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I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. thread B. treat C. pleasure D. deadline
2. A. frustrated B. loneliness C. adulthood D. product
3. A. unhealthy B. empathize C. tablecloth D. breathable
II. Choose the word A, B, C or D whose stress is different from the others
1. A. tiredness B. construction C. religion D. forbidden
2. A. affordable B. destination C. convenient D. reliable
III. Choose the best answer
1. __________these silk scarves are very expensive; a great number of tourists want to buy them.
A. Because B. While C. Since D. Although
2. We can__________the information of the journey on leaflets.
A. look up B. look through C. set up D. find out
3. Last week, the students visited a__________museum in the local area.
A. history B. historical C. historic D. historian
4. Liz likes going to the park to relax and watch other people__________
A. walked B. to walk C. walking D. to walking
5. I will never come here anymore because the__________ are unfriendly.
A. villages B. villager C. village D. villagers
6. He is just__________because that girl he likes is here.
A. show off B. showing off C. pulling down D. pull down
7. __________your work before you hand it in.
A. Take off B. Pull over C. Grow out D. Go over
8. Don’t smoke in the forest. Fires__________ easily at this time of the year
A. break out B. call off C. carry away D. do without
9. A friend of mine has__________her wedding.
A. broken out B. carried away C. called off D. fallen in with
10. Vietnam becomes__________to foreign tourists.
A. more and most attractive B. the more attractive
C. much and more attractive. D. more and more attractive
11. This car is__________than mine.
A. less expensive C. expensive
B. as expensive D. not so expensive
12. Japan is the__________developed country in the world.
A. most second B. second in most C. second most D. two most
13. Factories and offices should be built in__________areas only.
A. rural B. coastal C. cultural D. urban
14. My mother has offered to look__________ the children, so we can go to the party
A. after B. for C. into D. at
15. Get__________ the bus before it’s impossible to get a seat.
A. up B. over C. on D. off
IV. Write the sentences, using the correct form and tense of the verbs in brackets.
1. As soon as my grandpa arrived at this village, he (set) __________ up the workshop.
2. Paul wanted to (look) __________ round more through time was nearly over.
3. Sarah said that she (turn) __________ the lights off before 9.00 p.m. the previous day.
4. Sue said that she (assure) __________Tom she would come to the game.
5. I hate (disappoint ) __________ you, but I’m just not interest.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each ! sentence that needs
1. You must know when to giving sincere advice to your friends.
2. Steve wondered if to put himself in his competitor’s shoes.
3. Tom said he was fully book for the weekend with his music club.
4. I have no idea how encourage Sarah in her choice of extra class.
5. Jim asked whether I were stress out and exhausted or not.
VI. Fill in each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage.
Teenagers today live in a very competitive world. It is (1)__________important than ever to succeed at
school if you hope to (2) __________a chance in the job market afterwards. It’s no wonder that many
younger people worry (3) __________letting down their parents, their peers and themselves. To try to
please everyone, they take on too (4) __________tasks until it becomes harder and harder to balance
homework assignments, parties, sports activities and friends. The result is that young people (5)
__________from stress.
There are different ways of dealing with stress. Everyone knows that caffeine, in the (6) __________of
coffee or soft drinks, keeps you awake and alert. But caffeine is a drug which (7) __________become
addictive. In the end, like other drugs, caffeine only leads to more stress. There are better (8)
__________to deal with stress: physical exercise is a good release for stress, (9) __________it increases
certain chemicals in the brain which calm you down. You have to get enough sleep to (10)
__________stress and to stay healthy and full of energy.
VII. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
1. Despite the heavy snow, the explorers managed to walk to the village.
2. “You’ve passed your driving test, Ron! Well done!” said Carol.
3. Did you find my passport when you were tidying my room, Mum?
Did you come_________________________________________
4. This was one of the most powerful earthquakes ever.
No other earthquake was_________________________________________
5. Who do you talk to when you have problems? Mary asked me.
Mary asked me_________________________________________
Part I. Listen to the talk. Match the activity with its meaning. TRACK 09
1. Scheduling A. Don’t try to be perfect
2. Treat your body well B. Make your attitude and your thought brighter
3. Relax C. Cut out the activities if you don’t have time
4. Expectation D. Spend time with a book you like
5. Smile E. Get all the nourishment you need for your brain and body.
Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words. TRACK 10
Let’s begin with the “S” - “scheduling”. For example, you don’t have to schedule too many things in
your day. If you feel you are too (1)__________, you can cut out an activity or two.
Next, the “T” word? - “treat your body well”, because experts say that exercise can (2)
__________stress and also if you eat healthy food, then your brain and body get the nourishment they
The next word is “R” - “relax”. You can do an activity you enjoy or that (3) __________you, maybe you
can read a good book or learn a new hobby.
Next “E”. “E” is about expectations. Be realistic about yourself, be true to yourself and others. So you
can just do your best and don’t try to be (4) __________and don’t expect others to be either.
The next word is “S” - “sleep”. If you get a good nights sleep, then it will keep your mind and your body
in shape. Finally, “S” again. It means “smile” - if you smile and have confidence, your attitude and your
thoughts (5) __________the way you see things
1. A 2. B 3. D
1. A 2. B
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C
1. set 2. look . had turned
4. assured 5. disappointing
l. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B
1. more 2. Have 3. about 4. many
5. suffer 6. form 7. can 8. ways
9. because 10. avoid
1. Although it snowed heavily, the explorers managed to walk to the village.
2. Carol congratulated Ron on having passed his driving test.
3. Did you come across my passport when you were tidying my room, Mum?
4. No other earthquake was as powerful as this one.
5. Mary asked me who I talked to when I had problems.
Part I.
1. C 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B
Part II.
1. busy 2. Reduce 3. relaxes
4. perfect 5. Influence
Part I. Listen to the talk. Match the activity with its meaning. TRACK 09
Let’s begin with the “S” - “scheduling”. For example, you don’t have to schedule too many things in
your day. If you feel you are too busy, you can cut out an activity or two.
Next, the “T” word? - “treat your body well”, because experts say that exercise can reduce stress and
also if you eat healthy food, then your brain and body get the nourishment they need.
The next word is “R” - “relax”. You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you, maybe you can
read a good book or learn a new hobby.
Next “E”. “E” is about expectations. Be realistic about yourself, be true to yourself and others. So you
can just do your best and don’t try to be perfect and don’t expect others to be either.
The next word is “S” - “sleep”. If you get a good night’s sleep, then it will keep your mind and your
body in shape. Finally, “S” again. It means “smile” - if you smile and have confidence, your attitude and
your thoughts influence the way you see things.Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words.

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