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Curriculum -

Curriculum Design-

1. Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary, and desirable.

• curriculum change is not just inevitable but also necessary and desirable to keep education relevant,
effective, and aligned with the evolving needs of students and society. By embracing change, educational
institutions can better prepare students for success in an ever-changing world.

2. Curriculum is a product of its time.

•The concept that "curriculum is a product of its time" means that the design, content, and emphasis of
an educational curriculum are heavily influenced by the historical, social, cultural, and political context in
which it is developed.

3. Curriculum changes made earlier can exist concurrently with newer curriculum changes.

• Curriculum changes made earlier can indeed exist concurrently with newer curriculum changes for
several reasons lime phase implementation, resources constraits, pedagogical experimentation and
many more.

The coexistence of older and newer curriculum changes is a practical approach that acknowledges the
complexities and challenges of implementing educational reforms.

4. Curriculum change depends on people who will implement the change. Teachers who will implement
the curriculum should be involved in its development, hence should know how to design a curriculum.

5. Curriculum development ia a cooperative group activity. Group decisions in some aspects of

curriculum development are suggested. Consultation with stakeholders when possible will add to a
sense of ownership.

6. Curriculum development is a decision-making process made from choices of alternatives. A curriculum

developer or designer must decide what content to teach, philosophy or point of view to support, how
to provide for multicultural groups, what methods or strategies, etc.

7. Curriculum development is an ongoing process.

• Continuous monitoring, examination, evaluation, and improvement of curricula are needed. No

curriculum meets the needs of everyone. It is a dynamic and iterative endeavor that adapts to evolving
educational needs, societal changes, and advancements in pedagogy and knowledge domains.
8. Curriculum development is more effective if it is a comprehensive process, rather than a “piecemeal”

• Curriculum development should not be a hit or miss proposition, but should involve careful
planning and be supported by adequate resources, needed time, and sufficient personnel.

9. Curriculum development is more effective when it follows a systematic process.

• A set of procedures, or models, for curriculum should be established in advance, and be known
and accepted by all who are involved in the process. The model should outline the sequence of steps to
be followed for the development of the curriculum.



I.Behavioral objectives or intended learning outcomes

-These are the reason for undertaking the learning lesson from the students point of view, it is desired
learning outcome that is to be accomplished in a particular learning episode, engaged in by the learners
under the guidance of the teacher.

S - pecific

M- easurable

A - ttainable

R - esult-oriented

T - ime-bound

II.Content/Subject Matter


The references follows the content. It tells where the content or subject matter has beem taken. It must
bear the author of the material and if possible, the publications.


•Romo, Salvador B. (2013). Horticulture an Exploratory Course. Lorimar Publishing Inc. Quezon City.

•Bilbao, Purita P. and Corpuz, Brenda B. et al (2012). The Teaching Profession 2nd Ed. Lorimar Publishing
Inc. Quezon City

Major components of a Course Design or Syllabus

1. Intended Outcomes (or objectives)

2. Content/ Subject Matter (with references)

3. Methods/Strategies ( with needed resources)

4. Evaluation (means of assessment)

Simply put, curriculum design is the organization of curriculum components. All other additional
components are trimmings that each designer may add. This may be institutional template or sughested
by other curriculum experts or required by educational agiencies.

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