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From Spanish to English, the right way!

TASK: 1. What’s your favourite expression in your own language? Do you know how to say it in English?
2. Are there any words or expressions that you think you use too much?
3. What’s your favourite English expression?

TASK: Look at the Spanish expressions on the left. Second, translate the expression word for word. Then try to think of the equivalent expression in English, use your phone if necessary.

Spanish Direct translation Equivalent Expression

1. Costar un ojo de la cara 1. Cost an eye from your face 1. cost an arm and a leg
2. No pegar ojo 2. To not strike an eye 2. Without sleeping a wink
3. Estar hasta las narices 3. To be up to the nose 3. To be sick to death / fed up
4. Estar en las nubes 4. To be in the clouds 4. To have your head in the clouds
5. Dormir a pierna suelta 5. Sleep with a loose leg 5. Sleep like a log
6. es la leche 6. Is the milk 6. It's amazing
7. falta un tornillo 7. Missing a screw 7. To have a screw loose
8. Ahogarse en un vaso de agua 8. To drown in a glass of water 8. To make a mountain out of a molehill
9. El mundo es un pañuelo 9. The world is a handkerchief 9. It’s a small world
10. Hablando del Rey de Roma… 10. Speaking of the king of Rome 10. Speak of the devil
11. Tomar el pelo 11. To take someone else’s hair 11. To pull someone’s leg
12. Meter la pata 12. To put in the paw 12. To fuck up

TASK: choose three of the expressions in english and make three sentences




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