Poetry Success Criteria

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AO1- Y or N Colour

Do I use well-selected quotations from the poem to support my argument and do

I use quotation marks?

Higher-level: Do I embed my quotes seamlessly?


Do I put forward a strong argument that answers the question at the start of my

Do I notice the deeper meaning behind the words- not just say what the words
say but what they suggest, imply or represent?

Do I link my ideas to some information I know about the poet to further my


Challenge: Do I sometimes suggest more than one deeper meaning of a word?

This could suggest….. It could also imply…..because…


Do I notice the techniques the poet uses in EVERY quotation?

Challenge: Do I notice more than one technique in some quotations?

Do I analyse how the technique communicates my argument? The effect it has

on the meaning of the line? The effect it has on the reader?

Do I sometimes zoom in and break down specific words to explain what they
usually describe and then suggest why the writer uses them here?

Have I sometimes analysed the tone the words create?

Have I sometimes analysed the sound of the words?

Have I analysed how the poet uses form? And how the choices of form
communicate my argument?

Challenge: Have I sometimed analysed stucture to show how the ideas link
back, develop or contrast to other sections of the poem?


Do my ideas in my paragraph all add up to prove my argument?

Do I use connective words to connect the ideas in my paragraph?

Challange: Do I sometimes use evaluative language to indicate my opinion of

the poet’s techniques? The writer’s effective use of…/the poet skillfully……/ It is
interesting that the poet…..

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