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Adding Employee Data Administrator

Last Revised: November 04, 2022
Version: 1.6

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Disclaimer................................................................................................................................................ 2
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Adding Seat Holders to the Site .............................................................................................................. 5
Adding Seat Holders Manually ............................................................................................................ 5
Automating Employee Data Integration ................................................................................................. 6
Preparing your CSV File ....................................................................................................................... 6
Seat Holder Information ................................................................................................................. 6
Status .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Groups ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Advanced Fields .............................................................................................................................. 7
Examples ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Accessing the Account Center ............................................................................................................ 8
Uploading your CSV Over HTTPS......................................................................................................... 8
1. Get your authorization token...................................................................................................... 8
2. Upload your CSV file to LinkedIn servers .................................................................................... 8
3. Download result CSV file (Optional).......................................................................................... 11
Upload your CSV File via SFTP ........................................................................................................... 12
1. Create an SFTP user .................................................................................................................. 12
2. Connect to the SFTP server ...................................................................................................... 13
3. Upload your CSV file ................................................................................................................. 13
Changing the Status of a Seat Holder ........................................................................................... 13
Adding or Removing Administrators..................................................................................................... 14
Removing Seat Holders ......................................................................................................................... 14
Support ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Supporting Documentation .............................................................................................................. 15
LinkedIn’s Privacy and Data Security Policy ...................................................................................... 15
LinkedIn’s Security Contacts ............................................................................................................. 15

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This document provides information about your options for adding employees to your LinkedIn
enterprise applications, including both manual and automated methods for integrating HR data. You
can also learn about updating or modifying existing employee data.

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Adding Seat Holders to the Site
As an administrator on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can invite individuals from your contract at any
time. You are able to add seat holders individually, in bulk, or create a real-time data integration so
your seat holders are always up to date.

Adding Seat Holders Manually

1. Select Admin > Seat Management in the navigation bar at the top of the Sales
Navigator homepage.

2. Click Assign seats by email at the top right of the page.

3. List the email address of the employee(s) you want to add. If you're inviting more than one
person, separate the email addresses with a comma.

4. Designate the appropriate role:

o Admin Role: Controls role/permission settings and has their own Sales Navigator
o Admin-only access: Controls role/permission settings and access reporting;
does not have a Sales Navigator seat holder license.
o Seat holder: Has a Sales Navigator license but no administrator access.
5. Assign tags (optional). The tags are used to group employees together for administrative
purposes and aren't visible to employees.

6. Click Assign.

After you add an employee, an email is sent automatically to employees invited to Sales Navigator.
You can resend the email from the Seat Management page using the Resend Welcome
Email link.

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Automating Employee Data Integration
Preparing your CSV File
If this is your first time uploading a CSV file, or if you want to create a new CSV file, we recommend
using the Sales Navigator CSV File Template. For more information, see Manage Users in Bulk via CSV
in Sales Navigator Account Center.

1. Open the CSV template in Microsoft Excel or a text editor application such as Microsoft

2. Replace the example employees with your employees’ information using the following
instructions. Make sure you save the file with a .CSV extension.

Seat Holder Information

The required standard columns in your CSV file must be formatted exactly as they appear in the
template (using lowercase letters and underscores):

● primary_email_address: The email address of the seat holder. This must match the email
address associated with the seat holder's account.

● sales_license_current_status: The license status of the seat holder (active or inactive)

Note: To prevent any errors with your import, do not change the required column header names
or formatting.

If you have previously imported a CSV file, the new import only applies information that has been
edited or updated. Prior information maintains its current status. For example, if you're adding
additional seat holders, you only need to import the new users.

1. To specify whether or not you want your employees to have access to LinkedIn Sales
Navigator, include the sales_license_current_status field heading.

2. To grant access, enter active. If you do not want an employee to have access, enter

a. Employees that are inactive do not display in Sales Navigator user management

b. You must include the sales_license_current_status column for employees to be

assigned a Sales Navigator license.

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You can specify if a Seat Holder is in a group. Provide the group name preceded by group/ as a
field heading. Enter a zero (0) to indicate that the employee is not in the group or a one (1) if the
Seat Holder is in the group. If the group does not yet exist, it is created, and the Seat Holder is

Groups are equivalent to tags in Sales Navigator. Be sure to only load tags that have already been
created in Sales Navigator. Initially, tags loaded using CSV do not show up in Sales Navigator. This is a
feature that is still in development.

Advanced Fields
To change the email addresses for your employees, you have the option of adding the
unique_user_id field heading and then adding a unique value for the employees in your
CSV. After assigning a unique ID to your users, you can change their email addresses.

If you attempt to change the email address of existing employees without first adding
unique_user_id , they are treated as new users. In addition to allowing email changes, using
a unique ID also ensures consistency across all of your company's enterprise products and the
SAML assertion sent if you have enabled SSO.

In the following example, John Doe and Jane Smith are added to an account and can access
LinkedIn Sales Navigator once they activate their profiles. John is tagged with the Engineering tag
and Jane is added to the HR tag. The Excel file is saved as a .CSV file format.

CSV File

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Accessing the Account Center
Access the Account Center using the direct link at:

Uploading your CSV Over HTTPS

1. Get your authorization token
If you are an Enterprise administrator, you can self provision an access token from the
Account Center.

a. From the direct link, you are taken to Settings > Global Settings and open
the OAuth Access Token panel to proceed.

Note: If you are accessing Account Center from Sales Navigator rather than
through a direct link, you can reach it using the following steps.

1. Sign in to Sales Navigator.

2. Select Admin > Admin Settings.

3. Click Advanced Integrations on the left sidebar. You are directed to
the account center.

b. Follow the procedure by filling in each field and click Generate token. You should
see your access token pop up under the Access token field.
c. Save your access token to your clipboard or computer before leaving the page.
2. Upload your CSV file to LinkedIn servers
There are two modes that can be used to upload the file, automatic and manual.
● Automatic mode: once you upload your CSV, it begins processing.

● Manual mode: you can upload the file, but you must manually trigger the processing.
You can use this mode to track the file processing progress.

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● OAUTH_TOKEN should always be replaced with the token generated from step one.
● /path/to/upload.csv should always be replaced with the file path to your CSV file.
● Make sure your CSV file follows the correct format documented in How to use CSV.
Everything in bold should be specific to your input and expected response.

Linux-specific instructions:

Automatic Mode

Run this command:

curl -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'-H 'Authorization: Bearer
OAUTH_TOKEN '--form 'fileupload=@/path/to/upload.csv;type=text/csv'-X POST

Manual Mode

Run this command:

curl-H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data'-H 'Authorization: Bearer

OAUTH_TOKEN '--form 'fileupload=@/path/to/upload.csv;type=text/csv'-X POST

" ad"

Expected response:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"location": "urn:li:media: CSV_FILE_HASH " }

Optional Steps
1. Copy your urn:li:media: token, which will be in place of CSV_FILE_HASH , onto your
2. Start processing your file by running this command:
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN ' -H 'Content-Type:
application/json' -X POST

© 2022 LinkedIn Corporation, All Rights Reserved

"" --data
'{"mediaUrn":"urn:li:media: CSV_FILE_HASH "}'

Note: CSV_FILE_HASH should be replaced with the urn:li:media: token you get in the response after
running the curl command in the prior step.

Expected response:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"value": " JOB_ID "
3. Get updates to the job processing using HTTP GET:
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN ' -X GET
" JOB_ID "

Note: JOB_ID should be replaced with the JOB_ID value you got in the response after running the command in
the prior step

Expected Response:
"resultStats": {
"updatedCount": 1 ,
"deletedCount": 0 ,
"warningCount": 0 ,
"totalCount": 0 ,
"errorCount": 0
"created": 1466552257141 ,
"sourceMedia": "urn:li:media: SRC_FILE_HASH ",
"messages": [...] ,
"lastModified": 1466552257141 ,
"Id": JOB_ID ,
"resultMedia": "urn:li:media: RESULT_FILE_HASH ",
"status": " DONE " }

Windows PowerShell-specific instructions:

Automatic Mode

1. Define the following parameters:

$filePath = " \path\to\upload.csv "
$AuthHeader = @{'Authorization' = 'Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN' }

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$uri =
$fileContent = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($filePath)
$boundary = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$LF = "`r`n"
$bodyLines = (
"Content­Disposition: form­data; n ame=`"file`";
"Content-Type: text/csv$LF",
) -join $LF
2. Run the following command:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post - ContentType
"multipart/form­data; boundary=`"$boundary`"" ­Body
$bodyLines -Headers $AuthHeader Expected Response: location
-------- urn:li:media: RESULT_FILE_HASH

After you have uploaded your employees, you should be able to see them listed on the Seat
Management screen in Sales Navigator.

3. Download result CSV file (Optional)

If you checked that you’d like an email sent when generating an authorization token,
you can do the following:

a. Check your email to get instructions on downloading the result CSV file. When the
CSV job processing is done, the system sends a result summary email to the primary
email address and any others provided in step one.

b. Download result CSV file by running this command (Linux users):

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_TOKEN ' -X

ise_csv_uplo ad&id=urn:li:media: RESULT_FILE_HASH " -o

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Note: RESULT_FILE_HASH should be replaced with the
"resultMedia":"urn:li:media: token you get in the response after
running the curl command in the prior step.

Upload your CSV File via SFTP

1. Create an SFTP user

a. In your Account Center, go to Settings > Global Settings and open
the SFTP Setup panel.
b. Click Add a new SFTP user.

c. Follow the procedure by filling in each field and click Create user.

i. Make sure your username is unique and does not have any spaces or special
ii. Copy and paste your SSH key into the Public Key box. It should start with
ssh-rsa or ssh-dss.

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2. Connect to the SFTP server
a. We support a variety of SFTP clients; however, the following documentation is
written for the SFTP client that ships with OpenSSH.
b. In your terminal, run this command to connect to the SFTP server:
sftp -i ~/.ssh/ <your_private_key> -P 2705

i. Replace < your_private_key> with the name to the file of your own
private SSH key that matches the public one you provided in step one.
ii. Replace < username> with the username you just provisioned in step
c. You should see a response like this in your terminal. If you are asked if you want to
continue connecting, enter yes.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting(yes/no)? yes
Connected to

3. Upload your CSV file

a. To upload a file, run the following command in your terminal:
put <yourfile> .csv

b. You should see the following response:

Uploading <yourfile>.csv to /<yourfile>.csv
<yourfile>.csv 100% 1458 1.4KB/s 00:00

c. This file is processed automatically and a new file (<file.csv>_resultReport.csv) is

also created. This new CSV file shows the result report. Check your directory
contents to make sure it is there with the command ls. You might have to wait a
minute for the new file to be created:
sftp> ls

Note: If you have a GUI SFTP Application, you can connect to the server and upload your
CSV by dragging and dropping your file into that application.

4. Download both CSV files to verify the content.

Changing the Status of a Seat Holder

The following roles are available on LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

• Admin Role: Controls role/permission settings and has their own Sales Navigator

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• Admin-only access: Has no access to the Sales Navigator application but can
control role/permission settings and access reporting.
• Seat holder: Has a Sales Navigator license but no administrator access.

When someone first signs up for Sales Navigator, they'll be assigned the Seat holder role by default.
An administrator will have to update their status as needed.

Adding or Removing Administrators

You must be a Sales Navigator account administrator to add and remove other admins. If you're not
an administrator, contact your Sales Navigator account administrator to make any changes to seats
on your Sales Navigator contract dashboard.

To add or remove an admin:

1. Select Admin > Seat Management.
2. Find the seat holder in the user list you'd like to add or remove as an admin. You can also
search for a specific user by name.

3. Click Edit to the right of the user's name and select Grant admin access, Grant
admin-only access, or Remove. Existing administrators will have a green Admin label
to the right of their name.

4. Click Confirm.

To change or remove the only administrator showing from the team, you'll need to designate
another administrator first. An administrator can't revoke their own administrator status. The
original administrator must first assign the administrator role to another seat holder and then the
new administrator can revoke the role from the original administrator.

Removing Seat Holders

As an admin on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can remove Seat Holders at any time.

1. Select Admin > Seat Management in the navigation bar at the top of the Sales
Navigator homepage.

2. Locate the employee you want to remove and click Edit > Remove. Employees are listed
by the date they were added, with the most recent displaying at the top of the page. You
can also sort or search by name.

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Supporting Documentation
● Single Sign-on Administrator Guide

● Privacy and Security Whitepaper: Account Center Employee Database Integration (EDI) and
Single Sign-On (SSO)

LinkedIn’s Privacy and Data Security Policy

LinkedIn’s Security Contacts

If you have any security questions or you would like to report a security issue, write to us at

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