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Now I’m living in a hotel with some noisy neighbors.

These neighbors like to talk

loudly and sometimes argue. They also have noisy parties till late night. Whenever I try to
sleep, they shout and make noise, which is quite frustrating.
Also, these noisy neighbors have a dog that likes to bark all the time. That’s why I
can’t relax and fall asleep at night. I try to talk to them politely and ask them to stop it, but
they don't listen to me.
The hotel staff knows about the problem and apologizes for the inconvenience.
They explain that they are doing their best to handle the situation and ensure that all the
guests have a pleasant stay. However, it takes some time for the situation to get better.
Despite the noisy neighbors, I can say that the hotel itself is good. The rooms are
clean, and the staff is friendly and helpful.

1_Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list:
noisy neighbors, make noise, cause problems, bark, talk loudly, argue, have noisy parties,

1. The ___________ in the apartment next door always play loud music.
2. Please don't ___________ during the movie; it's disturbing the others.
3. The children were ___________ with each other in the playground.
4. My upstairs neighbors always ___________ late at night.
5. The dog next door likes to ___________ whenever someone passes by.
6. The teenagers in the park were ___________ and laughing.
7. The neighbors often ___________ in the evenings, disturbing the peace.
8. Some people ___________ when they get angry instead of having a calm

2_Choose the correct verb form (present simple or present continuous) to complete the

1. I usually ___________ (stay/is staying) at this hotel when I visit the city.
2. Right now, the neighbors ___________ (make/are making) a lot of noise.
3. She often ___________ (bark/is barking) when she sees strangers.
4. We usually ___________ (have/are having) dinner at 7 p.m.
5. They ___________ (argue/are arguing) about trivial things all the time.
6. Listen! The children ___________ (shout/are shouting) in the backyard.
7. The party ___________ (start/is starting) at 9 p.m. Don't be late!
8. I usually ___________ (take/is taking) the stairs instead of the elevator.

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