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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Practical Research 2


Dela Cruz, Juan

Rizal, Jose

November 2023

Background of the Study

The purpose of academic performance is to achieve educational goal

and learnings. Academic performances are expressed through grades which

are the result of an assessment that involves passing or not certain tests,

subjects, or courses (Lamas, 2015). As part of the Senior High School

subjects, research has been one of the problems of students. Students view

research as a difficult subject because of its challenging tasks and required

skills. One should have proper knowledge and skills to complete the task since

it is laborious (Bocar, 2022). (independent variable)

Digital literacy, on the other hand, is an individual’s ability to evaluate,

find, and communicate information by typing and other media on various digital.

This requires both cognitive and technical skills (American Library

Association,n.d). The term has grown in popularity especially in education

settings. According to Baterna (2020) digital literacy facilitates better learning for

the students. Many students, entering in educational settings, make the learning

process meaningful by using digital devices in digital environments. However, a

study conducted in Davao City showed that only few students perceived their

digital literacy skills as a significant contributor to their actual performance in

school. (dependent variable)

(insert here your global study that will support your dependent variable,

one paragraph) According to ______ in Japan….


(insert here your national study that will support your dependent

variable, one paragraph) On the other hand, in the Philippines…

(insert here your local study that will support your dependent variable,

one paragraph) Finally, in Davao…

(insert here your purpose/goal) Different studies on digital literacy have

already shown its significant role to overall academic performance. In this

study, the researcher will focus and validate on the relationship of digital

literacy and academic performance of Grade 12 students particularly in

Practical Research 2 subject. This study will also examine the level of digital

literacy which are vital to produce outputs in faster ways and help improve

research skills.

(insert your research gap if there is, anong kulang sa study? Why do

you need to conduct this kind of study? Like, no one conducted this kind of

study in Marilog.)

The researcher hopes that this study will be significant and beneficial to

the Teachers and as well as the Department of Education in terms of

addressing issues on the low academic performance of students and ease the

difficulty of Senior High School students in terms of research through digital

literacy training and workshops.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the significant relationship between digital

literacy and academic performance of Senior High School Students in Marilog

National High School. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of digital literacy of Grade 12 Students in the

subject Practical Research 2?

2. What is the academic performance of Grade 12 students in the

subject Practical Research 2?

3. Is there a significant relationship between digital literacy and

academic performance of Grade 12 Students in the subject Practical Research


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