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Subject: Acceptance Letter for Abstract Submission

Muhammad Halim Fathoni, MD

First of all thank you for your participation towards the upcoming meetings 15th Malang
Continuing Urology Education (MCUE), will be held on May 19th - 21st 2022, at Harris Hotel
and Convention, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Through this letter we would like to inform that your below abstract is accepted for E-POSTER

Abstract tittle : Neonatal Scrotal Wall Necrotizing Fascitis (Fournier Gangrene

Scrotum) in a One Month Old Neonatal : a Rare Case Report
Code : PO 22

Please make sure that you have registered as PARTICIPANT and kindly find below

1. Please submit your E-poster at E-poster online submission at https://reg.pharma- or counter located near the E-poster display one
day before your display schedule
2. Please make sure that you have registered as Participant at before May 10th, 2022
3. Instructions for the Preparation of E-Poster:
 suggestion at least 24 font size
 Please save the E-poster in high quality image with format .jpg or .jpeg with Portrait
 Resolution e-poster 1080pixel x 1920pixel with max. size 8 MB
 Pictures and graphics should be of good quality (high resolution)
 E-poster should not contain any video clips/animation files
 E-poster will telecast from 8AM- 5PM on May 20th - 21st, 2022
 E-poster will be shown using 42inch LCD TV
 No specific format for the poster content or design, however please provide :
• Title
• Name & Affiliation (bold the corresponding author)
• Background & Aim
• Method
• Result and Discussion
• Conclusion
• References
4. One poster will be awarded “Best Poster in Research and Best Poster in Case Report”
5. No presentation for unmoderated e-poster session
6. Certificate for E-Poster will be given ONLY for Participant of MCUE 2022

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email 15mcue@pharma- or call at +62816995230 (Ms. Silvia).

Sincerely regards,
Secretariat 15th MCUE

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