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When Martial was declared in 1972 by the late President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos the literary
landscape of the country. Once was dubbed as the freest press in Asia, censorshipon critical news and
information related to government were banned.

The government sequestered TV stations and other publications so that the information to be circulated
to the country is controlled, that is, only those that are favourable to the administration.

The military government established a new office called the Ministry of Public Affairs that supervised the
newspapers, books, and other publications.

Almost all themes in writings dealt with the development of the country—like Green Revolution,family
planning, proper nutrition, environment, drug addiction, and pollution.

The new society tried to stoppornography and writings that hadnegative influences in morals.

• All school newspapers, as well asschool organizations, were temporarily stopped.

Period of the third Republic 1981-1985

This stage of the nation’s history had an effect on our literature. After the Aquino assassination, the
people’s voices calling for a change in leadership could no longer be contained.

Both the public and private sectors ofgovernment chanted and shouted; women, men, and youth
became more daring and raised their voices inprotest:


Post EDSA Period1986-present

As democracy was restored in the presidency of Corazon Aquino, the once taunted press exercised
their freedom again.\

Despite the change of ruler, there were sometraditions that were carried in the Aquino presidency,
such as bestowment of the National Artist Awarding to individuals whocontributed to the
development and enrichment of their field: dance, visual arts, film, and other means in promoting
one’s culture ; and one of which is the National Artist for literature.

In the short span of the existence of the true Republic of the Philippines, several changes are evident.

• This is most noticeable in new Filipino songs, information in newspapers, speeches and even in

TV programs.

On Newspapers and other publications: Newspaper that were branded crony newspapers became
instant opposition papers overnight
2. On Books: As new era begins, the moments of the glorious, bloodless revolution were
commemorated. Some of these books were “People Power” and “Bayan ko”.

These events that happened in the past were proof that literature has existed to form the Filipinos’
culture, tradition, and identity. It was used to entertain, preserve memories, and most importantly,
as a powerful tool in the fight against oppression and injustice.

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