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Fase/Kelas/Semester : Fase F/XI/1

Elemen : Membaca dan Berbicara
Perkiraan Alokasi waktu : 5 JP (5 x 45 menit)
Dimensi Profil Pelajar Pancasila : Berpikir kritis

Kata Kunci, Topik / Konten Inti :

1. Narrative (Fairytale, Folktale, Legend)

2. Generic Structure
3. Language Features

Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Setelah mempelajari materi ini siswa diharapkan mampu :

1. Menentukan gagasan utama dari teks naratif lisan
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci dari teks naratif tulis
3. Menulis teks naratif tentang berbagai topik secara mandiri

Kriteria Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Pada kegiatan pembelajaran, guru dapat memastikan apakah peserta didik dapat
mengikuti dan memahami narrative secara baik dan benar yang ditunjukan dengan
eviden atau bukti pencapaian hasil belajar sebagai berikut.
1. Menentukan gagasan utama dari teks naratif lisan
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci dari teks naratif tulis
3. Menulis teks naratif tentang berbagai topik secara mandiri

Sarana dan Prasarana :

Sarana dan Prasarana yang disiapkan:

1. Komputer/Laptop/Smartphone
2. Proyektor/LCD


3. Loudspeaker
4. Jaringan internet
5. Buku pendamping

Assesmen Awal :

1. What is narrative text?

A. A factual news
B. A true experience story
C. A text that describe specific things
D. An imaginative story to entertain people
2. Which one is a fairytale?




3. What is the purpose of narrative text?

A. To entertain the readers
B. To describe particular thing
C. To tell the past event
D. To notice someone
4. The generic structure of narrative text are ...
A. Complication, reslution, and Orientation
B. Resolution, Orientation, and Complication
C. Orientation, Resolution, and Complication
D. Orientation, Complication, and Resolution


5. What is the orientation of narrative text?
A. The end paragraph of the story
B. The opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced
C. The middle paragraph of the story
D. The social function of the text
6. These are kind of narrative text, except ...
A. Folklore
B. Fairytale
C. Poem
D. Legend
7. Read the passage!
Once upon a time, in a serene meadow nestled between rolling hills, a clever and hungry wolf
roamed in search of a meal. His sharp eyes caught sight of a tender and innocent lamb grazing
peacefully by the sparkling stream.
Driven by his predatory instincts, the wolf crept silently towards the lamb, his mouth watering at the
thought of a delicious feast. As he approached, he could hear the lamb singing a sweet melody,
completely unaware of the impending danger.
The wolf decided to take advantage of the lamb's innocence and concocted a deceitful plan. "Good
day, dear lamb," said the wolf, feigning a friendly tone. "Why are you disturbing the water that
flows downstream? It is muddying the water for me and the other animals who drink from this
The lamb, with a gentle smile, replied, "Oh, wise wolf, I apologize if my presence is causing any
inconvenience. I stand downstream, and thus, I cannot muddy the water for you. In fact, you are
upstream from me."
The wolf, not expecting such a logical response, grew frustrated. He realized that his initial ruse did
not work as planned. In his hunger and desperation, he decided to accuse the lamb of an entirely
different offense.
"Well then," snapped the wolf, "you must have insulted me and my family last year! How dare you
disrespect us?"
The lamb was taken aback and replied in a trembling voice, "Oh noble wolf, I am but a young lamb,
and I wasn't even born last year. It is impossible for me to have insulted you or your family."
The wolf, unwilling to admit his wrongdoing, growled angrily, "You must pay for your sins, and
there is no escaping your fate!"
With that, the wolf lunged at the innocent lamb and devoured it in a single gulp. The meadow fell
silent, and a dark cloud of sadness hung over the once serene place.

Where did the story happen?

A. On the river
B. In the forest
C. In the jungle
D. At the zoo
8. The following fact which not made the wolf get angry with the lamb?
Once upon a time, in a serene meadow nestled between rolling hills, a clever and hungry wolf
roamed in search of a meal. His sharp eyes caught sight of a tender and innocent lamb grazing
peacefully by the sparkling stream.
Driven by his predatory instincts, the wolf crept silently towards the lamb, his mouth watering at the
thought of a delicious feast. As he approached, he could hear the lamb singing a sweet melody,
completely unaware of the impending danger.
The wolf decided to take advantage of the lamb's innocence and concocted a deceitful plan. "Good
day, dear lamb," said the wolf, feigning a friendly tone. "Why are you disturbing the water that
flows downstream? It is muddying the water for me and the other animals who drink from this


The lamb, with a gentle smile, replied, "Oh, wise wolf, I apologize if my presence is causing any
inconvenience. I stand downstream, and thus, I cannot muddy the water for you. In fact, you are
upstream from me."
The wolf, not expecting such a logical response, grew frustrated. He realized that his initial ruse did
not work as planned. In his hunger and desperation, he decided to accuse the lamb of an entirely
different offense.
"Well then," snapped the wolf, "you must have insulted me and my family last year! How dare you
disrespect us?"
The lamb was taken aback and replied in a trembling voice, "Oh noble wolf, I am but a young lamb,
and I wasn't even born last year. It is impossible for me to have insulted you or your family."
The wolf, unwilling to admit his wrongdoing, growled angrily, "You must pay for your sins, and
there is no escaping your fate!"
With that, the wolf lunged at the innocent lamb and devoured it in a single gulp. The meadow fell
silent, and a dark cloud of sadness hung over the once serene place.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran :

Pertemuan ke-1 dan ke-2


1. Peserta didik melakukan do’a dan bersyukur sebelum belajar.

2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik dan meminta peserta didik untuk
mempersiapkan perlengkapan dan peralatan yang diperlukan.
3. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan
dengan materi yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan materi sebelumnya.
4. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang kompetensi, ruang lingkup materi,
tujuan, manfaat, langkah pembelajaran, metode penilaian yang akan dilaksanakan.
5. Guru melakukan apersepsi dengan memberikan pertanyaan pemantik tentang
A. Have you ever heard about narrative?
B. Give me example story you’ve known about narrative?
C. What is a narrative text?
6. Guru melakukan asessmen awal pada peserta didik melalui quizizz

Kegiatan Inti

1. Guru membagi siswa di kelas menjadi beberapa kelompok. (Pembagian kelompok

berdasar hasil asesmen awal. 1 kelompok terdiri dari siswa yang: benar 100% (A),
benar 75% (B), dan benar 50% (C))
2. Peserta didik mempersiapkan diri untuk mendengarkan teks naratif lisan satu
kali melalui loudspeaker.
3. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan lisan yang ditanyakan guru
mengenai teks yang didengar peserta didik.
4. Peserta didik diberi sebuah text di LKPD.


5. Peserta didik membaca text dan mengerjakan soal di LKPD bersama kelompok
masing-masing dengan berdiskusi.
6. Peserta didik mengemukakan hasil kerja dan teman lainnya saling menanggapi.
A : peserta didik diminta untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di dalam LKPD
dan menjelaskannya
B : peserta didik diminta untuk menjelaskan tentang narrative
C : Peserta didik diminta menjelaskan apa yang diketahui dan apa yang diminta
untuk dicari
7. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi, resume dan membuat kesimpulan secara
lengkap, komprehensif dan dibantu guru dari materi yang telah dipelajari.
8. Guru memberikan apresiasi atas partisipasi semua peserta didik.


1. Guru menyampaikan kesimpulan dari materi yang diberikan.

2. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan mengucupkan syukur dan berdoa bersama
semoga apa yang dipelajari hari ini dapat dipahami dengan baik.

Materi Narrative pertemuan ke-1 dan ke-2


The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Atty, a cowgirl milked her cow and she had two jugs of fresh, creamy milk with her. She put both the
buckets of milk on a pole and went to the market to sell milk. As he stepped towards the market, his
thoughts turned towards money. On the way, she kept thinking about how much money she would be able
to earn by selling the milk.

Then she thought what would she do with the money. She was talking to herself and said, “As soon as I get
the money, I will buy a chicken. The hen will lay eggs and I will get more chickens. All of them will lay eggs,
and I will sell them for more money. Then, I’ll buy a house on the hill and everyone will envy me.” She was
very happy that soon she would become very rich.

With these pleasant thoughts she went on. But suddenly she stumbled and fell down. Both the milk buckets
fell and all his dreams were shattered. The milk fell to the ground, and Patty could only cry. “No more
dreams,” she cried idly!

Pertanyaan Lisan:
1. What is the title of the story?
2. Who is the main character of the story?
3. How many jugs of fresh milk did she get from milking?
4. Where did the story happen?
5. What happen to the cowgirl?
6. How was the end of the story?
7. What can you learn after listening the story?


Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Pertemuan ke-1 dan ke-2


Materi : Pengertian Narrative

Name :
Kelas :


1. Read the passage or watch the video of narrative text titled “The Two Friends and
The Bear”, then discuss the questions with your group to answer all of them!
2. Present the result of your discussion in front of the class!

“The Two Friends and The Bear”

Once two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything
dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other
that they would remain united in any case of danger.
Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching them. One of the friends at once
climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his
common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.
The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left
the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures.
Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend,
what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me
not to believe a false friend.”

Link Youtube:

1. Who is the main character of the story?

2. What is the problem of the main character faced?
3. How can the main character solve the problem?
4. If you were the main character, what would you do if you met a big bear?
5. From the passage there is a statement that bears do not touch the dead
creatures. Is it true? Explain!
6. Why did the pretended dead man say that the bear advised him? Explain in your
own words!
7. What are you going to do if you are a friend of the pretended dead man?


Lembar Refleksi

Setelah melalui proses belajar hari ini, peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap diri
sendiri dengan menjawab pertanyaan yang dapat membantu peserta didik untuk
a. Dari proses belajar hari ini, hal yang saya pahami adalah.....

b. Selama pembelajaran saya menemukan hal yang membuat saya tertarik yaitu....

c. Selanjutnya saya ingin mengetahui lebih dalam tentang....

Tabel refleksi diri pemahaman materi

Saya belum Saya mulai Saya telah

No Pertanyaan
mengerti memahaminya mengerti
Apakah anda dapat
1. membedakan teks naratif
dan bukan naratif?
Apakah anda dapat
2. menentukan struktur teks
Apakah anda dapat
3. menentukan ciri-ciri
kebahasaan teks naratif?

Rencana Tindak Lanjut

No Rencana Tindak Lanjut Langkah-langkah Target

1 Guru memberikan Waktu
beberapa latihan untuk Guru memberikan seminggu
evaluasi hari ini dan informasi.
meminta peserta didik
✔ Peserta didik menentukan
membuat laporan singkat
aktivitas pembelajaran penyelesaian latihan
siswa hari ini. pembelajaran hari ini.

✔ Laporan peserta didik bisa

dibuat dalam bentuk paper
atau kertas portofolio atau
tayangan power point atau
Canva atau infografis atau
bentuk lainnya (disesuaikan
dengan kondisi peserta



✔ Dikerjakan individu.


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