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The documentary of Heneral Luna sums me up to a lot of conclusions, realizations and

understanding in life. I learned how Philippine Military was before, its history and how they role

our county. Filipinos before were forced to join the military to fight against the Americans and

Spaniards to attain our freedom and free our country against the colonizers. Many lives are

sacrifice due to the colonization of Americans. The Philippine military fight with all their life to

protect the Filipinos and our country. I realize and appreciate the sacrifices made by our

ancestors to attain the freedom we are experiencing in the present. But somehow, I learned a lot

of negative things regarding the military before. Some militaries where abusive and uses their

power to attin their desire even if it wasn’t right and some were abusive and didn’t use their

position in the right way. Like how they betray Heneral Luna who works hard and put sweat,

blood and life just to free us. It is true what Heneral Luna said, our fellow Filipino is our true

enemy. He gave his all but in the end, its us Filipinos who kills him. But it is just some, still there

are military before who work hard and work efficiently to become a great Filipino. I realize that

it is truly that those who are close to us were the one who will betray us in the end. The freedom

we are experiencing today was the result of sacrifices made by our ancestor. So let us not waste it

and appreciate more our Philippine Military History, give meaning to it and treasure it.

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