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Daily life
Write questions. Use the present simple or present continuous.
1. the sun / shine / at the moment? 4. you / look / forward / to / next weekend?

2. why / you / study / English / this year? 5. she / like / watching / films?

3. how often / they / meet / their friends? 6. where / your brother / live?

Now match questions 1–6 in 1a to answers a–f.

a Yes, either at the cinema or at home. d No, it’s cold and wet!
b Yes! I love Saturday and Sunday. e Every weekend.
c Because it’s fun! f In London.

Complete the quiz with the words in the box. Then answer the questions and read
the results.

awake buy clean go go have late

leave morning routine wake up weekend

Are you a creature of habit?

1. Do you need an alarm clock to help you ............ in 4. Do you ............ home at the
the morning? same time every day for work or
a) No, I’m usually ............ before my alarm goes off. college?
b) Yes. Without the alarm, I would just go on sleeping. a) Yes, I don’t like being ............ .
b) No, sometimes I’m early and
sometimes I’m a bit late.
2. Do you always ............ the same thing for breakfast?
a) Yes, I don’t like making decisions in the ............ !
5. Do you ............ shopping on the same day each
b) No, that would be boring!
a) Yes, and I usually ............ the same things each
3. Do you ever forget to ............ your teeth or brush week.
your hair in the morning?
b) No, it depends what I’m doing each week.
a) No, they are part of my morning ............ , so I never
6. Do you usually ............ to bed at the same time
b) Yes, if I’m in a hurry.
every night?
a) Yes, during the week, but not at the ............ of
b) No, it depends what I’m doing each day.

Mostly a: You are definitely a creature of habit. You could try relaxing a bit and doing something different for a change.
Mostly b: Your habits and routines aren’t completely fixed. It’s great to have variety, but remember that routine can help
you to be organised.

12 READING | PART 1 | 1
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Cambridge Assessment 2020
Exam task
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1 A The fitness class will only last for half an hour
This week’s fitness class will be half an hour earlier,
this week.
at 6.30 p.m., and in the sports hall, not the gym! Next
week’s class will be back in the gym at the usual time. B There won’t be a fitness class next week.
C The fitness class will be somewhere different
this week.
Tara, we’ve run out of
2 coffee! Can you get some What should Tara do?
at the supermarket when
you’re coming back from A buy coffee tomorrow
college this afternoon? I’ll B go shopping on her way home
pay you back tomorrow.
Daisy C give Daisy some money to go to the supermarket

3 A You can’t go into the bank on Saturday

Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
B The cash machine can only be used when the
Saturday – 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
bank is open.
The cash machine outside is
in use 24 hours C The bank closes at the same time every day.

4 Max, A Someone is mending the shower at the

There’s a problem with the shower. You can’t moment.
use it unless you want a cold one! Someone’s
B It isn’t possible to have a hot shower this
coming to fix it this afternoon, so it’ll be OK
tomorrow. morning.
Mum C Max will have to take a cold shower tomorrow.

5 Why has Henry written the text?

A to warn Mia that he may not be on time
Hi Mia, B to remind Mia about delays on the buses
I might be late for the band practice
tonight. I usually get the bus, but there are C to ask which bus he should get to band practice
lots of delays this week. See you later.

Exam facts
In this part, you read five short texts – for example, signs, notices and messages.
You have to choose the option (A, B or C) that means the same as the short text.

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Social interaction
Choose the correct words to complete the phrasal verbs.
1. I usually meet up / out / together with my friends at the weekend.
2. I’m tired, so I think I’ll stay up / in / into tonight.
3. Do you want to come out / over / away to my house later?
4. My family sometimes eat out / up / away. We like pizza restaurants.
5. Who does Max usually hang up / in / out with?
6. I was at a party last night and didn’t get back / out / to until late.
7. We often get in / out / together to watch a DVD.
8. Do you fancy going in / out / up tonight, maybe to the cinema?

Choose the best response.

1. I’ve bought you a ticket for the concert on Saturday.

a Thank you. That’s very kind of you. b Yes, please. That would be lovely.

2. Shall I meet you at the station?

a It’s opposite the bus stop. b Yes, good idea.

3. Do you fancy going ice skating on Friday?

a I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m doing something else. b Yes, it was great.

4. I’m sorry I’m late.

a That’s OK. No problem. b We can wait a bit longer.

5. Why don’t we go for a pizza later?

a No, I don’t like it. b Great idea!

6. Should I invite Emma to the party?

a Yes, I’d love to. Thanks. b No way! No one gets on with her.

7. Is it OK if my sister comes to the cinema with us?

a Of course. That’s fine. b It doesn’t matter.

8. Shall we meet up at the weekend?

a No, sorry, I don’t want it. b Yes, let’s do that.

14 READING | PART 1 | 2
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Cambridge Assessment 2020
Exam task
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1 Why has Sara sent an email?
Reply Forward
A to accept Lily’s invitation
Lily, B to ask Lily to go camping
Thanks for inviting me to your house next Saturday.
C to make an apology to Lily
I’m afraid I can’t come because I’m going camping this
weekend. Maybe we can meet up when I get back?

2 A There will only be two types of music at

Music festival the festival.
15 August
Music includes rock and hip hop
B Some performances at the festival cost
Tickets: more than others.
£6 in advance
£8 on the day C Tickets are cheaper if you buy them before
the festival.

3 What should Lucy do?

Hi Lucy, The football match
starts at 5. I’m getting the A get the bus to the football match with Emma
bus to the stadium. I’ll meet
B ask Sam if he wants to come to the football
you there at 4.30. Don’t
forget to invite Sam too. match
Emma C meet Emma and Sam at the stadium at
5 o’clock

4 You are invited to a A Guests should bring some food and drink.
Jungle party on June 21 from 3 p.m.
B Guests must dress up as a type of animal.
Dress up in an animal costume if you want to –
a prize for the best one! C Guests might win something if they wear a
Food and drink provided.

5 Why has Jenna left a note for Marcus?

Marcus A to remind him about an arrangement
Don’t forget we’re going to the cinema this afternoon with
James. I’m not sure what film we’re going to see, but we can B to invite him to the cinema
decide when we get there. Jenna C to suggest a film which they could see

Exam tips
Read each short text and think about where and when you might see it.
Read the options carefully. Don’t think an option is correct just because you see the same words
in the text.
The correct answer has the same meaning as the text, but usually uses different words.

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READING | PART 1 | 2 15

Hobbies and leisure

Complete the speech bubbles with the words in the box.

club dancing festival galleries hobby magazine

member photography sightseeing sunbathing

I joined a chess (1) .......... last year and I really enjoy it now. It’s a great (2) ..........
because you have to really think about how to win. You also meet people.

Ilona I love (3) .......... to great music. My ideal weekend is going to a music (4) ..........
and seeing lots of new bands.

I love travel! My favourite activities are going (5) .......... and visiting museums and
art (6) ........ .

My ideal leisure activity is (7) .......... on a beach and reading a fashion (8) ........ .
So relaxing!

I’m quite a creative person. I bought a camera last year and took up (9) .......... . I’m not
interested in being a (10) .......... of a club, though. I’m quite happy to spend time on my own.

Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.


do you agree that going back to like I said not sure, because
on a completely different subject that’s an interesting point
what do you think about this what I mean is

Sam: (1) ....................................................................................................

museums should be free for people to visit?
Ellie: I’m (2) ...............................................................................................
.............. they cost a lot of money to run. It seems fair that people should pay
Sam: Yes, but museums shouldn’t only be for rich people. (3) .......................
.............................................................................. that everyone should be
able to visit them, even if they don’t have much money.
Ellie: Yes, (4) .................................................................................................... , and I agree with
you in some ways. But (5) .................................................................................................... before,
museums are expensive, and we can’t expect the government to pay the full cost. (6) ...........................
......................................................................... , Ana?
Ana: I’m not sure. I agree that someone has to pay to keep museums open, but (7) ...........................
......................................................................... what Sam said, it doesn’t seem fair that people who
don’t have much money can’t see these wonderful objects.
Sam: Thank you, Ana. (8) .................................................................................................... , do you
fancy watching a movie later?

16 READING | PART 1 | 3
© Cambridge University Press and
Cambridge Assessment 2020
Exam task
Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1 Why has Josh sent this message?
A to ask George to go camping with him
next weekend
Hi George, I’m going camping next
weekend, so can I borrow your tent? You B to tell George about a new tent he’s going
bought one last summer, didn’t you? If to buy
you’ve got a small cooker, that would be
great, too. Thanks.
C to ask if George will lend him some
Josh camping equipment
2 Reply Forward What should club members do?
To: Photography club members A come to the picnic with food to cook
Subject: Picnic
B take lots of photos at the picnic
Everyone welcome – just meet at the park at 2.30 on
Saturday. Bring something for the barbecue – drinks C tell Tom if they want to go to the picnic
provided. Bring your best pictures to share. See you there!

3 A There will be five workshops each week.

Art workshop
B You don’t have to be talented to go to the
Saturdays 10.30 – 12.30
From 15 September for 5 weeks
Suitable for all abilities C The final workshop is on Saturday
15 September.

4 Call this number if you want to

If you enjoy playing the guitar and hanging out making
A play music with others
music, contact us, Neil and Joe. No plans to play as a band -
we just relax and play! B learn the guitar
Call 07796 245798
C join a band

5 A The stamps are all very old.

Stamp collection for sale B Some of the stamps are very unusual.
Over 12,000 stamps from a
range of countries C You can buy just a few of the stamps.
Some antique and rare items
On offer as a collection only,
not as individual items

Get it right!
Look at the sentence below. Then try to correct the mistake.

I write to you because last week I started a new English course in the same school.

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READING | PART 1 | 3 17

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