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Name: Sanaa Batra

Roll No.: 20/0035
AECC Section: C
Department: BA Hons Applied Psychology
Subject: English A
Year: 1st Year

Internal Assessment I

Ques) Write a dialogue between two friends discussing a movie that

they would like to watch.

(Adriana and Luca are walking home from school, discussing the hubbub
outside the theatre hall.)

Adriana: (in an astonishing tone) Oh my, what is going on here?

Luca: Haven’t you heard? The new Fast and Furious movie posters are

Adriana: (excited) What? Oh my God! I love the Fast and Furious movies.
When is it releasing?

Luca: (sighs) Hold your horses, Adriana. I heard Mr. Drew talking about it
in the staff room. In June this year, he said.

Adriana: I can’t wait! Hold on a second, did you see the poster yet?

Luca: (glances away) Not yet. It was too crowded for me to see it.

Adriana: So let’s go! Follow me.

Luca: Wait!

(Adriana runs towards the theatre and reluctantly Luca follows.)

Luca: You’ll get trampled in the crowd, don’t rush in.

Adriana: (giggles, then points towards a guard) He’s my father’s friend,
we’ll see the poster without any trampling.

Luca: Come on then.

(Adriana talks to the guard, who grunts and lets them near the showcase

Adriana: Oh my God! Look, it’s Vin Diesel. He’s my favourite actor!

Luca: Mine too. The stunts in the movie are so fantastic! I can’t wait for
the new one.

Adriana: (gasping) Do you think there’ll be better action sequence in this?

Luca: Are you kidding? It’s Fast and Furious! Of course there’ll be better
action sequence.

Adriana: When it does release, will you come watch with me?

Luca: (gasps) Of course I will. We could get matching t-shirts too!

Adriana: You know what? We can do a marathon of all the previous

movies in the franchise.

Luca: (smiling) That’s a wonderful idea. I bet the theatre might have
started showing them, to get the public in a frenzy.

Adriana: Why don’t you check for tickets, we can come back in the

Luca: Alright.

(Luca runs to the ticket stall and buys two tickets. Adriana looks at the
poster one more time, her body buzzing with excitement).

Luca: (panting) Okay, there will only two left. Here, it’s a six o’clock
Adriana: Yay! I’ll run home now or my mother will punish me again for
being late. Let’s meet up here at five thirty?

Luca: (grinning and waving): Goodbye Adriana. See you later!

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