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Directions: Provide a detailed information about these approaches/methods/techniques in teaching EPP.

Task 1. Demonstration method (5pts)

Demonstration Method is refers to presenting a certain topic or idea that elaborate the steps on how
should it done a certain activity.
Task 2. Hands on learning (5pts)

Hands on learning it refers to a method that emphasize the experential learning. It is where learners
drive themselves to adapt certain ideas that being delivered by the teacher.
Task 3. Cooperative learning (5pts)

Cooperative learning method it is where the student will interact to other students in order to gain and
adapt learning. Moreover,it is kind of learning method where it needs collaboration of a group of
students to achieve common goals.
Task 4. Project method (5pts)

A project management methodology is a system of principles, techniques, and procedures used by those
who work in a discipline. Not only do the top methodologies differ in how they're structurally organized,
but they also require different deliverables, workflows, and even project management software
Task 5. Instructional Modules (5pts)

Instructional Modules refers to learning method it is where the students will take a responsobility in
providing their learnings out from the modules that the teachers being provided. It means that student
should be independent and have initiative in creating their knowledge.

Task 6. Utilizing Resource Person & Community Materials (5pts)

Utilizing Resource persons and community materials it refers to an individuals that contribute to the
students learning. Also,it is a persons that is expert to a certain subject and they deliver to the students
in order to gain learnings.
Task 7. Field Trip (5pts)

Field trips encompasses a learning outside from the classroom. It is where the students will learn ideas
by the facilator of a certain place where it offers educational learning.

Task 8. Home Visits (5pts)

Home visit where the teacher comes to the indvidual houses of the students. It is where the teacher
check the students status. Also, it is a way to communicate with the parents regarding their learning
progress in the school.
Task 9. Community Works (5pts)

Community Works refers to the involvement of indviduals in the community projects and mission. It is
where the indviduals volunteer themselves to be part in doing a projects or a service in the community.

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