An Elderly Woman With Heart Failure' - Cognitive Biases and Diagnostic Error

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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will recognize cognitive biases that can lead to diagnostic error
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of
of General Internal Medicine, Section of Hospital Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburgh, PA; General Internal Medicine, Section of Hospi-
Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Temple tal Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; University, Pittsburgh, PA University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Assistant Director, Center for Evidence-based
Practice, University of Pennsylvania Health
System, Philadelphia, PA

An elderly woman with ‘heart failure’:

Cognitive biases and diagnostic error
Errors in diagnosis can arise from the clinician’s cognitive
A n elderly spanish-speaking woman
with morbid obesity, diabetes, hyperten-
sion, and rheumatoid arthritis presents to the
biases as well as from problems in the healthcare system. emergency department with worsening short-
Here the authors review a case with a bad outcome to ness of breath and cough. She speaks only
analyze what went wrong and why. Spanish, so her son provides the history with-
out the aid of an interpreter.
KEY POINTS Her shortness of breath is most noticeable
Diagnostic errors are common and lead to bad outcomes. with exertion and has increased gradually over
the past 2 months. She has a nonproductive
cough. Her son has noticed decreased oral in-
Factors that increase the risk of diagnostic error include take and weight loss over the past few weeks.
initial empiric treatment, nonspecific or vague symptoms, She has neither traveled recently nor been in
atypical presentation, confounding comorbid conditions, contact with anyone known to have an infec-
contextual factors, and physician factors. tious disease.
A review of systems is otherwise negative:
Common types of cognitive error include the framing specifically, she denies chest pain, fevers, or
effect, anchoring bias, diagnostic momentum, availability chills. She saw her primary care physician 3
bias, confirmation bias, blind obedience, overconfidence weeks ago for these complaints and was pre-
bias, base-rate neglect, and premature closure. scribed a 3-day course of azithromycin with no
Her medications include lisinopril, ateno-
Organizations and leaders can implement strategies to lol, glipizide, and metformin; her son believes
reduce diagnostic errors. she may be taking others as well but is not sure.
He is also unsure of what treatment his mother
has received for her rheumatoid arthritis, and
most of her medical records are within another
health system.
On physical examination, the patient is
coughing and appears ill. Her temperature
is 99.9°F (37.7°C), heart rate 105 beats per
minute, blood pressure 140/70 mm Hg, res-
piratory rate 24 per minute, and oxygen
saturation by pulse oximetry 89% on room
air. Heart sounds are normal, jugular venous
pressure cannot be assessed because of her
obese body habitus, pulmonary examination
demonstrates crackles in all lung fields, and
doi:10.3949/ccjm.82a.14087 lower-extremity edema is not present. Her

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extremities are warm and well perfused. Mus- evaluated for “dyspnea.” Pulmonary embolism
culoskeletal examination reveals deformities and pulmonary tuberculosis are also in the dif-
of the joints in both hands consistent with ferential diagnosis for our patient, with stud-
rheumatoid arthritis. ies reporting a misdiagnosis rate of 55% for
Laboratory data: pulmonary embolism8 and 50% for pulmonary
• White blood cell count 13.0 × 109/L (refer- tuberculosis.9
ence range 3.7–11.0) Hertwig et al,10 describing the diagnostic
• Hemoglobin level 10 g/dL (11.5–15) process in patients presenting to emergency
• Serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL (0.7–1.4) departments with a nonspecific constellation
• Pro-brain-type natriuretic peptide (pro- of symptoms, found particularly low rates of
BNP) level greater than the upper limit of agreement between the initial diagnostic im-
normal. pression and the final, correct one. In fact, the
A chest radiograph is obtained, and the actual diagnosis was only in the physician’s
resident radiologist’s preliminary impression is initial “top three” differential diagnoses 29%
that it is consistent with pulmonary vascular to 83% of the time.
congestion. Atypical presentations of common dis-
The patient is admitted for further diag- eases, initial nonspecific presentations of
nostic evaluation. The emergency department common diseases, and confounding comor-
resident orders intravenous furosemide and bid conditions have also been associated with
signs out to the night float medicine resident misdiagnosis.11 Our case scenario illustrates
that this is an “elderly woman with hyperten- the frequent challenges physicians face when
sion, diabetes, and heart failure being admit- diagnosing patients who present with nonspe-
ted for a heart failure exacerbation.” cific symptoms and signs on a background of
multiple, chronic comorbidities.
What is the accuracy of a physician’s initial
Contextual factors in the system and en-
working diagnosis?
vironment contribute to the potential for er-
Diagnostic accuracy requires both clinical
ror.12 Examples include frequent interruptions,
knowledge and problem-solving skills.1
The patient’s A decade ago, a National Patient Safety
time pressure, poor handoffs, insufficient data,
son believes and multitasking.
Foundation survey2 found that one in six pa-
In our scenario, incomplete data, time
she may be tients had suffered a medical error related to
constraints, and multitasking in a busy work
misdiagnosis. In a large systematic review of
taking other environment compelled the emergency de-
autopsy-based diagnostic errors, the theorized
partment resident to rapidly synthesize infor-
medications rate of major errors ranged from 8.4% to as
mation to establish a working diagnosis. Inter-
high as 24.4%.3 A study by Neale et al4 found
but is not sure; that admitting diagnoses were incorrect in 6%
pretations of radiographs by on-call radiology
her records of cases. In emergency departments, inaccu- residents are similarly at risk of diagnostic er-
racy rates of up to 12% have been described.5 ror for the same reasons.13
are at another Physician factors also influence diagnosis.
institution What factors influence the prevalence Interestingly, physician certainty or uncer-
of diagnostic errors? tainty at the time of initial diagnosis does not
Initial empiric treatments, such as intrave- uniformly appear to correlate with diagnostic
nous furosemide in the above scenario, add accuracy. A recent study showed that physician
to the challenge of diagnosis in acute care confidence remained high regardless of the de-
settings and can influence clinical decisions gree of difficulty in a given case, and degree of
made by subsequent providers.6 confidence also correlated poorly with whether
Nonspecific or vague symptoms make the physician’s diagnosis was accurate.14
diagnosis especially challenging. Shortness For patients admitted with a chief com-
of breath, for example, is a common chief plaint of dyspnea, as in our scenario, Zwaan et
complaint in medical patients, as in this case. al15 showed that “inappropriate selectivity” in
Green et al7 found emergency department reasoning contributed to an inaccurate diag-
physicians reported clinical uncertainty for a nosis 23% of the time. Inappropriate selectiv-
diagnosis of heart failure in 31% of patients ity, as defined by these authors, occurs when

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a probable diagnosis is not sufficiently consid- that the patient may not have heart failure
ered and therefore is neither confirmed nor but rather a primary pulmonary disease. They
ruled out. bring this to the attention of their attending
In our patient scenario, the failure to con- physician, who dismisses their concerns and
sider diagnoses other than heart failure and comments that heart failure is a clinical diag-
the inability to confirm a prior diagnosis of nosis. The residents do not bring this idea up
heart failure in the emergency department again to the attending physician.
may contribute to a diagnostic error. That night, the float team is called by the
nursing staff because of worsening oxygen-
■ CASE CONTINUED: ation and cough. They add an intravenous
NO IMPROVEMENT OVER 3 DAYS corticosteroid, a broad-spectrum antibiotic,
and an inhaled bronchodilator to the patient’s
The night float resident, who has six other drug regimen.
admissions this night, cannot ask the resi-
dent who evaluated this patient in the emer- How do cognitive errors predispose
gency department for further information physicians to diagnostic errors?
because the shift has ended. The patient’s When errors in diagnosis are reviewed retro-
son left at the time of admission and is not spectively, cognitive or “thinking” errors are
available when the patient arrives on the generally found, especially in nonprocedural
medical ward. or primary care specialties such as internal
The night float resident quickly examines medicine, pediatrics, and emergency medi-
the patient, enters admission orders, and signs cine.16,17
the patient out to the intern and resident who A widely accepted theory on how humans
will be caring for her during her hospitaliza- make decisions was described by the psycholo-
tion. The verbal handoff notes that the his- gists Tversky and Kahneman in 197418 and
tory was limited due to a language barrier. The has been applied more recently to physicians’
initial problem list includes heart failure with- diagnostic processes.19 Their dual process model
out a differential diagnosis, but notes that an theory states that persons with a requisite level
of expertise use either the intuitive “system 1”
After the
elevated pro-BNP and chest radiograph con-
firm heart failure as the likely diagnosis. process of thinking, based on pattern-recogni- attending
Several hours after the night float resident tion and heuristics, or the slower, more ana- physician
has left, the resident presents this history to lytical “system 2” process.20 Experts disagree as
to whether in medicine these processes repre- dismisses their
the attending physician, and together they
decide to order her regular at-home medica- sent a binary either-or model or a continuum21 concerns,
tions, as well as deep vein thrombosis prophy- with relative contributions of each process de-
termined by the physician and the task. the residents
laxis and echocardiography. In writing the
orders, subcutaneous heparin once daily is do not bring up
What are some common types
erroneously entered instead of low-molecular- of cognitive error? their idea again
weight heparin daily, as this is the default in Experts agree that many diagnostic errors in
the medical record system. The tired resident medicine stem from decisions arrived at by in-
fails to recognize this, and the pharmacist does appropriate system 1 thinking due to biases.
not question it. These biases have been identified and de-
Over the next 2 days, the patient’s cough scribed as they relate to medicine, most nota-
and shortness of breath persist. bly by Croskerry.22
On hospital day 3, two junior residents Several cognitive biases are illustrated in
on the team (who finished their internship our clinical scenario:
2 weeks ago) review the attending radiolo- The framing effect occurred when the
gist’s interpretation of the chest radiograph. emergency department resident listed the pa-
Unflagged, it confirms the resident’s interpre- tient’s admitting diagnosis as heart failure dur-
tation but notes ill-defined, scattered, faint ing the clinical handoff of care.
opacities. The residents believe that an in- Anchoring bias, as defined by Croskerry,22
terstitial pattern may be present and suggest is the tendency to lock onto salient features

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Definitions and representative examples of cognitive biases in the case
Cognitive biases Example in this case Definition a
Framing effect Emergency department resident signs out to the night Being strongly influenced by the way a
float medicine resident that this is an elderly woman with problem or case is framed in the way we
hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure being admitted for see things
a heart failure exacerbation
Anchoring bias The initial problem list includes congestive heart failure Tendency to lock onto salient features
without a differential diagnosis, but notes that the patient’s of the case presentation too early in the
elevated pro-BNP and abnormal chest radiograph confirm diagnostic process and then fail to adjust
congestive heart failure as the likely diagnosis this initial diagnostic impression
Diagnostic Night float resident’s verbal handoff notes that the history Accepting a prevailing diagnosis without
momentum was limited due to a language barrier; the initial problem appropriate skepticism and excluding
list includes congestive heart failure without a differential other possibilities; once a diagnostic
diagnosis label is attached to a patient, it becomes
stickier and stickier
Availability bias Chest radiography is performed and the preliminary impres- The influence of more frequently occurring
sion from the radiologist is pulmonary vascular congestion; diagnoses and recent experiences on di-
the emergency department resident orders intravenous agnostic decision-making; judging things
furosemide as more likely if they readily come to mind

Confirmation bias The team places greater emphasis on the elevated pro-BNP Using information that supports an initial
level and initial chest radiograph than on the patient’s diagnosis while ignoring other informa-
cough and shortness of breath that persist over the next 2 tion that does not support the initial
days or on the pulmonary infiltrates that do not clear with diagnosis
Blind obedience The attending physician dismisses the residents’ concern Undue deference to authority or technology
that the chest radiograph may show an interstitial pattern
and that the patient may not have congestive heart failure
but rather a primary pulmonary disease; they do not bring it
up again
Overconfidence Attending physician dismisses the junior residents’ concern Universal tendency to believe we know
bias more than we do; often results in acting
with incomplete information and failing to
consider alternative diagnoses
Definitions adapted from Croskerry P. The importance of cognitive errors in diagnosis and strategies to minimize them. Acad Med 2003; 78:775–780.

of the case too early in the diagnostic process agnoses, which are more “available” to the hu-
and then to fail to adjust this initial diagnostic man memory. These diagnoses, which spring
impression. This bias affected the admitting to mind quickly, often trick providers into
night float resident, primary intern, resident, thinking that because they are more easily
and attending physician. recalled, they are also more common or more
Diagnostic momentum, in turn, is a well- likely.
described phenomenon that clinical providers Confirmation bias. The initial working
are especially vulnerable to in today’s environ- diagnosis of heart failure may have led the
ment of “copy-and-paste” medical records and medical team to place greater emphasis on the
numerous handovers of care as a consequence elevated pro-BNP and the chest radiograph to
of residency duty-hour restrictions.23 support the initial impression while ignoring
Availability bias refers to commonly seen findings such as weight loss that do not sup-
diagnoses like heart failure or recently seen di- port this impression.

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Blind obedience. Although the residents How do faulty systems contribute

recognized the possibility of a primary pul- to diagnostic error?
monary disease, they did not investigate this It is increasingly recognized that diagnostic
further. And when the attending physician errors can occur as a result of cognitive er-
dismissed their suggestion, they thus deferred ror, systems-based error, or quite commonly,
to the person in authority or with a reputation both. Graber et al17 analyzed 100 cases of
of expertise. diagnostic error and determined that while
Overconfidence bias. Despite minimal cognitive errors did occur in most of them,
improvement in the patient’s clinical status nearly half the time both cognitive and sys-
after effective diuresis and the suggestion of tems-based errors contributed simultaneous-
alternative diagnoses by the residents, the at- ly.17 Observers have further delineated the
tending physician remained confident—per- importance of the systems context and how
haps overconfident—in the diagnosis of heart it affects our thinking.25
failure and would not consider alternatives. In this case, the language barrier, lack
Overconfidence bias has been well described of availability of family, and inability to
and occurs when a medical provider believes promptly utilize interpreter services contrib-
too strongly in his or her ability to be correct uted to early problems in acquiring a detailed
and therefore fails to consider alternative di- history and a complete medication list that
agnoses.24 included the immunosuppressant infliximab.
Despite succumbing to overconfidence Later, a systems error led to a delay in the
bias, the attending physician was able to over- interpretation of an echocardiogram. Each
come base-rate neglect, ie, failure to consider of these factors, if prevented, would have
the prevalence of potential diagnoses in diag- presumably resulted in expansion of the dif-
nostic reasoning. ferential diagnosis and earlier arrival at the
Each of these biases, and others not men- correct diagnosis.
tioned, can lead to premature closure, which
is the unfortunate root cause of many diag- ■ CASE CONTINUED:
nostic errors and delays. We have illustrated THE PATIENT DIES OF TUBERCULOSIS Overconfidence
several biases in our case scenario that led sev- The patient is moved to a negative pressure bias occurs
eral physicians on the medical team to prema- room, and the pulmonary consultants recom-
turely “close” on the diagnosis of heart failure mend bronchoscopy. During the procedure,
when a
(Table 1). the patient suffers acute respiratory failure, is physician
intubated, and is transferred to the medical believes
■ CASE CONTINUED: intensive care unit, where a saddle pulmonary
SURPRISES AND REASSESSMENT embolism is diagnosed by computed tomo- too strongly
On hospital day 4, the patient’s medication graphic angiography. in his or her
One day later, the sputum culture from the
lists from her previous hospitalizations arrive,
bronchoscopy returns as positive for acid-fast
and the team is surprised to discover that she
has been receiving infliximab for the past 3 to
bacilli. A four-drug regimen for tuberculosis to be correct
is started. The patient continues to have a
4 months for her rheumatoid arthritis.
downward course and expires 2 weeks later.
Additionally, an echocardiogram that was
Autopsy reveals miliary tuberculosis.
ordered on hospital day 1 but was lost in the
cardiologist’s reading queue comes in and What is the frequency of diagnostic error
shows a normal ejection fraction with no evi- in medicine?
dence of elevated filling pressures. Diagnostic error is estimated to have a fre-
Computed tomography of the chest reveals quency of 10% to 20%.24 Rates of diagnostic
a reticular pattern with innumerable, tiny, 1- error are similar irrespective of method of de-
to 2-mm pulmonary nodules. The differential termination, eg, from autopsy,3 standardized
diagnosis is expanded to include hypersensi- patients (ie, actors presenting with scripted
tivity pneumonitis, lymphoma, fungal infec- scenarios),26 or case reviews.27 Patient surveys
tion, and miliary tuberculosis. report patient-perceived harm from diagnostic

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error at a rate of 35% to 42%.28,29 The land- pensing or administration error, solutions to
mark Harvard Medical Practice Study found cognitive errors are generally considered more
that 17% of all adverse events were attribut- challenging to address by organizations trying
able to diagnostic error.30 to improve patient safety.
Diagnostic error is the most common type
of medical error in nonprocedural medical How can hospitals and department leaders
fields.31 It causes a disproportionately large do better?
amount of morbidity and death. Healthcare organizations and leaders of clini-
Diagnostic error is the most common cause cal teams or departments can implement sev-
of malpractice claims in the United States. In eral strategies.36
inpatient and outpatient settings, for both First, they can seek out and analyze the
medical and surgical patients, it accounted for causes of diagnostic errors that are occurring
45.9% of all outpatient malpractice claims in locally in their institution and learn from
2009, making it the most common reason for their diagnostic errors, such as the one in our
medical malpractice litigation.32 A 2013 study clinical scenario.
indicated that diagnostic error is more com- Second, they can promote a culture of
mon, more expensive, and two times more open communication and questioning around
likely to result in death than any other cat- diagnosis. Trainees, physicians, and nurses
egory of error.33 should be comfortable questioning each other,
including those higher up in the hierarchy, by
■ CASE CONTINUED: saying, “I’m not sure” or “What else could this
MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY CONFERENCE be?” to help reduce cognitive bias and expand
The patient’s case is brought to a morbidity the diagnostic possibilities.
and mortality conference for discussion. The Similarly, developing strategies to promote
systems issues in the case—including medica- feedback on diagnosis among physicians will
tion reconciliation, availability of interpret- allow us all to learn from our diagnostic mis-
ers, and timing and process of echocardiogram takes.
Trainees, readings—are all discussed, but clinical rea- Use of the electronic medical record to
physicians, soning and cognitive errors made in the case assist in follow-up of pending diagnostic
are avoided. studies and patient return visits is yet anoth-
and nurses er strategy.
should be Why are cognitive errors often neglected Finally, healthcare organizations can adopt
in discussions of medical error? strategies to promote patient involvement in
comfortable Historically, openly discussing error in medi- diagnosis, such as providing patients with cop-
questioning cine has been difficult. Over the past decade, ies of their test results and discharge summa-
each other however, and fueled by the landmark Insti- ries, encouraging the use of electronic patient
tute of Medicine report To Err is Human,34 the communication portals, and empowering pa-
healthcare community has made substantial tients to ask questions related to their diagno-
strides in identifying and talking about sys- sis. Prioritizing potential solutions to reduce
tems factors as a cause of preventable medical diagnostic errors may be helpful in situations,
error.34,35 depending on the context and environment,
While systems contributions to medical er-
in which all proposed interventions may not
ror are inherently “external” to physicians and
be possible.
other healthcare providers, the cognitive con-
tributions to error are inherently “internal”
and are often considered personal. This has
led to diagnostic error being kept out of many
patient safety conversations. Further, while The attending physician and resident in the
the solutions to systems errors are often tan- case meet after the conference to review their
gible, such as implementing a fall prevention clinical decision-making. Both are interested
program or changing the physical packaging in learning from this case and improving their
of a medication to reduce a medication dis- diagnostic skills in the future.

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Approaches to decision-making
Modular reasoning
responsivity Gestalt
Inductive Robust reasoning
without attention reasoning decision-making
Thin Recognition reasoning
slicing primed Exhaustion
strategy Bounded
Heuristics and biases rationality

Intuitive Analytical

FIGURE 1. Approaches to decision-making can be located along a continuum, with uncon-

scious, intuitive ones clustering at one end and deliberate, analytical ones at the other.
From Croskerry P. Clinical cognition and diagnostic error: applications of a dual process model of reasoning.
Adv Health Sci Educ 2009; 14:27–35. With kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media.

What specific steps can clinicians take themselves of bias. As human beings, health-
to mitigate cognitive bias in daily practice? care professionals are susceptible to emotion,
In addition to continuing to expand one’s and the best approach to mitigate the emo-
medical knowledge and gain more clinical tional influences may be to consciously name
experience, we can suggest several small steps them and adjust for them.40
to busy clinicians, taken individually or in Because it is impractical to apply slow, ana-
combination with others that may improve lytical system 2 approaches to every case, skills A ‘diagnostic
diagnostic skills by reducing the potential for that hone and develop more accurate, reliable time-out’
biased thinking in clinical practice. system 1 thinking are crucial. Gaining broad for safety
Think about your thinking. Our first exposure to increased numbers of cases may
recommendation would be to become more be the most reliable way to build an experien- might catch
familiar with the dual process theory of clini- tial repertoire of “illness scripts,” but there are opportunities
cal cognition (Figure 1).37,38 This theoretical ways to increase the experiential value of any
to recognize
framework may be very helpful as a founda- case with a few techniques that have potential
tion from which to build better thinking skills. to promote better intuition.41 and mitigate
Physicians, especially residents, and students Embracing uncertainty in the early diag- biases
can be taught these concepts and their poten- nostic process and envisioning the worst-case
tial to contribute to diagnostic errors, and can scenario in a case allows the consideration of and errors
use these skills to recognize those contribu- additional diagnostic paths outside of the cur-
tions in others’ diagnostic practices and even rent working diagnosis, potentially priming
in their own.39 the clinician to look for and recognize early
Facilitating metacognition, or “thinking warning signs that could argue against the ini-
about one’s thinking,” may help clinicians tial diagnosis at a time when an adjustment
catch themselves in thinking traps and pro- could be made to prevent a bad outcome.
vide the opportunity to reflect on biases ret- Practice progressive problem-solving,42 a
rospectively, as a double check or an opportu- technique in which the physician creates ad-
nity to learn from a mistake. ditional challenges to increase the cognitive
Recognize your emotions. Gaining an un- burden of a “routine” case in an effort to train
derstanding of the effect of one’s emotions on his or her mind and sharpen intuition. An ex-
decision-making also can help clinicians free ample of this practice is contemplating a back-

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up treatment plan in advance in the event of a If one considers diagnosis a cognitive pro-
poor response to or an adverse effect of treat- cedure, perhaps a brief “diagnostic time-out”
ment. Highly rated physicians and teachers for safety might afford an opportunity to rec-
perform this regularly.43,44 Other ways to maxi- ognize and mitigate biases and errors. There
mize the learning value of an individual case are likely many potential scripts for a good
include seeking feedback on patient outcomes, diagnostic time-out, but to be functional it
especially when a patient has been discharged should be brief and simple to facilitate consis-
or transferred to another provider’s care, or tent use. We have recommended the follow-
when the physician goes off service. ing four questions to our residents as a starting
Simulation, traditionally used for proce- point, any of which could signal the need to
dural training, has potential as well. Cogni-
switch to a slower, analytic approach.
tive simulation, such as case reports or virtual
patient modules, have potential to enhance Four-step diagnostic time-out
clinical reasoning skills as well, though pos- • What else can it be?
sibly at greater cost of time and expense. • Is there anything about the case that does
Decreased reliance on memory is likely to not fit?
improve diagnostic reasoning. Systems tools • Is it possible that multiple processes are go-
such as checklists45 and health information ing on?
technology46 have potential to reduce diag- • Do I need to slow down?
nostic errors, not by taking thinking away These questions can serve as a double check
from the clinician but by relieving the cog-
for an intuitively formed initial working diag-
nitive load enough to facilitate greater effort
nosis, incorporating many of the principles
toward reasoning.
Slow down. Finally, and perhaps most im- discussed above, in a way that would hope-
portant, recent models of clinical expertise fully avoid undue burden on a busy clinician.
have suggested that mastery comes from hav- These techniques, it must be acknowledged,
ing a robust intuitive method, with a sense of have not yet been directly tied to reductions in
the limitations of the intuitive approach, an diagnostic errors. However, diagnostic errors,
ability to recognize the need to perform more as discussed, are very difficult to identify and
analytical reasoning in select cases, and the study, and these techniques will serve mainly to
willingness to do so. In short, it may well be improve habits that are likely to show benefits
that the hallmark of a master clinician is the over much longer time periods than most stud-
propensity to slow down when necessary.47 ies can measure. ■

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