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Course Code : SII627

Course Name : Legal Translation.
Credit Hours : 2 credits
Instructor : Dr. Heny Hartono, SS, M.Pd
Email :

Course Description:
This course aims to equip students with an understanding of the basic legal translation and practices related
to legal document translation. The course also provides practical, real-world examples of legal texts so as to
improve students’ comprehension of what is involved in legal translation and to prepare them for work or
further study in this field.
Course format:
The course is organised into 6 topic sections in 14 meetings. Each topic section consists of various learning
activities including the practices.

Academic Honesty: I highly encourage students to collaborate with other students when they work on their
assignments. However, students MUST submit their own written work for individual assignments. In
completing any written work, students MUST use appropriate citations for any information taken from
books, web sites, or any other sources of information. Academic scholarship requires that a person
acknowledges the work of other scholars by citing their work properly.

Concerns: If you have any concerns regarding the teaching materials, assignments, or anything about this
class, you are welcome to see me after class or make an appointment to resolve your concerns.

Course objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. List the types of legal translation
2. Explain the qualities of Indonesian Legal Translation Services
3. Identify and analyze the problems in translating legal documents
4. Produce a good translation of legal documents

Daily performance : 60%
Mid-Test : 20%
Final Test : 20%

1.Caveat Translator: Understanding the Legal Consequences of Errors in Professional Translation, Jody
Byrne, University of Sheffield
2.CORREIA, Renato (2003): Translation of EU Legal Texts. In: Arturo TOSI, ed.Crossing Barriers and
Bridging Cultures. The Challenges of Multilingual Translation for the European Union. Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters, 38-44.
3.Zhao, Yu Hong (2000). "Legal translation in the legislative genre." Journal of Translation Studies 4, 19-
4.Garzone, Giuliana (1999). "The translation of legal texts: A functional approach in a pragmatic
perspective." Susan Bassnett, Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinell, & Margherita Ulrych (Eds) (1999).
Translation studies revisited. Genova: Casa Editrice Tilgher-Genova, 391-408.

Course outline:
• Definition of legal translation
• Examples and nature of legal translation
• Qualities of legal translator
• Types of legal translation
• Problems in translating legal documents
• Legal document translation practices

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