05 Review 1, ENTREP

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Ceresola, Jazz Dematawararan

Ello, Rhaj Anthonie
Millare, Valerie Ivy Cabos
Principe, Kim Ashley Antonio
Reyes, Irish Abrigo
Yumul, Sharin Ann Fruto

Ms. Mary Jane Julian

Subject Teacher
Harish Hande's management of SELCO demonstrates curiosity entrepreneurial tendencies.
Harish Hande exhibits a desire to learn more to identify his next course of action, such as how
he can progress and how the SELCO can benefit more Indians. When SELCO had its first
financial problem, Hande was able to restructure the company and recruit new investors who
shared the organization's goals.

In addition, he was able to sustain all the services and sales, as well as the importance of highly
motivated employees. Harish Hande was able to continue and invent solar solutions after
overcoming the problem. He was also honored for redesigning off-the-shelf solar power, which
is critically required by the urban and rural poor. Hande also focuses on the sources of
confidence and success rather than the effects. Furthermore, he takes a proactive approach
and takes responsibility of the situation by convincing Indian banks and microfinance groups of
the potential of solar power, despite the prohibitively high cost of solar panels and batteries.

As a result, SELCO formed alliances to produce financial instruments that will allow company
owners and homeowners to repay their capital outlay for installing solar equipment. Over 400
million people were impoverished, making India's development difficulties serious. As a result,
Hande prioritized those who required solar electricity the most urgently. Hande creates
innovation centers that provide energy alternatives other than solar since they believe in win-
win situations. Ile took that decision because he prefers to understand before attempting to be
understood. He did this because he is aware of the difficulties that people in India face, and he
wishes to be understood by them for them to support Hande's purpose and objectives. He has
worked extremely hard to obtain success. It had its ups and downs. He founded a company to
provide solar electricity for illumination and power to the disadvantaged in India. The company
began selling and servicing photovoltaic (PV) systems in his native state of Karnataka, India, and
established franchise dealers, but it was doomed to failure. He does not give up and conducts
research using a qualitative data gathering strategy that attempts to watch, interact, and
comprehend individuals while they are in their natural context.

From our perspective, the habit he used was the habit of "turning obstacles into assets." Hande
is aware that the underprivileged would rely on creative finance, an unconventional way of
structuring a loan that allows a person to purchase a home, a plot of land, or another significant
object. The company's actions at this stage of development, with the help of the World Bank's
commercial lending arm, will be critical in deciding its long-term success. To get to the point, a
challenge does not discourage him; rather, he sees promise in it. Development, in addition to
failure, is success.

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