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Secret Server Machine:

SAP Password changing will require putting the SAP dlls (sapnco.dll, sapnco_utils.dll) in the bin
folder. They can be retrieved from the SAP Nuget package in the Thycotic.Neget repo. If you
get "The specified module could not be found" on Secret Server startup, try installing the
MSVC++ 2010 x64 redistributable package.

Things to Understand In Order To Keep All Your Hair

1. In order to access SAP, you need to use or install the GUI. This is located in
C:\SAP\NWABAPTRIAL70304_64\Frontend&tools on the server.
(it's already installed on the server and client right now).
2. The Gui is accessed via the yellow SAP Logon link on the desktop.
3. When you run the GUI, you need to select a connection to log into. If no connection
exists, create one using the following steps:
1. Right-Click on Connections and choose "Add New Entry"
2. Select "User Specified System" and Click Next.
3. Fill out the provided fields as follows:
1. Description: Whatever you want
2. Application Server: IP address of the server.
3. Instance Number: 00
4. System Id: NSP
5. SAPRouter String: Leave this blank.
6. No changes on other tabs or parts of the wizard
4. Click Finish
4. Make heavy use of the Back button (F3). It's not easy to navigate SAP.
5. Make sure the actual Server is turned on. (Can be found on the SAP Management
Console on the Server Machine)
6. Don't test heartbeat while logged into SAP as that user. Log out prior to testing heartbeat.

Example following Secrets Might be helpful to Create when testing:

• Create an SAP Password Secret (NEVER CHANGE THIS PASSWORD)

o Host -
o Username - SAP*
o Password – Yagni12#
o Instance Number - 00
o System ID - NSP
o Client Number - 001
• Create another SAP Password Secret
o Host -
o Username - resetme
o Password – I HAVE NO IDEA
o Instance Number - 00
o System ID - NSP
o Client Number - 001

Screenshot of configuration

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