Distribution Management Assignment 2

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BSBA-Marketing Management 3

Distribution Management Assignment 2

In a one page short bond paper, Arial font size 11, prepare a reflection about the
presentation of Group 1.

As the reporting starts, the flow of the discussion was smooth and successful. From
the start I can say how prepared the reporters was. They started the reporting by
providing some icebreaker in order for us to boost our mood and become active.
Through the games, I have concluded how prepared the group. Seeing their group team
showing their collaborative effort to make the report a success. They first discussed the
Marketing Channel and its definition, the importance and its role in the field of business
world and also they provided some examples to make it more understandable. Through
the help of powerpoint presentation I can comprehend their report easily since some of
those were self explanatory yet the powerpoint was aesthetic. And I salute how the
reporters showed their enthusiasm in terms of reporting. But despite on how good they
present the reporting still there was stutter encountered by the reporters. But still the
idea of the given topic can be understood. Then after the presentation the professor
have asked some questions relevant to the topic. And those questions answered by the
respective reporters. Yet those answers gave me an idea to understand the topic even

More so, as a listener, I have learned a lot from their report and cure my ignorance
about the Marketing Channel and its functions to the business field. So an aspiring
business owner or Manager I can make use of these knowledge in the long run. That
can make such tangible and intangible effect to me as an individual and to the future
organization I’ll be working with. To define , marketing channel is defined as a group of
people, organizations, and activities that collaborative to move goods from one place to
another or in other words, to the point of consumption. Horizontal competition, intertype
competition, vertical competition and system competition are sample of channel conflicts
When discussing the subject various terms came up, including the marketing mix
management method. Marketing Channels Strategy and Logistics Management are two
instances of this. Overall the learning from their reports will help me in the future
especially in my chosen endeavor.

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