Shri Ajay Michyari.

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Shri Ajay

A Michyari
Chief Ge
eneral Manaager,
Departmment of Curre
ency Manag
Reserve Bank of Inddia &
Director,, SPMCIL

Shri Ajjay Michya

ari is curre
ently Chieff General Manager
M o Departm
of ment of Cu
gement. Before this assignme
ent, he wa
as Region
nal Directo
or of Bhop
pal and
prior to
o that he was Banking Lokp
pal/Chief General
Manager w
with the State
S of
Madhyya Prades
sh & Chh
hattisgarh. He com
mpleted his schoolin
ng from Bishop
ott Boys’ School,
S Ra
anchi and graduated
d from St.X
Xaviers Co
ollege, Ranchi.

He join ank in the year 1991

ned the Ba 1 as a Gra cer. He has worked
ade ‘B’ offic d in the
nal Offices
s at Kolkkata and Patna
P in various capacities
c in the arreas of
ent and settlement
s systems and sup
pervision of banks.. He servved as
al Manage
er in the Departmen
D nt of Curre
ency Management at
a Central Office
in Mum
mbai for fivve years before
b mo
oving out to
t head the Belapurr Regionall Office
in 2013

He hass been an additiona

al director in
i the RBL mited (ersttwhile Ratanakar
L Bank Lim
Bank L
Ltd.). He has also been a RBI
R Nomin
nee Directtor on the
e Board off State
Bank of Hydera
abad and
d Securityy Printing and Mintting Corp
poration off India
d (SPMCIL), a Gove
Limited ernment of
o India Un
g. Recentlyy, he was a part
of an IMF missio
on to Bhuta
an on Currrency Issu

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