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Scholarly Paper

Empirical Analysis of Real Estate Disputes

Mukul B. Patel 1 and D. A. Patel 2

Abstract: Disputes in the real estate sector are unavoidable and are considered the most crucial aspect in the timely completion of real estate
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projects. There are numerous causes of disputes arising in the real estate sector leading to delays in projects. A proper complaint system was
unaccounted for until 2016, when the Indian government formulated a framework to secure the sector into the legal and regulatory structure.
The Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) enforces the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 (RERA Act), which has
brought about positive reform in the unorganized sector in the interest of the allottees and the promoters. This study attempts to identify and
categorize the disputes concerning real estate projects registered with RERA. A brief discussion is included on the dispute resolution tech-
nique adopted by RERA. A mathematical model using logistic regression analysis is formulated and adopted to estimate the factors causing
disputes leading to project delay. Sensitivity and robustness analyses of the model outcomes is presented. The disputes are analyzed based on
70 judgments collected from Gujarat State, India. The findings indicate that the significant dispute is a result of the documentation lapses
among the stakeholders. A competent grievance redressal mechanism has been established after the enactment of the RERA Act, with the
purpose of resolving conflicts in the sector as quickly as possible. Analysis of the model implies that the project cost is the primary factor
responsible for the delay. Mixed developments of residential and commercial projects are more delayed than individual residential and
commercial projects. Causes of disputes identified by this study can be focused on while amending the act, and all stakeholders must address
them to avoid any future occurrence of disputes. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)LA.1943-4170.0000564. © 2022 American Society of Civil
Author keywords: Delay; Dispute; Dispute resolution; Logistic regression analysis; Real estate (regulation and development) act, 2016
(RERA Act); Real estate regulatory authority (RERA); Robustness analysis; Sensitivity analysis.

Introduction has introduced the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act
2016 (RERA Act) (Ministry of Law and Justice 2016). The real
The real estate sector is one of the most globally recognized sectors. estate sector is thus expected to be streamlined, benefitting all
The industry covers housing, retail, hospitality, and commercial as the stakeholders (Civil Service India 2018).
subsectors (Invest India 2021). Any construction project, including There are 92 sections in the act that focus on protecting the in-
the real estate sector, is most widely known for its delayed deliv- terests of both its major stakeholders, the allottees (homebuyers) and
erance, irrespective of its type, location, and delivery system the promoter (builder/developer). It must be studied, and the various
(Bektas et al. 2021). Disputes have been identified as an epidemic provisions offered by the act needs to be understood. It is a recently
in the construction business, and they frequently result in project formulated act, and thus, necessary amendments can be incorpo-
failure, time and money loss, and strained relationships among rated based on the experience of experts in the field and studies con-
project participants (Cheung and Pang 2013; Cheung et al. 2001). ducted in the area. One of the major aims of the act is to provide a
Unless and until issues are handled quickly, they tend to escalate proper grievance redressal mechanism for the stakeholders for
and eventually lead to dispute resolution actions. These proceed- speedy resolution of the disputes, which was earlier missing in this
ings take time and money. Investigating construction industry dis- area. Another essential objective of the act is the transparency be-
putes and their causes is critical, and appropriate management tween the stakeholders, by which the act enforces the formulation of
action can only be performed if based on credible evidence (Fenn the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) to provide the details
et al. 1997). of the projects under its purview for public viewing.
Likewise, real estate projects are subject to delays and disputes The present study, thus, reviews the provisions and the actions
due to numerous reasons. There are many mechanisms for averting of the RERA Act and its contribution to resolving disputes occur-
disputes. Due to the rapid urbanization, legislation in the sector is ring among the stakeholders. A mathematical model using logistic
the urgently need. Hence, the government has become aware and regression analysis is formulated to estimate the critical factors,
available for the projects, causing disputes leading to the delay
Ph.D. Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai of a project.
National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat 395007, India (corresponding In the next section, the literature review of delays, disputes, dis-
author). Email: pute resolution, and the factors/indicators affecting the project is
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai presented to finalize the objectives of the study. The provisions,
National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat 395007, India. Email: dispute resolution mechanism, and the availability of project information/characteristics under the purview of the RERA Act
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 7, 2022; approved on
are subsequently discussed. The analysis of the occurrences of vari-
July 4, 2022; published online on October 19, 2022. Discussion period
open until March 19, 2023; separate discussions must be submitted for in- ous disputes under RERA, formulation of the logistic regression
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Legal Affairs and model with the available project information along with sensitivity
Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, © ASCE, ISSN and robustness analyses of the model is presented in the further
1943-4162. sections, followed by conclusions of the study.

© ASCE 04522037-1 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

Literature Review the real estate industry, the RERA Act indeed brings a paradigm
shift in this sector in the interests of the developers, homebuyers,
The development in the corporate segment and office space demand and real estate agents.
has supplemented the growth of the real estate sector (Invest India Delays in construction projects can be attributed due to many
2021). The real estate dates back to the advent of the industrial rev- reasons, such as strikes, rework, inefficient organization, resource
olution when machines were introduced, making the people redun- constraints, machinery failure, change orders, acts of God, disputes,
dant and shifting to the land and the coal mines beneath to earn for a and many more (Magdy et al. 2019). Delays may be due to clients,
living (Investopedia 2022). According to the Real Estate Market such as lateness in the availability of drawings and specifications,
Size Report 20/21 (Hariharan et al. 2021), the real estate market occasional changes in the scope of work, and improper site infor-
across the world grew to USD10.5 trillion in 2020, and it is now mation, might lead to claims, further making way for arbitration
1.6 times the size it was in 2010. Even in the previous years of and huge financial repercussions (Mahamid 2017; Mitkus and
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unprecedented times, the rate of increase was higher than in 2019, Mitkus 2014). Delays on account of the contractor includes
when the market rose by 8.3% (Hariharan et al. 2021). While the improper project management, lack of planning, and poor financial
US accounted for 38.8% of the market in 2020, Europe, the Middle management (Deep et al. 2018; Barman and Charoenngam 2017).
East, and Africa (EMEA), and the Asia-Pacific (APAC) accounted In their study, Deep et al. (2018) identified that contractors are ma-
for 34.7% and 26.5%, respectively. On a year-on-year basis, the jorly responsible for the delay in real estate construction projects
market size in the US increased by 5.8% in 2020 to USD4.1 trillion, from among various criteria such as financial issues, partnering,
while EMEA and APAC increased by 13.4% and 8.3%, respec- error identification and rectification, and site conditions.
tively, to USD3.6 trillion and USD2.8 trillion (Hariharan et al. Delays in making decisions, delays in progress, cost overruns, a
2021). lack of rigorous quality control, modifications, and contractual term
The construction development sector of the economy of India misinterpretation are all sources of significant claims that result in
encompasses three segments: real estate construction, infrastruc- disputes in the construction sector (Ilter and Bakioglu 2018). Many
ture, and industrial construction (Invest India 2021). According researchers have identified the causes of disputes. Kumaraswamy
to the United Nations, Indian cities will constitute 50% of the entire (1997) classified the causes of disputes in two ways: primary causes
population by the year 2046, hence leading to a high demand for and root causes. Primary causes mainly relate to inaccurate design
houses in urban areas. In comparison to the required construction information, inadequate contract administration, or delayed site
pace of five houses per 1,000 people, around three houses are built possession. Conversely, root causes include unfair risk allocation,
per 1,000 people per year in India (IBEF 2021). According to The inappropriate contract type, and unrealistic expectations. Acharya
Economic Times (2017), the current urban housing deficit is ex- et al. (2006) analyzed the construction industry in Korea and clas-
pected to exceed 10 million units. To accommodate the country’s sified the causes of conflicts leading to disputes into six groups,
growing urban population, an extra 25 million units of affordable categorized as conflicts arising out of differing site conditions,
housing are needed by 2030 (IBEF 2021). In this regard, the Indian errors and omissions in design, obstruction by local people, an ex-
government has enacted a slew of housing laws. The National cessive quantity of work, differences in change-order valuation, and
Urban Housing and Habitat Policy of 2007 was the first policy fo- ambiguity in specifications.
cusing on urban housing (Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Many previous studies have focused on examining the relation-
Alleviation 2012). The government promoted the Pradhan Mantri ship between project delivery system (PDS) and various factors
Awas Yojana–Urban (PMAY-U), a flagship mission being executed such as project characteristics, contractors’ characteristics, owners’
by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. The mission targets characteristics, and external environment (Chen et al. 2011;
urban housing shortages among the economically weaker sections Mostavafi and Karamouz 2010; Luu et al. 2003). Liu et al. (2016)
(EWS)/low-income group (LIG) and middle-income group (MIG) determined that the project scale, project type, disputes, project
groups, including slum dwellers, by guaranteeing a pucca (strong) complexity, flexibility, and scope definition are the major factors
home to all qualified urban households by 2022 (Pradhan Mantri influencing the decision-making of the PDS. Similar factors have
Awas Yojana-Urban 2022). In 2017, real estate contributed about been used in this study to establish a relationship between project
6%–7% of India’s GDP, which is forecasted to be 13% by 2025 as characteristics and their impact on disputes, ultimately leading to
per the projected growth trends (Invest India 2021; Money Control delay. While many indicators or factors affect a project from being
2021). The financial, real estate, and professional services contrib- disputed in any matter, factors such as project cost, project type,
ute a maximum of about 22.05% for 2020–2021 (Statistics Times project validity, and project land area are available on the portal of
2021). each state’s Real Estate Regulatory Authority website. Many stud-
Given such an essential contribution to the country’s overall de- ies related to these factors linking to the project are conducted and a
velopment, the real estate sector in India is faced with a wide vari- summary of the literature review is presented in Table 1.
ety of issues and has a bad image. The real estate sector is also Disputes arise due to disagreements among the contract parties.
victim of disputes leading to delays like other construction projects. According to Illankoon et al. (2019), when there is a disagreement,
The issues faced by the real estate sector due to unavailability of the contract’s parties focus on resolving it following its terms. How-
any governance briefly include an absence of proper grievance re- ever, if the parties are still unable to reach an agreement, the matter
dressal mechanism, delay in possession by developers, improper is escalated to alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Diekmann and
agreement of sale, nonadherence to sanctioned plans and specifi- Girard (1995) define dispute resolution as “any contract question or
cations, nonregulation of real estate agents, delay in government controversy that must be settled beyond the job site management.”
approvals, profiteering, money laundering, misuse of funds, infor- ADR serves as an alternative to litigation (Illankoon et al. 2019).
mation irregularity and many such matters that ultimately affect Different countries use various ADR mechanisms, such as media-
productivity (Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 2020; tion, adjudication, conciliation, arbitration, dispute review experts,
Deep et al. 2018). The project’s status was also one of the issues or dispute review boards (Parikh et al. 2019).
that the buyers were not aware of, making this sector opaque (Deep Conciliation is a facilitative form of dispute resolution that fos-
et al. 2018). All these issues have been looked upon by the RERA ters beneficial connections. The facilitator seeks to build a pleasant
Act. In resort to the various ambiguities aggravating the image of and mutually beneficial connection between the parties. The goal is

© ASCE 04522037-2 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

Table 1. Factors/variables affecting disputes leading to delay on the portal, and an attempt to establish a relationship between
Factors Relevant studies project information and delays is undertaken.
Project land area Shalaby and Khalafallah (2018), Chou
et al. (2016), Liu et al. (2016), Mafakheri
et al. (2007), Mahdi and Alreshaid (2005), Objectives of This Study
Ling and Liu (2004), and Ling et al.
(2004). Based on the literature review and research gap discussed in pre-
Project type Shalaby and Khalafallah (2018), Chou vious sections, the objectives of the study are to (1) identify and
et al. (2016), Liu et al. (2016), Irfan et al. categorize the causes of disputes that occurred in real estate projects
(2011), Shen et al. (2006), Ling and Liu registered under the RERA Act 2016; (2) highlight the dispute re-
(2004), Ling et al. (2004), and Konchar dressal mechanism adopted by RERA; and (3) estimate whether a
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and Sanvido (1998). project will lead to delay.

Project registration validity Chou et al. (2016), Liu et al. (2016), Irfan
et al. (2011), Ling and Liu (2004), Ling
et al. (2004), and Chan et al. (2001). Research Methodology
Project cost category Chou et al. (2016), Liu et al. (2016), Irfan
et al. (2011), Mafakheri et al. (2007), Shen As shown in Fig. 1, this study employs an interconnected multistep
et al. (2006), Mahdi and Alreshaid (2005),
research technique that focuses on the study of the Real Estate
Ling and Liu (2004), Ling et al. (2004),
Chan et al. (2001), and Konchar and (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 (Step 1); the study of dis-
Sanvido (1998). putes under the act (Step 2); categorization of disputes (Step 3a);
and extraction of project information and modelling using logistic
regression analysis (Step 3b).

to correct perceptions, alleviate concerns, and increase communi-

cation so that the parties can engage in conflict-free discussions and Step 1: Study of the Real Estate (Regulation and
bargaining. Conciliation is the psychological aspect of the media- Development) Act 2016
tion process. Parties have the option of determining their outcomes The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 was no-
(du Preez 2014). Moore et al. (2014) describes conciliation as a tified and enforced on May 1, 2017 (Moneylife Foundation 2020).
fundamental component of mediation that mentally prepares the The primary goal of this pioneering law is to ensure the effective
parties to undertake the lengthy mediation process. Thus, it can be and transparent regulation and promotion of the real estate sector
considered a suitable ADR method. Litigation is the final step in and safeguard house purchasers’ interests. Selected salient features
settling construction issues. However, it is an expensive and time- of the act and its implications, relevant to this study, are discussed
consuming process in India. The RERA Act suggests the Authority, in the subsequent paragraphs.
in accordance with Section 32(g) of the act, employ formation of State governments are obligated to notify their own rules and
dispute settlement forums for settlement before proceeding to lit- regulations under the act, based on the model rules set by the cen-
igation under RERA. tral act (Section 20). The RERA Act requires each state and union
Considering the various causes of disputes arising between the territory (UT) to establish its own regulator and the regulations gov-
parties for various construction fields, disputes related to real estate, erning how the regulator operates. The state RERA must be notified
especially under the purview of the recent RERA Act, have not yet of any real estate projects. Without registering these projects, pro-
been explored. This study thus attempts to explore the disputes aris- moters cannot book or sell them. Real estate agents who work on
ing in the real estate sector and the dispute resolution mechanism these developments must also be registered with the real estate
adopted by the RERA Act. A description of the information available regulatory authorities (Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 2021).

Fig. 1. Research methodology.

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J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

One of the main objectives of the RERA Act is the transparency A total of 9,818 projects have been registered with Gujarat
in the system for the allottees to know the status of their investment. RERA up to March 2022 as per the latest implementation report of
The same is established by publishing all the details of the real es- the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (2022), with an invest-
tate project on the respective website for public viewing. To achieve ment potential of $432 billion, out of which more than 4,000 proj-
compliance with Section 34(b) of the RERA Act, the authority has ects are already completed from the date of inception of the Act.
to design and publish a website for public viewing for all the real GujRERA has resolved more than 3,000 cases, out of which about
estate projects under their discretion, and shall ensure that all dis- 1,000 are complaints filed by the citizens.
closures submitted to them by promoters on their particular real
estate project are made public on its website. In lines of the same,
almost all the states and UTs in India have notified the rules under Step 2: Study of Disputes under RERA
RERA (Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 2022). As per the
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Any homebuyer who wanted to address any complaint and seek

act, the promoter must furnish the details of the project and update compensation on matters about the purchase of their real estate
the same from time to time. Some broad contents that apply to all entity against the developer previously had to approach the
state rules are as follows (RERA Filing 2019): Consumers’ Court, following the Indian Contract Act 1872 or the
1. The promoter shall reveal the size of the apartment based on Consumer Protection Act 1986, which was lengthy, and no proper
carpet area, even if previously sold on any other basis such as guidelines or framework were involved in its litigation process
super area, and built-up area, which shall not influence the prior (Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 2020). However, after
agreement between the promoter and the allottee. the implementation of RERA, aggrieved persons can register their
2. The amount of open parking spaces and covered parking spaces complaints on the respective state website against their intended
accessible in the aforementioned real estate project. RERA registered project with all details. Another essential objec-
3. A copy of the legal title deed confirming the promoter’s title to tive of the RERA Act is to establish an adjudicating mechanism for
the property on which development is envisaged and legally a speedy dispute redressal. Section 31 of the Act stipulates the pro-
valid documentation with authentication of such title when the vision for filing of complaints with the Authority or the adjudicat-
owner is not the promoter. ing officer by any person against the promoter, allottee, or the real
4. Encumbrances affecting the concerned land, including any estate agent for any violation or contravention of the provisions of
rights, title, interest, or name of any person in or over such land the act or the rules and regulations made thereafter (Ministry of
and facts. Law and Justice 2016).
5. In the event of a plotted development, the promoter must reveal For the specific study, the Surat district of Gujarat state in India
the size of the plots sold to the allottees and the amount of their is chosen as the scope of research. Surat is located in the western
share of common spaces and facilities. Indian state of Gujarat; and is popularly known by various other
6. At the time of sale, the promoter should reveal the time period names such as “The Silk City,” “The Diamond City,” or “The Green
initially specified to the allottees for completion of the project, City.” Due to immigration from different parts of Gujarat and other
including any delays, and the term shall begin with the amount Indian states, it is one of the most dynamic cities in India, with one
of development already done. of the highest growth rates (Surat Municipal Corporation 2022). It
7. The promoter must submit a certificate from a practicing char- is also one of the cleanest cities in India (NDTV 2021). The urban
tered accountant certifying the balance amount of receivables backdrop of Surat is characterized by social cohesion issues,
from the apartments sold in respect of which the agreement expanding rural-to-urban migration, rising housing demand, and a
was executed, as well as the estimated amount of receivables substantial strain on municipal administration and resources (Udeaja
in respect of unsold apartments or premises calculated at the et al. 2020). According to a Global Economic Research Report
prevailing annual schedule of rates (ASR) on the date of the prepared by Oxford Economics, Surat will be the world’s fastest-
certificate. growing metropolis from 2019 to 2035 (The Economic Times
8. An annual report for the preceding three fiscal years, containing 2018). Surat can thus be well represented for India as well as
an audited profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow the world. In addition, since our institution is located in Surat,
statement, director’s report, and auditor’s report of the promoter. we can readily engage with real estate developers to acquire their
Among the RERA websites, the Maharashtra RERA website insights for this study.
(MahaRERA 2021) is acknowledged to be the most user-friendly. Any stakeholder can view the details of any real estate project
Down to the smallest detail, the scheme’s projects may be found. registered with GujRERA on its website (GujRERA 2021). Users
As a result, it enables one to make a more educated decision about can view details of any project in two ways, either by filtering
the real estate investment. Furthermore, the Maharashtra RERA with an option of the district or theycan select the project from
website provides up-to-date information on existing and future the map. A total of 70 judgments have been declared on the
projects covered by the MahaRERA statute. For example, informa- website (GujRERA 2021) from the date the website was commis-
tion on the construction design and the number of parking spots sioned until October 2021. This study attempts to categorize these
authorized for a specific project may be easily acquired by visiting judgments as these are found to be the most reliable compared to
the MahaRERA website (MahaRERA 2021). The website also any other data due to the involvement of law and justice in these
offers a good notion of when the home, flat, or apartment may be matters.
expected to be handed over, as it lists the completion date and any
updated completion dates. The platform also allows examining the
authenticity of different project brokers (Bajaj Finserv 2021). Step 3a: Categorization of Disputes
MahaRERA is the leading state in India to have the maximum Based on the objectives discussed previously and the salient fea-
response in terms of project registrations since its inception (Indian tures of the act and opinions of the experts in the field, the act
Express 2018). Currently, as per the latest implementation report mainly revolves around the disputes that arise between the promot-
of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (2022), Maharashtra ers and the allottees and the same can be categorized as follows:
has the maximum number of 33,882 projects registered with the 1. Delayed possession: When a promoter delays the handing over
Authority. of the allotted flat to the allottee beyond the date of possession

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as mentioned in the registered sale deed, the promoter is liable to 5. Nonregistered projects: Real estate projects must be registered
compensate the allottee, as mentioned in the registered sale with the respective states, and the failure in doing so can draw in
deed, for the duration of delay until possession. If the promoter disputes, either by the allottee or the Authority (Section 3).
fails to compensate, the allottee can file a complaint with the 6. Not under the discretion of RERA: The act was introduced in
authority for the same (Sections 4 and 18). As per Section the year 2016. Any complaints related to projects before 2016 or
11(3)(b) of the act, the promoter must disclose the project’s beyond the act’s scope have been dismissed by the Authority.
completion timeline, broken down into stages, and the allottee 7. Withdrawn: Some of the complaints were settled amicably, or
is entitled to know the same as per Section 19(2) of the act. If the complete documents for court proceedings was not provided by
allottee finds that the actual progress on the site is delayed, either of the parties. Likewise, if the aggrieved party was not an
the allottee can file a complaint with the Authority and receive allottee as per RERA or the complaints were withdrawn mid-
way, these were clubbed under this category. Such cases were
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appropriate compensation for the same by the promoter.

2. Documentation lapses: Allottee can file complaints with the termed withdrawn by the Authority.
Authority against the promoter for various matters such as The subcategories for each cause of dispute is shown in Table 2.
invalid documents or nonissuance or delay in issuing the build- All the cases available on the GujRERA website of the Surat district
ing use permission/occupancy certificate/completion certificate have been studied, and the causes of the dispute of each case has
[Section 11(4)(b)], commencement certificate [Section 4(2)(c)], been categorized as per Table 2.
registered sale deed [Sections 4(2)(g), 13], formation of society
[Sections 11(4)(e), 11(4)(f)], or transfer of title (Section 17). The
category also includes the filing of complaints by the promoters Step 3b: Extraction of Project Information and
Modeling Using Logistic Regression Analysis
where the allottees create issues in the formation of the society
by the allottees [Section 19(11)]. The promoter must have a The data available on the GujRERA website was retrieved for the
clear title on the land where the project is being executed and disputed projects. An attempt was made whether the project will
the documents must be indisputable [Section (4)(2)(l)(A)]. lead to delay or not from the publicly available data on the website.
3. Facilities not as per brochure: The allottee can file a complaint The project information, such as project land area, project type,
against the promoter regarding incomplete amenities or the fa- project registration validity and project cost category, for the
cilities not complying with the sanctioned brochure or sanc- 36 disputed projects were extracted as displayed in Table S1 and
tioned plans of the project, or illegal constructions as the case logistic regression analysis was performed. The procurement meth-
may be [Section 14(1), 14(2)]. ods in case of private real estate projects in India are usually design-
4. Nonquality construction: The promoter is liable to correct any build and do not vary in India for real estate projects registered
defect in the workmanship or quality or provision of services or under RERA. The private developers (promoters) themselves pur-
structural defects within 5 years of the date of handing over the chase the land, design the structure, execute the construction work,
possession, and in the event of the failure in correcting the defect and sell the finished apartments. The registered sale deed is issued
by the promoter, the allottee can file a complaint with the by the promoter to the allottee when the latter has paid more than
Authority and receive appropriate compensation (Section 14). 10% of the cost for the said apartment. This forms a contract

Table 2. Causes of disputes under the RERA Act

Primary Affected
S. No. Causes of dispute stakeholder stakeholder Subcategory
1 Delayed possession P A Delay in possession
P A Slow progress
2 Documentation lapses P A Invalid building use permission
P A Nonissuance of building use permission
P A Nonissuance of the registered sale deed
P A Nonissuance of completion certificate
P R Noncompliance with quarterly updates
NA P Disputes in land ownership
A P Nonformation of society by allottees
P A Nonregistration by promoter
P A Nonformation of society by the promoter
P A Nontransfer of title
3 Facilities/amenities not as per brochure P A Amenities not as per brochure
P A Incomplete amenities
P A Illegal constructions
4 Nonquality construction P A Inferior construction
5 Nonregistered projects P A, G The project is not registered under RERA
6 Not under the discretion of RERA R A Matter before RERA
R A Matter not as per any rules of RERA
7 Withdrawn P R No proper documents
NA NA Dispute already settled
NA NA Aggrieved not an allottee
NA NA Ambiguous reason
NA NA No response from the complainant
NA NA Not proceed further
Note: A = allottee; P = promoter; R = RERA authority; G = government authority; and NA = not applicable.

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Table 3. Description of independent and dependent variables
Variable Variable name Variable type Description
x1 Project land area Metric A project’s success depends on the area of project land (m2 ). The greater
the project land area, the more is the registrations of allottees, thus
leading to disputes between the promoter and the allottees, leading to
x2 Project type Nonmetric The type of project also leads to the delay. The following details are
available for a project related to project type, and a numeric value is
assigned to each one of them for analysis:.
1 = residential; 2 = commercial; 3 = mixed (residential and
commercial); and 4 = plotted (division of land)
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x3 Project registration validity Metric The time of project’s completion as submitted by the promoter during
the registration of the project (this also includes automatic extension
received due to Covid-19, extension period has been considered in the
registration validity).
x4 Project cost category Nonmetric The website provides us the following project cost categories and is
represented as follows:
1 ¼ <50 crore; 2 ¼ 50–100 crore; 3 ¼ >100 crore; and 4 = not
Z [logitðpÞ] Delay Binary 0 = no delay (for projects whose Form 4a is submitted within the project
validity OR whose validity is yet to lapse).
1 = delay (for projects whose Form 4a is not submitted within the project
Form 4 is a document submitted by the architect in-charge, which is issued on completion of each building or wing as the case may be to the RERA.

between the stakeholders and does not vary for any private real where logitðpÞ ¼ logðoddsÞ ¼ logðp=1 − pÞ; p = probability of
estate project registered with RERA. The majority of the disputes delay; and c0 = intercept; c1, c2, c3, cn = coefficients of variables
are such that they cannot be quantified into monetary values. For x1, x2, x3, xn, respectively.
example, if the dispute is regarding documentation lapses, the Au- The odds ratio (OR) quantifies how strongly an occurrence is
thority passes the judgment against the defaulter to fulfill the matter linked to exposure. The OR compares the likelihood of an event
for which the complaint was raised. Such types of complaints can- happening in the presence of a certain exposure to the likelihood
not be quantified and transformed into the monetary value, and of that outcome occurring in the absence of that exposure (Szumilas
since these are in majority and beyond the scope of the study, these 2010). The greater the odds ratio, the more likely the event with
situations not been included in the current work. exposure will occur. The odds ratio less than 1 indicates that the
Logistic regression is a subset of regression designed to predict occurrence is less likely to occur due to the exposure. They allow
and explain a binary (two-group) categorical variable rather than a us to use logistic regression to investigate the influence of other
metric dependent measure. When the dependent variable is cat- factors on that connection (Bland and Altman 2000). The regres-
egorical (nominal or nonmetric), and the independent variables sion coefficient in logistic regression is the estimated increase in the
are metric or nonmetric, logistic regression is the suitable statistical log odds of the outcome per unit increase in the exposure value. In
approach (Hair et al. 2018). Thus, the favored regression technique other words, the odds ratio associated with a one-unit increase in
for this research is logistic regression modeling. It relates to deter- exposure is the exponential function of the regression coefficient
mining the chance of an event falling into one of the two outcomes; (Andrade 2015; Szumilas 2010). The odds of delay are defined
this research explores two such outcomes: delay versus nondelay. by the function as shown in Eq. (2)
Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to develop an equation  
for the prediction of delay. Delay factors included in the equation are probability of delay
Odds of delay ¼
project land area (m2 ), project type (residential, commercial, mixed, 1 − probability of delay
or plotted), project registration validity (months), and project cost ¼ ec0þc1x1þc2x2þc3x3þ · · · þcnxn ð2Þ
category. Project land area and project registration validity were
modeled as continuous metric variables, and project type and project
cost category were nonmetric categorical variables as described in The relation in Eq. (3) shows the percentage change in odds
Table 3.
Jaselskis and Ashley (1991) employed logistic regression to Percentage change in odds
forecast a construction project’s success. Russell and Jaselskis ¼ ðExponentiated coefficient − 1.0Þ × 100 ð3Þ
(1992) applied the discrete choice logistic regression in predicting
the construction contractor’s failure before its award. Diekmann where, the exponentiated coefficient is the transformation (antilog)
and Girard (1995) created a logistic regression model named the of the original logistic coefficient, i.e., odds of the delay due to a
disputes potential index to predict disputes. Several studies on variable while assuming the other variables are fixed. Exponenti-
the application of logistic regression in different fields have also ated coefficients directly reflect the magnitude of the change in the
been undertaken. odds value and are more helpful in determining the magnitude of
The multivariate logistic regression is in the form as exhibited the relationship than the original logistic coefficient. An exponen-
in Eq. (1) tiated coefficient of 1 denotes no change in the outcome, and the
values above 1.0 denote a positive relationship while values less
logitðpÞ ¼ c0 þ c1x1 þ c2x2 þ c3x3 þ · · · þ cnxn ð1Þ than 1.0 reflect a negative relationship.

© ASCE 04522037-6 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

Dispute Resolution Mechanism under RERA Act Conversely, Gujarat RERA (GujRERA 2021), to date, has no
such conciliation forum, but is in process of establishing the
Maharashtra RERA (MahaRERA 2021) is India’s first real estate same. The Authority or the adjudicating officer themselves re-
regulatory authority to establish a Conciliation and Dispute Reso- solve the complaints posed by the complainants. The aggrieved
lution Forum as per Section 32(g) of the act. It was constituted stakeholders submit their complaints online by paying a minimal
to ensure speedy disposal of the complaints, and promote and amount as prescribed. Once the Authority initiates the complaint,
popularize amicable and effective settlement of disputes arising the same has to be disposed of within 60 days from the receipt of
between the allottees/promoter/real estate agents. The Authority the complaint as per Section 29(4) of the act. The Authority
had provided a swift complaint filing and redressal mechanism, understands the situation and the criticism, and the aggrieved are
but usually, many complaints were withdrawn as an agreement given numerous times to be heard. The respondent also presents
between the complainant and the respondent was reached. Thus, their case. On understanding and considering their problems, an
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MahaRERA constituted this forum. The conciliation procedure order is formulated and passed to that effect which is binding by
followed by MahaRERA is outlined in brief: both the parties.
1. Online application on the conciliation forum (CF) portal needs
to be filed by the complainant. The other party will automati-
cally receive an e-mail regarding the same. Analysis
2. The other party must give their consent for conciliation within
7 days. From Table 2, it can be observed that disputes under RERA are
3. After their consent, the complainant must pay the necessary fees primarily between the promoter (builder) and the allottee (home-
of ₹1,000 plus relevant taxes. buyers). Some cases do not lie under the discretion of RERA or
4. Within 7 days, the appropriately assigned bench will decide the were withdrawn due to some of the other reasons. However, some
date, time, and venue of the first hearing, which must be con- of the complaints filed due to one or more of the previously causes
ducted within 15 days, and the complaint must be completed of disputes but later dismissed are also included. The cases were
within 60 days of the date of hearing. categorized based on various causes of disputes, as shown in Fig. 2
5. Parties, in person or their authorized representatives, must be discussed for RERA-registered projects.
present. Conciliators will facilitate dispute resolution between It can be observed that the complaint filed under the dispute
the parties informally. category “documentation lapses” are the highest, with 31 com-
6. If a settlement is reached through mutual consensus, it shall be plaints registered for the same, followed by 13 complaints related
binding to both parties. The forum, in this event, must record the to facilities or the amenities not as per the brochure or sanctioned
proceeding in the Roznama (register of the daily proceedings of plans. Complaints related to delayed possession and nonquality
a court case maintained in every Indian court) and refer the same construction are only 8 and 4, respectively. Hence, the developer
to MahaRERA with the signed conciliation terms. After passing must give proper care in averting the major issues, leading to dis-
the final order by MahaRERA, the complaint will be treated as putes and subsequent delays in the project.
disposed of. The logistic regression analysis was undertaken for the following
7. Suppose a settlement is not reached or the proceeding takes a independent variables: (1) total area of project land (x1); (2) project
considerable time in arriving at a consensus. In that case, the type (whether residential, commercial, mixed, or plotted) (x2);
complaint will be transferred back to MahaRERA within 1 week, (3) project registration validity (x3); and (4) project cost category
and further proceedings will occur as per their procedure. (x4) and delay as the dependent variable (Z). A detailed description
MahaRERA has disposed of more than 60% of the total com- of the variables is shown in Table 3.
plaints received until November 1, 2021. The rest are in the process The analysis was performed on Microsoft Excel using the
of hearing. The CF received 798 complaints, out of which 714 have Solver function. The final form of the logistic regression equation
been completed (MahaRERA 2021). is shown in Eq. (4)


Not under the discretion of RERA

Causes of Disputes

Non-registered projects

Non-quality construction

Facilities/Amenities not as per brochure

Documentation lapses

Delayed Possession

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
No. of disputes (Frequency)

Fig. 2. Causes of disputes in Surat district under the RERA Act.

© ASCE 04522037-7 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

Table 4. Interpretation of coefficients
Variables Variable name Coefficient coefficient Interpretation
Intercept — −2.9481 0.05 —
x1 Project land area −0.0001 0.9999 There is a 0.01% decrease in the odds of delay of a project if the
area of project land increases by one unit (m2 )
x2 Project type 0.9474 2.5789 There is a 158% increase in the odds of delay of a project if the
project type increases by one level
x3 Project registration validity −0.0283 0.9721 There is a 279% decrease in the odds of delay of a project if the
registration validity increases by 1 month
x4 Project cost category 1.7581 5.8015 There is a 480% increase in the odds of delay of the project if the
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project cost category increases by one level

Table 5. Confusion matrix

logitðpÞ ¼ −2.9481 − ð0.0001Þx1 þ ð0.9474Þx2
− ð0.0283Þx3 þ ð1.7581Þx4 ð4Þ
Actual 0 1 Total
0 29 (TN) 1 (FP) 30
1 2 (FN) 4 (TP) 6
Results and Discussions
Total 31 5 36
The interpretation of the coefficients of the logistic regression
model is described in Table 4. From Table 4, it is clear that the
delays occurring in the project due to whatsoever reasons are more
susceptible to the change in the project cost category, i.e., if the Table 6. Common performance matrix calculated from confusion matrix
project cost category increases by one level (for example, from 1 ¼
Value corresponding
<50 crore project, to 2 ¼ 50–100 crore project), the odds that a Index Formulae to cut-off value = 0.3
particular project will be delayed increases by 480%. Likewise,
if the project type increases by one level, there is a 158% increase Accuracy ðTP þ TNÞ=N 91.7%
Precision TP=ðTP þ FPÞ 80.0%
in the odds of the delay of a project. In other words, the odds for
Sensitivity/recall TP=actualpositive 66.7%
project delay are 158% higher concerning the increase in the Specificity TN=ðFP þ TNÞ 96.7%
project type level. True positive rate TP/actual positive 0.667
The delay model is inversely related to the project land area and False positive rate FP/actual negative 0.033
the registration validity. However, there is only a 0.01% decrease in
Note: TP = true positive; FP = false positive; FN = false negative;
the odds of delay of a project when the project land area increases
and TN = true negative; 0 = no delay; and 1 = delay.
by one unit. In other words, the value of logit close to 0 indicates
an odds value approximately equal to 1.0 (as is evident in Table 4)
and a probability of 0.5, which means there is a 50-50 chance that a
project may get delayed if the project land area is increased by one
unit. Correspondingly, if the registration validity is increased by 80% of the correctly predicted cases turn out to be positive, while
one unit, the odds of the project delay are decreased by 279%. This this developed model successfully predicted only 66.7% of the pos-
means that if the project duration from the particular period is large itives. In this case, more weight must be given to accuracy, as pre-
enough, then the chances of that project getting delayed are dras- dicting whether the project will get delayed is essential to take
tically reduced. constructive steps in this regard. Hence, at a cut-off value of 0.3,
the accuracy obtained is the highest, thus this value is fixed based
on the confusion matrix.
Sensitivity Analysis With regard to the ROC graph (Fawcett 2004), values on the left
A cut-off value of 0.3 was set on the basis of the confusion side of the graph, near the X-axis, may be considered conservative.
matrix and the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) graph. It means that the values generate positive classifications only when
A n × n confusion matrix connected with a classifier displays there is strong evidence, resulting in minimal false positive errors,
the anticipated and actual classification, where n is the number but these values frequently have low true positive rates as well.
of possible classes (Visa et al. 2011; Indra et al. 2016). The Classifiers on the top right side of an ROC curve are considered
confusion matrix for cut-off value 0.3 is as displayed in Table 5. liberal, which means that the values generate positive classifica-
The common performance indices calculated from the confu- tions with little evidence; therefore, properly categorize virtually
sion matrix is shown in Table 6. Sensitivity analysis for differ- all positives, but these values frequently have significant false
ent cut-off values was performed and shown in Fig. 3. A plot of positive rates. Based on this, in Fig. 4, a value of 0.2 represents
true positive (TP) rate on the Y-axis and false positive (FP) rate a higher FP rate than 0.3, and the value of 0.3 represents a higher
on the X-axis for different cut-off values is illustrated in Fig. 4 TP rate for the same FP rate than 0.4. Thus, the value correspond-
called as ROC graph. A ROC graph illustrates the relative trade- ing to 0.3 is more conservative than the value corresponding to 0.2
offs between gains (true positives) and expenses (false positives) as the former is toward the left side of the graph and thus the value
(Fawcett 2004). of 0.3 can satisfactorily be chosen as the cut-off value. This means
Fig. 3 represents the variation in accuracy, precision, and recall that on substituting the values for any particular project, if the
values for different cut-off values. With a cut-off value of 0.3, de- output of the model is greater than 0.3, the project is likely to get
lays in the projects can be predicted 91.7% of the time. A total of delayed.

© ASCE 04522037-8 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037




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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Cut-off value
Accuracy Precision Recall

Fig. 3. Sensitivity analysis.



0.2 0.1
True Positive (TP) Rate



0.2 0.6

0.7 0.8
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

False Positive (FP) Rate

Fig. 4. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) graph.

Robustness Analysis actual results for different project features is a concise method
(Russell and Jaselskis 1992).
The concept of robustness is crucial to comprehending the appli- Table 7 represents the percentage of delayed and nondelayed
cation of the developed model and, thus the inferences derived from disputed projects for several criteria. Based on the study conducted
the model. The definition of robustness is the level of sensitivity of by Russell and Jaselskis (1992), the authors defined five probability
a model to its assumptions (Jaselskis and Ashley 1991). For exam- categories: P < 19.9%; 20% < P < 39.9%; 40% < P < 59.9%;
ple, the robustness of the developed model can be investigated by 60% <P < 79.9%; and P > 80%. The value of P denotes the pre-
asking numerous questions whether the model can be applied to dicted probability from the developed model. Certain tendencies
variability in the data. There are several techniques for determining may be noticed, but it is difficult to make explicit conclusions re-
the robustness of models. Comparing anticipated model values to garding the robustness of these models for each category of project

© ASCE 04522037-9 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

Table 7. Classification of disputed projects based on predicted values involving delay or no delay (robustness analysis)
Range of probability
P < 19.9% 20% < P < 39.9% 40% < P < 59.9% 60% < P < 79.9% P > 80%
Factors Delay No delay Delay No delay Delay No delay Delay No delay Delay No delay
Project land area
<10,000 m2 (%) 20 95 0 14 40 0 0 0 0 0
>10,000 m2 (%) 0 78 0 11 0 11 100 0 0 0
Project type
Residential (%) 50 81 50 13 0 6 0 0 0 0
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Commercial (%) 0 100 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0

Mixed (%) 0 100 0 100 67 0 0 0 0 0
Plotted (%) 0 80 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
Project registration validity
<60 months (%) 25 82 75 12 25 6 0 0 0 0
>60 months (%) 0 85 50 15 0 0 50 0 0 0
Project cost category
<50 crore (%) 0 100 33 0 67 0 0 0 0 0
>50 crore (%) 0 25 50 50 0 25 50 0 0 0

delay. One would expect to find a higher percentage of delayed resolving mechanism in the context of real estate in India has also
projects in predicted probability categories close to 100% and been emphasized.
few delayed projects in categories closer to 0%. An analysis of the various judgments filed under RERA estab-
Model predictions greater than 40% will most likely result in lished that the allottees and the promoters need to primarily con-
delay. The majority of the projects in this category were correctly centrate on the various forms of documentation occurring between
classified as delayed, taking into account all project characteristics. them due to its high frequency of occurrence. Even though the fre-
This model appears robust in that it can predict the outcomes of all quency of other causes of disputes is comparatively less than the
types of projects: residential, commercial, mixed, or plotted; proj- disputes due to documentation lapses, the same may be a leading
ects with durations less than or greater than 60 months; variability cause of concern in other cities, and so all of these issues must be
in project size; and cost. A small percentage of delayed projects fell looked upon with due attention to avoid the subsequent harsh pro-
into the P < 19.9% category. This means that even if the model cess of dispute which ultimately leads to the delay of a project.
predicts probability of less than 40%, there is still a possibility that This study also proposed to model the relation concerning the
this project is really delayed. data available on the website of GujRERA, i.e., project land area,
The model predicts that probabilities less than approximately project type, project registration validity, and project cost category.
20% will most likely result in nondelayed projects. This model ap- The logistic regression analysis was performed for the disputed
pears robust in that it can predict the outcomes of all types of proj- projects, and the significant variable responsible for the delay of
ects. A small percentage of nondelayed projects were classified into a project was evaluated to be the project cost. As the project cost
the 40% < P < 59.9% category. This means that even if the model increases, the odds of a project getting delayed increases by 480%.
predicts a probability of greater than 40% and less than 60%, there There is also a positive relationship between delay and project type.
is still a possibility that the project is not delayed. Mixed developments, i.e., commercial and residential projects,
In general, the model appears to perform well in predicting have higher odds of getting delayed than residential and commer-
delayed projects when the predicted probability is greater than cial projects alone as they are usually high-scale projects with
40%. Sensitivity analysis also provided a cut-off value of 0.3 greater allottees. There is a negligible effect of project land area
(30%). However, it is unknown if a project will be delayed when
on the project’s delay. Also, if the registration validity increases,
the probability is less than 40%. The model appears to be useful
i.e., if the project duration increases, the odds of the project getting
for many wide range of real estate project characteristics. For ex-
delayed reduces by 279%. Hence, a developer must take utmost
ample, the model can be used for any project type, small or large
care in handling higher-cost projects and mixed development proj-
real estate projects in terms of area and cost with higher or lower
ects in minimizing disputes, ultimately not leading to delay of the
project. This study can augment proficiency in the dispute resolu-
tion and claims management system adopted by the RERA.
Conclusions The logistic regression model can be applied for future projects,
and the delay can be predicted. The cut-off value of 0.3 was chosen
Construction project disputes constitute a significant source of for maximum accurate results. The model formulated in the present
concern for the industry. The historic Real Estate (Regulation and study was limited to the four project characteristics available for the
Development) Act 2016 marks the beginning of a new era in the private real estate projects registered on the GujRERA website
Indian real estate sector and a start toward reforming this sector, (GujRERA 2021). The exact actual estimated project cost incurred
promoting more openness, citizen centricity, accountability, and fi- was not available on the portal, and history and experiences of con-
nancial discipline (Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 2021). tractors were not available for all projects; hence, such data can be
The prior missing gap between the allottees (homebuyers) and the extracted from relevant sources, and the model can be redesigned.
promoters (developers), has now constructively been created and is This study attempts to analyze the secondary data available on the
highlighted in the current study, and rationalization of the dispute website of RERA and find out the causes of delays of the real estate

© ASCE 04522037-10 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2023, 15(1): 04522037

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