Akula (2020) Evaluating The Long-Term Durability of Lime Treatment in Hydraulic Structures

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Transportation Research Record

Ó National Academy of Sciences:
Evaluating the Long-Term Durability of Transportation Research Board 2020
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Lime Treatment in Hydraulic Structures: sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/0361198120919404

Case Study on the Friant-Kern Canal journals.sagepub.com/home/trr

Pavan Akula1*, Narain Hariharan1*, Dallas N. Little1, Didier Lesueur2,

and Gontran Herrier3

The slopes along the Friant-Kern Canal were last treated in the 1970s with 4% quick lime to mitigate issues related to slope
failure caused by expansive Porterville soils. The immediate benefits of lime treatment were well documented by the Bureau
of Reclamation. However, questions remain over the long-term durability of lime-treated materials. In this study, we compare
the engineering properties and changes in the soil mineralogy of treated and untreated sections to establish the effectiveness
of lime after more than 40 years of performance. A geochemical model was developed using the GEM-Selektor program to
simulate the geochemical reactions in the soil-lime system and predict stable pozzolanic products. The experimental results
show a reduction in the plasticity index from 23 to 6 after lime treatment together with a tenfold increase in strength. Lime
addition lowers the risk of volumetric expansion and erosion in soils from moderately high to very low. Further, a pH
increase from 6.30 to 8.90 in lime-treated sections indicates that lime treatment continues to be effective. X-ray fluorescence
analysis shows the presence of Ca2+ ions in quantities similar to the initial treatment dosage indicating negligible leaching of
lime. The geochemical model provides evidence of the formation of pozzolanic products in the soil-lime system which was
validated using thermogravimetry analysis. The performance history of the Friant-Kern Canal together with the findings of
this study affirm the long-term durability of lime treatment on this project and strengthens the case for using lime in the
repair of hydraulic structures.

The Friant-Kern Canal (FKC) in California was con- of the FKC. This operation was mostly carried out in
structed in the 1940s. The irrigation canal was designed the winter months and involved removing and replacing
to operate at a peak water flow rate of 4000 ft3/sec and the original lining with a compacted soil-lime mixture
has a total span of 152 mi extending from the Friant prepared using 3.0%–4.0% quicklime (CaO). Current
Dam on the southeast of Fresno to the Kern River near engineering practice for determining the lime content
Bakersville (Figure 1). About one-third (54 mi) of the required for soil stabilization does not directly consider
FKC was built using expansive clays belonging to the the potential for lime leaching and is essentially based on
Porterville formation and lined with either earth or con- finding the optimum lime content to achieve the target
crete (1). The earth-lined sections were built on a 2:1 side properties such as compressive strength and plasticity
slope while the concrete-lined sections of the canal were reduction (Little 1995). The lime content used at FKC
built flatter with a 3:2 side slope. The onset of failures was chosen based on plasticity and swell measurements
and maintenance issues from shrinkage cracks, sliding, (1). Two additional lime treatment projects were under-
and sloughing of the slopes was reported in both sections taken by the USBR in the mid-1970s to restore damaged
within two to three years of the construction of the canal
(2). The problems were further compounded by the dis- 1
Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University-College
persive nature of the soils which lead to erosion in many Station, College Station, TX
parts of the FKC. Lhoist Southern Europe, Grenoble, France
In the early 1970s, the Bureau of Reclamation Lhoist Research and Development, Nivelles, Belgium
*Joint first authors.
(USBR) used lime to treat the native clays along the
banks of the canal as part of a major effort to control Corresponding Author:
further deterioration and to restore the damaged sections Pavan Akula, pavan.akula@tamu.edu
2 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

historical climate data for Fresno obtained from the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) database indicated sustained periods of heavy
rainfall, two or three freeze-thaw cycles, and some
extended periods of drying, all of which raised curiosity
about the long-term durability of lime-treated canal
Lime is a versatile material and has been successfully
used in infrastructure construction all over the world in
soil treatment applications including pavement base and
subgrades, airports, rail-road beds, and so forth for
thousands of years (6). Lime has been especially effective
in providing a workable soil platform in construction
operations thanks to its ability to alter the physical prop-
erties of clays and to reduce the plasticity and expansion
indexes. Furthermore, lime treatment can increase the
pH of soils to as high as 12.45 through the release of
hydroxyl ions to solubilize and interact with the
silicates and aluminates released from the clay minerals,
resulting in long-term strength-building pozzolanic
reactions (6).
The use of lime in stabilizing hydraulic levees and
embankments is relatively less popular than pavement
subgrade stabilization using conventional and temporary
repair techniques such as dewatering, importing replace-
ment materials from local borrow pits, flattening the
slopes (4), and less commonly adopting electrochemical
methods to stabilize the soils (1). In addition, questions
arise concerning the sustainability of lime treatment
because of the high-pH levels and the potential for leach-
Figure 1. Location of the Friant-Kern Canal. ing. However, the McGee Creek dam and the FKC serve
are examples of the successful use of lime for hydraulic
earth-lined sections and in the mid-1980s in response to purposes to control erosion-related issues resulting from
failure of portions of the concrete-lined sections that had dispersive soils (7). Although lime has been used in the
been left untreated during the initial operation. treatment of some major hydraulic structures in the U.S.
The performance of the lime-treated sections of the and in most cases produced satisfactory results, there has
FKC have been monitored periodically since construc- been limited documentation on the mechanisms that con-
tion (2–5). Gutschick (3) reported that no known slips or tribute to the long-term durability of lime treatment for
slides occurred in the lime-treated sections and that the soils in constant or intermittent, long-duration contact
strength of the treated soils continued to increase with with water.
time even after sustained exposure to water flow. For owners and administrations in charge of the
Fleming (5) testified that the use of lime was both benefi- maintenance of hydraulic structures, their safety and
cial to repair slough slides and considerably more eco- operation, as well as the durability of their constituent
nomical compared with the traditional repair method of materials, are of significant concern. The durability of a
flattening the slopes. More recently, Herrier (2) stated structure is defined as its ability to retain the required
that the FKC served as a standout example for the suc- properties to maintain its designed functions. The dur-
cessful application of lime in hydraulic structures based ability of materials on the other hand can be defined as
on feedback from the Friant Water Authority (FWA) on the resilience of their properties over time, while facing a
its remarkable maintenance history, essentially non-exis- series of stresses both mechanical and environmental. A
tent, of the lime-treated sections since rehabilitation in major component of the stresses affecting the FKC is
the 1970s. However, there has been no recent qualitative linked to the contact of the soils with water which can
or quantitative evaluation of the lime-treated soils at the lead to the risk of lime leaching, erosion, and a decrease
FKC until this study. A review of the average annual of strength, leading ultimately to a compromise in
Akula et al 3

Figure 2. Average annual climatic data for Friant Kern Canal (8).

long-term durability of the lime-treated soils and the sta- carbonation. Calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) is the pri-
bility of the canal as a whole. Moreover, the climate sig- mary pozzolanic product that holds the soil matrix
nificantly affects the long-term aging related together contributing to the strength and durability of
performance of the lime-treated soils in FKC. The FKC lime-treated soils (9). CSH is highly disordered with a
region has experienced several freeze-thaw and flood- gel-like structure and forms when lime initiates a geo-
drought cycles since 1970 as shown in Figure 2 (8). chemical reaction in clay-rich soils at a pH of 12.4 (6).
Most of the follow-up performance evaluations in Part of this case study considers a hypothesis of the for-
such projects are limited to reporting mechanical proper- mation of CSH using the Gibb’s energy minimization
ties focusing mainly on the strength of the soils immedi- selector (GEM-Selektor) program.
ately or soon after lime treatment. There appears to be The GEM-Selektor program was developed to model
no open literature, even from pavement durability stud- geochemical reactions (10, 11) based on Gibb’s energy
ies, that evaluates the mineralogical evolution of lime- minimization and has been used extensively to simulate
treated soils concurrently with changes in engineering the hydration process in cement and fly ash and quantify
properties over a performance period of nearly five the pozzolanic products (12–16). Little used thermody-
decades, the length of time since the construction of the namic modeling to evaluate ettringite formation in sul-
FKC. The work performed in this study is therefore fate bearing soils (17). A detailed description of the
aimed at assessing the long-term behavior of lime treated approach, assumptions, and principles involved in using
materials in the specific context of hydraulic canals such GEM-Selektor to model the formation of CSH and
as the FKC with continuous water flow so as to unearth other mineral phases in the lime-treated FKC soils is pre-
the technical locks linked to the lack of knowledge and sented in this paper to solidify the long-term efficacy of
feedback about the long-term behavior of such materials. lime treatment.
In addition, the study provides literature on the engineer-
ing, mineralogical, and geochemical changes that can be
expected in lime-treated soils over a long period.
We utilized the opportunity provided by FWA to The primary objective of this study was to investigate the
extract both native and lime-treated soils from the FKC changes in the engineering and mineralogical properties of
slopes to perform a field evaluation of the long-term dur- lime-treated sections of the FKC and to substantiate the
ability of lime treatment at the FKC from an engineering durability of lime treatment in hydraulic structures. To
as well as mineralogical standpoint. While it is possible supplement the experimental data, the long-term geo-
to simulate in a laboratory the effects of aging caused by chemical changes occurring in the soil-lime system were
climatic factors and water contact, the motivation behind modeled using GEM-Selektor and validated using analyti-
conducting a field study was to model and evaluate the cal methods. The performance of lime-treated soils at
durability of pozzolanic reactions taking place in the the FKC was evaluated through the following specific
soil-lime system considering the effect of leaching and actions:
4 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

1. Procure native and 40-year-old lime-treated sam- and erosion resistance tests. The lime-treated soil sam-
ples from the FKC embankment slopes and per- ples were extracted from areas more than 3 ft above the
form basic engineering characterization including existing water line following an extended drought at
determining the Atterberg limits, particle size dis- depths of 1–2 ft below the surface of the canal slope. The
tribution, and optimum moisture content (OMC) chosen sampling location was regarded by FWA as the
along with basic chemical characterization includ- average water line level and falls well within the water
ing determining soil pH, lime fixation point, and line when the canal operates at full capacity. The pres-
cation exchange capacity (CEC). ence of lime in the treated sections was confirmed on-site
2. Compare the current engineering properties by testing for reaction caused by increased pH using a
namely compressive strength, expansion index phenolphthalein indicator. The brittle nature of the lime-
and erosion resistance of the native and lime- treated soils combined with the mechanical disturbance
treated FKC soils. caused during the coring process meant that approxi-
3. Evaluate the transformation in mineralogy of the mately 20% of the material recovered was collected as a
native soils more than 40 years after lime treat- fine fraction and the rest as odd-shaped chunks as shown
ment using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluor- in Figure 3. The fine fraction was used for basic engi-
escence (XRF), and thermogravimetric analysis neering and chemical characterization tests performed
(TGA). on the lime-treated soils.
4. Model the long-term geochemical reactions occur- Native soil samples were extracted from the same
ring in the soil-lime system placing special empha- depth as the lime-treated samples using a hand auger at
sis on validating the strength development from sections of the canal that had been left untreated at the
the formation of CSH and calcite. time of construction. The native soil samples were
visually identified as moderately plastic clays.
Basic engineering characterization of the samples
Soil Sampling and Characterization
included determining the Atterberg limits by ASTM
Soil samples were collected from the lime-treated sections D4318 (18), soil classification after particle size distribu-
of the FKC slopes using a rotary drill (Figure 3). The tion analysis by ASTM D7928-17, and moisture-density
gradient of the slope and the built-up strength of the relationship testing to determine the OMC following
lime-treated soils made it challenging to recover undis- ASTM D1557 (19). A summary of the average soil prop-
turbed cores that could be used for compressive strength erties of the native and lime-treated soils recovered is

Figure 3. (a) Collection of soil samples from the lime-treated sections of the Friant-Kern Canal slopes using a rotary drill and (b) lime
treated sample.
Akula et al 5

Table 1. Basic Engineering Characterization of Friant-Kern Canal Soils

Sample Liquid limit (%) Plastic limit (%) Plasticity index (%) % Passing 74 mm USCS classification OMC (%)

Untreated soils 41 18 23 69.2 CL 21.4

Lime treated soils 34 28 6 48.5 ML 18.1

Note: USCS = unified soil classification system; CL = lean clay; ML = silt; OMC = optimum moisture content.

The pH of the native FKC soils was found to be 6.30.

The lime-treated soils had a pH of 8.90, indicating a con-
siderable presence of hydroxyl ions released from lime.
The quick lime demand required to raise the pH of the
native soils to 12.40 (22) was found to be 3.4% indicat-
ing that the lime dosage used in the 1970s during initial
repair operations was targeted to promote long-term
strength-building pozzolanic reactions (6). The relatively
high current pH of the treated FKC soils indicates that
lime treatment continues to be effective and has assisted
in the formation of new mineral phases which are investi-
gated at depth in this study.
Figure 4. Particle size distribution of untreated and lime-treated The USBR has reported the presence of highly expan-
Friant-Kern Canal soils. sive clays across the FKC canal linings (1). The CEC of
the native soils was measured to confirm the presence of
presented in Table 1. All the tests were replicated to expansive clay minerals such as montmorillonites at the
ensure consistency in results. location where the soils were sampled. The CEC of the
The USBR reported the FKC soils had an average untreated FKC soils was found to be 27.5 mEq/100 g
plasticity index (PI) of 36 before lime treatment and that indicating that the native soils extracted for the current
the PI of the soils dropped to 9, 72 h after mixing with study contained significant enough amounts of expansive
4% quick lime (1). The considerably lower current PI of clay minerals and were representative of the soils treated
the lime-treated soils sampled during the current study in with lime in the 1970s.
comparison with the untreated soils is testimony to the
permanent textural modification of the treated FKC
soils from lean and fat clays to inorganic low plasticity Methods
silts as identified at the time of construction and shown The durability assessment of lime-treated soils at the
in Table 1. FKC included laboratory methods to evaluate the engi-
The cumulative particle size distribution of the FKC neering properties of the soils as well as methods to
soils is shown in Figure 4 to highlight the textural understand the mineralogical transformation of the
changes to the soils as a result of lime treatment. treated FKC soils. A brief description of the choice of
The untreated samples are composed of nearly 33% method, sample preparation procedures, and key test
sands (0.05–2 mm), 37% silts (0.002–0.05 mm) and 30% specifications for all test methods used in this study is
clays (\0.002 mm). The silt and clay fractions in the presented in this section.
lime-treated samples drop to 31% and 9%, respectively,
while the sand fraction increases to nearly 60%. The par-
ticle size distribution trends confirm the sustained effect
Methods Used to Evaluate the Engineering Properties
of lime on coagulating the clays. of FKC Soils
Soil pH and CEC are two of the most basic and indi- Three engineering properties of soils critical in the assess-
cative measurements of soil chemical properties (20). The ment of soils in constant contact with water were investi-
pH of the FKC soils was measured in accordance with gated in this study: unconfined compressive strength
ASTM D4972 (21), while the CEC of the native soil was (UCS), the expansion index, and erosion resistance. The
determined by measuring the concentration of extracted challenges described during soil sampling did not allow
sodium ions using ammonium acetate (1N, pH 7.0) after us to follow standard testing protocols for determining
saturating the exchange sites of the inherent clays using the strength and erosion properties of the FKC soils. We
sodium acetate (1N, pH 8.2). intend to extract intact cores for these tests from the
6 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

bottom of the canal during the winter of 2020 when the determined using a Bruker D-8 X-ray diffractometer
FKC is scheduled to be emptied for routine maintenance. using CuKa radiation powered to 40 kV at 40 mA. Phase
identification was done by matching against the mineral
Unconfined Compressive Strength. The UCS test was per- collection data from the International Center for
formed in accordance with ASTM D2166 (23). The soil Diffraction Data (ICDD).
specimens recovered from our sampling exploration at Exactly 4.50 g of the samples tested were mixed with
the FKC were not suitable to be trimmed and used for a 0.5 g of ZnO (internal standard) and 15 mL of ethanol
UCS test. The lime-treated FKC soils were remolded at followed by milling for 5 min in a micronizer to eliminate
OMC (Table 1) and compacted using a Harvard minia- preferential orientation of the particles. The suspension
ture compaction apparatus to obtain samples that were was then spray-dried (25) in a heated chamber to gener-
1.3 in. in diameter by 3.9 in. in height. The moisture con- ate spherical aggregates. The spray-dried samples were
tents of the untreated and lime-treated samples before then side loaded before XRD analysis. In addition, the
remolding at OMC were recorded to be 13.8% and 8.7% clay fraction of the samples (passing 2 mm) was extracted
respectively which were within 6 1 % of the moisture and analyzed to identify the cations saturating the inter-
contents as recovered from the site. The samples were layer of swelling clay minerals. The samples were scanned
then cured at 40°C for seven days at a relative humidity from 3° to 80° (2u) for 60 min at 0.02°/s.
of 70% before running the UCS test. In this study, we
report the current remolded strength of the native and
X-Ray Fluorescence. The powdered sample was pressed
lime-treated FKC soils and interpret the results with ref-
into a pellet applying a force of 30 tons for 45 s in a XRF
erence to the actual strengths of the soils reported within
pellet press to minimize errors in data measurement. The
a year of initial repair.
pelletized samples were tested for the elemental total
oxide composition using a high-power (200 W) sequential
Expansion Index. The expansion index (EI) of the
Rigaku Supermini 200 wavelength dispersive XRF spec-
untreated and treated FKC soils was determined in
trometer instrument operated at a tube voltage of 50°kV
accordance with ASTM D4829 (24) using 4 in. diameter
and energy resolution of 140 eV.
by 2 in. height samples cured to reach an initial degree of
saturation of 50%.
Thermogravimetric Analysis. The thermal analysis system
‘‘SDT Q-600’’ manufactured by TA Instruments was
Erosion Resistance. The susceptibility of the FKC soils to
used to record the weight change of the samples from
erosion was tested indirectly by measuring the turbidity
100°C temperature to 1000°C with a ramp rate of 10°C/
of a 1% suspension of the fine clay fraction (\45 mm)
min. A precise quantity of 50 mg of powdered sample
prepared with distilled water using a UV-vis spectro-
was used for all measurements. To minimize any errors
meter. Turbidity of the samples was compared as a func-
from hygroscopic effects on the moisture sensitivity of
tion of absorbance of the fine clay suspension to light
expansive clay minerals present in the FKC soils, the
near the visible wavelength range (380–800 nm).
samples were preheated to 100°C for 48 h before taking
Standard procedures to measure the erodibility of soils
TGA measurements.
such as the jet erosion test and the erosion function appa-
ratus test could not be executed as intact undisturbed
samples were unavailable. Results and Discussion
This section discusses the experimental results pertinent
Methods Used for Mineralogical Investigation of FKC
to demonstrating the long-term durability of lime treat-
Soils ment at the FKC. The effect of lime on the engineering
The mineralogical evolution of the FKC soils after lime properties of the soils is discussed first and is followed by
treatment was investigated by three analytical methods a discussion of the results substantiating the mineralogi-
namely X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine the minera- cal transformation of the lime-treated soils.
logical composition of the soils, XRF to quantify the total
oxide composition in the soils, and TGA to identify poz- Effect of Lime on Engineering Properties of FKC Soils
zolanic products and to complement the XRD analysis. A concurrent increase in long-term strength, reduction in
Powdered samples were used for XRD, XRF, and TGA EI, and erodibility of the FKC soils 40 years after lime
analysis by grinding the FKC soils using a mortar and pes- treatment were used as the criteria to establish the geo-
tle followed by sieving to pass through a 45 mm sieve. mechanical stability of the lime-treated soils from an
engineering standpoint. The results obtained in support
X-Ray Diffraction. The soil minerals present in the pow- of this assertion are summarized in Table 2 and discussed
dered native and lime-treated FKC samples were in this section. The UCS and EI measurements were
Akula et al 7

Table 2. Summary of the Effect of Lime on Engineering Properties of Friant-Kern Canal Soils

Compressive strength, psi Expansion potential Relative erosion resistance

Sample UCS Standard error EI Standard error Classification Absorbance intensity Classification

Untreated soils 15 2.8 54.9 3.5 Moderate 0.23 High

Lime-treated soils 1400 8.7 12.5 2.2 Very low 0.14 Low

Note: psi = pounds per square inch; UCS = unconfined compressive strength; EI = expansion index.

recorded on three samples each and the average values

and standard error are reported.

Unconfined Compressive Strength. The UCS of the native

soils was reported to be around 12 psi (pounds per square
inch) at the time of construction (1). The UCS of the
lime-treated soils recorded a strength of 250 psi immedi-
ately after construction and nearly 500 psi one year after
treatment (2). The average current remolded strength of
the lime-treated samples was found to be 140 psi and
there was no difference in the strength of the native soils Figure 5. Absorbance patterns of Friant Kern Canal soils
over time (Table 2). The measured remolded strength of subjected to light in visible wavelength range.
the lime-treated soils is within the 80 psi to 200 psi range
reported after a seven-day curing period for stabilized
clay soils having similar PI (26). As indicated earlier, we The textural modification of the FKC soils from lean
were unable to recover intact soil cores that could be clays to low plasticity silts after lime treatment lowers
either used as is or trimmed to report a more accurate the colloidal clay activity in the soils thereby minimizing
representation of the actual strength of the lime-treated volume change when subjected to climatic cycles. The
sections more than 40 years after treatment. It is impor- ‘‘very low’’ risk of expansion in the lime-treated sections
tant to note that remolding the lime-treated soils signifi- after 40 years of lime treatment provides strong, addi-
cantly disturbed the chemical bonds between calcium tional support for the long-term durability of lime-
ions from lime and the soil minerals thereby negatively treated soils.
affecting the strength measurements. The present com-
pressive strength of intact lime-treated cores is, therefore,
expected to be higher than the strength reported in this Erosion Resistance. The absorbance patterns of the fine
study. In fact, it is remarkable that sufficient residual clay particles (\45 mm) subjected to light in the wave-
lime was apparently present to produce this substantial length range between 380 nm and 800 nm is presented in
strength gain in the remolded samples. In any case, a ten- Figure 5.
fold increase in compressive strength of the remolded A higher absorbance intensity is a direct function of
lime-treated soils compared with the native soils five the turbidity of the suspensions as reflected by the zero
decades after treatment sufficiently demonstrates the absorbance observed in distilled water (27). A clear drop
effect of lime in contributing to the long-term strength of in turbidity of the fine clay suspensions was observed in
the FKC soils. the lime-treated soils (Figure 5). The data obtained pro-
vide valuable insight into the effectiveness of lime treat-
ment in controlling the dispersive nature of the native
Expansion Index. The effect of lime in reducing the EI of FKC soils thereby making them less prone to erosion
the FKC soils is evident from the results presented in (28). A more rigorous analysis of the erodibility of the
Table 2. An improvement in volumetric stability of high FKC soils must involve the use of in-situ erosion tests
plasticity soils after lime treatment serves as a critical using the erosion function apparatus (EFA) to track the
performance measure of long-term durability especially scour rate as a function of key parameters such as shear
in hydraulic structures which are subjected to constant stresses and velocity of water flow which could not be
contact with water. A ‘‘very high’’ potential degree of performed in this study because of the challenges faced
expansion for the native FKC soils and a ‘‘low’’ EI for in recovering undisturbed samples. Nevertheless, when
the lime-treated soils was reported after initial repair (1). comparing the absorbance intensities of the native FKC
8 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Figure 6. XRD pattern of the untreated and treated Friant Kern Canal soil.
Note: XRD = x-ray diffraction.

soils with the lime-treated soils at the same suspension the CEC (27.5 mEq/100 g) obtained. In addition, 7.7% of
concentration, lower absorbance intensities observed in the amorphous phases present in the soil was composed
the treated samples would imply a lower scour rate of of 4% amorphous SiO2 and other minor phases. This
the soils as a result of reduced dispersion. This indirect was calculated by subtracting out the total equivalent
measure of the erosion resistance of lime-treated soils is crystalline SiO2 fraction from the total SiO2 obtained
supported by no erosion-related failure being reported from XRF (29). The amorphous SiO2 serves as a critical
since the initial repair in the 1970s. source of silica to assist in the formation of CSH thanks
to its high reactivity. The QXRD results of the untreated
sample were used to model the geochemical reactions in
Effect of Lime on Mineralogical Transformation of FKC the soil-lime system.
Soils The XRD pattern of the lime-treated soil indicated
The findings pertaining to the changes in mineralogy of the presence of calcite and a decrease in the peak inten-
the lime-treated FKC soils over time are presented in this sity of soil minerals, quartz and smectite (Figure 6) as a
section. Special emphasis is placed on identification and result of the partial dissolution of the minerals in the
quantification of the new mineral phases formed from high-pH environment.
the long-term geochemical reactions occurring in the
soil-lime system using three analytical techniques namely
X-Ray Fluorescence. The XRF data provide the total ele-
quantitative x-ray diffraction (QXRD), XRF, and TGA.
mental composition in equivalent oxide form for both the
native and lime-treated FKC soils. As anticipated, the
Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis. The XRD pattern of lime-treated soils had 3.9% more CaO compared with the
the untreated FKC soils along with the quantification of untreated soils (Table 3). There were no major differences
soil minerals is presented in Figure 6. in the oxide composition of the other elements. The
The fitting criteria of Rwp \ 10% and goodness of fit increase in CaO content 40 years after lime treatment
(GOF) \ 3 validates the accuracy of the quantification. proves that there was no significant leaching of lime or its
The presence of 39% smectite in the soils explains the associated pozzolanic products over time which substanti-
moderate EI of the native soils and correlates well with ates the long-term durability of lime treatment.
Akula et al 9

Table 3. X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Friant-Kern Canal Soils modeling approach, geochemistry of reactions occurring
in the soil-lime system, and the results obtained are dis-
Untreated Lime-treated cussed in this section.
Element/composition soils (%) soils (%)

CaO 4.6 8.5

SiO2 55.6 53.9 Approach
Al2O3 20.6 20.1 A two-step modeling approach was used to model the
Fe2O3 12.1 11.2
SO3 0.0 0.0 geochemical reactions in the soil-lime system in GEM-
MgO 2.9 3.0 Selektor (Figure 8). The GEM-Selektor program was ini-
K2O 1.8 1.1 tially developed to assess the formation of hydration
Na2O 0.6 0.6 products present in hydrated cement and fly ash (12, 13).
Total organic carbon 1.8 1.7
The thermodynamic parameters of soil minerals were
manually added in GEM-Selektor using the MINES
database (32, 33) as a reference. The parameters pertain-
ing to the hydration products were added from the
CEMDATA-07 database (34). The model assumes suffi-
cient water for pozzolanic reactions to occur.
In step 1, the model was split into five sub-models.
The inputs for each sub-model comprised the individual
soil minerals present in excess of 3%, determined using
QXRD, and 4% lime in the presence of air (containing
gases O2 and N2) at 25°C and 1 atm pressure. The objec-
tive in this step was to calculate the dissolution of each
soil mineral phase at equilibrium caused by the pH
increase. This was carried out by reacting each soil
mineral with 4% lime. For example, when 26.6% albite
reacted with 4% lime, 4% of the albite dissolved at equi-
librium. The dissolution of other soil minerals was calcu-
Figure 7. Differential TGA analysis of the untreated and treated lated similarly.
soil specimens. In step 2, which is the primary model, the dissolved
Note: CSH = calcium silicate hydrate; TGA = thermogravimetric analysis.
content of all mineral phases were reacted together with
the 4% lime to determine the stability of CSH at equili-
Thermogravimetric Analysis. The peaks observed in the dif- brium. For example, 4% albite and other soluble mineral
ferential thermogram (DTG) of the untreated and lime- phases (calculated from step 1) were reacted with 4%
treated samples were used to confirm the presence of dif- lime to quantify CSH at equilibrium. The two-step mod-
ferent minerals as seen in Figure 7. Minerals with water eling approach helps determine the reactivity of each soil
in the interlayer, such as CSH and smectite and others mineral and its contribution toward the formation of
with hydroxyl functional groups such as amphiboles and hydration products.
biotite, lose weight at different temperatures from water
loss and dihydroxylation, respectively. The CSH phase
shows water loss from 50°C to 600°C (30) with a peak at Geochemistry of Soil-Lime Reactions
150°C as seen in Figure 7. Dehydroxylation of amphi-
In the presence of water, hydrated lime, CaðOHÞ2 dis-
bole and biotite was validated by the peak at 450°C (31)
solves releasing Ca2+ and OH– ions.
in both the treated and untreated samples. In addition,
the calcite formed as a result of lime treatment decarbo- CaðOH Þ2 ! Ca2+ + 2OH  ð1Þ
nates above 600°C to CaO and CO2 and was identified
by the peak at 700°C. The OH– ions released increase the soil pH of the
lime-treated soils to as much as 12.45. Smectite, which is
the primary expansive clay mineral in the FKC soils is
Geochemical Modeling unstable above pH 12 and partially dissolves (35) releas-
ing amorphous silica and alumina in the process.
The primary objective of using geochemical modeling in
this study was to identify stable pozzolanic products, pri-
Smectite + 6H+ + 2H2 O ! 1:4Al3+ + 0:6Mg2+
marily CSH, which can serve as critical evidence to sub- ð2Þ
stantiate the long-term durability of lime treatment. The + 0:6Na+ + SiO2 ðamÞ
10 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Figure 8. Geochemical model flowchart.

Note: QXRD = quantitative x-ray diffraction; GEMS = Gibbs energy minimization selektor; TGA = thermogravimetric analysis; XRD = x-ray diffraction;
CSH = calcium silicate hydrate.

CSH precipitates in an alkaline environment (pH 10– Model Results and Validation
12) when sufficient quantities of the highly reactive SiO2 In step 1, the dissolution of lime increases the pH and
(am) released from smectite dissolution and Ca2+ ions
partially dissolves the soil minerals. The dissolved con-
released from lime react in the presence of water. The for-
tent column in Table 4 shows the dissolution proportion
mation of a representative CSH (36) can be written as
of each soil mineral when reacted with 4% lime. The
results show partial dissolution of smectite (7% of the
1:5Ca2þ þ 4H2 O þ SiO2 ðamÞ !
ð3Þ 39.7%) which is similar to the trend observed by Claret
ðCaOÞ1:5:ðSiO2 ÞðH2 OÞ2:5ðCSHÞ þ 3H þ and Tsutomu (35, 39) under alkaline conditions. The
CSH has a chemical formula of (CaO)X. modeling results also indicate partial dissolution of
(SiO2)Y.(4H2O)Z (9). The values of X, Y, and Z can amphiboles, biotite, and albite but to a much lesser
range from 0.8 to 3.5, 0.6 to 2.5, and 1.5 to 2.5 respec- extent compared with smectite.
tively (36). The varying stoichiometry of CaO, SiO2, and In step 2, the combined reaction of all dissolved miner-
H2O can be attributed to the solid solution and disor- als with 4% lime indicated that 8.3% of CSH and 2.4% of
derly nature of CSH. The H2O in CSH is also comprised calcite are the only stable pozzolanic products at equili-
of equivalent H+ and OH– ions ðH2 O ! H + + OH  Þ. brium. The primary model results prove that the quartz
The OH– ions from lime dissolution (Equation 1) is con- (am) present in the soil and the dissolved quartz (am) and
sumed in the formation of CSH which reduces the pH. smectite provided the source of silica required for the for-
Furthermore, the pH buffering capacity of expansive mation of CSH. The model did not indicate the formation
clay minerals like smectite can also reduce the pH as of other common hydration products such as calcium alu-
observed in the FKC soils (37, 38). The gel-like CSH mina hydrate (CAH) and ettringite but it did indicate alu-
structure holds the soil matrix together and contributes mina complexes to be stable as an aqueous phase. This is
to the strength and durability of the soil. Therefore, the likely a result of the stoichiometric deficiency of Ca2+ ,
stability of CSH at equilibrium is used as the main criter- Al3+ and SO42– ions available to form CAH and ettrin-
ion to substantiate the long-term durability of the lime- gite, respectively reflected by the lower amounts of free
treated FKC soils. alumina in the soil minerals compared with silica and the
Akula et al 11

Table 4. Geochemical Modeling Results

Step 1 Step 2
Input Output Input Output
Phase Content (%) content (%) Phase Content (%) Phase Content (%)

Sub-model 1 Quartz (am) 11.31 4.00 Primary Quartz (am) 4.00 CSH 8.31
Atm. N2/O2 (g) 1.00 NA model Albite 1.00 Calcite 2.43
CaO 4.00 NA Biotite 0.31
Sub-model 2 Albite 26.06 1.00 Amphibole 4.00
Atm. N2/O2 (g) 1.00 NA Smectite 7.01
CaO 4.00 NA Atm. N2/O2 (g) 1.00
Sub-model 3 Biotite 5.18 0.31 CaO 4.00
Atm. N2/O2 (g) 1.00 NA CO2 (g) 1.00
CaO 4.00 NA
Sub-model 4 Amphibole 8.26 4.00
Atm. N2/O2 (g) 1.00 NA
CaO 4.00 NA
Sub-model 5 Smectite 39.70 7.01
Atm. N2/O2 (g) 1.00 NA
CaO 4.00 NA

Note: CSH = calcium silicate hydrate; NA = not applicable.

absence of sulfates (Table 3). Calcite formation is expected 1. The drop in PI of the lime-treated soils in com-
in lime-treated soils from the reaction of hydrated lime parison with the native soils was a testimony to
with atmospheric CO2. The model predicted the formation the durable textural modification of the treated
of calcite at equilibrium. Calcite contributes to the durabil- FKC soils from lean clays to inorganic low plasti-
ity of soil-lime system by acting as an inert filler material city silts. The particle size distribution trends con-
by occupying the pore space within the soil matrix (40). In firmed the sustained effect of lime in coagulating
addition, calcite also assists in strength development by the clay colloids. The native soil contained 39.7%
cementing some of the undissolved smectites. The model- smectite.
ing results are validated by the TGA data that confirm the 2. The pH of the native FKC soils was found to
presence of CSH and calcite in the lime-treated samples 6.30. The lime-treated soils had a pH of 8.90 indi-
collected for this study. cating considerable presence of hydroxyl ions
In conclusion, the calcium from lime ends up in either released from hydrated lime. The pH of the lime-
calcite or CSH, or remains in calcium hydroxide. In the treated soils dropped from 12.40 to 8.90 during
case of the FKC soils, the fate of calcium was consumed more than 40 years of performance as a result of
in a 1:3.5 proportion between calcite and CSH with a carbonation and mineralogical transformations.
negligible fraction remaining unreacted. This distribution 3. A difference of nearly 4% Ca2 + ions in the XRF
is similar to what was observed on a 30-year-old lime analysis and the concomitant high pH of the
treated embankment by Haas and Ritter (41). lime-treated soils proved that there was negligible
leaching of lime, calcium compounds, or both,
since initial treatment.
Conclusion 4. A concurrent increase in long-term strength,
reduction in expansion potential and erodibility
The long-term durability of lime treatment at the FKC of the FKC soils was used as the criteria for estab-
was evaluated from an engineering and mineralogical lishing the geo-mechanical stability of the lime-
standpoint after more than 40 years of performance. The treated soils from an engineering standpoint.
geochemical model GEM-Selektor was used to simulate Lime treatment increased the mean UCS strength
the long-term geochemical reactions occurring in the of remolded soils from 15 to 140 psi, decreased the
soil-lime system and predict the formation of pozzolanic risk of expansion from moderate to very low and
products. The following conclusions were drawn from lowered the turbidity of the fine clay suspensions
this study: leading to improved erosion resistance.
12 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

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