VII კლასი IIს - Iშ

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სკოლა-ლიცეუმი „NK”

2022 წელი

ინგლისური ენა

VII კლასი

შემაჯამებელი წერა N1

მასწავლებელი: თამუნა ოზბეთელაშვილი

Luka gagnidze
Task 1. Correct the underline mistakes. (Past Simple and Past Continuous)
1) Steve had an accident yesterday. He was driving his car when a bird flew into the
windscreen. He tried to stop quickly but he crashed into a wall. Luckily, he wasn’t
2) Last week, I went to a talk by a famous writer. He was talking about his new book
when I arrived. He was giving such an interesting talk that I was disappointed
when it ended.
3) Julie tidied her bedroom last weekend. While she was tidying it, she found some
of the toys she had when she was a child. She did not want to throw them away,
so she put them in a box and stored them in the attic.

____ / __19__

Task 2. Read the text and answer the questions.

In 1928 Amelia Earhart became the first female pilot to fly across the Atlantic. She loved
flying and adventure. She always wanted to do new and different things. She was an
amazing woman for her time. Amelia decided to fly the world. Her first flight was not
successful but this did not stop her. What did she do? In 1937 she decided to try a second
time. She chose Fred Noonan as her navigator. They didn’t take any passengers. The
aeroplane was too small! Amelia and Fred took off from Oakland, California in her two-
engine aeroplane, Electra on 21 May 1937. They flew over the Golden Gate Bridge in San
Francisco and then travelled east across the US and south to South America. Amelia and
Fred flew on across the Atlantic, the Middle East, India, Asia and Australasia. On the way
they had to stop quite often. They didn’t carry very much fuel on the plane. They were
able to contact people by radio. On Friday 2 July Amelia and Freed took off from Lae in
Papua New Guinea. This was the last, most dangerous part of their flight because they
were flying across the Pacific Ocean. But they never arrived at their first stop, Howland
Island, and no one ever saw them again.

In 2012 people thought they saw part of Amelia’s plane in the sea. Where was it? It was
near the tiny island on Nikumaroro, 640 km from Howland Island. They also found an
old campsite on the island with fish and bird bones, two buttons and part of a pocket
1) Why was Amelia Earhart’s 1928 flight special?
_because she was first female pilot who flew across the
2) When did Amelia try and fly around the world for a second time?
3) What was Fred Noonan’s job?
He was a navigator.
4) Which direction around the world did they fly, east to west or west to east?
_they flew to
west to
5) Why did the plane have to stop so often?
Because they didn’t carry very much fuel on the plane.
6) Where were Amelia and Fred flying to on 2 July? Did they arrive?
They were flying To Howland Island but they never arrived.

7) How far is Nikumaroro Island form Howland island?

640 km.

8) What did people find on Nikumaroro Island? They found an old campsite on the
island with fish and bird bones, two buttons and part of a pocket knife.
9) Which was the most dangerous part of their flight and why?
The most dangerous part of their flight, was when they took off from Lae in Papua
new Guinea and went to the Howland. Because they needed to cross Pacific
____ / __18__

Task 3. Discuss the differences between the Victorian Era lifestyle and present day.
(50-70 words).
Living in the Victorian era was exciting because of all the new inventions and pace of
change and progress, but it was a hard time to live in if you didn’t have much money.
Even very young children had to work if their family needed them to. However, life had
improved a lot for people by the end of the Victorian era. Laws were put in place that
made working conditions a bit better in factories and mines, and that stopped young
children from working by requiring them to go to school instead. More people were living
in cities.

____ / __13__

Total Score: ____ / __50__

შეფასების რუბრიკა:

Task 1- თითოეული სწორი პასუხი ფასდება 1 ქულით

Task 2- თითოეული სწორი პასუხი ფასდება 2 ქულით

Task 3- თემა ფასდება 13 ქულით

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