E-GEOD-23153 ArrayExpress BioStudies EMBL-E

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P- Examples: E-MEXP-31, cancer
GSE23153- bioassay_data_transformation ID_REF = <br>VALUE = RMA signal
Home BioStudies ArrayExpress Submit Help Also in this section
P- Collagen or fibrin gels containing aortic rings were washed in PBS,
GSE23153- specified_biomaterial_action n Feedback
transferred to buffer RLT from the Qiagen RNAEasy kit, and snap l Login
2 frozen in liquid nitrogen.

Four to six individual aortic ring cultures from each treatment groupd
Functional genomics data
P- were combined to generate a sample. All cultures were grown in
GSE23153- grow serum free EBM medium (Lonza). Samples were divided into
3 treatment groups receiving 10ng/ml recombinant Rat TNFa or left

P- Date: 20 July 2011 ▪ Modified: 9 MarchFollowing

Release 2022 ▪ pulverization
Views: 9 under liquid nitrogen, extraction of total RNA
GSE23153- nucleic_acid_extraction was performed with a microRNA Easy kit from Qiagen according to
[Cite] {JSON} →PageTab↲ FTP Globus
Gene expression in TNF
4 the manufacturer's instructions.

Biotinylated cRNA was prepared according to standard Affymetrix

P- rat aortic rings cultured in collagen
Whole Transcript or fibrin
Sense Labeling Protocol gels.
from 200 ng of total RNA.
GSE23153- labeling
Alfred 1 (GeneChip® Whole Transcript (WT) Sense Target Labeling Assay User
5 Aplin , Giovanni Ligresti, Roberto Nicosia
Manual, P/N 701880 Rev. 5)

Following fragmentation, 10ug of cRNA Data

1 University of Washington files
was hybridized for 17 hr at 45
Accession E-GEOD-23153 degrees C on Affymetrix Rat Gene 1.0 ST Arrays.
Show 5 GeneChips
entries were
GSE23153- hybridization
washed and stained in the Affymetrix Gene Chip Fluidics Station
Study type transcription profiling by array
450.) EFO

Organism Rattus norvegicus Affymetrix Rat Gene 1.0 ST Arrays were scanned using the Affymetrix
GSE23153- image_aquisition Name
GeneChip® 3000 scanner.
7 Angiogenesis in cultures of rat aorta begins with
neovessels sprouting from the aortic explant within the
Raw microarray datafirst three
were GSM570077_Fib_TNF_GL18.CEL
processed with Bioconductor
days of culture. We used microarrys to examine the effects of
(http://www.bioconductor.org/) Probes were normalized with the
TNF-alpha on gene expression in both fibrin Robust Multi-Array
and collagen normalization
gels procedureGSM570076_Fib_TNF_GL14.CEL
(Irizarry RA, Gautier L,
Cope L, eds. An r package for analyses of affymetrix oligonucleotide
during the first 48 hours or culture. Rat aortic rings were cultured
P- arrays. London: Springer; 2003. Parmigiani RIG, Garrett ES, Zeger S,
in either collagen or fibrin maticies. Half eds.
of the GSM570075_Fib_TNF_GL10.CEL
GSE23153- feature_extraction Thecultures
analysis offrom
gene each
expression data: Methods and software.)
8 group were treated with 10ng/mlFrom recombinant rat TNF-
the normalized data, genes with significant evidence for
alpha, and half were cookies,
left untreated. Thesedifferential
cultures expression
were of weretoidentified usingGSM570074_Fib_Control_GL17.C
used the Bioconductor limma
This website requires and the limited
package (Smyth GK. Linear models and empirical dismiss
processing your I agree, this banner
bayes methods for
prepare total RNA
personal data in order to function. By using the site you are GSM570073_Fib_Control_GL13.C
this asinformation
outlined in our
links toNotice and Terms
data view table of
Use. Showing 1 to 5 of 26 entries
Protocols hide table

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