Test Clasa A9a

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I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 20 points

Henry lived in a boarding-house in Guildford Street. One day a new girl 1. (COME)_____________ to the
boarding-house, and 2. (SIT) ___________ next to Henry at meals. Her name was Alice Weston. Henry
was surprised to find that she was on the stage, in the chorus. Previous chorus-girls at the boarding-house
3. (BE) ___________ of a more pronounced type—good girls, but noisy, Alice Weston was different.
“I 4. (REHEARSE) ___________ at present,' she said. 'I 5. (GO OUT) ___________ on tour next month in
"The Girl From Brighton". What 6. (YOU/ DO) ___________, Mr Rice?'
'I'm a detective.'
'What's the matter?' he said, a little anxiously, for even at this early stage in their acquaintance he was
conscious of a strong desire to win her approval. '7. (YOU/NOT LIKE) ___________ detectives?'
'I don't know. Somehow I shouldn't have thought you 8. (BE) ___________ one.'
Naturally a detective does not want to look like a detective and give the whole thing away right at the start.
'I think—you 9. (NOT BE) ___________ offended.'
'Go on.'
'I 10. (ALWAYS LOOK ON) ___________ it as rather a sneaky job.'
'Sneaky!' moaned Henry.

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence. 20 points
1. John Glenn took great personal risks in his search for …. (KNOW)
2. Good role models don't think about being rewarded …(FINANCE) for their charity work.
3. Graphology is the study of people’s ……(WRITE) to reveal their personalities.
4. People often behave … (PREDICT) when under stress.
5. He shouldn’t have been so … (RESPECT) to his parents.
6. Her … (STRONG) impressed us all.
7. The beach was … (ACCESS) except by boat, and few people even knew about it.
8. Tomorrow I’m going to send off my … (APPLY) form for the job.
9. Our team is very … . (SUCCEED). We’ve won three competitions this year.
10. She tiptoed …(CARE) so as not to wake the others.

III. Translate the following text into English. 20 points

La dus era ușor. Recipientul mare, din plastic, conținea doar aer la dus. Nya, înaltă pentru cei unsprezece
ani ai ei, putea plimba toarta dintr-o mână în alta, putea flutura recipientul de o parte și de alta sau îl putea
cuprinde cu amândouă brațele. Putea chiar să îl târască după ea, lovindu-l de pământ și stârnind un mic
nor de praf la fiecare pas. Nu era deloc greu la dus. Trebuia doar să facă față căldurii soarelui, care
încingea aerul, cu toate că mai era mult până la prânz. I-ar lua cam jumătate din dimineață, dacă nu s-ar
opri pe drum. Căldura. Timpul. Și ghimpii.

IV. Read the following text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits in each gap. 20 points
We live in an age of television, video and interactive computing, in which children are skilled at absorbing
data from images at a glance. (1) ……… this makes them respond favourably to visual learning, the
disadvantage is that they sometimes lack confidence with words. So, what the Eyewitness Guides have (2)
……… is to combine the two elements, words and pictures, (3) …… them as just one thing-entertainment.
One of the main reasons (4) …… the books’ success is the discovery that, against a white background,
even the most (5) ……. objects can look wonderful. Often a single photographic image will take up a(n) (6)
……. double-page spread, grabbing your (7) ………. Whatever the image, you’ll always find the text (8)
………… alongside, building your understanding of the subject.
Eyewitness Guides are the (9) ……. of a unique approach, in which photographs, models, maps and diagrams are
specially produced. Everything is done to make (10) …… that they compete with the impact of television images

1 A – In contrast B - While C – Even so D - Despite

2 A - made B - done C - linked D - got
3 A - conducting B - treating C - operating D - applying
4 A - behind B - under C - beneath D - below
5 A - repeated B - habitual C - familiar D - accustomed
6 A - utter B - full C - whole D - entire
7 A - attention B - fascination C - involvement D - attraction
8 A - next B - nearby C - right D - quite
9 A - result B - formation C - effect D - production
10 A - firm B – certain C - definite D –guaranteed

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