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Chapter 2 StratMan External Environmental Analysis- turbulent,

complex, and global conditions that make

General Environment- composed of dimensions in
interpreting those environments difficult
the broader society that influence
Four parts:
Seven environmental segments:
1. Scanning
• Demographic 2. Monitoring
• Economic 3. Forecasting
• Political/legal 4. Assessing
• Sociocultural
• Technological Opportunity
• Global - helps a company reach strategic
• Sustainable physical competitiveness
Most companies, and certainly large ones-
continuously encounter multiple opportunities as
well as threats.
Threat- may hinder a company’s efforts to achieve
strategic competitiveness
- entails the study of all segments in the
general environment
- to understand trends in the general
environment and to predict their implications
Monitoring- analysts observe environmental
changes to see if an important trend is emerging
Forecasting- analysts develop feasible projections
of what might happen, and how quickly
Assessing- to determine the timing and
significance of the effects of environmental
Industry Environment- set of factors that directly
influences a firm and its competitive actions and 7 Segments of General Environment:
responses: 1. Demographic segment
• the threat of new entrants - concerned with a population’s size, age
• the power of suppliers structure
- commonly analyzed on a global basis
• the power of buyers
2. Economic segment- nature and direction of
• the threat of product substitutes
the economy in which a firm competes or may
• the intensity of rivalry among competing
3. Political/legal segment
Competitor Analysis - groups compete for attention, resources,
and a voice in overseeing the body of laws
- how the companies gather and interpret - to influence governments and how they try
information about their competitors to understand the influences
- understanding the firm’s competitor 4. Sociocultural segment- concerned with a
environment society’s attitudes and cultural values
5. Technological segment- includes the Strategic Groups
institutions and activities involved in creating
- set of firms emphasizing similar strategic
new knowledge
6. Global segment- includes relevant new global dimensions and using a similar strategy
markets, existing markets that are changing - useful for analyzing an industry’s
competitive structure
7. Sustainable physical environment segment-
potential and actual changes in the physical Competitor Analysis- focuses on each company
environment against which a firm competes directly
Industry Environment Analysis Ethical Considerations- firms must follow relevant
- companies use a rich mix of different laws and regulations as well as carefully articulated
ethical guidelines
competitive strategies to pursue above-
average returns
- has a more direct effect on the
competitive actions and responses a firm
takes to succeed
Industry- group of firms producing products that
are close substitutes
Five Forces of Competition Model

1. Threat of New Entrants- they bring

additional production capacity
2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers-
increasing prices and reducing the quality of
their products
3. Bargaining Power of Buyers- buyers want
to buy products at the lowest possible price
4. Threat of Substitute Products- Substitute
products are goods or services from outside
a given industry that perform similar or the
same functions as a product that the
industry produces
5. Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors-
industry’s firms are mutually dependent,
actions taken by one company usually invite

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