03 Generalization 1 REYES, IRISH

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-What are the similarities and differences of the global south from the developing


Answer: The term "Global South" refers to countries with less developed
economies. It is a diverse group of nations with varying degrees of economic,
cultural, and political importance in the global system, whereas developing
countries are less developed countries or emerging economies with lower GDP
and less advanced economies than developed countries. This is true for the
continents of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America in general. It is part of a
phrase family that includes "Third World" and "Periphery," which characterize
areas outside of Europe and North America that are often (but not always) low-
income and frequently politically or culturally excluded.

-What are the commonalities and differences between regionalization and


Answer: Regionalization takes into account various events as well as the needs
of specific regions of the country. Globalization has an impact on economic and
political activity on a worldwide scale. Globalization is the global interaction and
integration of individuals, organizations, and governments. It emphasizes how
technology, cross-border commerce of products and services, and the movement
of capital, people, and information have increased the interconnection of the
world's economies, cultures, and populations. Regionalization refers to how the
world is divided into smaller economic units and regional integration groups, or
how an area is divided into smaller units known as "regions."

-How did the experiences of Latin American countries contribute to the new
conception of global relations?

Answer: Latin American countries are more dependent on exporting energy and
primary goods to support economic growth and to maintain national welfare
systems in the way of Europe because they can now get better and more
affordable industrial and consumer products than those produced domestically.

-How different Asian states confront the challenges of globalization and


Answer: Asian countries have grown their economy and raised their standard of
living in response to regionalization and globalization. They may form professional
relationships and engage in cultural exchanges. Globalization is unquestionably
recognized in Asian countries as a means of catching up to the economically and
technologically advanced West. Some Asian regions distinguish between
technological economic globalization and cultural globalization, or between
economic globalization and political globalization.

-What are the factors that lead the Asian region to greater integration?

Answer: Trade is an important aspect of the global economy, which is driving the
Asian area toward deeper integration. Everyone has needs or desires that can be
met through global trade. Asia's civilizations are diverse, but they share many
traits. This makes fitting through the bargaining process easier. The joint goal is
for the Asian area to recognize the benefits of progressive integration. The
relevant nations are close to one another, and their people's hard work can
operate as a solid negotiating block when dealing with officials from other

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