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Final International University
ELTE 101 Reading & Writing





Table of Contents

List of Writing Booklet Topics ………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…1–3

1.1 Sentence Structure ……………………………………………………………………………………..………..4–12
1.2 Conjunctions / Linkers ……………………………………………………………………………….……….13–23
1.3 Unit Task: Guided Writing …………………………………………………………………………..……….24–25


2.1 Brainstorming and Idea Generation ………………………………………………………………………….26
The Discussion Clock ……………………………………………………………………………..……….26–27
2.2 Sample Essay …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28
What is an essay? ………………………………………………………………………………………………..29
The Writing Process …………………………………………………………………………………….……….30
2.3 The Introduction Paragraph ………………………………………………………………………………………31
The Thesis Statement …………………………………………………………………………………....32–35
Introducing the Topic / Providing Context ………………………………………………….….36–40
2.4 The Conclusion Paragraph ………………………………………………………………………………..…41–42
2.5 Unit Task: Writing Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs …………………………….….43–45


3.1 Brainstorming and Idea Generation ……………………………………………………….…………………46
The Idea Generator ………………………………………………………………………………..………47–49
3.2 Sample Essay …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50
3.3 Language and Vocabulary Focus …………………………………………………………………….….……..51
Topic Sentence Structures …………………………………………………………………..…………51–55
Presenting Minor Supporting Ideas ……………………………………………………..…………56–57
3.4 Unit Task: Writing a Body Paragraph Using the Idea Generator …………………..…..…58–61


4.1 Brainstorming and Idea Generation ……………………………………………………………….…………62
Identifying Major and Minor Supporting Ideas …………………………………….…………62–63
4.2 Sample Essay ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..64
4.3 Language and Vocabulary Focus ………………………………………………………………….……………65
Sample Essay Useful Vocabulary ………………………………………………………….………………65
Phrases for Introducing Examples …………………………………………………………….……65–68
Academic Style ………………………………………………………………………………………………69–71
If and When in Zero and First Conditionals ………………………………………………….…72–73
4.4 Unit Task: Writing a Third Body Paragraph for the Sample Essay ……………..…………74–75
5.1 Brainstorming and Idea Generation ……………………………………………………………………76–78
Identifying Cause and Effect ……………………………………………………………………..……78–81
5.2 Sample Essay ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….82–83
5.3 Language and Vocabulary Focus ………………………………………………………………….……………84
Language/Vocabulary for Expressing Reason …………………………………………………84–87
Language/Vocabulary for Expressing Result ………………………………………………..…88–91
Guided Writing ……………………………………………………………………………………………...92–93
Gerund as Subject …………………………………………………………………………………..……..94–95
Adjectives with ‘to’ infinitive …………………………………………………………………..……..96–97
Causative verbs ‘make’ and ‘cause’ ………………………………………………………………..98–99
5.4 Unit Task: 5W1H – Question Guide for Brainstorming …………………………………….100–101
Writing an essay using the ideas generated in 5W1H …………….……….102–107


6.1 Brainstorming and Idea Generation ………………………………………………………………….……108
Mind Mapping ……………………………………………………………………………………….…..109–111
6.2 Sample Essay …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..112
6.3 Language and Vocabulary Focus ………………………………………………………………..……………113
Comparatives and Superlatives ………………………………………………………………....113–116
All (of), Most (of), Some (of), No, None of ……………………………………….………………..117
Guided Writing …………………………………………………………………………………………..118–119
Contrast Structure Linkers ………………………………………………………………………...120–121
Guided Writing …………………………………………………………………………………..……………..122
6.4 Unit Task: Mind Mapping ………………………………………………………………………………..123–125
Writing an essay using the ideas generated in the mind map …….…..126–128

Writing Criteria ………………………………………………………………………………..………….……………………………129

Correction Symbols …………………………………………………………………………………..………………………130-132

Topic 1: Nowadays many students choose to work at a part time job during their university studies.
Do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 2: Contrary to the popular belief that modern technology has made our lives easier, it has
actually made it harder. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to explain your choice.

Topic 3: All over the world, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity. This problem affects
both children and adults. What are the reasons for this rise in obesity? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

Topic 4: A large number of deaths are caused by road accidents. Why do so many accidents
occur? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Topic 5: Modern technology allows machines to perform hard work instead of humans. Does this
have a positive or a negative effect on people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Topic 6: Many people prefer to live in a city while others say that living in the countryside has more
advantages. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your

Topic 7: With the rise in popularity of the internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your

Topic 8: Nowadays many students have the opportunity to study some parts or all of their courses
abroad and this brings many benefits to them. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 9: Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in single sex schools. Others,
however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Which view do you
agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 10: The best way to learn English is to learn it in an English-speaking country. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 11: All students should be required to learn a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 12: Some people believe that attendance should be compulsory for university students. Others
hold the view that going to classes should be optional. Which view do you support? Use specific
reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 13: Many young children spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a television. However,
it is extremely harmful, and therefore, parents should not allow it. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 14: Playing computer games for long hours is harmful. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 15: Academic qualifications guarantee success in business life. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 16: Some people argue that it is good for children to be away from their families and go to a
boarding school. Others suggest that children should live with their families and attend a day school.
Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 17: Each year, more and more people from all over the world decide to leave their home
countries and immigrate to another place. Some people think that this has negative consequences
for the immigrants. Others think that it brings many benefits. Which view do you agree with? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 18: One of the major problems facing the world today is the growing number of refugees. The
developed nations in the world should help this problem by taking in more refugees. Do you agree
or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 19: Overpopulation is the biggest problem facing the world. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 20: The rising levels of congestion and air pollution in most big cities can be directly related to
the rapidly increasing number of private cars. Therefore, everyone should use public transport. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.
Topic 21: Some people think that it is beneficial for students to go to private schools, but others think
it has negative effects. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain
your choice.

Topic 22: It is better for students to live alone than to live with their parents. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 23: In cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a problem. What actions
can be taken to solve this problem? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Topic 24: Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today,
however, it is a global problem. What measure could governments and individuals take to respond
to this problem? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Topic 25: Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What
measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

Topic 26: Traditional classrooms with teachers can never be replaced by online education. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 27: The world would be a better place without advertising because it has many negative
effects on people and society. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons
and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 28: Advertising to children is unethical for a variety of reasons and therefore, there should be
strict rules against it. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to explain your choice.

Topic 29: Many people judge success by money and material possessions. However, success can be
achieved or measured in other ways. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific
reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 30: With all the problems in the world today, spending money on space exploration is a
complete waste. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples
to explain your choice.

Unit 1


Exercise: The paragraph below agrees with Topic 1. It is taken from a B2 student essay and it
contains 9 structural errors. Work with a partner and correct the errors.

Topic 1: Nowadays many students choose to work at a part time job during their university studies.
Do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Firstly, university students who work at a part-time job (1) has financial freedom.

Nowadays, studying at private universities (2) are expensive. Parents who send their children to

a private university (3) needed to spend too much money on their children’s education life.

(4)Those parents they sometimes work at stressful jobs to afford the university fees (5)because

always want to do their best for their children. However, if students work at a part-time job, they

can afford some of their needs themselves. (6) This mean that they won’t want more money from

their parents for their needs. For example, they can buy their school needs such as books,

notebooks, pencils, etc. Therefore, they (7) can the money that their parents send for other

important things. Also, they learn the importance of money because they spend the money which

they earn (8) this helps them to learn how to manage their budget and save some money. (9)

This very useful for their future.

Structural errors prevent writers from expressing their thoughts clearly, and cause confusion and
misunderstanding. It is, therefore, important to be aware of some common errors that frequently
appear in writing. The most common errors are listed below.

1. The clause can be missing a SUBJECT or a VERB

Always is necessary to be at the office at exactly 8 am.


The sentence is incorrect because it has the verb is, but no subject.

His recommendation about the project.


The sentence is incorrect because it has the subject recommendation, but no verb.

Exercise: Read the sentences below. Write (C) next to the sentence if the sentence is correct, or (I)
if incorrect. Then, check your answers with a partner.

1. The unclear meaning of the underlined sentence.

2. His reaction to the film was surprising.

3. Usually leaves quite early in the morning.

4. Surprisingly, no one has collected the prize.

5. Absolutely cannot submit the forms today.

6. The refusal of the manager to accept his resignation.

7. The idea shocked me.

8. In a moment of excitement forgot about his promise.

9. A reminder to everyone of the importance of the project.

10. The boss finally decided.

2. The subject of a sentence can be repeated unnecessarily.

Some parents they try to help their children with their homework.

A student who studies abroad he can have some difficulties.


3. Run-on sentence: Two complete sentences can be written with no punctuation between

 Some people enjoy travelling they sometimes travel with their friends.
Complete Sentence 1 Complete Sentence 2

 Some people enjoy travelling. They sometimes travel with their friends.
 Some people enjoy travelling, and they sometimes travel with their friends.

Exercise: Read the sentences below. If the sentence is correct, put a tick next to it. If it is incorrect,
correct the mistakes. Then, check your answers with a partner.
1. It is necessary for people to drink 2 litres of water every day because our body it loses large
amounts of water each day.

2. Some women stop working for a year when they have a baby they want to devote all their time
to the baby.

3. Final International University offers students some opportunities to study abroad. It has many
campuses around the world.

4. The professor asked students to prepare a group project, but one student he wanted to do it

5. There are millions of smart phone users in the world. However, some people they don’t prefer
to use them.

4. An incorrect verb tense can be used in a sentence or in a clause.

 Some students study hard and passed their exams last module.
 Some students studied hard and passed their exams last module.
 I think, all teachers participate in the graduation ceremony next June.
 I think, all teachers will participate in the graduation ceremony next June.

5. The verb tenses shift inappropriately from one time frame to another.

 In the past, people spent hours and days to travel from one place to another. It is
very difficult and tiring for them. They don’t have the cars or other means of
transportation that we have today.

 In the past, people spent hours and days to travel from one place to another. It was
very difficult and tiring for them. They didn’t have the cars or other means of
transportation that we have today.

Exercise: The paragraph below disagrees with Topic 2. It contains 6 incorrect verb tense and
inappropriate tense shift errors. Work with a partner, underline and correct the errors.
Topic 2: Contrary to the popular belief that modern technology has made our lives easier, it has
actually made it harder. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to explain your choice.

There are huge differences between technology today and technology a few decades ago. In the
1990s, cell phones were huge, and people use them only to call others, but now cell phones have
many features. Today, we also have USBs to transfer information, but in the past, it was very
difficult to transfer information from computer to computer because people don’t have USBs.
They used floppy drives when they want to save or transfer their files. Also, in the past, LCD
screens are very expensive and only very rich people or professionals can use them. I think it is
certain that technology continues to evolve in the future.

6. Subject and verb agreement (SVA) errors

Subject - Verb agreement simply means that the subject and the verb in a sentence
must agree in number (singular or plural).

The basic principle is that singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural

SVA Error 1: A singular verb can be used for a plural subject.

 Parents wants their children to go to a good university.
 Parents want their children to go to a good university.
 Science and technology is essential for national development and progress.
 Science and technology are essential for national development and progress.

SVA Error 2: A plural verb can be used for a singular subject. The final –s, –es or –ies can be
missing in the third person singular form in the Present Simple.
 Advertising contribute to economic growth by promoting competition and increasing
 Advertising contributes to economic growth by promoting competition and increasing

 Everybody want to have a happy family and a good job.

 Everybody wants to have a happy family and a good job.

SVA Error 3: The verb in a relative clause does not agree with the noun that the relative
clause is defining.
 Obesity is caused by eating too much junk food which contain a lot of fat.
 Obesity is caused by eating too much junk food which contains a lot of fat.
 A manager should listen to the people who works for him.
 A manager should listen to the people who work for him.

SVA Error 4: The subject and the verb(s) of a sentence are not in agreement when words
come between them.
 The surveys about the happiness of people shows some interesting facts.
 The surveys about the happiness of people show some interesting facts.
A virus in all the company’s computers are a real threat to security.
 A virus in all the company’s computers is a real threat to security.
Games are very important in a language classroom because it gives students opportunities
to interact with each other.
 Games are very important in a language classroom because they give students
opportunities to interact with each other.

Exercise 1: Circle the correct option in the sentences below.

1. Everyone who work / works very hard become / becomes successful in the end.
2. Swimming and walking is / are very good for health.
3. A person always need / needs his friends and family.
4. The causes of this terrible disease is / are bad diet and lack of exercise.
5. Nothing have / has changed since the new law was / were passed.
6. The high level of competition means / mean that many companies struggle to make a profit.
7. Both the individual and society benefit / benefits from hard work.
8. The advantages of studying and working at the same time is / are gaining experience and
having financial power.
9. The economic consequences of the war was / were inflation and unemployment.
10. A good relationship requires a lot of effort and responsibility because it involves / they
involve trust.

Exercise 2: Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences in the Simple Present
Tense. Use the correct form of the verbs, and pay attention to subject and verb agreement.

1. who make his team famous / An athlete / a lot of money / deserve.


2. valuable suggestions and hard work / of the company / The staff’s / to the success / be vital


3. for his lessons / who use / be able to reach / A student / the Internet / a lot of information

4. to / private universities / be able to do / Students / who go / experiments / well-equipped

laboratories / in

5. the population / that / Research / of big cities / demonstrate / be on the increase.


6. effectively / need / to / work / a quiet environment / Everyone


7. a part-time job / for his lessons / who work / not spend / A student / at / enough time


8. be unpleasant / who want to watch / TV commercials / to the person / a good show


9. warn / Law enforcement authorities / aggressive driving / motorists / about


10. the magic / who enjoy / discover / reading / A person / of books


10 | P a g e
7. More subject and verb agreement (SVA) errors

SVA Error 5: The subject and the verb do not agree when “One of the” is used.

 One of the passengers were injured badly.  One of the reasons are financial support.
 One of the passengers was injured badly.  One of the reasons is financial support.

SVA Error 6: The subject and the verb do not agree when the sentence begins with “There”.

 There is some people who live a happy life abroad.

 There are some people who live a happy life abroad.

Exercise 1: Read the extract about Topic 3 below and circle the correct option.
Topic 3: All over the world, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity. This problem affects
both children and adults. What are the reasons for this rise in obesity? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.

Reasons for obesity

1. Eating junk food
2. Lack of physical exercise

There (1) is / are two main (2) reason / reasons for obesity. One of the (3) reason / reasons (4) is
/ are eating junk food. When a person who (5) don’t / doesn’t like eating vegetables (6) eat / eats
too much junk food, s/he (7) take / takes in too many calories and (8) gain / gains weight.

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the prompts given.

a) Stages of the writing process
1. brainstorming
2. writing a draft
3. editing

There …………………………………………………of the writing process. ……………………………………………………brainstorming.

11 | P a g e
Exercise 3: Work with a partner and complete the extract about Topic 4. Use ALL the prompts for
“Attitude of drivers” and the Simple Present Tense.
Topic 4: A large number of deaths are caused by road accidents. Why do so many accidents
occur? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Reasons for road accidents

1) Attitude of drivers
2) Environmental factors
1) Attitude of drivers driving when they are feeling tired
- not focusing on driving
talking on the phone, smoking, etc.

There …………………………………………………..…………….……………for road accidents. One of the …………………….……………..





Exercise 4: With your partner, write a paragraph about Topic 4 using AT LEAST ONE of the
prompts for “Environmental factors” and the Simple Present Tense.

2) Environmental factors
- weather conditions (rain, icy roads, heavy snow, etc.)
- bad roads (repairs, holes, stone chips, etc.)
- the place of road signs (not visible)

The second reason is environmental factors. …………………………………………………………………….………………………….







12 | P a g e
The paragraph below was written by a B2 student. It does not have any structural errors mentioned
in the previous section. However, do you think that the ideas in it are connected well? How can the
student improve this paragraph? In what ways can s/he connect ideas better?
Topic 5: Modern technology allows machines to perform hard work instead of humans. Does this
have a positive or a negative effect on people? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
Using machines in factories is cheaper and more useful than using human beings. Firstly,
producers pay money for machines only once and use them for at least fifteen years. They have
to pay money to their workers regularly. Using machines is cheaper than paying salary every
month to the workers. Factory owners can make a profit by using machines in their factories. Also,
machines are very useful. People make mistakes. Machines don’t make any mistakes. They can
work for hours and days without a break. People can’t do this. They get tired.

Exercise: Work with a partner and rewrite the paragraph ABOVE. Express the relationship
between ideas logically.
Using machines in factories is cheaper and more useful than using human beings. Firstly,
producers pay money for machines only once and use them for at least fifteen years. ……….……….







Although correct sentence structure is very important, it is not enough to produce a well-developed
paragraph. When we begin learning a second language, we write and speak in very basic sentences.
Example: “London is a very exciting city. London is very expensive.”
As we learn more words and more complex sentence structures, we are able to start using sentence
connectors and linkers to make more sophisticated sentences.
Example: “Although London is a very exciting city, it is very expensive.”

13 | P a g e
Linkers are words that connect ideas and sentences logically so that the reader can follow your
ideas. We use them to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences. They help
us organize what we want to say.

Complex sentences have two parts: an independent (main) clause and a dependent clause.
 An independent (main) clause can stand alone because it has a subject and a verb and
expresses a complete thought.

 An dependent clause also has a subject and a verb but it cannot stand alone because it
begins with a conjunction or a linker such as when, if, although, before, after, because, etc.
This combination of words does not express a complete thought or form a complete
sentence. It requires additional information to complete the thought / sentence. Therefore,
a dependent clause must be connected to an independent clause.

Although it is too crowded, many people still move to Istanbul.


When people learn English, they can understand movies without subtitles.


 When a dependent clause comes before the independent clause, we put a comma after the
dependent clause.

The students passed all the exams because they studied very hard.


Most people still go to the shops even though they can do their shopping online.


 When a dependent clause comes after the independent clause, we do not put a comma
before it.

14 | P a g e
Exercise: Read the sentences below. Write (C) next to the sentence if the sentence is correct, or (I)
if incorrect. Then, check your answers with a partner.

1. Students can start their faculty. When they pass the Proficiency Exam.

2. Children are most affected by ads. Because they lack consumer knowledge and can
be manipulated easily.
3. Because more and more people continue to move to cities looking for a better life.

4. When there is an emergency, mobile phones can save lives.

5. There are a number of drawbacks of using Facebook as a way of communicating

although it is one of the most popular social networking platforms.
6. When so many people in the world are hungry.

7. Illegal fishing is a serious issue even though there are laws to prevent it.

8. People can feel hopeless when they are unemployed.

9. If boys and girls study in separate schools.

10. Although advertisements inform people about products.

15 | P a g e
Use Linker Example Sentence

1. Reason because A lot of people are suffering from stress because/since/as they cannot
since find enough time to relax.

because of The quality of life has improved because of/due to industrialisation and
due to technological developments.

2. Concession but Money can't buy happiness, but it makes life more comfortable.
Opposition however Money can't buy happiness. However, it makes life more comfortable.
although Some celebrities earn a lot of money although/even though they don’t
even though work much.

despite Despite/In spite of the terrible traffic jams, many car owners still don’t
in spite of use public transport.

3. Result so Video games expose people to too much violence, so they become less
sensitive to real-life violence.

therefore Children spend too much time on their digital devices. As a result,
as a result /Therefore, /Consequently,/As a consequence, they are losing
consequently important social skills.
as a

4. Purpose to Some students work in summer to/in order to/so as to save money for
in order to college.
so as to

not to
in order not Some people use a GPS unit not to/ in order not to /so as not to get lost.
so as not to

so that Young people migrate to big cities so that they can get a good education.

16 | P a g e
1. Reason

Everybody should learn English because it has many benefits.

since S+V (sentence)

Students lose their concentration using mobile phones in lessons.

verb -ing

The student failed her lessons because of not studying regularly.

due to not verb -ing

The world is getting smaller modern transportation systems.

noun phrase

Exercise: Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Pay attention to meaning.
1. The student wasn’t feeling well. He could not attend the lecture.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..….…….……….. (because of)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..….……………..………….. (since)
2. The university attracts a lot of students. It has an excellent reputation abroad.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..………….…….…….….. (due to)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..………………..….…….……….. (as)
3. Some people can’t have pets at home. They have allergies.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..…………..…….……….. (due to)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..………….….……….. (because)
4. Some people don’t spend enough time with their families. Their careers are more important.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..….…….……….. (because of)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..….……………..………….. (since)
5. Some people don’t have good relationships with their colleagues. They lose their jobs.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..…………..…….……….. (due to)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..………………..….…….……….. (as)
6. Some people smoke a lot. They have serious health problems.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..….…….……….. (because of)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………..….……………..………….. (since)

17 | P a g e
2. Concession – Opposition – Contrast

Salaries in rural areas are low ,but life is much cheaper.

S+V (sentence)
Salaries in rural areas are low. However, life is much cheaper.
S+V (sentence)

Most people don’t earn enough money although they work very hard.
even though S+V (sentence)
Young people may not find a job having a university degree.
verb –ing
The brand has become very popular not advertising.
in spite of
not verb -ing
Children have more access to smart phones the health risks.
noun phrase

Exercise: Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Pay attention to meaning.
1. The team trained really hard for months. They lost the match.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………….……………..………….. (in spite of)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..………….. (although)
2. The athlete had pain in his leg. He completed the marathon.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………..….……………..………….. (even though)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. (despite)
3. Some people eat a lot. They never put on weight.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. (however)
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. (despite)
4. There are people who can’t get a job. They are highly qualified.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………….……………..………….. (in spite of)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………..………….. (although)
5. Some people don’t have any qualities. They become very popular on social media.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………..….……………..………….. (even though)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. (despite)
6. I do not agree with what you say. I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (but)
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………….. (however)

18 | P a g e
3. Result

Athletes have short careers ,so they deserve high salaries.

S+V (sentence)

Athletes have short careers. they deserve high salaries.
As a result, S+V (sentence)
As a consequence,
That’s why

Exercise: Join the sentences using the words in brackets. Pay attention to meaning.
1. Some students feel tired and sleepy in class. They spend too much time on social media and
video games.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Therefore)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. (so)

2. Most people in prison come from poor social backgrounds. They have no opportunity to hire a
good lawyer.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. (so)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (Therefore)

3. Children in Africa become very ill. They drink polluted water.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. (That’s why)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. (Consequently)

4. Lots of people have stress-related health problems. Modern life is very stressful.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….…. (As a result)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….…. (As a consequence)

19 | P a g e
4. Purpose

These structures express purpose and answer the question why something is done.

More people are exercising regularly keep fit.

to Vinf
Students get part-time jobs in order to be independent from their families.
so as to Vinf
Before TV, families played games have fun.

More people are exercising regularly put on weight.

not to
Students get part-time jobs in order not to depend on their families.
so as not to Vinf
Before TV, families played games get bored.

Some students go abroad in summer they can improve their English.

S + can + Vinf - PRESENT
Some people work overtime so that they could buy a house.
S + can + Vinf - PRESENT
Until recently, people had to go to banks they could pay their bills.
S + could + Vinf - PAST

Exercise: Fill in the blanks using an expression of purpose. More than one option is possible.
1. People should focus on driving in traffic ______________have accidents.
2. Students should expand their vocabulary ______________produce a good essay.
3. Turkish citizens need to get a visa ______________they can visit the US.
4. Before mobile phones, people had to wait at home ______________miss phone calls.
5. Ships carry life boats ______________the passengers can escape if the ship sinks.
6. People send their location on Whatsapp ______________let their friends know where they are.

20 | P a g e
Exercise: Write sentences with the prompts using BECAUSE / BECAUSE OF / IN ORDER TO / IN
ORDER NOT TO / SO THAT. Use the tenses given in brackets.

1. go to work by bus / save money (Present Simple)

The worker ……………………………………………..………………………………………….…………………..……………………………………………………………

The worker ……………………………………………..………………………………………….…………………..……………………………………………………………

2. late for work / traffic accident (Past Simple)

The employee ……………………………………………..………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

The employee ……………………………………………..………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………

3. cry / be scared (Present Continuous)

The child ……………………………………………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

The child ……………………………………………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

4. study very hard / not fail the Proficiency Exam. (Present Simple)
Prep school students ………………………………………..………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………

5. not sleep / noise outside (Past Simple)

The student ………………………………………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

The student ………………………………………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

6. save money / go travelling (Present Continuous)

The couple ………………………………………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

The couple ………………………………………..………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

7. go to the station / buy tickets (Past Simple)

The travellers ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

The travellers ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………

8. stay in hospital / get medical care (Present Simple)

The patient ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………

The patient ……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………

21 | P a g e
so and so that


Ali doesn’t like public transport , so he goes to work by car.

Reason Result
- Why does Ali go to work by car?
- Because he doesn’t like public transport. (Reason)

Ali goes to work by car so that he can travel comfortably.

Reason Purpose
- Why does Ali go to work by car?
- To travel comfortably. (Purpose)


Ali didn’t have enough cash to buy a car , so he took a bank loan.
Reason Result

- Why did Ali take a bank loan?

- Because he didn’t have enough cash. (Reason)

Ali took a bank loan so that he could buy a car.

Reason Purpose

- Why did Ali take a bank loan?

- To buy a car (Purpose)

Exercise: Join the sentences using SO or SO THAT.

1. I’m interested in science and animals. I have decided to study biology at university.


2. The athlete used drugs. He was kicked off the team.


3. Before refrigerators, people dried the meat. They wanted to keep it for a long time.

22 | P a g e
4. Some instructors record their lectures and then post them online. They want absent students to
keep up with the lessons.

5. Zoos are an unsuitable environment for wild animals. They should be abolished.

6. Governments should improve the infrastructure of small towns and villages. People need to
have a decent quality of life.

23 | P a g e


Work with a partner, and write short paragraphs about topics 6, 1 and 7 below. Use the linkers
and the prompts given in the tables. You can also add your own ideas.

Topic 6: Many people prefer to live in a city while others say that living in the countryside has more
advantages. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your

Linkers /Language Prompts

*although  live in a big city / difficult / there / also / advantages
*since  people / do shopping easily / there / a lot of large stores and shopping
*when malls
*in order to  a person / tired / go / cinema / theatre / relax
*therefore  also / there / many high quality state and public schools / students /
*as a result get a good education
 find a job / become / easier
Although living in a big city is difficult, there are also countless advantages of it. ………….……..…..……











24 | P a g e
Topic 1: Nowadays many students choose to work at a part time job during their university studies.
Do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Linkers /Language Prompts

* one of the  money / important thing / our lives/ everybody / need money / survive
* in order to  a student / work / earn extra money to pay for needs
* when  also / work experience / look good on a CV / show that the person has
* as strong work ethic
* however  many students who work / have attendance problems / difficulties in
* because of balancing school and work









Topic 7: With the rise in popularity of the internet, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your
Linkers /Language Prompts
* one of the  the internet / best source of information
* because  cheaper than newspapers / read news on websites for free
* due to  everybody / reach information quickly / high number of online search





25 | P a g e
Unit 2
Introduction and
Conclusion Paragraphs


Exercise 1: Watch the interviews with 4 students talking about the benefits of studying abroad.
While you are watching, look at the discussion clock below and tick the aspects of studying abroad
that the students refer to.

Personal Social

Cultural Financial

Environmental clock Education

Professional Time


Discussion clock is a useful “brainstorming” tool as it helps writers explore different aspects of a
topic and prevents them from being trapped in only one viewpoint. Even though a topic may not
relate to all the aspects presented in the discussion clock, writers should try to think of an idea for
each aspect as it can trigger new ideas.
26 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Work with a partner and use the discussion clock to brainstorm ideas about Topic 8.

Topic 8: Nowadays many students have the opportunity to study some parts or all of their courses
abroad and this brings many benefits to them. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

 

 

 

 

 

 

 

Compare your ideas with other groups to see how similar or different your ideas
are. Add any different ideas to your list.

Exercise 3: Read the sample essay and underline the ideas that are the same/similar to the ideas
you generated in Exercise 2.

Exercise 4: Write down the three aspects in the discussion clock explored by the writer in the
sample essay.

1. ………………………………………………………………….……..

2. ………………………………………………………………….……..

3. ………………………………………………………………….……..

27 | P a g e
Read the sample essay about Topic 8 and study the functions of each paragraph whole class.

Why do so many young people leave their comfortable homes and study in a Introduction Paragraph:
completely foreign place? Clearly, in recent years, their numbers have increased a It aims to get the
reader’s attention and
lot. Some people argue that there are many disadvantages of studying abroad, such
inform the reader about
as high expenses and adaptation problems to a new environment. They have a point. the topic of the essay. It
However, (I think / I believe) studying abroad is highly beneficial for three main ends with a thesis
reasons. statement.

First of all, studying abroad enables students to reach more information. When Body Paragraph 1: It
people study abroad, they have access to knowledge and facilities which are not supports the writer’s
available in their home country. For example, they can find the opportunity to study opinion from one aspect.
It begins with a topic
in fully-equipped laboratories and libraries. Moreover, people who study abroad can sentence that is
find a wider range of courses than those offered in their country’s schools and supported with specific
universities. This helps them gain a wider perspective and expand their world-view. details and examples.

The second benefit is that they learn a foreign language. People who study abroad
Body Paragraph 2: It
are constantly exposed to the local language. At school, they have to communicate
supports the writer’s
with their friends and lecturers in the local language. Outside school, they have to use opinion from another
the local language to socialise and do their daily chores (paying bills, shopping, etc.). aspect. It begins with a
All of this facilitates the language learning process, so they generally become topic sentence that is
supported with specific
proficient in the language soon. In short, studying abroad contributes to learning a details and examples.
foreign language to a great extent.

The third benefit is becoming independent. When individuals study abroad, they
Body Paragraph 3: It
may face great challenges and difficulties. As they can’t get much help from their supports the writer’s
parents, they learn to overcome these challenges on their own. In addition, studying opinion from a third
abroad gives people a chance to be self-sufficient. When people are away from their aspect. It begins with a
topic sentence that is
home and their families, they have to deal with many responsibilities such as supported with specific
housework, shopping and travel arrangements. Handling all these alone in a foreign details and examples.
country helps them become self-supporting individuals.

To sum up, studying abroad is highly beneficial for students because they gain access Concluding Paragraph: It
to wider range of information and facilities, learn a foreign language and improve restates the thesis
statement, summarizes
their personality. This is a once in a lifetime experience, so students shouldn’t miss the main points you have
the chance to study abroad. mentioned in your essay.

28 | P a g e
Word count: 360

An essay is actually just a few connected paragraphs. The first paragraph is called the introduction.
It introduces the topic, gives background information and ends with a thesis statement. The middle
paragraphs are called the body and they support the focus of the thesis statement. At B2 level, an
essay may have two or three body paragraphs. Each body paragraph has a topic sentence and minor
supporting sentences. The last paragraph is called the conclusion. It finishes the essay by
summarizing the main points of the essay and ending with a final thought the reader can think about

The basic plan of a four/five-paragraph essay

Introduction paragraph

 Provides a context
 Establishes the importance of the topic in general
 Thesis statement

Body (Several supporting paragraphs)

 Each paragraph has a topic sentence (major/main support)

 Each paragraph has minor supporting sentences
 Each paragraph has details and examples

Conclusion paragraph

 Summarizes the main points of the essay

 Leaves reader with something to think about by making a final comment

29 | P a g e
The Writing Process

Most skilled writers go through the stages of pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing before
completing their written work. These stages can apply to all kinds of writing, but they are
essential for academic work.

During the pre-writing stage, writers brainstorm and

generate ideas about the topic and then make an
outline in order to organise the content structure.

At this stage, the very first draft is produced. The

main focus is on the content of the writing at this first
This stage is the first part of editing your writing. You
may work by yourself or with a partner or a group.
Make changes that will improve your writing.

During the editing stage, you proofread and revise

your writing in terms of clarity, vocabulary, grammar
and the order of information.

Write and present your final copy.

30 | P a g e

The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay, and it consists of two main parts.

PART 1 – INTRODUCING THE TOPIC / PROVIDING CONTEXT: The first few sentences of the
introduction paragraph should provide a context for the reader by establishing the importance of
the topic in general and then lead the reader to the more specific thesis statement. Be sure that
your ideas and statements are factual, true and that they catch the attention of the reader.

PART 2 – THE THESIS STATEMENT: The thesis statement is the last and the most important part of
the introduction. The function of the thesis statement is to inform the reader about the topic of
the essay and how you will approach it.

In the pages that follow, you will focus on each part of the introduction paragraph in detail.

31 | P a g e

Before beginning to write the first sentences of the introduction (PART 1), you should brainstorm
ideas about the topic and decide on the thesis statement. This will help you write a better and more
focused introduction paragraph.

What is a thesis statement?

The thesis is a clear, concise statement of the position you will defend in your essay. It should
argue a position, not summarize information.

A thesis statement should…

 (usually) be a single sentence
 never be an open-ended question
 be limited to mentioning only those points you plan to discuss
 never be so broad that it’s difficult to discuss all relevant information
 only present one specific idea without multiple or conflicting ideas
 NOT simply announce the topic

Exercise 1: Which sentences below can be considered good thesis statements? Put a tick (√). Why
are the others not good thesis statements? Discuss as a class.
1. Assessing academic achievement. _______
2. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. _______
3. Parents should spend more quality time with their children for their psychological and social
development. _______
4. Why do I want this job? _______
5. Learning a foreign language provides a lot of advantages for people. _______
6. Text messaging negatively affects young people’s ability to write well. ________
7. There are many reasons to study in Istanbul. _______
8. Mothers and fathers play an important role in shaping their children’s personalities. _______

32 | P a g e
Analyze the different ways of writing a thesis statement below. Pay attention to the bold words.

several advantages
numerou benefits
 There s disadvantage of studying abroad for
are some s drawbacks individuals.

 There numerou reasons students should study abroad.
are s why

is beneficial
 Studying abroad is advantageous for individuals.

several advantages
 Studyin abroa has numerous benefits for students.
g d some disadvantage
many s drawbacks

definitely study abroad for many reasons.

 Students should
a lot.
 Students benefit from studying abroad
very much.

Exercise 2: Circle the correct word.

1. There are several advantages / advantageous of recycling.
2. Running your own business has some disadvantages / disadvantageous.
3. Attending classes regularly is highly benefit / beneficial for preparatory school students.
4. There are numerous benefits / beneficial of social media.
5. Living in a big city has several drawbacks / disadvantageous.
6. Working part-time is disadvantages / disadvantageous for students.
7. Doing regular exercise has many benefits / beneficial.

33 | P a g e
8. There are several reasons why certain ads should be banned / are banned.
9. Watching TV is harm / harmful for kids’ mental and social development.
10. There are some drawbacks / disadvantageous of advertising certain products.

Exercise 3: Write a thesis statement for the topics below. Use the words given in brackets.

1. Topic 9: Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in single sex schools. Others,
however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Which view do
you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.
a. (advantageous)

b. (Ving +disadvantages)

c. (There are + benefits)


2. Topic 1: Nowadays many students choose to work at a part time job during their university
studies. Do you think it’s a good or a bad idea? Use specific reasons and examples to explain
your choice.
a. (benefits)

b. (advantageous)

c. (There are + drawbacks)


Exercise 4: Write an appropriate thesis statement for the major/main supporting ideas below.
1. Topic 10: The best way to learn English is to learn it in an English-speaking country. Do you agree
or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

a. more opportunities to communicate

b. better & more accurate pronunciation
c. better awareness of daily language use
2. Topic 6: Many people prefer to live in a city while others say that living in the countryside has
more advantages. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain
your choice.

a. healthy food

34 | P a g e
b. safe environment
c. less traffic problems & less pollution

Exercise 5: Work with a partner and find major/main supporting ideas for the topics below and
then write a thesis statement for each.

1. Topic 11: All students should be required to learn a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………


Major/Main Supporting Ideas:

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Topic 12: Some people believe that attendance should be compulsory for university students.
Others hold the view that going to classes should be optional. Which view do you support? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………


Major/Main Supporting Ideas:

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Topic 2: Contrary to the popular belief that modern technology has made our lives easier, it has
actually made it harder. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………


Major/Main Supporting Ideas:

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

35 | P a g e
c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

In this section, you will analyse and practice two suggested alternatives for writing the first part of
the introduction paragraph.

Alternative 1

Alternative 1 consists of three components: introductory sentence(s), opposing view and thesis

 AN ATTENTION GRABBING Why do so many young people leave their comfortable
homes and study in a completely foreign place? Clearly, in
recent years, their numbers have increased a lot.
Some people argue that there are many disadvantages of
studying abroad, such as high expenses and adaptation
problems to a new environment. They have a point.
However, (I think / I believe) studying abroad is highly beneficial
for three main reasons.


1. In order to get the attention of the readers, you can ask an intriguing question. (OPTIONAL)

 Why do so many young people leave their comfortable homes and study in a completely
foreign place?
 Have you ever considered studying abroad?

2. You can give some factual information about the topic.

 More and more students choose to study abroad.

 In today’s world, an increasing number of people believe in the benefits of studying

36 | P a g e
 In the last few decades, there has been a considerable increase in the number of students
who choose
 Presenting to study
the opposing abroad.
view can be very effective in introductions, especially if you are arguing
against a popularly held view.
 It’s important to use clear signals to alert the reader that you are about to introduce a view different
from (typically, the opposite of) the thesis. Since the purpose of the essay is to support the thesis,
these signals are crucial. Without them the essay appears incoherent and contradictory.

1. Introduce the opposing view

Some (people) believe/claim/argue/suggest (that) . . . there are many disadvantages of
It is often argued that . . . studying abroad

2. Explain the opposing view briefly (OPTIONAL)

such as . . . high expenses and adaptation problems to a new environment.

They say . . .
it is expensive and students suffer from adaptation problems.
because . . .

3. Acknowledge parts of the opposing view that are valid (OPTIONAL)

Of course,
it can be expensive and students may suffer from adaptation problems.
One cannot deny that...
Their argument is not completely wrong.
They have a point.

 Moving from the opposing view to the thesis also requires careful signaling. The reader needs
warning and guidance that the essay has returned to arguing its own thesis.

4. Make your thesis statement

(I think / I believe) studying abroad is highly beneficial for three main reasons.

(Note that the examples/language above are generic; they work best when tailored to suit the
specifics of the individual topic.)

 See below how the opposing view is given in the introduction paragraph of the sample essay.

Some people argue that there are many disadvantages of studying abroad, such as high expenses
and adaptation problems to a new environment. They have a point. However, (I think / I believe)
studying abroad is highly beneficial for three main reasons.

37 | P a g e
Exercise 1: Work with a partner and follow the steps to write an introduction paragraph for Topic
13. Note that brainstorming and deciding on the thesis statement comes before writing the first
sentences of the introduction.

Topic 13: Many young children spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a television. However,
it is extremely harmful, and therefore, parents should not allow it. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Step 1: Find major/main supporting ideas disagreeing with the topic above.
Major/Main Supporting Ideas
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Step 2: Write the thesis statement.

Step 3: Write the introductory sentences.
Step 4: Write the opposing view.
(After Step 4, you may need to revise the thesis statement and change the wording in order to make
the transition to it smooth and cohesive.)


Step 3


Step 4



Step 2

38 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Follow the steps to write an introduction paragraph for Topic 14. Note that
brainstorming and deciding on the thesis statement comes before writing the first sentences of the

Topic 14: Playing computer games for long hours is harmful. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Step 1: Find major/main supporting ideas agreeing with the topic above.
Major/Main Supporting Ideas
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Step 2: Write the thesis statement.

Step 3: Write the introductory sentences.
Step 4: Write the opposing view.
(After Step 4, you may need to revise the thesis statement and change the wording in order to make
the transition to it smooth and cohesive.)


Step 3


Step 4



Step 2

39 | P a g e
Alternative 2

While using this technique, you should begin with a general statement (but not too general) of the
larger topic, and then each sentence should narrow the topic down until you get to the specific
thesis statement (see Alternative 2 below). Remember to keep the sentences in the introduction
relevant. Moving from general to specific in writing is also called the Funnel Method, as the process
has the appearance of a funnel.

General Statements

Thesis Statement

The Funnel Method

Importance of education Education plays an important role in shaping people’s lives.

Receiving the best education

Therefore, individuals seek alternative ways to receive the
best education possible. One of these alternatives is
Studying abroad
studying abroad. Without a doubt, there are countless
benefits of studying abroad and the most important ones are
Thesis statement learning a foreign language, having access to more
knowledge and developing a more independent personality.

Exercise: Put the sentences in order from general to specific to make an introduction paragraph.
___ Therefore, more and more students are bringing their mobile phones to school.
___ Unfortunately, these children do not always know where mobile phone use is appropriate and not.
___ With the developments in technology, everyone has a mobile phone today.
___ Although it is acceptable for students to carry mobile phones in case of an emergency, they should
not use them at school, particularly in the classroom.
___ Parents have even started to buy their children mobile phones at very early ages.

40 | P a g e
2.4 The Conclusion Paragraph
The conclusion paragraph consists of 3 components. These are highlighted below in the
conclusion paragraph of the sample essay.

To sum up, studying abroad is highly beneficial. 1. __________

Students who study abroad gain access to wider

range of information and facilities, learn a 2. __________

foreign language and become independent.

This is a once in a lifetime experience, so
students shouldn’t miss the chance to study 3. __________


Exercise: Put the components (a, b, and c) of the conclusion paragraph below into the correct
boxes (1, 2 and 3).

a. Summary of the main ideas

b. Final comments or thoughts on the subject (suggestions, predictions, solutions, personal
c. Signal word & paraphrasing of the thesis statement

The first sentence of a concluding paragraph begins with a conclusion signal word. Below
are some of them.

Signal words that introduce a conclusion

In conclusion, In short, All things considered,

To conclude, To sum up, In brief,

41 | P a g e
After you paraphrase the thesis statement and summarise the main ideas, you may finish your
conclusion paragraph by writing your final comments on the subject. Below are 3 different
conclusion paragraph samples on the same topic.

Sample 1:

To sum up, studying abroad is highly beneficial. Students who study abroad gain access to
wider range of information and facilities, learn a foreign language and become independent.
This is a once in a lifetime experience, so students shouldn’t miss the chance to study abroad.

Sample 2:

To sum up, people should definitely choose to study abroad for three main reasons. These are
reaching a wider range of information and facilities, learning a foreign language and becoming
independent. Because of the benefits of it, I think governments and schools will encourage it
more and the number of people who study abroad will increase. (prediction)

Sample 3:

In conclusion, studying abroad has several advantages for students such as reaching a wider
range of information and facilities, learning a foreign language and becoming independent.
I believe that it is a life changing experience for people. It makes them become better
individuals and citizens, and this is beneficial for the whole world. (personal comment)

42 | P a g e
Exercise 1: Work with a partner and write a full introduction and a conclusion paragraph for Topic
11 taken from Unit 2.3 Exercise 5. Follow the steps in PART A and PART B below.

PART A: For the introduction paragraph, you can use either one of the alternatives you studied in
this unit.

Alternative 1: Opposing view Alternative 2: The Funnel Method

Step 1: Find major/main supporting ideas Step 1: Find major/main supporting ideas
Step 2: Write the thesis statement. Step 2: Write the thesis statement.
Step 3: Write the introductory sentences. Step 3: Write a general statement of the larger topic.
Step 4: Write the opposing view. Step 4: Narrow it down to the thesis statement.

(After Step 4, you may need to revise the thesis statement and change the wording in order to make
the transition to it smooth and cohesive.)

PART B: For the conclusion paragraph, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Signal word & paraphrasing of the thesis statement

Step 2: Summary of the main ideas
Step 3: Final comments or thoughts on the subject (suggestions, predictions, solutions, personal

43 | P a g e
Topic 11: All students should be required to learn a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Major/Main Supporting Ideas:

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

PART A: Introduction Paragraph


PART B: Conclusion Paragraph


44 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Write a full introduction and a conclusion paragraph for Topic 12 taken from Unit 2.3
Exercise 5. Follow the steps in PART A and PART B on page 43.

Topic 12: Some people believe that attendance should be compulsory for university students. Others
hold the view that going to classes should be optional. Which view do you support? Use specific
reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Major/Main Supporting Ideas:

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

PART A: Introduction Paragraph


PART B: Conclusion Paragraph


45 | P a g e
Unit 3
Body Paragraphs


Exercise 1: Talk to your partner about the questions below.
1. Imagine spending 24 hours without technology. Describe the day from the moment you wake up
to the moment you go to bed.

2. A university student, Thomas, has done an experiment, and he spent 24 hours without
technology. Watch the video and answer these questions:
a) Was his day without technology similar to/different from the day you imagined? How?
b) What were the benefits and drawbacks of not using technology for Thomas?

46 | P a g e

The Idea Generator, like the discussion clock, helps you approach a topic from different aspects.
Each aspect in the Idea Generator is elaborated with subheadings. Note that these are the ones
that stand out, and the list of subheadings for each aspect is actually limitless.


EMPLOYMENT  Personal relationships  Stages of education preschool /
 Types of employment full family/friends/colleagues primary / high school / vocational
time/part time/self-  Personal development education /internship / higher
employed/work from home education/training/cultural education (undergraduate and
 Getting a job skills / qualifications activities postgraduate)
/ experience / interviews  Leisure activities  Types of education face-to-face
 Business relationships hobbies/domestic chores/social education / alternative education
colleagues/employers/customers activities (homeschooling) / online
 Performance productivity and  Privacy education
efficiency  Types of school private schools /
state schools
 Quality of education quality of
teachers, quality/types of
facilities (libraries, laboratories,
technical equipment, etc.)
 Personal finance personal  Physical health diabetes /  Causes of environmental issues
expenditures/ income /investments obesity / heart disease / cancer overpopulation /
 Public finance government  Mental health depression / overconsumption / technological
expenditures/taxes/investments eating disorders / addiction and industrial development
 Maintaining health diet /  Effects of environmental issues
exercise / sleep climate change / pollution /
resource depletion /
environmental disasters,
 National military / political /  Types of crime low-level crimes  Customs and traditions food /
economic / environmental / cyber / serious crimes / war crimes clothes / lifestyle / festivals
 Public citizens / organizations /  Penalties fines / imprisonment /  Beliefs and values rules / norms /
institutions capital punishment morals / religion
 Financial social security benefits,  Causes of crime socioeconomic  Arts and entertainment
pensions and savings, earnings and factors / psychological factors /  Language
employment, and health insurance biological factors / behavioural  Travel
coverage factors
 Security threats terrorism /
organised crime / cybercrime /
severe accidents

47 | P a g e
Exercise 2: The boxes on the next two pages represent the categories from the idea generator.
Work in pairs or groups and fill the boxes in AGREEING with Topic 2. Look back at subheadings in
the Idea Generator to help you find ideas.
Topic 2: Contrary to the popular belief that modern technology has made our lives better, it has
actually made it worse. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to explain your choice.

\ HEALTH & LIFESTYLE - What are the negative effects of technology on our health
and lifestyle?
Physical health:
 Inactivity + processed foods = obesity = diabetics + heart issues

Mental health:
 Loneliness and depression

SECURITY & CRIME – How does technology threaten our security?

 Hackers =

 Terrorists =

 Advanced war weapons and nuclear weapons =

ENVIRONMENT - What are the negative effects of technology on the environment?

 Transportation vehicles (cars, planes, ships) and industry =

 Industry, transportation, heating, lighting and personal appliances =

PROFESSIONAL LIFE / WORK / EMPLOYMENT - What are the negative effects of

technology on our professional life, work and employment?
 Machines taking over jobs = fewer employment opportunities

48 | P a g e
SOCIETY & CULTURE - What are the negative effects of technology on society and
 Too much exposure to violence through games, TV and the internet =

 Disappearance of traditional craftsmanship (carpentry, glassblowing, shoe making)

 Text language =

EDUCATION - What are the negative effects of technology on education?

 Addiction to mobile phones, social media, games =

ECONOMICS/MONEY - What are the negative effects of technology on our finances?

 more things to buy

PERSONAL/SOCIAL LIFE – What are the negative effects of technology on our

personal/social life?
 Lack of face-to-face and meaningful contact with other people (friends, family, colleagues)

49 | P a g e
At B2 level, an essay may consist of two or three body paragraphs that support the thesis statement.
Each body paragraph begins with a topic sentence (major/main support). The topic sentence is
followed by minor supporting ideas and specific details and examples.

In the 21st century, it is impossible to imagine life without technology because it

takes an active part in every aspect of our lives. Many people think that it makes our lives
easier since we now have a far efficient system of transportation, industry and
communication. Their argument is strong. However, technology actually makes life difficult TOPIC
for three reasons. SENTENCE
Firstly, technology is harmful for our health. Today, most people have an inactive 1
lifestyle. They travel to work by car or public transport. At work they are in front of a
computer, and at home they are in front of the TV. This means that millions of people who
live in cities do not get enough exercise. As a result, heart issues, obesity and diabetics are
the most common physical health problems of our times. In addition to our physical health,
technology affects our mental health, too. Social media puts a lot of pressure on especially
young people. They feel the pressure to look perfect, act perfect, have the perfect body and
have the perfect group of friends. If they don’t get enough likes and approval, they feel TOPIC
depressed and lonely. SENTENCE
The second reason is (that technology threatens) the security of nations and 2 AND 3
individuals. Hackers steal people’s identity, secrets, and their money. They also hack
government systems and steal secret information. Another threat is terrorism. On the
internet, terrorist organizations teach their members how to make weapons and how to
plan and execute terrorist attacks. It also helps them to spread their propaganda, and to
recruit and train terrorists. ISIS is a good example for this. People from all over the world
have gone to Syria to join ISIS. Others have stayed in their homelands and carried out attacks TOPIC
in their own communities, such as in France, Belgium and Turkey. The internet has made all SENTENCE
of this possible. STRUCTURE
The final reason why technology makes life difficult is that it damages the
environment. Thanks to technology, today we have a very efficient system of
transportation. Many people have their own cars, and there are a lot of public transport
vehicles. We can now travel from one part of the world to another in a short time. This
sounds great, but actually it is not. All these vehicles generate a huge amount of air, water
and noise pollution. In addition, people don’t turn their devices off. They keep mobile

50 | P a g e
phones charging and televisions plugged in. Although companies are making energy
efficient devices, too many people are using them, so energy consumption is extremely high.
In conclusion, in spite of its advantages, technology has not made our lives easy. It
has actually complicated it. Our health, security and the environment are at risk because of
it. In the past technology was a bonus, but today it controls our lives.
Word Count: 465


There are 4 different topic sentence structures in the sample essay. Study the rules for each
structure in the boxes, and do the exercises.


 Firstly / First of all,

 Secondly / Next, SUBJECT+VERB (SENTENCE)
 Thirdly, / Finally,

Firstly, technology is harmful for our health.


Exercise 1: Rewrite Topic Sentence 2 and Topic Sentence 3 from the sample essay using the
structure above.
a) Secondly, ………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………….…………………………………………
b) Thirdly / Finally, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


 The first / One reason/benefit/effect, etc. is NOUN / NOUN PHRASE

 The second / The next / Another reason/benefit/effect, etc. is
 The third / final reason/benefit/effect, etc. is Ving

The second reason is the security of nations and individuals.

is noun phrase

51 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Rewrite Topic Sentence 1 and Topic Sentence 3 from the sample essay using the
structure above.
a) The first reason …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b) The third / The final reason …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


 The first reason/benefit/effect, etc. is that

 The second / The next / Another reason/benefit/effect, etc. is that SUBJECT + VERB
 The third / final reason/benefit/effect, etc. is that (SENTENCE)

The second reason is that technology threatens the security of nations and individuals.
is that S V

Exercise 3: Rewrite Topic Sentence 1 and Topic Sentence 3 from the sample essay using the
structure above.

a) The first reason …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) The third / final reason …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


 The first reason/benefit/effect, etc. why is NOUN (PHRASE)

 The second / The next / Another reason/benefit/effect, etc. why THESIS
is that SUBJECT + VERB
 The third / final reason/benefit/effect, etc. why (SENTENCE)

The final reason why technology makes life difficult is that it damages the environment.
why thesis is that S V

Exercise 4: Rewrite Topic Sentence 1 and Topic Sentence 2 from the sample essay using the
structure above.

a) The first reason …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) The second reason ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

52 | P a g e
Exercise 5: Write topic sentences for the ideas below. Use the topic sentence structures you learned
in this unit.

1. Topic 10: The best way to learn English is to learn it in an English-speaking country. Do you agree
or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: Learning a foreign language in a country where it is spoken is advantageous.

a. more opportunities to communicate
b. better and more accurate pronunciation
c. better awareness of daily language use

Topic Sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


2. Topic 6: Many people prefer to live in a city while others say that living in the countryside has
more advantages. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain
your choice.

Thesis Statement: Living in the countryside has a lot of benefits.

a. healthy food
b. safe environment
c. Less traffic problems & less pollution

Topic Sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

53 | P a g e

Topic Sentence 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


3. Topic 11: All students should be required to learn a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree
with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: Learning a foreign language is highly advantageous for people.

a. essential in academic and professional life
b. makes people more flexible and open to other cultures
c. makes travelling to other countries easier

Topic Sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


4. Topic 12: Some people believe that attendance should be compulsory for university students.
Others hold the view that going to classes should be optional. Which view do you support? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: Although students may not always realise it, they actually benefit from
compulsory attendance.
a. benefit from teachers’ knowledge and experience
b. benefit from interaction with other students
c. responsibility and discipline

Topic Sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

54 | P a g e

Topic Sentence 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


5. Topic 13: Many young children spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a television.
However, it is extremely harmful, and therefore, parents should not allow it. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: Parents should let their children watch television because it is educational,
entertaining and it serves the role of a babysitter.
a. educational
b. entertaining
c. serves the role of a babysitter

Topic Sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


6. Topic 14: Playing computer games for long hours is harmful. Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: Computer games are harmful for three main reasons.
a. poor performance at school
b. aggressive behaviour
c. social isolation

Topic Sentence 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Topic Sentence 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

55 | P a g e

Topic Sentence 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



The topic sentence begins a paragraph and is followed by minor supporting ideas. A paragraph
should have at least two minor supporting ideas (although it could have only one, provided that it
is expanded well enough to support the topic sentence). When you move from one minor
supporting idea to the next, you should use a transition signal to inform the reader that s/he is
moving to an additional supporting idea. Transition signals are like signposts for your readers. They
help your readers to follow and understand your writing more easily.

‘Additional Idea’ Transition Signals

In addition,
+ subject and verb (sentence)

…… This sounds great, but actually it is not. All these vehicles generate a huge amount of air, water
and noise pollution. In addition, people don’t turn their devices off. ……

In addition to
+ noun (phrase) / Ving
…… obesity and diabetics are the most common physical health problems of our times. In addition to /
Besides our physical health, technology affects our mental health, too. ……
…… obesity and diabetics are the most common physical health problems of our times. In addition to /
Besides affecting our physical health, technology affects our mental health, too. ……

The second/third
+ topic*
+ is
is that
+ noun (phrase)
subject and verb (sentence)

…… They also hack government systems and steal secret information. Another threat is terrorism. ……

56 | P a g e
…… They also hack government systems and steal secret information. The second threat is that the
internet is a useful tool for terrorists. ……

*Note that ‘topic’ here refers to the topic sentence – not the essay topic or the thesis statement.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with a transition signal from the boxes below.

In addition Besides Another
Moreover In addition to The second/third

1. Studying online is not good for students with low motivation and bad study habits. They need
to be in a classroom in order to succeed. ___________________ students who study online can
experience problems with slow internet connections or old computers.

2. There is less face-to-face and meaningful contact with family, friends and colleagues
because most people communicate through Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc.
___________________ negative effect of social media is that it invades our privacy.

3. Transportation vehicles and industry create huge amounts of air, water and noise pollution.
___________________ creating pollution, they consume a lot of energy.

4. Because of advanced communication devices, people feel pressured to stay connected all the
time and find it hard to escape from their work problems. ___________________ these devices
increase people’s workloads.

5. With internet banking people can access their accounts at any time of the day.
___________________ advantage of internet banking is easy money management.

6. Not all products built in Boeing’s factories have flown through the air. ___________________
planes, the company has also made boats and trains.

7. Thanks to advances in technology, jobs today are physically less demanding and take less time
than in the past. ___________________ there are no cultural, language and geographical
barriers anymore.

57 | P a g e
8. Students can access information, do research and homework more efficiently now.
___________________ easy access to information, studying and learning have become more
fun using educational Apps.


Step 1: The boxes below represent the categories from the Idea Generator. Work in pairs or groups
and fill the boxes in DISAGREEING with Topic 2. Look back at subheadings in the Idea Generator to
help you find ideas.

Topic 2: Contrary to the popular belief that modern technology has made our lives easier, it has
actually made it harder. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and
examples to explain your choice.

EDUCATION - What are the positive effects of technology on education?

 easy access to information =

 educational Apps/Games/Websites =

ENVIRONMENT - What are the positive effects of technology on the environment?

 recycling

HEALTH & LIFESTYLE - What are the positive effects of technology on our health and
 improved healthcare:
 use of modern technology in surgeries =
 electronic health records =

58 | P a g e
SECURITY & CRIME – How does technology positively affect security?
 surveillance cameras =
 alarm systems =
 metal detectors =
 computers in police cars =

SOCIETY & CULTURE - What are the positive effects of technology on society and culture?
 easy travel = growth of tourism =
 video, audio, images, and interactive features open doors to worlds and cultures

PROFESSIONAL LIFE / WORK / EMPLOYMENT - What are the positive effects of

technology on our professional life, work and employment?
 hard manual work replaced by machines =
 machines, robots and communication devices =
 new jobs=

PERSONAL/SOCIAL LIFE – What are the positive effects of technology on our personal/social
 keep in contact with friends, family and old friends + easier to make social arrangements and get
organised =

ECONOMICS/MONEY - What are the positive effects of technology on our finances?

 internet banking =
 credit cards =

59 | P a g e
Step 2: Choose three categories from the Idea Generator and write the thesis statement and topic
sentences DISAGREEING with Topic 2.

Thesis statement: _____________________________________________________________


Topic sentence 1: _____________________________________________________________


Topic sentence 2: _____________________________________________________________


Topic sentence 3: _____________________________________________________________


60 | P a g e
Step 3: Choose one of the topic sentences from above, and working in pairs or groups, expand it
into a body paragraph. Use additional idea transition signals in your paragraph.



















61 | P a g e
Unit 4
Giving Examples



Exercise 1: Work with a partner and look at the jumbled ideas below. What do you think is the larger

Business trips to foreign countries Foreign Language

Famous people in advertisements Education Phone calls and e-mails in English
Learning to be disciplined and responsible before entering business life

Punctuality Sharing Problems Buying a house or a car

No arguments, fights, conflicts Attending meetings on time
Increase in crime rate Finding solutions together Children’s social life
Communication with customers or business partners abroad Going to work on time

Project and task deadlines Team work Violent movies and

Peaceful family life Opportunity to gain experience (internship, Coop)
Communicating with colleagues from different nationalities
Learning theoretical knowledge about the job

While writing an essay, it is helpful to write down all ideas that you can think of about the topic.
Then, you can categorize these ideas into major and minor supports. This will help you expand the
content of the essay. Categorizing will also help to eliminate unnecessary details.

62 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Work with a partner and answer the following questions about the jumbled ideas in the
previous page.

 Which four are the major (main) supports? Write them as headings next to the numbers.
 Which ones are their minor supporting details? Categorize them under the numbers.
 Which ones do not go under any of the four major supports? Write them down in EXTRAS.

1. 2.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

3. 4.

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------



63 | P a g e
Look at the sample essay below. Which ideas from 4.1 Exercise 2 are used as major supports?

Topic 15: Academic qualifications guarantee success in business life. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Qualities of an efficient employee

The business world is highly demanding and competitive. Therefore, employees must have
some qualifications, especially academic ones. Some people think that these qualifications are sufficient for
getting and keeping a job. However, (I think that) to be successful in business life, an employee should also
have some qualities such as being a team worker and being punctual.

The first major quality that an employee should possess is being a team worker. Working in
cooperation with colleagues is necessary in order to complete jobs successfully. For example, if a team
member doesn’t know how to respond to an e-mail from an aggressive customer, s/he can easily ask for help
from his/her co-workers. Moreover, team work creates a peaceful work environment. When all the members
of a team work in collaboration, they do not waste time with unnecessary conflicts like arguments or fights.
As a result, they concentrate on their task with higher motivation.

The second quality of an effective employee is punctuality. Most employers expect their employees
to come to work on time. If an employee is careful about coming to work on time, the employer will think
that s/he is also careful about attending meetings with customers on time. It shows that the employee takes
his/her job seriously. Furthermore, there are always deadlines that workers must meet in a work place. For
instance, accountants have to prepare reports, architects have to design projects and salespeople have to
meet targets. If an employer asks his/her workers to do a task in a limited time, they should meet this
deadline. Employers, particularly large corporations, do not like people who are careless about meeting
deadlines since it is bad for the company’s image.

In conclusion, being a team worker and being punctual are vital in business life. Employees should
be able to work with their co-workers and create a more positive and productive work environment. They
should also be very careful about punctuality because employers care about it. When employees pay
attention to these two qualities, they and their employers have a better chance to survive in this competitive
business world.

Word Count: 348

64 | P a g e


Exercise: Find the synonyms of the words below in the sample essay.

1. enough / adequate (adj) (par.1): ________ 6. disagreement / argument (noun) (par.2): ______

2. worker (noun) (par.1): ___________ 7. colleague (noun) (par.2): ___________

3. have (verb) (par.2): ___________ 8. boss (noun) (par.3): ___________

4. main (adj) (par.2): ___________ 9. public opinion (noun) (par.3): ___________

5. cooperation (noun) (par.2): ___________ 10. extremely important (adj) (par.4): __________


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the phrases for introducing examples from the sample essay. They
are underlined in the sample essay.

1. ___________________and ___________________are followed by a noun or a gerund.

2. ___________________and ___________________are generally followed by a sentence.

3. ___________________and ___________________mean “above all; highlighted more than

other alternatives”.

65 | P a g e
For example/For instance and such as/like

Students often make mistakes when using these phrases. To avoid mistakes, follow this
simple advice:
- Use For example, / For instance, at the start of a sentence.
- Use such as / like in the middle of a sentence.

Compare these examples:

(A) Children should eat less junk food. For example, / For instance, they should avoid eating
burgers and chips.
(B) Children should avoid eating junk food such as / like burgers and chips.

Notice that in (A) 'For example' is followed by a comma and a full sentence. In (B) 'such as' is
in the middle of the sentence, followed by two nouns. You can use 'For instance' instead of
'For example'. You can use 'like' instead of 'such as'.


These words can qualify to the noun or the sentence that comes before them.

Compare these examples:

(A) Some people, especially/particularly young people, think that they are overweight
when, in fact, they are not.
(B) The internet is an invaluable educational resource, especially/particularly for
distance education.

Notice that in (A) there is a comma before and after ‘,especially/particularly young people,’
because the example is inserted in the middle of the sentence . In (B) there is a comma only
before ‘,especially/particularly for distance education.’ because the example is at the end of
the sentence.

66 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Read the sentences below, and circle the correct phrase for introducing examples.

1. Non-native users of English tend to have problems that relate to their mother tongue. For
example / Such as, Japanese speakers find it difficult to use articles in English because these are
not found in Japanese.
2. As individuals we can help the environment in a very practical way by recycling materials for
example / such as glass, cans and paper.
3. Online learning brings many benefits, for example / especially cheapness and flexibility.
4. It is now possible to perform everyday tasks like / for instance banking, shopping, and business
transactions without meeting people face to face.
5. Farmers clear huge areas of rain forest in places such as / for instance the Amazon to produce
feeding land for cattle or produce wood for building.
6. Obesity is a result of eating too much fast food, particularly / for instance junk food which
contains a lot of fat.
7. We are dependent on fossil fuels, especially / like for vehicles and factories.
8. The rise in world temperatures will result in changes to animal habitats. Like / For example,
tropical species are likely to appear in Europe and North America.

Exercise 3: Work with a partner and add a suitable example for each sentence using such as/like
and particularly/especially.
Example: Many sectors in the economy are experiencing employee shortages.
Many sectors in the economy such as engineering are experiencing employee shortages.

1. Only English is spoken in many departments.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (such as)
2. Some important twentieth-century inventions affected the lives of most people.

…………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… (especially)

3. Most car companies offer three-year guarantee now.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… (like)

67 | P a g e
4. Many musical instruments use strings to make music.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (such as)

5. Several mammals are currently in danger of extinction.

…………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………… (particularly)

Exercise 4: Work with a partner and think of examples for the following statements and fill in the

1. Women became leaders in the last century. For instance, ………………………………………………………

were both prime ministers of their countries.

2. There are many famous millionaires today. For example, ………………………..………………………………

are the most famous millionaires.

3. Some people in history did very bad things. For instance, ………………………………………………………
are responsible for the death of millions of people.

Exercise 5: Read the text below with your partner and then rewrite it by inserting suitable
examples where needed.

A healthy heart is affected by various factors. Some medical experts warn against too much
drinking of alcohol. Some doctors say that moderate drinking can be a good influence on the heart.
Most experts agree that daily exercise can help people maintain a healthy heart.


68 | P a g e


Exercise 1: The excerpt below about Topic 16 was written by a B2 student, who supported his/her
opinion by giving an example. Do you think the example is appropriate for academic writing?
Why/Why not? Discuss with a partner.
Topic 16: Some people argue that it is good for children to be away from their families and go to a
boarding school. Others suggest that children should live with their families and attend a day school.
Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

“Although boarding schools can be difficult for students in the beginning, they can definitely benefit from
their advantages in the future. The first benefit is that students can learn to overcome the difficulties of life
at an early age. For example, when my father was seventeen, he went to Kabatas Anadolu High School,
which is a boarding school. It was very hard for him because he loves his family. He was unhappy because
he was alone and away from his family for a long time. He cried every day in the beginning, but after that,
he got used to it, learned to deal with his problems all alone, and he finally finished the school. Now, he is
a successful business man who solves problems easily. Therefore, he earns a lot of money. Clearly, boarding
schools are very important for people’s future life.”

 Personal language and personal examples are usually avoided in academic writing because they
are subjective, and therefore may weaken the authority of the argument. Academic writing is
all about expressing opinion, but it should be objective and the language should, therefore,
be impersonal. It should not include personal examples, emotional language or informal

 Also, using second-person pronouns such as ‘you’ or ‘your’ to address the reader is
inappropriate and can make an essay read like an informal speech rather than a piece of
academic writing. The words ‘people’, ‘they’, ‘students’, ‘teachers’, etc. can be used to replace
‘you / your’. Using passive voice is another way to avoid using second-person pronouns.

 With personal pronoun ‘you’  If you lose your health, you may not get it back again.

 Without personal pronoun ‘you’  If people lose their health, they may not get it back again.

 Passive voice  If health is lost, it may not return.

69 | P a g e
Exercise 2: Work with a partner and rewrite the excerpt in Exercise 1 more formally.



PART A: Caution is needed to avoid making statements which are too simplistic:
 Poor education leads to crime.
Such statements are rarely completely true. There is usually an exception which needs to be
considered. Caution can be shown in several ways:

a) (modal verb) Poor education can lead to crime.

b) (adverb) Poor education frequently leads to crime.
c) (verb/phrase) Poor education tends to lead to crime.
In order to avoid overgeneralization in your essays, you can use the most common modals, adverbs,
verbs and phrases in the table below.

Modals Adverbs Verb/Phrase

can frequently tend to
might often in general
may usually be likely to
could generally
should occasionally

70 | P a g e
Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences in a more cautious way using the words/phrases in the
1. Private companies are more efficient than state-owned businesses.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………… (tend to)
2. Computer manuals are difficult to understand.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………… (can)
3. Older students perform better at university than younger students.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (frequently)
4. Exploring space is a waste of valuable resources.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (could)
5. English pronunciation is confusing.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………… (often)
6. Global warming will cause the destruction of the earth.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (may)
7. Science students work harder than the students who study humanities.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (be likely to)
8. Concrete is the best material for building bridges.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (usually)
PART B: Another way to express caution is to use quite or rather before an adjective.

a) quite a significant factor

b) a rather inconvenient location

TIP: Quite is often used before the article, and it is generally used positively. Rather tends to be
used negatively, and it usually comes after the article.
Exercise 2: Insert quite or rather in the following to emphasize caution.
1. Charles was an insignificant king who was in power for only 3 years.

2. The survey included a large number of students.


3. The latest types of cancer drugs are expensive.


4. The first-year students were fascinated by her lectures.


71 | P a g e

The zero conditional describes what happens in general, whereas the first conditional describes
a particular situation. ‘If’ and ‘when’ can be used interchangeably in the zero conditional.

If / When Clause Main clause

Present Simple Present Simple

If/When all the members of a team work in they do not waste time with unnecessary
collaboration, conflicts.

If/When employees pay attention to these they and their employers have a better
two qualities, chance to survive in this competitive business

If Clause Main clause

Present Simple will / may / might / can / should + Vinf

If an employer asks his workers to do a task in a they should meet this deadline.
limited time,

If a team member doesn’t know how to respond to s/he can easily ask for help from his co-
an e-mail from an aggressive customer, workers.

If an employee is careful about coming to work on the employer will think that s/he is also
time, careful about attending meetings with
customers on time.

72 | P a g e
Exercise: Find the mistakes in the sentences below and correct them. Then, check your answers
with your partner.

1. Students are learn a lot about American history, if they will visit the exhibition.

2. When some businessmen builds factories, they causes some environmental problems.

3. Teachers will can take their students to London if they got a cheap flight.

4. They watched the film if the reviews are good.

5. If she ring the emergency services, somebody will be help quickly.

6. If she will go to university next year, she studies Engineering.

7. She will knows the answer, if she try to think harder.

8. Teenagers pay attention to the advertising when they watched TV.

9. I can improve my English, if I will go to Australia next summer.

10. When business people will start new companies, they are provide opportunities for people
through employment.

11. The student will apply to an international university, if he get a good score in the TOEFL exam.

12. When a woman doing the same work as a man, she often gets paid less.

73 | P a g e
Write a third paragraph for the sample essay using the major support 4 from 4.1 Exercise 2.

4. FOREIGN LANGUAGE In your paragraph:

Business trips to foreign countries a) use linkers/phrases for introducing
Communication with customers or business examples (particularly/especially, such as/like,
partners abroad for example/for instance)
Communicating with colleagues from different b) avoid overgeneralization by using modals,
nationalities adverbs and phrases.
Phone calls and e-mails in English
c) use If and When Clauses to expand your
ideas and examples.












74 | P a g e


















75 | P a g e
Unit 5
Cause and Effect


Exercise 1: Look at the picture and, in groups, discuss the statement below.
“Everybody should be able to live where they choose. Freedom of movement
is a civil right.”

76 | P a g e
Exercise 2: How much do you know about immigration?
1. What is immigration?
a) Immigration is when people travel to a place for leisure purposes.
b) Immigration is when people don't like to travel.
c) Immigration is the movement of people into a country to live and find work there.

2. What do you call it when someone leaves a country to live and find work elsewhere?
a) Emigration
b) Immigration
c) Internal migration

3. Moving away from an area to be closer to friends and family is a/an_______.

a) social factor
b) economic factor
c) political factor
d) environmental factor

4. Moving to a new location to find employment is a/an_______.

a) social factor
b) economic factor
c) political factor
d) environmental factor

5. What do we call a person who has been forced to leave his/her home, perhaps by war or a
natural disaster (such as drought), and move away without having another home to go to?
a) Immigrant
b) Migrant
c) Refugee

6. Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

a) The main movement of population is from developing countries
to developed countries.
b) The effects of immigration to richer countries in the north are
only negative.
c) Many countries in the north would be unable to function without
a large population of foreign workers.

77 | P a g e
Exercise 3: Read the text and check your answers for question 6 in the previous page.
Who migrates – Where to and where from?
The main movement of population in today’s world is from developing countries in the south to
developed countries in the north. People who choose to migrate usually move to richer countries
than where they were born. People move to places where they think the quality of life will be better
for them.
This movement of population is inevitable and necessary. In the north, there is a shortage of young,
skilled workers and the population is ageing. There is a need for younger people in these countries.
In the south, on the other hand, people often live in poor conditions with few opportunities. Many
young people in these countries hope to have a better life and they are attracted by the richer
countries in the north. So, potentially, there is a mutual beneficial situation: the north needs young,
skilled workers and the south has many young, skilled workers with few or no job opportunities.
In a globalised world, this movement of population is inevitable. These days, many developed countries
would not be able to operate without a large population of foreign workers.


Discussion Task
Exercise 1: First, order the factors of immigration below on your own. Then, get into a pair with
another student from your group (Group A) and compare and discuss your rationale for your order.
Imagine you were moving to a new country. What would be the
most important factors to take into consideration? Put these
in order of importance.
_____ Cinemas/theatres/concert halls
_____ Good flats/houses
_____ Good transport systems
_____ Good schools/hospitals/universities
_____ Presence of family/friends
_____ Safe streets
_____ Parks/green areas
_____ Free press and media
_____ Democratic system/equality
_____ Language
_____ Culture
_____ Other???

78 | P a g e
Exercise 1: First, order the factors of immigration below on your own. Then, get into a pair with
another student from your group (Group B) and compare and discuss your rationale for your
Which of these things would most make you want to leave
your home city or country?
_____ Unemployment
_____ Poor housing and services
_____ Poverty
_____ Famine
_____ War/unsafe social situation
_____ No job prospects for your skills/qualifications
_____ Government persecution
_____ Discrimination
_____ Climate
_____ Geographical location
_____ Other??

Exercise 2: With your partner, join a pair from the other group and:
a) discuss the outcomes of your tasks
b) decide which factors from each list motivate people most to immigrate
c) decide if most immigrants move countries for positive reasons (as in group A to improve
their lives) or for negative ones (as in group B to escape from negative factors)


The reasons for immigration can be economic, social, political or environmental. There are usually
push factors and pull factors at work. Read the text below and then write the push & pull factors
in the right columns on the next page.
Why do people migrate?
There are lots of reasons for people to move from
one place to another. There are factors that make
some people’s countries unattractive, and there
are factors that make other places attractive.
These factors have been called push and pull

Push factors are the reasons why people want to

leave a place – things that push them away from
their place of birth.

Pull factors are the reasons why people want to go

to one place rather than another – things that pull
them towards a place.

79 | P a g e
Are these push or pull factors? Write them under the correct heading (PUSH or PULL) in the box
 Safe streets, better policing, less crime  War or social unrest
 Political and/or religious freedom  Corruption
 Good economic prospects  Inadequate services and facilities
 Few opportunities  Better education and job prospects
 Unemployment  Excitement, new discoveries and a
 Difficult living conditions different culture
 Good healthcare and hospitals  High levels of crime
 Political fear or persecution  Good infrastructure
 A more attractive climate  Presence of family and friends
 Poverty  Natural disasters
 Better standard of living

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

80 | P a g e

Immigration has positive and negative effects on the immigrant, the host country and the home

Exercise 1: Watch a protest march in Italy and list the negative effects of immigration people
mention. Add your own ideas to the list.

Negative Effects on the Host Country Negative Effects on the Immigrant

 
 
 
 

Exercise 2: Watch the interviews with people in Luxembourg and list the positive effects of
immigration they mention. Add your own ideas to the list.

Positive Effects on the Host Country Positive Effects on the Immigrant

 
 
 
 

Exercise 3: What can be some positive and negative effects of immigration on the home country?

Positive Effects on the Home Country Negative Effects on the Home Country
 

 

 

Topic 17: Each year, more and more people from all over the world decide to leave their home
countries and immigrate to another place. Some people think that this has negative consequences
for the immigrants. Others think that it brings many benefits. Which view do you agree with? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Immigration is the movement of people from their home country to a host country or region, and it
has major effects on the immigrant. Some of these effects are negative because it is hard to adapt into a
new life. Immigrants face problems like changing their lifestyle and habits, and learning a new language.
They also suffer from racism and discrimination. However, despite the challenges, immigration usually brings
more benefits than drawbacks.

Firstly, immigration can provide security for the immigrants. Today, we see the terrible effects of
wars and terrorism in different parts of the world. Millions of innocent people have already died and millions
have left their homes in order to escape from wars. The situation in their homelands is so bad that these
people are deprived of their basic needs such as security, food and shelter. As a consequence, they are
forced to risk their lives in order to reach safer countries. In addition to wars, crime rate is extremely high in
some countries due to poverty and corruption. For example, gang violence and drug wars cause many
Mexican families to immigrate to the USA so that their children can grow up in a peaceful and safe

Secondly, immigration can improve people’s standard of living. In poor countries, unemployment is
a serious issue. Therefore, it can be extremely hard for people to make enough money to pay for their needs.
Moving to a developed country can help immigrants find better employment opportunities and earn higher
incomes. Moreover, developed countries tend to have a stable economy, so the immigrants can save their
money more easily. They can even send money back to their home countries to support their families. Finally,
not having good schools, hospitals and other services in their own countries causes people to immigrate.
Developed countries provide better housing, education, medical care and services for their citizens as they
have a strong economy. Consequently, immigration can lead to a better quality of life.
To sum up, immigration tends to be advantageous for the immigrants, especially if their lives are in
danger, or if their standard of living is very poor. Unfortunately, there is a lot of inequality and suffering in
the world. That’s why it is important for developed countries to take more responsibility. I think, they should
open their borders to share their wealth and resources.
Word count: 391

Exercise 1: What negative effects of immigration does the writer mention in the introduction


Exercise 2: What are the push and pull factors stated in the essay?

 

 

 

 

 



Exercise 1: Look at the sentences A and B taken from the sample essay and circle the correct
option in the box below to complete the rules.

A. Crime rate is extremely high in some countries due to poverty and corruption.

B. Developed countries provide better housing, education, medical care and services for their
citizens as they have a strong economy.

 due to is followed by a) subject and verb (sentence) b) noun or Ving

 as is followed by a) subject and verb (sentence) b) noun or Ving

Exercise 2: What other words can replace due to and as?

 due to = ___________________________________________________

 as = ___________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Rewrite sentence A in Exercise 1 with because and sentence B with due to.

A. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………… (because)

B. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….……………(due to)

Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. Most refugees can’t find jobs because of the lack of language skills and difficulties in



2. People may be forced to move. The reasons may be natural disasters, wars, crimes, and


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………(because of)

3. There are a lot of unemployed people because the population is high.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….……………(due to)

4. Many people in southern countries are poor because of unemployment.



5. Lots of companies fail and a lot of people lose their jobs. The reason is the economic crisis.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………….……(due to)

cause and lead to

The relationship between two situations can be shown in a variety of ways:

high crime rates immigration

High crime rates in Mexico cause/lead to immigration to the USA.

A. cause / lead to something
(verb) (noun)

High crime rates in Mexico are a cause of immigration to the USA.

B. cause
of something

High crime rates cause many Mexican families to immigrate to the USA.
C. cause somebody/something to do something
(verb) (object) (verb)

D. immigration high crime rates

Immigration to the USA is caused by high crime rates in Mexico.

be caused by something

Exercise 1: Read the paragraph and write down “verb” or “noun” under the word cause, and decide
which structure from above is used in each. Then, check your answers with your partner.

Another cause of human migration is the climate change. Natural disasters such as floods and
hurricanes can cause huge amounts of damage to life, property and economic activity. For example,
Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans cost $81 billion in property damages and it caused half the
population to leave their homes. Migrations are also caused by long periods of drought, which affect
people’s health and safety. Although many politicians want to ignore the issue, some scientists say
that in the future climate change is going to be the cause of the largest migration in history.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences below using the prompts in brackets.

1. Immigration can lead to overpopulation.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… (cause sth.)

2. The reason for the refugee crisis is the war in Syria.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… (cause of sth.)

3. More people commit crimes when unemployment is high.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… (cause smb. to do sth.)

4. Crime rates increase because of poverty and corruption.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… (cause sth. to do sth.)

5. Developed nations should accept more immigration, particularly when natural disasters or wars
lead to it.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… (be caused by sth.)

6. Lack of security in the home country causes emigration.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………… (lead to sth.)

7. When people have no other choice, they risk their lives.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… (cause smb. to do sth.)

8. Jobs lost to immigrants can cause racial and ethnic tensions in the host country.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………(be caused by sth.)


Exercise 1: The extract below is taken from the sample essay. Write REASON (CAUSE) and RESULT
(EFFECT) in the correct boxes.

A. __________________ B. __________________

In poor countries, unemployment is a serious Therefore, it can be extremely hard for people to
issue. make enough money to pay for their needs.

Exercise 2: Put the linkers/conjunctions that are used to express result under the correct heading.

therefore as a consequence and for this reason which is why

and consequently for this reason and therefore consequently
that’s why so and as a result and as a consequence as a result

Used after a full stop . Used after a comma ,

 therefore  so

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences below using the prompts in brackets.

1. Many people suffered. The government did not prepare for the hurricane.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….……(and consequently)

2. Many immigrants cannot speak the language of the host country. Many immigrants experience
adaptation problems.


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….……(which is why)

3. Employees prefer young workers. Middle-aged workers become unemployed.


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….……(and for this reason)

4. Racial and ethnic tensions may occur. Refugees can cost a lot of money to the host countries.



5. People want to migrate. People can find a job in big cities easily. People who live in rural areas
have not got enough job opportunities.


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….……(but + which is why)

Effect and Affect

Exercise 1: Look at the sample sentences in the table and circle the correct options.

Effect Affect

Today, we see the terrible effects/impacts of wars Today, wars and terrorism affect different parts of
and terrorism in different parts of the world. the world terribly.

Climate change has a negative effect/impact on

millions of people. Millions of people are negatively affected by
climate change.

1. effect is a ____.
1. affect is a ____.
a) verb b) noun
a) verb b) noun
2. terrible and negative are ____.
2. terribly and negatively are ____.
a) adjectives b) adverbs
a) adjectives b) adverbs
3. With the word effect, we can use an ____.
3. With the word affect, we can use an____.
a) adjective b) adverb
a) adjective b) adverb
4. Adjectives can come ____ the word effect.
4. Adverbs can come____ the word affect.
a) before b) after c) both before and after
a) before b) after c) both before and after


1. We don’t say affect on: Climate change has a negative affect on millions of people.

2. We don’t say affect of: Today, we see the terrible affects of wars and terrorism in different parts of the

10 | P a g e
Exercise 2: The sentences below are all taken from student essays. There are mistakes in some of
them. Find and correct the mistakes. Put a tick next to the sentence if it is correct. Then, check your
answers with your partner.

1. The first significant affect of migration is overpopulation.

2. The second important effect of migration is rising crime rates.

3. Overpopulation effects crime rates.

4. People are affected by unemployment negatively.

5. Unemployment is effect our health and education life.

6. Moreover, Turkey has to import cars and computers from other countries. This is effected
Turkey’s economy badly.

7. This problem affects lots of people’s lives badly.

8. Rich and poor countries have different affect from globalisation. For example, globalisation
effect positive in USA because it is a rich and powerful country but Turkey has negative effect.

11 | P a g e

Work with a partner and write short paragraphs using the linkers/language and the prompts given
in the tables. Use may/might or can where necessary to avoid overgeneralization. You can also add
your own ideas.

Linkers /Language Prompts

* cause smb. to do sth.  cost of petrol and parking
* for this reason  people use the subway in London
* and consequently  the number of cars dramatically reduced
 less traffic congestion in most parts of the city

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………









Linkers /Language Prompts

* due to  globalisation / more and more new products available
* and  people have more choice
* as a result  greater competition in the market
* which is why  local trades not survive

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





12 | P a g e
Linkers /Language Prompts
* lead to  overpopulation / overcrowding / poor quality housing in many
* and large cities
* be caused by  poorly heated or damp housing / health problems e.g bronchitis
* such as and pneumonia
 overcrowding / rising crime rates
* another effect of
 poor living conditions / young people turn to crime or drugs
* as
* cause smb. to do sth.

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………









13 | P a g e

Exercise 1: The paragraph below is taken from the sample essay. Underline the subject of each

Secondly, immigration can improve people’s standard of living. In poor countries

unemployment is a serious issue. Therefore, it can be extremely hard for people to make enough
money to pay for their needs. Moving to a developed country can help immigrants find better
employment opportunities and earn higher incomes. Moreover, developed countries tend to have
a stable economy, so the immigrants can save their money more easily. They can even send money
back to their home countries to support their families. Finally, not having good schools, hospitals
and other services in their own countries causes people to immigrate. Developed countries provide
better housing, education, medical care and services for their citizens as they have a strong
economy. Consequently, immigration can lead to a better quality of life.

Exercise 2: Write the subjects under the correct heading.

Noun/Noun phrase as subject Gerund as subject (Positive) Gerund as subject (Negative)

14 | P a g e
Exercise 3: Match the phrases to show the cause and effect relationship and join them into a
sentence. Where necessary use:
 gerund as subject
 may/might to avoid overgeneralization

not speak the be exposed to too have no job adaptation students have couples
language of the much violence prospects for problems low attention divorce
host country highly skilled span
a lack of overconsumption addiction to not have brain drain pollution and
empathy mobile children depletion of
phones natural

E.g. Having no job prospects for highly skilled people may/ might cause / lead to brain drain.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


15 | P a g e

Exercise 1: Look at the underlined sentence from the sample essay, and put the words in the
blanks to make the rule.

To sum up, immigration tends to be advantageous for the immigrants, especially if their lives
are in danger, or if their standard of living is very poor. Unfortunately, there is a lot of inequality
and suffering in the world. That’s why it is important for developed countries to take more
responsibility. I think, they should open their borders to share their wealth and resources.

adjective / it / to do / be / (for somebody) / something

____________+ ____________+ ____________+ ____________+ ____________+


Exercise 2: Look back at the sample essay on page 82 and find one more sentence written in this
structure. Then, write it down below.


Exercise 3: Now rewrite the sentence in Exercise 2 using gerund as the subject.


 We often use the adjectives in the box with this structure.

 difficult, easy, hard, (im)possible

 important, necessary, pointless, vital
 common, normal, rare, (un)usual
 (un)safe, risky, dangerous
 unacceptable, wrong, understandable

16 | P a g e
Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences below using the It + be + adj + (for smb) + to do sth structure
and an adjective from the box.
1. People live in overcrowded and polluted cities.


2. There are people who live in war zones.


3. Countries should fight against corruption.


4. Everybody should protect the environment.


Exercise 5: Now rewrite the sentences in Exercise 3 using gerund as the subject.
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 6: Work with a partner and complete the sentences in your own words.

1. It is common for immigrants ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. It is normal for people ………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. It is unacceptable for students ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. It is understandable for people ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

17 | P a g e

1. make + object (something) + adjective. 1. cause + object (something)

 Difficult living conditions make some  Difficult living conditions cause immigration.
countries unattractive.

2. make somebody DO something means 2. cause somebody TO DO something means to

‘force someone (to do something)’. make something happen, especially something

 The factors that make people  The factors that cause people TO
IMMIGRATE are usually very strong. IMMIGRATE are usually very strong.

NOT: The factors that make people TO

immigrate are usually very strong.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words make or cause.
1. Encountering different cultures can ___________ people more tolerant.

2. Modern lifestyle can ___________ people lazy.

3. Technology ___________ people to waste time

4. A greater gap between state schools and private schools ___________ inequality.

5. Traffic jams ___________ people late for work, and as a result they feel stressed.

6. Recent increases in petrol prices ___________ public transport more popular.

7. According to a study, private transport ___________ 60% more pollution than public transport.

18 | P a g e
8. Divorce can ___________ below with make or cause. Sometimes either is possible.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences below with make or cause. Sometimes either is possible.

1. Some people work inefficiently as a result of poor time management.


2. There are accidents every year as a result of the bad condition of the roads.


3. It seems that as result of money individuals become happy but not society as a whole.


4. There is more crime in some countries as a result of corruption.


19 | P a g e
Step 1: Brainstorming and idea generation

5W1H – Question Guide for Brainstorming

5W1H refers to the six questions (Who, What,
When, Where, Why and How) that help to
brainstorm for ideas and map out an outline
for an essay.

They are especially useful when you see a

question for the first time, i.e in exams.

About this technique you should know that


 one or two of the questions might not have

answers, or they may not be relevant to
the essay topic. (So don’t feel pressured to
answer all the questions.)

 two or more questions may produce similar answers. (It all depends on the topic.)

On the next page you can find an example of 5W1H technique used for the sample essay topic.
Note that the key words are underlined and the questions are asked in relation to them.

Topic 17: Each year, more and more people from all over the world decide to leave their home
countries and immigrate to another place. Some people think that this has negative consequences
for the immigrants. Others think that it brings many benefits. Which view do you agree with? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

E.g. What are the negative and beneficial consequences for the immigrants?

Exercise: Below are 6 answers to the 5W1H questions about the sample essay. Work with a
partner and put them in the correct spaces on the table.
1. natural disasters
2. host country
3. possibility to have a future
4. not enough good schools, hospitals and services
5. difficulties in adapting into a new life
6. developed countries (Europe, the USA, etc.)

20 | P a g e
5W1H – (Topic 17)
Who? *their families with them
 Who is affected?
*their families back home
*home country

Negative consequences for the immigrants

What? *risks and dangers involved in the journey
 What are the negative consequences
*being subjected to racism and discrimination
for the immigrants?
*language problems
 What are the benefits for the Benefits for the immigrants
immigrants? *________________________________________
*better employment opportunities
*higher standard of living

When? *During wars, ______________________________, and in

conditions of poverty and high crime rates
 When does immigration happen?

Where? *from places where there are wars, poverty, high crime rates
 Where do the immigrants come from?
and natural disasters
 Where do they go? *________________________________________

1. For security
Why? *wars and terrorism – lack of basic needs (security, food,
 Why do people immigrate? (What are
*high crime rates – gang violence and drug wars
some causes and effects of it?)
2. For a better standard of living
*unemployment –cannot pay for their needs and look after
their families
3. For environmental factors
* natural disasters, severe droughts, etc.
Negative effects
How? *difficulties adapting to a new culture
*risky and dangerous journeys
 How are the immigrants affected?
*being subjected to racism and discrimination
Positive effects
*a safer life in the host country.
*a better quality of life in the host country. – better jobs,
education, etc.

21 | P a g e
Step 2: In groups, choose one of the topics below. Underline the key words, and brainstorm ideas
using the 5W1H technique.

Topic 18: One of the major problems facing the world today is the growing number of refugees. The
developed nations in the world should help to solve this problem by taking in more refugees. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Topic 19: Overpopulation is the biggest problem facing the world. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

22 | P a g e
5W1H (Topic 18)
 Who is affected?

 What are the effects of going to a
developed country on refugees?

 What are the effects of refugees on the

developed countries?

 When do people become refugees?

 Where do the refugees come from?

 Where do they go?

 Why should developed countries take
more refugees?

 Why shouldn’t developed countries take

more refugees?

 How should refugees behave in the host

 How should developed countries treat


23 | P a g e
5W1H – (Topic 19)
 Who is affected by overpopulation?

 What are the causes of overpopulation?

 What are the effects of overpopulation?

 What other problems are facing the


 Since when is overpopulation a global

 Where does overpopulation occur?

 Why is overpopulation the biggest

 How can overpopulation problem be

24 | P a g e
Step 3: Write your outline below.

Thesis Statement: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraphs
Topic Sentence 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Minor Supports
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports
a. _____________________________________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________________________________

25 | P a g e
Step 4: Write an opinion essay of about 300 words. In your essay, use the language and vocabulary
you learned in this unit and underline the words /phrases that you have used. Below you can find a
summary of the target language.

 because / as / since
 because of
 due to

 effect (n)  have a/n effect on

 affect (v)  be affected by

 cause / lead to sth  cause smb / sth to do sth

 cause of sth  be caused by sth

 (and) therefore
 (and) that’s why
 (and) consequently
 so
 (and) as a consequence
 which is why
 (and) for this reason

 Gerund as subject (positive)

(Moving to a developed country …)
 Gerund as subject (negative)
(Not having good schools, hospitals and other services…)

 make + object + adjective

(Difficult living conditions make some countries unattractive.)
 make somebody DO something
(The factors that make people immigrate are usually very

 It be adj (for smb) to do sth

(It is important for developed countries to take more responsibility)

26 | P a g e
Step 5: Revising & Editing
The following checklist will help you revise your essay and develop it into a second draft. Put a tick
in the relevant boxes.

For my essay, did I… √ X

1. do any planning before writing?

2. prepare an outline?

3. write an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement which states

my opinion?

4. write at least 2 body paragraphs?

5. write enough support for my ideas

6. write a concluding paragraph which summarizes the main points of

the essay?

7. use the target language and vocabulary I learned in this unit?

8. check my spelling?

9. check punctuation and grammar?

10. make sure I answered the question?

Step 5: Now write your second draft.

27 | P a g e
Unit 6
Comparison and Contrast


Exercise 1: Look at the picture and discuss the sentence in the speech bubbles below with a partner.

Exercise 2: Discuss the questions below with a partner.

1. What kind of transportation do you use most often?

2. What's your favorite means of transportation? Why?
3. How important do you think it is to use public transportation?
4. Do you think that governments should encourage public transportation more?
5. What do you think are the benefits of private transport?

28 | P a g e
Exercise 3: Answer the questions below comparing public transport and private transport. Then
discuss your answers with a partner.
Questions Public Private
Transport Transport
1. Which one is faster?

2. Which one pollutes the environment and air more?

3. Which one provides employment for people?

4. Which one is more comfortable?

5. Which one creates more stress?

6. Which one affects the quality of life positively?

7. Which one costs more?


In order to organise your ideas for a topic, it is necessary to write them down. Most students find
that the best way to deal with this is to create a mind map. This simply means jotting down any
concepts that come into your head associated with the given topic, in note form, and in random
order (i.e. in any order in which they occur to you). After you write down any ideas that come to
your mind, you can easily choose the ones which are most relevant to the writing topic.

Exercise 1: Study the sample mind map about Topic 20 on the following page. Notice the variety of
ideas that are generated about the larger topic “transportation”. Some of the ideas aren’t directly
related to the specific topic, but they might be useful. The ideas are plentiful, so now the writer has
some materials to use.

Topic 20: The rising levels of congestion and air pollution in most big cities can be directly related to
the rapidly increasing number of private cars. Therefore, everyone should use public transport. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

29 | P a g e
30 | P a g e
Exercise 2: With a partner, prepare an outline AGREEING with Topic 20. Use the mind map about
“transportation” on the previous page.

Topic 20: The rising levels of congestion and air pollution in most big cities can be directly related to
the rapidly increasing number of private cars. Therefore, everyone should use public transport. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence 1: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports

a. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 2: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports

a. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 3: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports

a. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________

31 | P a g e
Read the essay and, with your partner, write the second body and conclusion paragraphs using
your outline.
Recently, the number of private cars on the roads, especially in big cities, has increased
considerably and this has affected the quality of people’s lives negatively. Despite the cost of it, many
people still own a car. They think that it makes their lives easier and more comfortable. However, (I think/
in my opinion), public transport is the most effective and convenient means of transportation for two
main reasons.
The first reason is about people’s health. The hazardous gases which motor vehicles release affect
people’s physical health negatively as they pollute the environment quite a lot. These gases are highly
dangerous for people’s health because they lead to several diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. If
people use public transport instead of their private cars, there will be considerably fewer vehicles on the
roads, and therefore there will be less pollution and fewer pollution-related illnesses. Moreover, using
private cars may create some psychological problems. Wasting time in traffic can be very stressful. When
people waste hours in traffic every day, they feel bored, stressed and even depressed. Sometimes they get
aggressive and they start a fight with other drivers. However, travelling by public transport is more relaxing
since they can read a book, listen to music and watch the view. Therefore, public transport users generally
have a better psychology as it is not as stressful as using your own car.












32 | P a g e



Read the sentences below taken from the sample essay, and then write the correct form of the
adjectives in the box.
 People think that using private cars makes their lives easier and more comfortable.
 Public transport is the most effective and convenient means of transportation.

Positive Comparative Superlative

easy easier (than) the easiest
short (1) _________________ (3) _________________
small (2) _________________ (4) _________________

comfortable more comfortable (than) (7) _________________

effective (5) _________________ the most effective
convenient (6) _________________ the most convenient


Read the four different ways the sentence below is completed and then answer questions 1 – 3.

more / less / fewer + noun (+ than)

If people use public transport, ...
… they will save more time than people travelling by their private cars.
… there will be more employment opportunities for drivers.
… there will be less pollution.
… there will be fewer accidents.

1. We use more… (than) with ____ nouns.

a) countable b) uncountable c) both countable and uncountable
2. We use less… (than) with ____ nouns.
a) countable b) uncountable c) both countable and uncountable
3. We use fewer… (than) with ____ nouns.
a) countable b) uncountable c) both countable and uncountable

33 | P a g e

Read the sample sentences and then complete the second sentence in the box so that it means
the same as the first one.

 Public buses are as fast as private cars.

 Travelling by public buses is not as comfortable as travelling by boat.

as + adjective + as
1. Buying from the ticket office is more expensive than buying tickets online.
Buying tickets online ______________________________ buying from the ticket office.
2. Planes and buses to the south coast are equally frequent.
Planes to the south coast ____________________________________________ buses.


Read the sample sentences below and then answer questions 1 and 2.

far /a lot / much / significantly / considerably + comparative

 Life in big cities is considerably more expensive than life in the country.
 The benefits of watching TV are a lot fewer than the harms of it.
 Grammar is much easier than speaking.
 Honesty is far more important than ambition in business life.
 Face to face education is significantly more effective than online education.

1. We use far /a lot /much / significantly / considerably + comparative to express ____.

a) a big difference b) a small difference

a little /a bit /slightly + comparative

 Travelling by car is slightly more tiring than travelling by train.
 Shopping online is a little cheaper.
 The crime rate in this part of the city is a bit higher than the other parts.

2. We use a little / a bit / slightly + comparative to express ____.

a) a big difference b) a small difference

34 | P a g e
Exercise 1: Circle the correct form.
1. State schools are cheap / much cheaper / the cheapest than private schools.
2. When people get older, they become more sensible / the most sensible / as sensible as.
3. The internet is better / much better / the best invention in history.
4. Learning a foreign language at an early age is much easy / considerably easier /easier than.
5. Flying to your destination is a lot faster / a bit faster / fastest than driving.
6. Watching TV is not as harmful as / less harmful playing computer games.
7. Students who work part time generally get much lower / a lot low/ lowest results in exams.
8. Learning English abroad costs more, but it is significantly more effective / most effective.
9. Driving is less stressful / the most stressful / the stressful way to get around the city. Find
another alternative for yourself!
10. The underground is as crowded as / not as crowded as / more crowded than buses.
Therefore, a majority of people prefer it.
11. The pollution in Istanbul is a lot worse / much worse than / the worst it used to be.
12. Online reviews are the most useful / a bit more useful / as useful as asking friends about

Exercise 2: Write new sentences comparing the two sentences in each of the following pairs. Use
modifiers where possible.
1. Teachers in my country spend ten hours a day at school. Teachers in the USA spend eight
hours a day at school.

2. Books cost a lot of money in my country. Books are inexpensive in the USA.

3. Discipline is harsh in elementary school. Discipline is harsh in high school.


4. There are many excellent universities in my country. There are many excellent universities in
the USA.

5. Children in my country do not help with household chores. Children in the USA help with
housework a lot.

35 | P a g e
Exercise 3: Look at the graph below. Then, complete the sentences with comparative/superlative
forms of the words given in brackets. Use modifiers where possible.

1. The air in UK is ______________________________ the air in Austria. (polluted)

2. The air in New Zealand is ______________________________ of the five countries. (clean)

3. There is ______________________________ in Australia than in Austria. (air pollution)

4. The USA has ________________________ amount of air pollution among these 5

countries. (high)

5. New Zealand has ______________________________ level of air pollution. (low)

6. The air in the USA is ______________________________ the other countries. (polluted)

7. New Zealand has ______________________________ Australia. (air pollution)

36 | P a g e

 We use some of / most of / none of, etc. + the / this / that / these / my ..... etc.
So you can say: ‘some of the people’ or ‘some of those people’
But you cannot say: ‘some of people’.
 You don’t have to say of after all. So you can say both of these:
All my friends live in Los Angeles.
All of my friends live in Los Angeles.
 We can use not + all: Not all universities teach medicine.

People/Things in general People /Things in a specific group

All plants need water. All of her plants are healthy.
Most furniture is made in factories. Most of my furniture is modern.
Some food is bad for you. Some of the food we ate was nice.
No student likes failing exams. None of the students in our college failed.

Exercise: Put in of where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is already complete.
1. Most ________ university students find attendance unnecessary.
2. Most ________ the citizens in the country were against a military regime.
3. Not all ________ websites give reliable information, but some ________ them are very
4. Some ________ the benefits of TV are educating and entertaining children.
5. Some ________ people claim that students educated in single sex schools become more
6. Parents give all their energy and love to their children most ________ their lives.
7. Not all ________ managers are unfriendly and aggressive.
8. Most ________ the cartoons children watch are harmful to their developing brain.
9. Most ________ people in Istanbul dream about living in a quieter and a more peaceful city.
10. Some ________ films are too violent for children.

37 | P a g e

Exercise 1: In pairs or groups, write a short paragraph about Topic 21 comparing public and private
schools. Use the prompts given and linkers such as and, but, however, etc. to make the paragraph
cohesive. You can also add your own ideas.

Topic 21: Some people think that it is beneficial for students to go to private schools, but others think
it has negative effects. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain
your choice.

Public School Private School

 Large classes  Small classes
 No /reasonable tuition fee  High amount of tuition
 Qualified and experienced teachers  Qualified and experienced teachers
 Technologically-equipped classrooms
 Good foreign language education










38 | P a g e
Exercise 2: In pairs or groups, brainstorm ideas about Topic 6 comparing urban and rural life, and
then write a short paragraph.

Topic 6: Many people prefer to live in a city while others say that living in the countryside has more
advantages. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your

Urban life Rural life










39 | P a g e

Work with a partner and analyse the uses of linkers in the samples below. Then, complete the
sentences 1 – 4.

however = but while = whereas

Private car owners waste a lot of time on the Some people like to travel by their own cars,
roads. However, users of public transport such whereas/while others prefer to use public
as metro avoid traffic congestion. transport.

Private car owners waste a lot of time on the While/Whereas some people like to travel by
roads, but users of public transport such as their own cars, others prefer to use public
metro avoid traffic congestion. transport.

1) Driving your own car can be more 2) Private transportation can be extremely slow
comfortable. However, ………………………………………………. in rush hour, while/whereas …………………………..……….
……………………………………………………………………………………..…………. ……………………………………………………………………………………..………….

although= even though despite= in spite of

Although/ Even though public transport is fast, Many people own a car despite/in spite of the
it is not as comfortable as private transport. high cost of it.

Public transport is not as comfortable as private Despite/ In spite of the high cost of it, many
transport although / even though it is fast. people own a car.

3) People continue using their cars instead of 4) Despite/ In spite of spending hours in traffic,
public transport even though/ although ……………. ……………………………………………………………………………………..………….

40 | P a g e
Exercise 1: Combine the sentences below using the words in parentheses.
1. Fresh fruit and vegetables taste delicious. Processed foods are tasteless. (however)

2. In England, medical care is free. People must pay for medical care In the United States. (while)

3. Technology has positive effects on our lives. It makes us lazy. (in spite of)

4. Salaries are quite satisfactory in urban areas. Life conditions are pretty harsh. (even though)

5. Some people cannot get certain jobs. They meet the necessary requirements. (despite)

6. Some people commit crimes for money. Others kill people just for pleasure. (whereas)

Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences. Punctuate correctly.

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… while others like to lead a more peaceful life.
2. People keep smoking despite ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Some students work part time even though …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Studying abroad can cost a lot. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Some workers never succeed in getting promoted in spite of ………………………………………………………………………
6. The west of the country gets a lot of immigration, whereas ………………………………………………………….………………

Exercise 3: In pairs, take turns saying and writing sentences showing differences between living
alone and living with parents. Use the contrast linkers in parentheses.

Topic 22: It is better for students to live alone than to live with their parents. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.
1. (however) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. (although) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. (while) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

41 | P a g e

Work with a partner and link the sentences for Topics 23, 24, 25 and 26 in each group together
into a paragraph. Use appropriate linkers.
1. Topic 23: In cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a problem. What
actions can be taken to solve this problem? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
 Most countries have made some efforts to control the traffic in their major cities.
 These efforts have often failed.
 The number of cars increases so rapidly that none of the measures work well.




2. Topic 24: Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today,
however, it is a global problem. What measure could governments and individuals take to
respond to this problem? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

 Water shortage is a major problem in some parts of the world.

 Governments seem to be making very little effort to improve the situation.
 They often make speeches to promote water recycling.
 People insist on wasting water.




3. Topic 25: Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What
measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer.
 Global warming is a big threat for humanity.
 It affects many aspects of life.
 Global warming can be stopped with some measures.
 Governments don’t seem to be doing much about it.




42 | P a g e

Step 1: Work in pairs or groups and complete the mind map about Topic 26 jotting down any
concepts that come into your head. Some words are already given to guide you.

Note that the mind map is about the larger topic “education”. Some of the ideas you generate may
not be directly related to the specific topic, but they might be useful.

Topic 26: Traditional classrooms with teachers can never be replaced by online education. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

43 | P a g e
44 | P a g e
45 | P a g e
Step 2: Use your mind map and prepare an outline for the essay topic below.

Topic 26: Traditional classrooms with teachers can never be replaced by online education. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Thesis Statement: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence 1: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports

a. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 2: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports

a. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________

Topic Sentence 3: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Minor Supports

a. ______________________________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________________________

Page | 46
Step 3: Write an opinion essay of about 300 words. In your essay, use the language you learned in
this unit and underline the structures that you have used. Below you can find a summary of the
target language.

1. Comparatives and Superlatives

2. as + adjective + as
3. Some (of) / Most (of) / All (of) / No / None of

4. Modifying Comparisons

 far /a lot / much / significantly / considerably

 a little /a bit /slightly
+ comparative

5. Contrast Structure Linkers

 however  while  although  despite

 but  whereas  even though  in spite of

Page | 47
Step 4: Revising & Editing
The following checklist will help you revise your essay and develop it into a second draft. Put a tick
in the relevant boxes.

For my essay, did I… √ X

1. do any planning before writing?

2. prepare an outline?

3. write an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement which states

my opinion?

4. write at least 2 body paragraphs?

5. write enough support for my ideas

6. write a concluding paragraph which summarizes the main points of

the essay?

7. use the target language and vocabulary I learned in this unit?

8. check my spelling?

9. check punctuation and grammar?

10. make sure I answered the question?

Step 5: Now write your second draft.

Page | 48
English Preparatory Program
Task Achievement / Communicative Organization / Coherence / Style Range and Accuracy of Language Range and Accuracy of Vocabulary
5 5 5 5
-Content fulfills the requirements of the - Effective introduction and conclusion - Wide range of appropriate sentence - Effective use of target vocabulary
task/question - Topic is stated with a clear topic structures - Wide range of target vocabulary
- Very good expansion of ideas with sentence - Effective use complex structures - No / minor lexical mistakes
relevant examples - Effective use of cohesive devices - No/minor grammatical errors which do - No / minor spelling mistakes
- Supporting ideas are sufficient for the - Effective organization of ideas not obscure meaning/ communication
topic - No / minor punctuation, capitalization
4 4 4 4
- Content shows an attempt to fulfill the - Good attempt to introduce/conclude - Good range of appropriate sentence - Good use of target vocabulary
requirement of the task/question the topic structures - Good range of target vocabulary
- Good expansion of ideas with - Topic sentence is quite clear - Good attempt to use complex - Few lexical mistakes
relevant examples - Good use of cohesive devices sentence structures - Few spelling mistakes
- Good supporting ideas and examples - Good organization of ideas - Few grammatical errors or occasional
errors which do not obscure meaning/
- Few punctuation, capitalization errors
3 3 3 3
-Content shows some attempt to fulfill - Some attempt to introduce/conclude - Simple and compound sentences are - Adequate use of target vocabulary
the requirement of the task/question the topic used - Adequate range of target vocabulary
- Adequate expansion of ideas with - Topic sentence is adequate - Some attempt to use complex - Some lexical mistakes
relevant examples - Some attempt use of cohesive structures - Some spelling mistakes
- Some attempt to use supporting devices - Grammatical errors sometimes affect
ideas/examples - Ideas are adequately organized meaning / communication
- Some punctuation, capitalization errors
2 2 2 2
- Content shows very limited attempt to - Limited attempt to introduce/conclude - Simple sentences are used - Limited use target vocabulary
fulfill the requirements of the task / the topic - Limited attempt to use complex - Limited range of target vocabulary
question - Topic sentence is inadequate structures - Frequent lexical mistakes
- Inadequate expansion of ideas - Limited use of cohesive devices - Frequent grammatical errors which - Frequent spelling mistakes
- Limited supporting ideas/examples - Ideas are not organized effectively sometimes obscure meaning /
- Frequent punctuation, capitalization errors
1 1 1 1
- Content shows almost no attempt to - No attempt to introduce/conclude the - Very simple sentences are used -Very little attempt to use target
fulfill the requirements of the task / topic - No attempt to use complex structures vocabulary
question - There’s almost no organization - Frequent grammatical errors which - Very limited range of target vocabulary
- No expansion of ideas - Very limited use of cohesive devices often obscure meaning / communication - Lexical mistakes often obscure meaning
- Poorly developed supporting ideas / - Serious punctuation, capitalization errors / communication
examples - Serious spelling, capitalization mistakes
0 0 0 0
- Ideas are totally irrelevant - Absence of introduction/conclusion - Serious grammar errors which totally - No concept of target vocabulary
- Content fails to fulfill the requirements - Disconnected ideas obscure meaning / communication - Many lexical errors which severely
of the task/question - No organization obscure meaning / communication
NB: If a ‘0’ is awarded for Task Achievement / Communicative Competence, then the other categories will not be considered and the paper will be given ‘0’ overall

Page | 49

 
Parents work all day that’s why they get Parents work all day. That’s why they get
tired. tired.

Youngsters watch TV play video games Youngsters watch TV, play video games, go
P Punctuation go out with their friends. out with their friends.

The student studied very hard. But he The student studied very hard, but he
failed. failed.

Millions of people live in turkey. Millions of people live in Turkey.

C The student is sick. he can’t go to The student is sick. He can’t go to school.

Childeren are affected more than Children are affected more than adults.
SP Spelling They want to be successful at school.
They want to be sucessfull at school.

Advertisements has negative effects on Advertisements have negative effects on

children. children.
SVA Agreement
The exchange student live far away from The exchange student lives far away from
his family. his family.

The children swimming in the pool.

The children are swimming in the pool.
The students can’t speaking Turkish in
The students can’t speak Turkish in class.
error They don’t buy unhealthy products.
They aren’t buy unhealthy products.
Unemployment might lead to criminal acts.
Unemployment might leads to criminal
Students teach English at FIU prep Students learn English at FIU prep school.
WW Wrong Word school.
It is important to win university. It is important to start university.

Page | 50
 
Some people have healthy problems.
Some people have health problems.
Companies can production robots.
Word Form Companies can produce robots.
Their psychological is affected
Their psychology is affected negatively.

This is one A woman can be a house wife. A woman can be a housewife.

Separate Postoffices are no longer needed. Post offices are no longer needed.
these words
After school, they sometimes go to ^ After school, they sometimes go to the
cinema. cinema.

Some lessons at university ^ very Some lessons at university are very difficult
^ Missing Word
difficult to pass. to pass.

Families can ^ this problem easily. Families can solve this problem easily.

In the past, people don’t have so many In the past, people didn’t have so many
options. options.
T At the present time, most people are At the present time, most people think
thinking money is important for their money is important for their lifestyle.

They sometimes wake up 5 o’clock. They sometimes wake up at 5 o’clock.

It is important to take pride of whatever It is important to take pride of whatever we

Missing or
we do on life. do in life.
Prep. wrong
Some people like spending money to Some people like spending money on
clothes and shoes. clothes and shoes.

There are many car in big cities like There are many cars in big cities like
Istanbul. Istanbul.
PL Plural
Students need to buy some book. Students need to buy some books.

A students should be attentive in class. A student should be attentive in class.

Sng Singular

Page | 51
Exercise: Use the correction symbols and mark the mistakes in the sentences below. Some
sentences have more than one mistake.

1. The first reason that traffic have negative impact on our lives is stress.

2. People don’t think about this plan’s beneficial and harms.

3. Many big company want to buy their products to people.

4. People who live in big and crowded cities like istanbul usually go home tired.

5. Teaching is an excelent carrier for some people.

6. Some student are addicted to their mobile phones.

7. The price of movies has increasing recently.

8. Swim is healthy for peoples.

9. Many people enjoy watching sports they are watch their favorite team play.

10. The Pacific ocean very close, so it is easy to go fishing surfing and swim.

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