of Source.

3 Title of Container, 4 Contributor, 5 Version, 6 Number, 7 Publisher, 8 Publication Date, 9 Location.

# 常见的补充要素是:Date of Access

In-text Citation

1. Journal Article

(Brady and Burroway 724)

(Fox et al. 24, 28)

2. Book Chapter & Book

(Hansen and Sait 101)

(Wilde 227–29)

3. Research Report

(FAO et al. 6)

4. Website

# 作者为两人时用 and 连接,三人及以上时用 et al.

# 需从页数范围中选择引文出处的页码。若页码不连续可用逗号隔开,根据引用顺序排列

# 如无作者,则使用引用作品(Works Cited)对应条目中最先出现的信息(通常使用作品


# 引用作品中以标题作为条目开头时,文内引用的标题格式要根据引用作品中的对应格式


# 引用材料通常前有一个冒号(如果引文被正式地引入),以及前有一个逗号或无标点符


(A1) Quotation formally introduced

Shelley held a bold view: “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World” (794).

(A2) Quotation integrated into the sentence structure of your prose

“Poets,” according to Shelley, “are the unacknowledged legislators of the World” (794).

Shelley thought poets “the unacknowledged legislators of the World” (794).

# 被表示“说”的动词(如 writes、says、states、exclaims)引入的引文会使用逗号来引入



(B1) Quotation integrated into your prose

In Les Misérables, Victor Hugo writes, “We have all had those moments of distress when everything

falls apart inside us. We say the first thing that occurs to us, which is not exactly what should be said ”


(B2) Block quotation

Explaining her decision to learn a trade, Hwang Sok-yong’s narrator, Bari, says:
I was well aware that most North Koreans in my position weren’t paid for their work—they

were grateful if they got so much as room and board. The police were not yet actively hunting

down defectors, but they did show up if complaints were made. Regardless of the type of

work they did, North Koreans earned no more than a third of what a documented Chinese

resident might earn; but I was lucky, and earned half, and that was for doing mostly small

errands as an apprentice. (87)

# 删引文的一个词、短语、句子或更长时,注意对引文作者的合理性和你写作的语法完整


(. . .)来标记删减的部分(引文的句中或句尾)。当只引用一个词或短语时,不需要加省


(C) Passage in source

Americans trained by Balanchine, for example, raised their hip in arabesque and engaged in all manner

of distortions to achieve speed and a long, aerodynamic line.

(C1) Quotation with an ellipsis in the middle

According to Jennifer Homans’s ballet history, Apollo’s Angels, “Americans trained by Balanchine . . .

engaged in all manner of distortions to achieve speed and a long, aerodynamic line” (xviii).

# 当省略和句尾同时发生时,在引文最后一个词后加一个句号,然后加三个有间隔的句号。


(C2) Quotation with an ellipsis at the end of your sentence

In Apollo’s Angels, Jennifer Homans writes, “Americans trained by Balanchine, for example, raised
their hip in arabesque and engaged in all manner of distortions. . . .” The purpose of these movements,

as Homans notes, was to create a “long, aerodynamic line” (xviii).

(C3) Quotation with an ellipsis at the end of your sentence followed by a parenthetical citation

Commenting on the techniques of different national schools of ballet, Homans remarks, “Americans

trained by Balanchine, for example, raised their hip in arabesque and engaged in all manner of

distortions . . .” (xviii).

# 对于一段引文,是否将“其原来的出处/你构建的句子”的结尾处的标点符号包含在引号





# 紧跟引文的句号和逗号一般在结尾的引号内。

Suppose that you want to quote the following sentence from Shawn Otto’s The War on Science.

Nuclear safety measures, supported by business interests, drove the abandonment of US cities.

(* 你构建的句子的句尾引文后面跟有括号引用时,句号在引号和括号引用后。)

If you conclude your sentence with this quotation and a parenthetical citation, omit the closing

period inside quotation marks. A sentence-ending period should follow the parenthetical citation.

(i) In a study of anti-scientific thinking, Shawn Otto writes, “Nuclear safety measures, supported by

business interests, drove the abandonment of US cities” (111).

(* 你构建的句子的句中引文,删除其原来的出处的句号,换作适合新语境的标点符


If the quotation ends in the middle of your sentence, replace the period with a punctuation mark

appropriate to the new context—in this case, a comma.

(ii) “Nuclear safety measures, supported by business interests, drove the abandonment of US cities,”

writes Shawn Otto in a study of anti-scientific thinking (111).

# 紧跟引文的除句号和逗号的其他标点符号一般在结尾的引号外。

(* 这些其他标点符号是你用来构建你的句子的。)

Suppose you are quoting from the following line of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself.”

I have no mockings or arguments, I witness and wait.

The punctuation—a colon in the first example, a question mark in the second— is placed outside

the closing quotation mark.

(i) Whitman refers to “mockings or arguments”: these concepts are central to the poem.

(ii) Where does Whitman refer to “mockings or arguments”?

(* 这些其他标点符号是其原来的出处已经有的,则保留引文原有的问号和感叹号。句尾


(i) “How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such

infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form?” wonders Victor Frankenstein in Mary Shelley’s

Frankenstein (42).

(ii) Dorothea Brooke remarks to her sister, “What a wonderful little almanac you are, Celia!” (7).


(i) The first sentence of Jameson’s Political Unconscious advises, “Always historicize!”

(ii) Whitman asks, “Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?”

# 在你的散文的表示“说”的动词(如 writes、says、states、exclaims)后,大写引文的第


(D) Passage in source

Our possessions outlast us, surviving shocks that we cannot; we have to live up to them, as they will

be our witnesses when we are gone.

(D1) Quoted in your work (short quotations)

In The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel writes, “Our possessions outlast us.”

Of our personal belongings, Hilary Mantel writes, “[T]hey will be our witnesses when we are gone.”

(D’) Passage in source

The sun rose higher on its journey, guided, not by Phaethon, but by Apollo, competent, unswerving,

divine. Its rays fell on the ladies whenever they advanced towards the bedroom windows; on Mr. Beebe

down at Summer Street as he smiled over a letter from Miss Catharine Alan; on George Emerson

cleaning his father’s boots; and lastly, to complete the catalogue of memorable things, on the red book
mentioned previously. The ladies move, Mr. Beebe moves, George moves, and movement may

engender shadow. But this book lies motionless, to be caressed all the morning by the sun and to raise

its covers slightly, as though acknowledging the caress.

(D’1) Quoted in your work (block quotations)

In A Room with a View E. M. Forster writes:

The sun rose higher on its journey, guided, not by Phaethon, but by Apollo, competent,

unswerving, divine. Its rays fell on the ladies whenever they advanced towards the bedroom

windows; on Mr. Beebe down at Summer Street as he smiled over a letter from Miss

Catharine Alan; on George Emerson cleaning his father’s boots; and lastly, to complete the

catalogue of memorable things, on the red book mentioned previously. The ladies move, Mr.

Beebe moves, George moves, and movement may engender shadow. But this book lies

motionless, to be caressed all the morning by the sun and to raise its covers slightly, as though

acknowledging the caress.

In A Room with a View E. M. Forster writes:

[R]ays fell on the ladies whenever they advanced towards the bedroom windows; on Mr.

Beebe down at Summer Street as he smiled over a letter from Miss Catharine Alan; on George

Emerson cleaning his father’s boots; and lastly, to complete the catalogue of memorable

things, on the red book mentioned previously. The ladies move, Mr. Beebe moves, George

moves, and movement may engender shadow. But this book lies motionless, to be caressed all

the morning by the sun and to raise its covers slightly, as though acknowledging the caress.
# 当引文和你的句子结构成为一体,小写引文的第一个词的第一个字母(如果其通常在你



(E) Passage in source

For months, the air in their flat was like cracked glass. Everyone tiptoed around her mother, who had

become a stranger, thin and knuckly and severe.

(E1) Quoted in your work (short quotations)

In Americanah, Ifemelu’s mother is described as “a stranger, thin and knuckly and severe” (51).

Of the atmosphere at home, Ifemelu notes that “[e]veryone tiptoed around her mother, who had

become a stranger, thin and knuckly and severe” (51).

(E’) Passage in source

Ifemelu stood by the window while Aunty Uju sat at the table drinking orange juice and airing her

grievances like jewels. It had become a routine of Ifemelu’s visits: Aunty Uju collected all her

dissatisfactions in a silk purse, nursing them, polishing them, and then on the Saturday of Ifemelu’s

visit, while Bartholomew was out and Dike upstairs, she would spill them out on the table, and turn

each one this way and that, to catch the light.

(E’ 1) Quoted in your work (block quotation)

Visiting her family, Ifemelu would find her aunt

airing her grievances like jewels. It had become a routine of Ifemelu’s visits: Aunty Uju

collected all her dissatisfactions in a silk purse, nursing them, polishing them, and then on the

Saturday of Ifemelu’s visit, while Bartholomew was out and Dike upstairs, she would spill

them out on the table, and turn each one this way and that, to catch the light. (224)

# 短引文可能被冒号所引入(当其不和你的散文的句子结构成为一体)。当冒号引入这样

(F) Passage in source

She did not want to leave Dike—the mere thought brought a sense of treasure already lost—and yet

she wanted to leave Aunty Uju’s apartment, and begin a life in which she alone determined the


(F1) Quoted in your work (short quotations)

By the end of the summer, Ifemelu yearns for independence: “she wanted to leave Aunty Uju’s

apartment, and begin a life in which she alone determined the margins” (147).

Ifemelu mourns what she will lose when she leaves for school: “She did not want to leave Dike—the

mere thought brought a sense of treasure already lost—and yet she wanted to leave Aunty Uju’s

apartment, and begin a life in which she alone determined the margins” (147).

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