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SUBMITTED BY : Amina Munir
ROLL NO : FA – 2022/ 161 / BSCS

Ethical Dilemma in Software Development
Background: XYZ Software Solutions is a reputable software development company known for

delivering high-quality software products on time. The company recently secured a contract to

develop a customer relationship management (CRM) system for a large pharmaceutical

company, PharmaHealth. The project is critical for PharmaHealth's operations and involves

handling sensitive patient data, including medical histories and prescription information.

During the development process, the project manager, Alex, discovers a critical security

vulnerability that could potentially expose patient data to unauthorized access. Fixing this

vulnerability will require significant resources and could lead to project delays.

QNO.1. What is the ethical dilemma in this case study?

The ethical dilemma in this case centers on a critical security vulnerability in the CRM
system for PharmaHealth. The conflict arises between the ethical obligation to protect patient
data and the pressure to meet project deadlines and budget constraints. Choosing to address
the vulnerability upholds data security and patient confidentiality but may lead to project
delays and increased costs. Ignoring it risks compromising patient data and facing ethical and
legal consequences. The recommended ethical course of action is to prioritize data security,
transparency, and trust by addressing the vulnerability, aligning with principles of integrity
and responsibility. This choice serves the long-term reputation of XYZ Software Solutions
and maintains ethical integrity.

QNO.2. What are Alex's options in this situation?

Alex's options in this situation are as follows:

Addressing the vulnerability immediately, which may require additional resources and result
in project delays.Ignoring the vulnerability and proceeding with the project as planned, which
could save time and resources in the short term but expose patient data to risks.Informing
PharmaHealth about the vulnerability and jointly assessing the potential impact and
mitigation strategies.
QNO.3. What are the potential consequences of each option for Alex, XYZ
Software Solutions,and PharmaHealth?

Addressing the Vulnerability:

Alex upholds ethics but may face criticism and project delays.XYZ Software Solutions shows
commitment but incurs added costs and delays.PharmaHealth appreciates transparency but
deals with project delays.Ignoring the Vulnerability:
Alex risks moral, legal consequences, and reputation damage.XYZ Software Solutions may
face legal and reputational issues if a breach occurs.PharmaHealth risks data breaches and
reputation damage.Informing PharmaHealth:
Alex acts ethically and transparently, but may still face delays and costs.XYZ Software
Solutions maintains an ethical reputation and trust.PharmaHealth can take measures for better
long-term relations.

QNO.4. How should Alex weigh the ethical principles involved in this

To weigh the ethical principles involved, Alex should consider:

The principle of honesty and transparency.
The principle of data security and patient confidentiality.
The principle of responsibility and integrity.
The legal and regulatory obligations related to handling sensitive patient data.
QNO.5. What course of action do you recommend for Alex, and why?

Recommendation: Alex should choose "Option 3" – Informing PharmaHealth

about the vulnerability.
Why: This choice is recommended because it aligns with several ethical
Data Security and Patient Confidentiality: It prioritizes safeguarding
sensitive patient data, which is paramount in the pharmaceutical industry.
Transparency and Trust: It demonstrates honesty, transparency, and
responsibility, enhancing trust with PharmaHealth.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: It ensures compliance with data protection
laws and regulations, reducing legal risks.
Long-Term Reputation: It contributes to XYZ Software Solutions' long-term
reputation as a responsible and ethical software development company.

QNO.6. How can XYZ Software Solutions promote a culture of ethical

behavior among its employees?

To promote a culture of ethical behavior at XYZ Software Solutions:

Develop clear ethical guidelines.
Provide ethics training and education.
Lead by ethical example.
Create a safe whistleblower system.
Recognize ethical behavior and hold individuals accountable.
Include ethics in performance evaluations.
Encourage open communication.
Offer tools for ethical decision-making.
Conduct regular ethics audits.
Continuously seek and act on feedback for improvement.
These steps foster an ethical workplace where employees understand, value, and practice
ethical behavior.

QNO.7. What legal and regulatory obligations might XYZ Software

Solutions face in this situation?
Data Protection Laws: Compliance with data protection laws such as GDPR or HIPAA,
depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the data.
Contractual Obligations: Adherence to contractual clauses regarding data security and
confidentiality in the agreement with PharmaHealth.
Industry Regulations: Compliance with specific industry regulations related to data security
and patient confidentiality.
Data Breach Notification Laws: Obligation to report data breaches to affected individuals
and relevant authorities if they occur.
Liability for Harm: Potential liability for damages if a data breach results from ignoring the
Reputation and Client Trust: The risk of damaging the company's reputation and client
trust, which can have legal and financial consequences.

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