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Get the Results You Want!

Year 2
NAPLAN -style

Free-to-download sample pages with answers

James Athanasou &

Angella Deftereos

* This is not an officially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.

questions than in Test 2.

If you aren’t sure what to do, ask your teacher or your parents to help you. Don’t
be afraid to ask if it isn’t clear to you.
Allow around 25 minutes for this test.
Write the answer in the box or colour in the circle with the correct answer. Colour
in only one circle for each answer.

1. Here are some billiard balls. There are 6 balls in each group.
Count the number of billiard balls.

1 1 1

9 10 9 10 9 10

7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 6

How many billiard balls are there altogether? Did you colour in one
of the circles?
10 15 18 20

2. Here is something we want you to guess.

About how many people are likely to live in our house?
You do not know the exact answer but we want you to guess the likely number.

0 4 14 24 40

3. Which time matches 6:15?

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

32 c Answers and explanations on pages 227

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
4. What is the answer to this sum?

18 4 2 5
Write your answer
in the box.

5. Here is another sum.

1 2
3 3

What is the answer?

24 26 32 36

6. Here is a solid shape.


If you look at this shape from the left, what outline would you see?
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33 c Answers and explanations on page 227

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
7. Imagine a long piece of wood. This is measured by a tape or ruler.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
This tape is marked in centimetres

About how long is this piece of wood?

40 cm 45 cm 50 cm 55 cm

8. Here are some sheep in a paddock.

Divide them into four equal groups.

How many are there in each group?

6 7 8 9
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Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
9. Below is a ticket for an order at a fish shop.
The order number on this receipt has been circled. @ MAROUBRA
What would the next order number be? MAROUBRA JUNCTION NSW 2035
PH: 8931 5684


ABN 12 345 678 910
26/01/2011 06:58 pm Invoice # 14517

403 Server: NICK TILL 1

430 Invoice Ttl $19.70

420 GST


10. Here is a subtraction. What number is missing?

30 2 59
Write your answer
in the box.

11. There is a pattern in these numbers but three are missing.

27 21 18 12 9 6 0
Which three numbers are missing?

24, 16, 2 23, 16, 3 24, 15, 3 22, 16, 2

12. Here is a sheet of coloured paper.

Petra cut this shape out of the coloured paper.

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Which shape should Petra see? (Hint: the shape can be moved around.)

35 c Answers and explanations on page 227

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
13. My watch shows the following time:
9:00 11 12 1
10 2

My bedroom clock shows: 9 3

9:00 11 12 1 8 4
10 2 7 6 5
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

How many minutes are there between the two times?

30 minutes 15 minutes 60 minutes 6 minutes

14. Look at these scales.

They show the weight of something. 6789

Which answer is correct?

The weight is less than 8 kg and more than 9 kg.
The weight is more than 5 kg and less than 7 kg.
The weight is more than 7 kg and less than 8 kg. Weight scales

15. Which shape below has 1 line of symmetry?

16. Mikee made this shape using the same-sized blocks.

Which number sentence shows how he would
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work out the total number of blocks he used?

5 3 10
5 1 5 1 5 1 10

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17. How many quarters are there in two and a half oranges?

3 4 8 10 12

18. Here is a cupboard.

There is a top, middle and bottom row.
There are six places on each row.
We have shown the places on each row with a letter.




Place a cross (û) third from the right in the top row.
In which space is it placed?

Write your answer

in the box.
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

19. Nicholas bought a kebab for $7 and a falafel for $8. He gave the shop assistant $20.
How much change did he receive?
$3 $4 $5 $6 $7

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Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
20. This square is made up of the numbers from 1 to 9.

9 ? 1 515

4 ? 8 515

2 ? 6 515

515 515 515

In this square all the numbers across and down come to the same total.
For each row (across) the total is 15. For each column (down) the total is also 15.
There is one column missing. Find these values and write them in the missing
spaces below.

9 1

4 8

2 6

Write your answer

in the boxes.


How did you go with these test questions? Some were probably still easy
questions for you. There might have been some questions that you have not yet
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

learnt in class and these may have been a little harder. Remember that you can use
these questions to help you learn. Check to see where you did well and where you
had problems. Try to revise the questions that were hard for you.
Use the chart on page 39 to see which level of performance you reached. Again we
remind you that this is only an estimate. Do not be surprised if you answered some

There are now three more Numeracy Tests to practise. The next test contains 25
questions. We will include other types of questions in each of the following tests.

38 c Answers and explanations on page 227

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
• As you check the answer for each question, mark it as correct (ü) or incorrect (û). Mark any
questions that you omitted or left out as incorrect (û) for the moment.
• Then look at how many questions you answered correctly in each level.
• You will be able to see what level you are at by finding the point where you started having
consistent difficulty with questions. For example if you answered most questions correctly up to
the Low average level and then got most questions wrong from then onwards, it is likely your
ability is at a Low average level. You can ask your parents or your teacher to help you do this if
it isn’t clear to you.

Am I able to …
1 Count the number of items in three groups? Very low
2 Estimate a likely number? Very low
3 Match the time and a clockface? Low
4 Divide a two-digit number less than 20 by 2? Low
5 Multiply a two-digit number less than or equal to 12 by 3? Low
6 Describe the side view of a solid? Low
7 Measure the length of an object? Low average
8 Divide a group of objects into 4? Low average
9 Identify the next number after a given 3-digit number? Low average
10 Insert a missing value into a subtraction? Low average
11 Complete a number series decreasing by 3? High average
12 Match a figure with a section missing? High average
Compare time on the hour and half hour using digital and
13 High average
analog clocks?
14 Judge the truth of the range of a value? High average
15 Find all lines of symmetry for 2D shapes? High average
16 Calculate the volume of a prism? High
17 Find the number of quarters in two and a half objects? High
18 Locate an object in a row and column? High
19 Solve a two-step problem involving addition then subtraction? High
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

20 Complete a number square? Very high


Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
This is the third Reading Test. There are 20 questions.
If you aren’t sure what to do, ask your teacher or your parents to help you. Don’t
be afraid to ask if it isn’t clear to you.
Allow around 25 to 30 minutes for this test.
In this test you will need to look at a picture or read something first. Then read
each question and colour in the circle with the correct answer. Sometimes you will
instead have to write an answer in the space provided.

Look at this picture and answer questions 1 to 4.

Be sure to visit

Children’s Art Display

Paintings Sculptures Prints

Central Library
4–14 June 2011

1. What is this picture?

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

l It is a sign asking people to see children’s art. Did you colour in one
of the circles?
l It is a sign asking people to come and paint.
l It is a sign asking people to buy paintings.
l It is a sign asking people to borrow books from
the library.

92 c Answers and explanations on page 232

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2. What is one thing that the children will show?

their library their music their sculptures their books

l l l l

3. What is a display?

a show a sale a concert reading

l l l l

4. Where will the children’s art display take place? Write your answer on the line.

Read Maria and answer questions 5 to 8.

Maria is eight years old. She
came to town last month. Maria
lives in the new house near the
park. She lives with her parents
and two brothers.
Maria likes her school. She is
making friends. Her favourite
subject is reading. The teacher
thinks Maria can read very well.
Maria likes to help around the
house. Her mother says that she
will be a good cook.
On Fridays Maria plays netball at school. She also plays soccer every Saturday. Maria
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

has scored many goals. She is a good soccer player. Maria wants to play for Australia.
Maria asks her friends over on Sunday afternoon. They listen to music or watch a DVD.

5. How many people are there in Maria’s family?

three four five six

l l l l
93 c Answers and explanations on page 232
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6. What is Maria’s favourite subject at school?

netball soccer music reading cooking

l l l l l

7. What does Maria do on a Saturday?

plays netball plays soccer plays music reads

l l l l

8. What would Maria like to do one day?

l She would like to be a good cook.
l She would like to listen to music or watch a video.
l She would like to play for the Australian women’s soccer team.
l She would like to invite some friends over.

Look at this sign and answer questions 9 to 12.

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9. Where is Wee Willie Winkie running in this poster? Write your answer on the line.

10. What is he wearing?

l a tracksuit
l a nightgown
l a long shirt
l a dressing gown

11. What will Wee Willie Winkie count?

l the number of upstairs
l the number of downstairs
l the number of windows
l the number of nooks
l the number of children reading library books

12. What word in the sign rhymes with, or has the same sound as, town?
l gowns
l books
l gown
l nooks
l count

Read How to make some biscuits and answer questions 13 to 16.

How to make some biscuits

This is a recipe for oatmeal
cookies. It takes around
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

15 minutes to prepare and

around 12 minutes to cook.
You will need a parent or other
adult to supervise. Do not try
this by yourself.

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1 cup quick cooking oats
½ cup wholemeal self-raising flour
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1. Combine everything and mix well.
2. Mix in boiling water (ask a parent to do this) until it becomes firm.
3. Press, rub and squeeze this mixture.
4. Roll it out to ½ cm thickness—use a board dusted with some flour to make it easier.
5. Cut the dough into shapes.
6. Place the shapes on baking trays—use non-stick baking trays.
7. Bake in the oven (160 °C) for around 12 minutes (ask a parent to do this).
8. Remove from the oven (ask a parent to do this).
9. Allow the biscuits to cool.

13. What is included in a recipe?

l ingredients and directions for cooking
l evidence that you have paid for a meal
l the way to serve some food

14. Why is it necessary to ask a parent or adult for help?

l Some things are too heavy to carry.
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l Some things are too hot to touch.

l Some things are too complicated to do by yourself.

15. Which is more: a teaspoon or a tablespoon?

teaspoon tablespoon
l l

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16. How much flour is needed?

one cup half a cup a tablespoon

l l l

Read this passage and answer questions 17 to 20.

Once upon a time a man owned a wonderful 

goose. Every day it laid a golden egg.
The man sold the eggs. Soon he became rich.
But he was impatient. The goose gave him
only one golden egg a day. He wanted to get
rich quicker.
Then one day he had an idea. He would get
all the golden eggs at once. He would kill the
goose and cut it open. He did not find even
one golden egg and now his precious goose
was dead.


17. What is the meaning of this story? Write your answer on the line.

18. What is a good title for this story?

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

l The Goose and the Golden Egg

l The Golden Goose
l The Golden Egg
l The Farmer and the Golden Egg

97 c Answers and explanations on page 232

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
19. What is another word or phrase for impatient?
l sick
l in a hurry
l worried
l tolerant

20. What mistake did the man make?

l He thought that the goose was greedy and laid only one egg a day.
l He thought that the goose had all the golden eggs inside her.
l He thought that he could take out many golden eggs but the goose would still lay
some more for him.
l He was worried that the goose might stop laying golden eggs.


Well done! You have completed the third Reading Test.

How did you find these questions? We hope that you found them interesting.
Revise anything that was hard for you. There are further questions in the next
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

Reading Test. The next test contains some different questions. Now take a long
break before doing any more tests.
Use the diagnostic chart on page 99 to see which level of ability you reached. This
is only an estimate. Don’t be surprised if you answered some difficult questions
correctly or even missed some easier questions.
Please note that multiple interpretations are possible for the levels of difficulty of
these tasks. Also, some questions involve skills from different levels. This is only
an initial guide to the approximate level of the reading skill assessed.

98 c Answers and explanations on page 232

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
• As you check the answer for each question, mark it as correct (ü) or incorrect (û). Mark any
questions that you omitted or left out as incorrect (û) for the moment.
• Then look at how many questions you answered correctly in each level.
• You will be able to see what level you are at by finding the point where you started having
consistent difficulty with questions. For example, if you answered most questions correctly up
to the Low average level and then got most questions wrong from then onwards, it is likely your
ability is at a Low average level. You can ask your parents or your teacher to help you do this if
it isn’t clear to you.

Am I able to …


1 Understand the message of a poster or sign? Low
2 Find clearly stated information? Very low
3 Define a word from a poster? High average
4 State the location of an event listed on a poster? Very low
5 Determine the characters in a story? Low
6 Find information in a passage? Low
7 Find information in a passage? Low
8 State the intention of a person in the story? Low average
9 Find the location of an action in a simple verse? Low
10 Find information in a passage? Low
11 Find a detailed fact in a verse? Low average
12 Locate a word that rhymes? High average
13 Recognise a common meaning? High average
14 Understand the reason for a caution? High average
15 Distinguish between two quantities? Low
16 Find a fact in a recipe? Low
17 Tell the meaning of a story? High average
18 Give the name to a story? High average
19 Find the meaning of a word? High average
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

20 Discover the misconception of a character? High average


Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
This is the third Language Conventions Test. There are 32 questions.
If you aren’t sure what to do, ask your teacher or your parents to help you. Don’t
be afraid to ask if it isn’t clear to you.
Allow around 30 to 35 minutes for this test. Take a short break if necessary.

Read the sentences. The spelling mistakes have been circled. Choose the correct
spelling for each circled word.

1. I will draw a skware . square squear squar

l l l

2. I will not choos a circle. chose choose choes

l l l

3. Toonight is Halloween. Twonight Tonight

l l

4. My mother will alow me to go.

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

alour allow allour

l l l

5. I will friten people. frighten frightan fritan

l l l

6. I have a mask and a blac cloak. black blake blak

l l l

149 c Answers on page 236

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests

7. It was the first day of the holadays . holydays holidays

l l

8. We drove to the seerside . seeside seaside seside

l l l

9. It took an owr to get there. hour our ou’re

l l l

10. We had lunch at a nearbie club. neerby nerby nearby

l l l

11. I liked the meil . meal mile meel

l l l

12. I orded a burger. awdered ordered ordeered

l l l

13. We went to the shop in the aftenoon .

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

aftanoon afternoon
l l

14. We bought some growserees . Grosserries groceries groseries

l l l

15. It was interesing to see new places. interesting interessing intaresting

l l l

150 c Answers on page 236

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
Read the text The bay. It has some gaps. Choose the correct word or words to fill
each gap. Colour in only one circle for each answer.

The bay

16. Ying and his family to go for a walk.

like likes
l l

17. The sun is setting the horizon.

in on by
l l l

18. Everything peaceful.

are is am
l l l

19. They walk to the beach, around the shore.

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

when but then

l l l

20. The water is and it covers the rocks.

high higher highest
l l l

151 c Answers on page 236

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests

21. Many people fishing.

is are am
l l l

22. Some fishermen stand in the water and are up to waist.

there their
l l

23. Others are looking prawns.

for at to
l l l

24. They shine a light in the water carry a net.

and but
l l

25. Pelicans wait the rocks.

© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

to by for
l l l

26. A boy his small boat in a rock pool.

sai sails sailing
l l l
152 c Answers on page 236
Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
Colour in the circle with the correct answer.


27. Which sentence can be completed correctly by using the word were?
l Police looking for missing people.
l It raining for many weeks in Queensland.
l There a wall of water flowing down the valley.
l The town a river of mud.

28. Which sentence below is correct?

l Me and Madison are going on a picnic tomorrow.
l Madison and I am going on a picnic tomorrow.
l Madison and I are going on a picnic tomorrow.
l Madison and me are going on a picnic tomorrow.

29. Which of the following is a sentence?

l Through the broken window.
l I saw Benji.
l Then we heard.
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

l The door it was my dad.

153 c Answers on page 236

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
30. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
l Yesterday Mum bought me a milkshake. it was chocolate flavour and it was
l Yesterday Mum bought me a milkshake. It was chocolate flavour and it was
l Yesterday Mum bought me a milkshake. it was chocolate flavour. and it was
l Yesterday Mum bought me a milkshake it was chocolate flavour and it was delicious.

31. Which word cannot be used as a plural?

fish sheep child feet

l l l l

32. In which sentence is the word of used incorrectly?

l My bag is full of my favourite books.
l My medal is something I am proud of.
l I should of brought my umbrella.
l The books, four of which are not mine, are now all wet.


Well done if you managed to complete the third Language Conventions Test! We
really mean this as there were many questions to answer.
How did you go with these test questions? Some were harder than the practice
questions. Check to see where you did well and where you had some problems.
Try to revise the questions that were hard for you.
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

Use the diagnostic chart on pages 155–156 to see which level of ability you
reached. This is only an estimate. Don’t be surprised if you answered some
difficult questions correctly or even missed some easier questions.
Please note that multiple interpretations are possible for the levels of difficulty of
these tasks. Also, some questions involve skills from different levels. This is only
an initial guide to the approximate level of the language skill assessed.
The next Language Conventions Test contains 36 questions. We will include new
types of questions in this test.

154 c Answers on page 236

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
• As you check the answer for each question, mark it as correct (ü) or incorrect (û). Mark any
questions that you omitted or left out as incorrect (û) for the moment.
• Then look at how many questions you answered correctly in each level.
• You will be able to see what level you are at by finding the point where you started having
consistent difficulty with questions. For example, if you answered most questions correctly up
to the Low average level and then got most questions wrong from then onwards, it is likely your
ability is at a Low average level. You can ask your parents or your teacher to help you do this if
it isn’t clear to you.

Am I able to …


1 Spell square? Low average
2 Spell choose? Low average
3 Spell Tonight? Very low
4 Spell allow? Low average
5 Spell frighten? Low
6 Spell black? Very low
7 Spell holidays? Low
8 Spell seaside? Low
9 Spell hour? Low average
10 Spell nearby? Low average
11 Spell meal? Very low
12 Spell ordered? Low average
13 Spell afternoon? Low
14 Spell groceries? High average
15 Spell interesting? High average
16 Match verb and subject? High average
17 Use a preposition? High average
18 Match verb and subject? High average
19 Use the correct preposition? High
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

20 Recognise the correct word? Low average

21 Recognise the correct verb for a collective noun? High Average
22 Use a personal pronoun? Low average
23 Use a preposition correctly? Low average
24 Use a conjunction correctly? High average
25 Use a preposition correctly? High average

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests
(pp. 32–38)
1. 18. You can count the number of billiard balls. This is our answer. You need to look closely as
Or, as there are 6 in each group and 3 groups there are differences between the figures.
altogether, you can multiply, so 3 3 6 = 18. 13. 30 minutes. The digital clock shows 9 o’clock
Did you colour in the correct circle? and the bedroom clock shows half past nine.
2. 4. There are 4 people in our home. There The minute hand is on the six, so there are
were once 6 but 2 are now married. The other 30 minutes between the two times.
answers are unlikely. For instance, it is unlikely 14. The weight is more than 7 kg and less than
there are 0 people at our home (it is possible 1
8 kg. The weight is around 7 kg, which is in
but unlikely) and probably unlikely that there 2
are 14 (it is possible but unlikely) and probably between 7 and 8.
very unlikely that there are as many as 24 or 40 15. The first answer is correct. The arrow is the
(it is possible but also unlikely). only shape to have one line of symmetry. One
way to check is when the shape is folded, both
11 12 1 halves should fit on top of each other perfectly.
10 2 The lines of symmetry of the other shapes are
9 3 shown below.
8 4
7 6 5

The last picture is correct.

16. 5 3 6. There are 6 rows of 5 blocks. So the
4. 9. The complete sum is 18 4 2 = 9.
way to work out the answer is to multiply
5. 36. The sum is 12 3 3 = 36. Revise your basic
5 3 6, which gives you a total of 30 blocks.
multiplication facts if needed.
17. 10. There are four quarters in one orange and
6. The shape that you would
two quarters in half an orange, so there are
see is the outline: 4 1 4 1 2 = 10 quarters altogether.
18. D. This is in the top row and is the third space
from the right.
19. $5. The cost of the items is $7 plus $8 which is
$15. Take $15 away from the $20 that Nicholas
7. 45 cm gave to the shop employee and this leaves
$5 change.
8. 6. There are 24 sheep and there are 6 in each
group (4 3 6 = 24 or 24 4 4 = 6). 20.
9 5 1
9. 430. Be careful when counting up from 29.
Remember that the thirties come after the 4 3 8
2 7 6
10. 21. The complete sum is 30 2 21 = 9.
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

11. 24, 15, 3. The numbers are decreasing by three: The answer is shown above for you. The trick
27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0. is to look at one row at a time.

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests

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(pp. 92–98)
1. It is a sign asking people to see children’s
2. their sculptures
3. a show
4. Central Library or Library
5. five. (Note to parents and teachers: this text is
around grade 4 reading level.)
6. reading
7. plays soccer
8. She would like to play for the Australian
women’s soccer team.
9. the town. Any answer with this meaning
would be fine. (Note to parents and teachers:
this text is around grade 5 reading level, which
is higher than it might seem at fi rst sight.)
10. a nightgown
11. the number of children reading library
12. gown
13. ingredients and directions for cooking
14. Some things are too hot to touch.
15. tablespoon
16. half a cup
17. Those who have plenty want more and so
lose all they have. Any words with a meaning
like this would be fine. (Note to parents
and teachers: this text is around grade 1
reading level.)
18. The Goose and the Golden Egg. This is the
actual title of the story.
19. in a hurry
20. He thought that the goose had all the golden
eggs inside her.
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TEST 3 (pp. 149–154)
1. square
2. choose
3. Tonight
4. allow
5. frighten
6. black
7. holidays
8. seaside
9. hour
10. nearby
11. meal
12. ordered
13. afternoon
14. groceries
15. interesting
16. like
17. on
18. is
19. then
20. high
21. are
22. their
23. for
24. and
25. by
26. sails
27. Police were looking for missing people.
28. Madison and I are going on a picnic
29. I saw Benji.
30. Yesterday Mum bought me a milkshake. It
was chocolate flavour and it was delicious.
© Pascal Press ISBN 978 1 74125 409 9

31. child
32. I should of brought my umbrella. ‘Should
of’ sounds like the contraction of should have
(should’ve), but is grammatically incorrect.

Excel Year 2 NAPLAN*-style Tests

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